Ch. 23- Fever

Grab Onto Your Heart

Sunggyu's POV:

This morning, manager-hyungs told us that the recording for the rest of the music video is put off until tomorrow. It seemed like the production crew were still fixing the set and other stuff I didn't catch. Hey, it was like 7 in the morning, and they made me wake up the other members. Woohyun was the easiest to wake up because he got up immediately when I called out his name. Sungyeol, Hoya, and Sungjong were the next ones to wake up, and they weren't that bad. It took me a few tries to wake up Sungjong, but then I sprayed him with a face spray or whatever it is called. Woohyun gave it to me so I don't know. Then I had to go wake up Dongwoo and Myungsoo. Lets say it isn't easy waking up those two. Sungyeol was able to wake up Myungsoo - which I'm very thankful for- and then that left Dongwoo. Woohyun helped me wake him up, and like ten minutes later he finally woke up.

Now all of us are in the car driving to the photo shoot. At least the photo shoot wasn't put back either. Then we would have nothing to do. Actually, scratch that, we would have dance practice until 2 AM. Also it would have made our manager-hyungs more mad if the photo shoot for our album was put back. I would not want to deal with that. As we were in the car, I looked over me shoulder to see what the other members were doing. Sungjong is on his phone texting someone probably. Dongwoo and Hoya were making weird faces at each other. I'm not going to ask why because those two are naturally weird. Then Myungsoo and Sungyeol are sleeping with Sungyeol's head on Myungsoo's shoulder and Myungsoo's head on Sungyeol's head. Right when I looked over to Woohyun, he started to cough.

" Woohyun, are you alright?" He looked up at me and smiled.

" I'm alright. I just have something stuck in my throat."

" Are you sure? I have some cough medicine in my bag. Here let me look for them." I picked up my backpack on the floor and looked through it for the medicine.

" Hyung, it's okay. I will be fine. Nothing serious, okay?" I felt his hand stop mine. I peered from the corner of my eyes and saw him leaning from his seat. Then I realized he wasn't wearing his seatbelt! I pushed him back, very softly, though.

" Woohyun! Stay strapped into your seat! We are in the van right now!" He laughed at me and leaned from his seat again. I felt his hand land on top of my head.

" Okay, okay, okay. Thanks for worrying about my safety." I pushed away his hand and looked out the window. 

" W-Whatever."



At the photo shoot....


We finally arrived, and I had to wake up the members who fell asleep. Woohyun hadn't got out of the car yet so I had to nudge him awake. My hand touched him arm for a second and I could feel how warm his body is. Also there is sweat on his forehead, and I know the car is air conditioned so he shouldn't be sweating like this. His face look like he is in pain too. I tried shaking him awake, but he didn't open his eyes.

" Woohyun-ah, wake up! We have to get out of the car now." Out of the blue his hand grabbed my arm. His grip tightened and I winced at the pain.

" S-Sunggyu... I'm sorry... Please, please, please... D-Don't hate me..."

What is he talking about? Why would I hate him? And why is he saying he is sorry? Did something bad happen?... Or did he do something bad?

" Sunggyu! Woohyun! Get your butts in here right now!" I looked over my shoulder to see manager-hyung standing by the door waiting for us.

" Okay coming! Just wait for a bit!" I look back at Woohyun and realized that he let go of my arm. Soon his eyes started to open. I watched him carefully as Woohyun finally woke up.

" Sunggyu-hyung? Are we already here?"

" Yes we are, and we better get out of the car or else manager-hyung is going to make us practice longer tonight." I took his hand and we got out of the van. I could feel Woohyun slowly walking so I had to slow down my pace a bit too.

We entered the building for the photo shoot, and I was a bit amazed. There were lights everywhere, staff were running around, and other things that I really can't comprehend. Then we were dragged to get out make up done and hair too. Woohyun and I had to be separated, but I was worried. He still didn't seem okay and he was coughing the whole entire time. While I was getting my make up done I would look over my shoulder at Woohyun. It looked like he was sleeping but still coughing. Right when I was about to grab my backpack for the cough medicine, I was stopped. 

" Sunggyu, stop moving okay? I still have to finish putting your eyeliner on."

" Sorry noona." I heard a sigh and a hand on my shoulder.

" I know you are worried about Woohyun, but he will be fine. He is a strong person. Woohyun would be mad at you if your mind was on him during the whole photo shoot. If that worried expression appears on the photos then it won't be good. And I don't think Woohyun would want you to have bad pictures because of him."

" B-But noona. He is pretending to not be sick." She tilted my head up and put the eyeliner on me.

" He will come to you when he needs help, okay? Just patiently wait for him." I sighed at her words. She is right. I should wait until Woohyun wants to talk to me.

I just hope the photo shoot goes okay today.


Woohyun's POV:


" Woohyun-hyung, are you alright? I can hear you coughing from where I was sitting." I opened my eyes to see Sungyeol leaning against the counter.

" Oh, Sungyeol. Yeah I'm fine. I just have a tickle in my throat."

" Are you sure? You're not lying right?" I shook my head at him. As I stood up, I started to feel dizzy. I had to place my hand on Sungyeol's shoulder to keep myself from falling.

" Yah! You aren't feeling well! You almost fainted just now!" My hand suddenly slipped from Sungyeol's shoulder and landed on the counter.

" Don't touch Sungyeol." I looked up to see Myungsoo glaring at me. Of course how else does he look at me.

" Myungsoo! Don't be mean like that! Woohyun-hyung isn't feeling well." I swear I saw Myungsoo's eyes soften, but then they went back to that icy glare.

" Lets go Sungyeol."

Myungsoo dragged away Sungyeol to who knows where. I sat back down and placed my head in my hands. I rubbed my temples trying to make my headache disappear. Then I started to cough again, and I was handed a water bottle.

" Here you should drink this. You have been coughing all morning." I took the water bottle from and took a huge gulp from it.

" Thanks Sungjong. Are we taking group pictures first?" Sungjong took the water bottle and placed it on the counter for me. I could have done it myself, but I'm grateful for him trying to make me feel better. 

" I think we are. Oh! It seems we are going right now. Do you need help standing up?" I nodded my head. Sungjong took my arm and helped me up. Then he walked me to the set where the other members were waiting. I took a deep breath, shook my head, and pulled a smile on my face. It's quite obvious the smile is fake, but I had to make it seem less painful.

" Okay is everybody here! I'm just going to take a few shots to test out the lighting." The photographer took the picture and the light flashed. I closed my eyes in response which I shouldn't have.

" Hm. It seems good to me! I want all of you to stand in a line. It doesn't matter who stands where but just stand in a line. Wait! Actually, let me place you guys in the line. I want some of the colors to contrast, but still look good."

All seven of us stood in a line. Guess who I got stuck between? Of course it would be Sunggyu and Myungsoo. I know Myungsoo was sending me glares, but what could I have done? The photographer placed us in our spots not ourselves. Though I did see him smile when the photographer placed Sungyeol next to him. Those two were smiling like high school lovers. I didn't mind, though. As long as they happy then I'm happy.

I hope things go okay between them. After all I did to brake those two apart... I deserve nothing while they should get all the happiness in the world. And Sunggyu... I hope he finds someone perfect for him...someone better than me, but for some reason I don't want that. I don't want him to smile because of someobdy else.

" Woohyun!" I felt arms wrap around my waist. I looked up to see Sunggyu holding onto me. I gently unwrapped his hands and placed them by his side.

" I-I'm okay. Don't worry. I'm just tired."

" Woohyun-"

" Sunggyu-hyung, I'm fine! Lets just focus on the photo shoot. I... I don't want to make this longer than it has to." Bubbles of guilt started to form in my stomach as I saw Sunggyu frowning. I sighed mentally, and then the group photoshoot began.




After the group pictures, I was the first one up. I'm glad that I'm the first one that way I can rest afterwards. While the other members went to the back, I had to stay on the set. The photographer had to take a few shots for lighting again. When I look back at the members, I noticed that all of them except for one left. Sunggyu was the only one who stayed to watch me. Either he wanted to make sure I do it right or I didn't faint.

" Woohyun-sshi, we are good here. Just act naturally okay!"

" Take care of me please!" I bowed to him and began to pose.

The stylists brought me a hat after a few pictures were taken. I played around with hat but then I got tired of it afterwards. I just left it on my head for the rest of the photo shoot. I turned my head sometimes, my body, and made sure I turn at certain angles. Of course I smiled too. Who wouldn't want some of my greasy smile? Though, right now I feel self concious because Sunggyu is watching. I wish he would got to the back with the other members. Maybe he is up after me. That's probably why he is out here. It's not because he is worried about me, but is waiting for his turn.

" Okay, Woohyun-sshi, we are done!" I bowed to the photographer and walked away from the set.

" Woohyun, you looked amazing." I looked at Sunggyu and smiled.

" Thanks Sunggyu-hyung. I'm going to the back to get something to drink."

I headed to the back and grabbed the water bottle. I literally drank the whole thing and then threw it into the trash bin. I didn't have anything better to do so I went back to watch Sunggyu. Right when I saw him my breath was taken away. I have never seen this side of him before. It was as if he was eating the camera. Even when he wasn't looking at it; his body emits charisma. Who would have thought that the once shy Sunggyu could be like this. Now that I think about it, I do miss that shy Sunggyu that I met on the first day of middle school. I really miss it. More than anybody will ever know.

His photoshoot continued on for a while, and then he was finally dismissed. Sunggyu bowed to the photographer and staff and walked off the stage. I watched him as he looked through his photos on the computer screen. I smiled when he smiled. I could see his pictures from where I was standing, and I got to say it would be hard to choose which ones to use. I saw him back up, but then my eyes shifted to somewhere else. I started to panic as one of the strobe lights started to wobble. I looked around at the staff but it seemed like they didn't notice. Sunggyu was walking by it too, and that's when I couldn't wait anymore.

" Sunggyu, watch out!" I lunged at him and wrapped my arms around to protect him. I hit my head hard on the floor, but that doesn't matter. I opened my eyes to see the strobe light right by our feet. I let out a breath that I don't remember holding in. I look back at Sunggyu who had his eyes close.

" Sunggyu-hyung, are you okay?" My body is starting to feel weaker and weaker. Is the room spinning because I'm starting to feel dizzy.

" Yeah I'm okay. Are you- Woohyun!"

I could feel my eyes close on me. I tried to fight it but I feel so tired and weak. My body was shaking from Sunggyu, but even that didn't make me stay awake.


Sunggyu's POV:


" Woohyun, wake up! Wake up!" I shook Woohyun's body, but no response. I had no choice but help him up. I carried him in my arms and placed him on one of the couches in the back. The members started to surround us with worried faces. I pushed them away to give Woohyun some space. Right now he needs air to breathe.

" Somebody get me a towel and soak it with water!"

" Here you go!"

I took the towel and dabbed it at his face. I touched his forehead and touched mine. If it was possible my hand would probably be on fire because of how hot his forehead feels. I knew he was sick the whole time, but he didn't say anything! I'm the leader yet I can't do anything to help out with a member's health! As I was wiping away the sweat Woohyun started to shiver badly. I looked around for a blanket but there was none.

" Here hyung. He can use my blanket." I looked up to see Dongwoo handing me his green dinosaur blanket. I happily took it from him and wrapped it around Woohyun.

" Thanks Dongwoo-ah. I'm glad you bring that with you everywhere."

" No problem hyung! I just hope Woohyun gets better. Last night I saw him taking some fever pills when I had to go use the bathroom. He was coughing too." I brushed away Woohyun's bangs and touched his red cheeks.

" Why didn't he say anything?" I felt Dongwoo's hand on my shoulder.

" Maybe it's because he didn't want you to worry about him. Even though I haven't known him as long as Sungyeol, I know one thing for sure. He keeps his feelings to himself and bears the burden all alone. Just take care of him. Manager-hyung told me he is going to drive you two back to the dorm. Take care of him okay?"

" I promise I will."

" See you two later then." I nodded and Dongwoo went to the set to take his pictures. Manager-hyung came by and helped get Woohyun in the car. I sat with Woohyun and placed his head on my lap.

While we were on the way back to the dorm, I started to hear whimpers. I looked down to see tears running down Woohyun's face. I quickly wiped them away and grabbed his hand. They were shaking, but once I held onto them they started to calm down. Woohyun looks like he is so much pain, but how much of that is physical, emotional, or mental? The only thing I could do was stay by his side until he got better.

We got back to the dorm and manager-hyung helped me bring him inside. First, we laid him on the bed. Manager-hyung told me to take off his clothes because those clothes will only make him uncomfortable. Even though it was quite embarrassing to think of undressing him while he is in this sort of state. Slowly and carefully, I took off each piece of fabric. I started with shoes, then shirt, and finally the pants. I had to close my eyes when I took this off and put on sweats. When I was putting a t-shirt on him, I saw a necklace around his neck. It was a pretty silver chain with a clock locket in the shape of a heart. It seemed familiar to me, but I just couldn't bring it out of me.

Maybe wearing this necklace will make him feel uncomfortable too. I better take it off.

I took off the necklace and placed it beside him. After I made sure he was fully clothed, I pulled the blanket over him and tucked him in. I decided to change too because it was getting to stuffy in these clothes. Once I was finished changing, I went to the kitchen and put warm water in a bowl, and grabbed a small towel. I went back to our room, sat next to him, and dabbed his face again. Also I wiped his arms too and his legs. I wiped a bit of his chest too just in case. Then I placed the towel over his forehead and just sat next to him. The glisten of the abandoned necklace caught my eyes again. Without thinking, I picked it up. I know it's not my place to snoop, but I'm just curious. I opened the locket - a familiar feeling appeared in my heart as if this is a natural thing- and my eyes widened as I saw the picture. It was of Woohyun and I. I don't even remember taking a picture with him before. Though I did lose my memories so of course I wouldn't remember anything. But this is different. This picture looks like it was taken a while back, but I don't remember.

Why is there a picture of Woohyun and I? Did we used to know each other? If we did then why didn't he say anything? Could it be that Woohyun has been lying to me the whole time? My relationship with Woohyun...what is it?





(A/N: Yay I updated! And uh oh! Sunggyu found his necklace that Woohyun took when Sunggyu was in the hospital! What is going to happen now?! Well got to go and updated my other fics! Thanks for reading, suscribing, and commenting! Until next time! P.S. sorry if there are any mistakes. P. P. S. Maybe there will be an update tomorrow? Maybe?)

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694 streak #1
Chapter 2: woohyun is an idiot!
694 streak #2
Chapter 1: started reading 😁
Chapter 26: rereading this and still hating woohyun so much in this fic.gotta have to read a fic with a whipped woohyun now.
Chapter 34: I love the story..
Vanja77 #5
This story is great ;)
kisanet73 #6
Chapter 34: this was soooooo great!!!
thank you for such great story.
khasabat #7
Chapter 34: Ahh- i so happy for them-
In begining i am so upset and angry for Woohyun because their selfsh make distand and pain for Myungsoo and Yeolie!
But i gland they move on and comeback for rise their sweet relationship!
God job author- i like your storys
Chapter 34: In the middle of the story I was about to comment on how I hate it to see sunggyu being so stupid for holding onto woohyun and for woohyun to play around with sunggyu even when he's not sure of his feelings.he pushed and hurt sunggyu twice in the story!can't help being mad at my babygyu for still accepting him.
But well towards the end u kinda ....kindaaa made it up hahaha
Chapter 34: Wow this took me so long to finish but its worth it. Its was breath taking. Im happy they found their lost heart back wow that was too cheesy~ kekeke ♡. Thanks authornim for this wonderful fic!!!
honeyplum #10
Chapter 34: awww so sweet ^^