Ch. 32- My Love

Grab Onto Your Heart

Woohyun's POV:

Hm? Why does my arm feel so numb? It feels like something or someone is on my arm.

I groaned as I woke up because my body felt soar from last night's practice, and... Well, I rather not talk about it. It took a few seconds for my eyes to readjust to the light beaming into the room. After my eyes readjusted, I turned my head around to see what or who was on my arm. That wasn't such a good idea, though, because I wasn't expecting to see Sunggyu laying next to me using my arm as a pillow.

He wasn't moving around so he must have not woken up yet. I nudge him trying to wake him up but he didn't budge. Then I tried to pull my arm under from him but that didn't work either. Sunggyu is either a deep sleeper or his head is just really heavy.

Suddenly, last night's memories flashed in my head and I pushed away Sunggyu harshly. He fell off my mattress and that finally woke him up. I quickly closed my eyes pretending that I was asleep so I wouldn't have to face Sunggyu. I may seem like a coward, but my feelings are still all over the place. Remembering Sunggyu and L.Joe kissing shattered my heart.

I guess this is how Sunggyu felt when I broke his heart. This is how Sunggyu must have felt when I kissed Sungyeol. I guess this is the punishment I get for hurting Sunggyu and Myungsoo five years ago.

" Woohyun-ah? Are you awake?" 

His cold hand touched my forehead and brushed away my bangs. I tried to make no movement to keep on pretending that I was asleep. Then when I felt him touch my cheek, I flinched.

Good job Woohyun. Good job.

" Woohyun, you're awake aren't you?"

I turn over to my side facing back to him. I mentally sighed to myself wishing that he would leave me alone. Right now I don't want to deal with him, and if the bothers me anymore I might just explode. So please just leave me alone!

" Why aren't you getting up? We have a schedule to attend to you know that. I need you to get up now."

I didn't say anything because I really need him to leave. It may seem stubborn of me to not reply back, but right now I need to be left alone. My mind has to empty out any thoughts of last night and I can't do that with him beside me. If he doesn't leave in a second, I don't know what I would do.

" Please, Woohyun, get up okay? Are you angry with me?"

I can't take this anymore!

Without thinking for another second, I got up from my bed, grabbed my towel, and headed to the bathroom. I slammed the door loudly, the shower, and stripped my clothes that I didn't change from since last night. Even though hot water is supposed to heat up your body, it felt like it was cooling down my body. It may sound confusing, but my mind is confused and so is my heart.

A knock resonated throughout the bathroom, but I decided to ignore it. While I was washing my hair from the shampoo there were more knocks but I ignored them once again. I seriously need Sunggyu to leave me alone. I can't deal with him right now.

" Woohyun-hyung! Hurry up! I need to use the bathroom!"

Oh, it's just Sungjong.

" Alright just give me a few more minutes!"

I finished washing my body, turned off the shower, and wrapped my towel around my waist. I got out of the bathroom and headed to the bedroom. Before I entered, I peeked inside to make sure Sunggyu wasn't in there. Luckily for me he wasn't there. He must be in a different bedroom.

It was too early in the morning for me to worry about what I wore so I just put on a t-shirt and pants. Also I can already feel the heat of summer in the dorm. I think the air conditioner is broken but whatever.

" Woohyun, are you done getting dressed?"

Yes, I am done getting dressed.

" How come you aren't answering? Are you still getting dressed?"

Why don't you just enter the room and see if I am dressed or not?

" Well, I'm coming in whether or not you are dressed."

The door creaked open and in came Sunggyu. I faced my back towards him as I gathered my necessities into my backpack. Right when I was about to turn around, I felt him place his hand on my shoulder.

" Woohyun? Is there something wrong? You haven't said anything to me since this morning. Actually, you haven't said a single word." I couldn't take it anymore so I brushed away his hand and faced him.

" Do you want to know why I'm being like this? It's because of you! It's because of what you have done that has made me upset! I wish I didn't see it!"

" S-See what? What did you see?" He tried coming closer to me, I took a step back. His hand reached for me, I brushed him away. 

" It doesn't matter anymore. It's quite obvious who your choice is. It was never me in the first place."

" What are you talking about Woohyun?!" I gripped onto his shoulders and shook him harshly.

" Don't play games with me Sunggyu! I saw you two last night! I saw you with L.Joe!"

Sunggyu's eyes widen. There it is. I caught him red handed.

" W-What did you see?"

" What do you think I saw?! I ing saw you kissing him! You two kissed each other!"

He pushed my hands of his shoulders and held onto them. Sunggyu was frantically shaking his head at me. There were tears on the brim of falling. I wanted to wipe them away, I wanted to stop him from crying, but my mind was in a mess. I don't know what to do anymore or what should I believe.

" I-It's not what it seems Woohyun! You have to believe me!"

I shook my head. I pulled my hand from his and walked towards the door. Before I could grab the door knob, a pair of arms wrapped themselves around my waist.

" Please. Please believe me. You know I wouldn't hurt you like that." I scoffed at that.

" Are you sure? What if you are just trying to get revenge for me hurting you before?"

I felt Sunggyu's body stiffen and slowly his arms unwrapped them from me. Suddenly, I was pulled away from the door and onto my bed. He got on me and straddled my waist and held my hands above my head.

" Sunggyu! What the are you--"

" Just listen to me! You obviously know I would never do that to you yet why aren't you listening to me?! T-That kiss... that kiss meant--"

" Hey, are you two-- Whoops! I'm sorry!"

We both watched Dongwoo-hyung come in a second and left in a second. Then we turned our attention back to each other, but this time Sunggyu was crying. He let go of my hands, leaned into me, and wrapped his arms around my neck.

" It isn't what it seems. Please believe me. That kiss meant nothing. Please, don't hate me."

I brought one hand around his waist and the other to his head. Gently, I his hair and brought him a bit closer to me. His body was shaking from all the crying, and there was this guilt inside me. Once his sobs disappeared and he calmed down, I carefully pushed him away took his face in my hands.

I wiped away his remaining tears with my thumbs and squished his cheeks. His cheeks were turning red from the squishing. Sunggyu tried to pull his face from my hands but it was useless.

" W-Woohyun, can you let go of me?" I sighed and nodded my head. I got up and walked towards the door.

" Sunggyu, I need some time to myself, okay?"

There was pull on my shirt and I looked over my shoulder to see Sunggyu with his head down and him gripping onto my shirt. I turned my body around, grabbed his hand, and put it next to his side. Then I placed my hand on his head and ruffled his hair.

" Give me time, okay?"

"... Okay. Don't take too long. I still have to say something to you."

I nodded my head and went to get my backpack. Then the both of us proceeded to the living room where the other members were waiting for us. Myungsoo was obivously glaring at me probably because he saw Sunggyu's red eyes. Sungyeol came to give me a pat on the back while the others asked why Sunggyu's eyes were red.

" I just got something in my eye. That's all, don't worry about it. Let's hurry and get in the van. We wouldn't want the manager-hyung's to get mad at us."

All of us followed Sunggyu to the van and it was silent between the two of us. Even though he was sitting in the passenger seat, I can definitely feel the wall between us. A wall that I didn't want there to be, but I'm the whole built a wall now. Just when I thought I was able to make Sunggyu fall in love with me. I only made it worse, but what can I do? I'm angry about the kiss.

No one, and I mean no one, gets to kiss Sunggyu. No one.

I snapped out of my thoughts as something was being waved in front of me. I grabbed it and saw that the person who was giving it to me was Sunggyu. He smiled that eye smile of his then faced the front.

" Thank you," I mumbled to myself quietly.



Sunggyu's POV:

We were going to fan sign meeting today and then later a photoshoot for a magazine. On the drive there everybody was being noisy except for Woohyun. I realized that Woohyun didn't eat breakfast yet so I took a granola bar from my backpack and waved it in front of Woohyun's face. It seemed like he was thinking about something because he kind of flinched when he noticed the bar in front of him. It made me happy when he took the bar from me. Then I faced the front and looked at the mirror. I watched Woohyun's lips move and I know he said "Thank you."

When we arrived to the place where the fan sign was being held, everyone rushed us to the back and got us dressed, put make up on, and did our hair. We didn't have time to go to the salon because we were running late. The reason why was because of Woohyun and I, and everybody knew that. At least the manager-hyung's didn't hear our conversation unlike the members.

The stylist-noona handed me my outfit and told me to go change. After I was done changing, I was brought to a chair and they started doing my hair and makeup. From the mirror I watched what the other members were doing. Dongwoo was one of the first ones done and he was fooling and dancing around. Hoya was watching his every move, and I literally mean his every move. It seems like Hoya hasn't got any action these for a while. I guess I would be like him too, but not with Dongwoo of course!

Sungyeol, well, Sungyeol wasn't the one being bothered this time. Myungsoo was bothering Sungyeol by taking pictures of him. Myungsoo is getting pretty well known for taking pictures of the other members (and himself), but I had checked through that camera before. Lets just say there are tons of Sungyeol: it almost makes it seem like Myungsoo is Sungyeol's fan or stalker. It doesn't really matter, though, because fans ship those two.

" Alright, Sunggyu, you are finally done!" I stood up and bowed to the noona.

" Thank you!"

I walked over to the other members and noticed Woohyun wasn't anywhere. Suddenly, the door opened and in came Woohyun wearing a black fishnet shirt. I can see everything, and I don't like it because that means the fans will see it too. Out of nowhere, I heard a click. I turn my head to see where it came from-- it was from Myungsoo taking a picture with his camera. Also I'm pretty sure he took a picture of me staring at Woohyun. Myungsoo walked up to me, showed me the picture, and playfully nudged me.

" Sunggyu-hyung, stop eye Woohyun."

" Shut up Myungsoo! Delete that picture right now! I'm your hyung and leader so delete it right now!"

" Hm. Let me think about it... Nope! I don't have to if I don't want to!"

" Give me your camera right now Myungsoo!"

Despite the not-so-large room we were occupying, I ran around chasing Myungsoo. Every time I had his camera within my reach he pushed me and went around me. This kept going on for another few minutes until Sungyeol called out for Myungsoo and he immediately stopped running. I was trying to take in deep breaths since I was running around really hard and for a long time.

The thing is Myungsoo didn't notice that he was leaving his camera right out in the open. Quietly and slowly, I reached for his camera, but that didn't work because I felt someone bump into me sending me forward. I braced myself for the impact waiting for my face to get squished by the floor. It never came, though, instead I felt a pair of arms around my waist pulling me up. 

" Sunggyu, you should be more careful next time."

I looked up to see Woohyun right in front of me and holding onto to me. I was about to thank him but he gently pushed me away. Truly, I wanted to hug Woohyun and say that kiss menat nothing, but there wasn nohing I could do. Actually, I should have done something even if I don't know the results.

I watched him walk away towards our manager-hyung so I went to talk with Sungjong who is texting on his phone as usual. I sat down on the seat across from him and sighed.

" What do you want, Sunggyu-hyung?"

" What do you mean?"

" You just sighed so that means you want me to ask you what your problem is. So, what's wrong hyung?" I leaned forward, placed my elbows on my knees, and placed my head in my hands.

" It's about Woohyun."

" Ahhh, I see. That's what I thought. I mean we did hear you guys this morning."

" How much did you guys hear?"

" How you kissed someone else and now Woohyun-hyung is angry at you."

I sighed and lifted my head up. Sungjong's eyes were still glued to his phone, but I know he did pay some attention to me. I got surprised when he put his phone next to him and faced me.

" Hyung, I think you should properly convey your feelings for Woohyun-hyung. If you don't speak out those feelings then Woohyun-hyung is never going to know."

I shook my head. " I don't know Sungjong-ah. Seeing him this morning makes me scared that he won't--"

" Won't what? Don't be a fool hyung. I know I'm probably being disrespectful right now, but I think you should move your and tell him you feel. I don't care if you love him or not, though you probably do love him, and make up. Okay!"

" D-Do you think that--"

" Yes, I think so! I want you two to make up soon because I can't take it anymore. There is so much tension in the dorm, and I don't want it to affect the group. Please, convey your feelings to him, hyung. Woohyun-hyung deserves to know your true feelings."

Sungjong's words gave me a bit of courage. I nodded my head as I stood and patted his head as I went to go talk to the other members. During the wait for somebody to come get us, Sungyeol placed his head on my shoulder and wrapped his arms around me. I look over my shoulder to see what Sungyeol was really doing but all he had was a pout on his face.

" What's wrong, Sungyeol?"

" I should be asking you that."

" Not this again. I already asked Sungjong and I know what to do now." Sungyeol let go of me and faced me. He placed his hands on his hips and sighed at me.

" Sunggyu-hyung, I don't think you understand what I'm trying to say here. What I'm trying to say is I'm sorry."

" For what Sungyeol-ah? You have done anything wrong to me...or have you?" He shook his head at me. " Well, then what is it that you are sorry for?"

" What I want to say I'm sorry for is what happened five years ago. If Woohyun had never fallen in love with me then none of us would have been in pain."

I shook my head and sighed at his statement. It's true that I was mad at Sungyeol that Woohyun loved him and not me, but I'm way past that now. I have always known that it was never Sungyeol's fault. The only thing happened was Woohyun's stupid decision to brake apart Myungsoo and Sungyeol which the four of us know that he deeply regrets it.

" I have forgiven you a long time ago, Sungyeol. Please, don't be thinking about what happened five years ago. All of that is in the past. I rather would like to focus on the present and future. Sure our past will always be following us like shadows, but we have to keep on moving forward. Just like how you got back together with Myungsoo, I will fix my problem with Woohyun."

" ... Hyung--"

" It's okay. Hey, it is time for us to go meet the fans," I looked towards the other members and gestured them to follow me," Let's go everybody!"

One by one we headed onto the stage where the fans were waiting for us. As each of us came out they all screamed. I smiled and waved at them making them scream more and probably melt into a human puddle.

I have a bit of a problem, though, because right now the line up from left to right is Sungjong, Sungyeol, Dongwoo, Myungsoo, Hoya, me, and...Woohyun. Yep. I have to sit next to Woohyun, and I'm pretty sure the fans are going to expect us to do some fanservice for them. I looked at each of the members and nodded at them. We turned to the front and bowed.

" Hello! We are Infinite!"

The roars of the fan filled them room and I really wanted to put my hands against my ears, but that would be rude of me. After the fans calmed down for a bit, we all sat down in our chairs as the staff proceeded to hand stuff out to us.

I watched as the other members interacted with each other, but Woohyun and I... Yeah. Not going so well. I looked at the fans and waved at them. Out of nowhere, a hand grabbed my hand and waved them together at the fans. I turn my head to see greasy Woohyun. Then he started to do that hand shake thingy at me, which made me blush since it was cute, and motioned me to do it too. I was a bit reluctant to do it, but he convinced me by looking at me with his eyes. I took a deep breath, raised my hands into fists, and did it together with him. As a result there was a loud uproar at us and there some fans yelling out "Woogyu."

Woohyun came close to me and pulled me closer to fill in the gap. His hot breath blowing around my ear sent me shivering. The fans' screams were even getting louder. I closed my eyes for a second to get the thoughts out, but the close proximity between the two of us wasn't helping. I really need him to get away but he is definitely not moving away.

" Gyu, stop being so stiff. Participate in some Woogyu fanservice." I simple nodded my head and continued to do fanservice for the fans. Sometimes I wonder what goes on in their heads. If they knew what really happens behind the closet, they would probably scream their heads off. Just saying.

Woohyun raised his arm in an arc and nudged me to do the same. I used my arm and did the same thing making a heart. I couldn't help but smile at him, and when I did his cheeks turned really red. He looked away from me and looked at the fans. While Woohyun is purposely ignoring me, I decided to turn to Hoya. I pulled on his sleeve and made a half heart with my hand. He got the message and did the same with me too. Then we threw it at the fans which made them really happy.

Then I noticed that Woohyun was looking at the two of us. I stuck my tongue at him and I saw a little glint of jealousy in his eyes. I watched him as the ever observant leader I am as he took a sip from his water bottle. I continued to look at him, and back at the fans, while the staff handed us markers for us to sign the albums.

After the staff finished with everything, they finally let the fans come up to us. I greeted each of the fans with a smile and shook their hands. A few of them even gave me little sticky notes with questions on them. I kindly answered each of them even though some of them were a bit weird. It was when I got to this fan's sticky note saying which member I wouldn't mind living with the rest of my life. I blushed at the question but I couldn't hold up the line any longer so I circled the obvious answer: Woohyun.

The fan squealed and blush seeing my answer as she proceeded to Woohyun. While I signed the next fan's album, the fan before gave Woohyun a sticky note too. From the corner of my eye I watched Woohyun circle an answer. I tried to see who he circled but the fan already took the note and left. I mentally sighed to myself as another fan came up with her album.

" S-Sunggyu-oppa!" I met with the fan's eyes and smiled.

" Hi there! Thank you for coming to the signing!"

" I'm happy because I get to see oppa! Um, I-I love you oppa! You are the best!" I chuckled at her confession to me even if it is a fan to idol love.

" Thank you. I love you too. I love Inspirits! Thank you for supporting Infinite."

" Oppa, I love you," she said as she moved onto Woohyun. I turned my head to him and he was looking straight at me. My reaction was that I immediately looked away. I swear, though, that he was angry or jealous.

More and more fans came as we continued to sign their albums. Seeing all of the fans made me a bit more happier after what happened this morning. The feeling of Woohyun not liking me anymore scared me. It scared me so much that it felt like my whole world was breaking apart. I don't want him to hate me because of the kiss. Byunghun is my friend but I don't see him more than that. I hope Woohyun knows that.

When the fan sign was over our manager-hyungs hurried us to the van. We piled in one by one as I got to sit in the passenger seat as always. The members were laughing about some things the fans asked them and were really excited that so many came to see them. Now, though, my wrist is a bit sore from signing so many. I was looking at the rear mirror and jumped a little bit meeting Woohyun's eyes. He was staring straight at the mirror as if he knew I was looking too. I just slowly turned away and looked out the window.




The moment we arrived at the studio where the photoshoot was taking place, we were stripped out of our clothes and into something different. I looked at myself at the mirror and couldn't help but blush that my chest was showing a little bit. The shirt is a pretty low v-neck. At least I don't have chest hair because that wouldn't look very good.

" Oh, hyung, are you finished yet?"

" Huh?"

From the corner of the mirror there was Woohyun standing there staring at me or maybe the mirror. I see that he already had changed too and he looks really good what he is wearing. I will never tell him that because that would only boost his ego. Instead, I chose to move away from the mirror and at that time one of the staff came asking for me.

" Sunggyu-sshi! It's time for you to take your solo shot!"

" Alright! I'm coming!"

Right when I was about to head out, Woohyun held onto my hand. My eyes trailed from his wrist to his eyes. Inside those eyes of his, I can see the feelings of pain...and loneliness. Before I did anything I checked that nobody was around. Once there was nobody, I pulled Woohyun into my arms and wrapped them around his neck. Then I felt his wrapping around my waist and pulling me even closer making that even paper couldn't come between us.

" Gyu..."

" Hm?" Woohyun nuzzled his face into my neck and I could feel his hot breath creeping on my skin.

" I don't like Byunghun. I know he is your friend, but the two of you can only stay as friends. Okay?"

" You know I like Byunghun, but just not in tha way. Long story short, I rejected him." Woohyun pulled away and looked at me. His face was surprised at what I just said, though, I thought he would be smiling or happy.

" R-Really? You rejected him?!"

" Yes, I rejected him! I only see him as a friend and nothing more. That was what I was trying to get across to you this morning, but you wouldn't listen."

" Oh. I'm sorry. Are you still friends with him?"

" Of course we are still friends. Even if he has romantic feelings towards me that doesn't mean we can't be friends anymore." Woohyun nodded his head and pulled back into his arms. 

" Why?"

" Why what?"

" Why did you reject him?"

I lifted my hands and pulled his face so were looking at each other. I traced my thumbs over his cheeks and remembered how they used to be a bit more chunky. I laughed at the memory making Woohyun stare at me weirdly. I just shook my head.

I know I don't have much time left until they come to find me so I took a chance and pulled Woohyun's face towards mine. Our lips connected in that moment, and I swear I could see fireworks going off in my head. I let go of his face and wrapped my arms around his neck. He pulled me in closer that it felt like our bodies were connected. Slowly, but full of feelings, did our lips move together. I could feel his love for me as I sent my love to him. Woohyun nibbled on my bottom lip and I parted my lips open. The touch of his tongue on mine gave me a whole new feeling. Even if they were slight touches, it felt more than amazing. Right now, and forever, I want to record this memory. Being able to kiss Woohyun like this made me more than happy. I know that we are in a studio kissing, but I don't care at the moment. It's just Woohyun and I in our own world. The world that was finally born, the world Woohyun finally gave a chance to, and the world where I'm not alone anymore.

We pulled back at the same time, his lips were red and mine were probably too. Woohyun brushed his thumb over my lip and pecked it twice. I pecked his lips twice and couldn't help but smile and laugh. I felt like crying but I don't want to ruin the makeup or else the stylists will be wondering why I'm crying.

" So, Sunggyu, why did you reject him?"

Of course he would try to make me say those words. I don't mind, though. I don't mind because now he is mine and will always be mind despite whatever obstacles we may come to. Our fight this morning felt like we could never be more than friends. But right now, I feel like we can be more than friends.

" The reason why I rejected him is because," I stared straight into Woohyun's eyes using my eye smile and pecked him once more, " is because I love you."

" I guess I don't need anymore time. Now knowing that you love me, my heart is at ease. I love you too, Sunggyu." I laughed at him.

" Idiot."

Woohyun gently smiled, a smile I haven't seen in a long time, and pulled me into another kiss. I tried pushing him away so I could go do my solo shoot, but it was too late: I was addicted my Woohyun's lips already. This time the kiss was sweet and passionate. Two things that really do go well together.


Woohyun and I immediately pulled apart at the sound. A sound we all know well.




(A/N: Sorry for the very late update! I was having writers block for this fic, but here it is now! Sunggyu finally admitted he loves Woohyun again! And today is Sunggyu's b-day too! Happy birthday Sunggyu! Anyway, what was I going to say? Oh, yeah, well for my next fic it's going to be Woogyu and I have two ideas. I won't tell you yet so be patient! Thank you all for patiently waiting! Thanks for reading, suscribing, and commenting! P.S. Sorry if there are any mistakes!)

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701 streak #1
Chapter 2: woohyun is an idiot!
701 streak #2
Chapter 1: started reading 😁
Chapter 26: rereading this and still hating woohyun so much in this fic.gotta have to read a fic with a whipped woohyun now.
Chapter 34: I love the story..
Vanja77 #5
This story is great ;)
kisanet73 #6
Chapter 34: this was soooooo great!!!
thank you for such great story.
khasabat #7
Chapter 34: Ahh- i so happy for them-
In begining i am so upset and angry for Woohyun because their selfsh make distand and pain for Myungsoo and Yeolie!
But i gland they move on and comeback for rise their sweet relationship!
God job author- i like your storys
Chapter 34: In the middle of the story I was about to comment on how I hate it to see sunggyu being so stupid for holding onto woohyun and for woohyun to play around with sunggyu even when he's not sure of his feelings.he pushed and hurt sunggyu twice in the story!can't help being mad at my babygyu for still accepting him.
But well towards the end u kinda ....kindaaa made it up hahaha
Chapter 34: Wow this took me so long to finish but its worth it. Its was breath taking. Im happy they found their lost heart back wow that was too cheesy~ kekeke ♡. Thanks authornim for this wonderful fic!!!
honeyplum #10
Chapter 34: awww so sweet ^^