Ch. 12- Sidelines

Grab Onto Your Heart

Woohyun's POV:

" Wake up!"

Ow! Who the heck is kicking me?

" Woohyun, get up right now!" The person kept on kicking me not caring that I could possibly get hurt. I got irritated so I pulled the person's foot and then they fell right on top of me. I let out a grunt when our chests hit each other, and that's when I noticed who the person was. The scent of him gave it away. It was Sunggyu-hyung.

" Let. Go. Of. Me!" I pushed him off which made him fall onto the floor. I immediately sat up from my bed, and I could feel my body freeze. Slowly, I turned my body to him, and I was met with a pair of cold glaring eyes. I swallowed the lump that was stuck in my throat, and decided that maybe if I go back to bed that everything would be a dream. So I lay back down in my bed, pulled the blanket over my head, and closed my eyes. Though it was over in a second when he pulled away my blanket. It seems like it wasn't a dream.

" Get up Woohyun! We have practice!" Sunggyu-hyung stomped out of the room, and I forced myself to get out of bed. When I was going to the bathroom, Myungsoo was standing in front of the doorway. He was holding a cup of coffee, and if I was correct I don't remember him liking to drink coffee that much. He was giving me a skeptical look, and then he just walked right pass me to where Sunggyu-hyung was sitting.

I went to wash up, and then I ate an apple before we went to dance practice. Then when we arrived at the studio, the choreographer wasn't there. Since he wasn't here yet, all of us sat around in the room. I was playing around with Dongwoo-hyung and Hoya while Sungjong and Sungyeol were talking about random stuff, and Sunggyu-hyung and Myungsoo were sitting with each other, of course. Dongwoo-hyung and Hoya got bored, so they decided to dance, but I didn't feel like it. I just sat there and watched them as they danced. After like 30 minutes or so, manager-hyung finally came inside.

" Hey guys! Your choreographer said that he won't be able to come today, so I guess today is a free day for all you. Well, actually only till 4 PM because we have to head to the recording studio."

" Yes!"

" I can sleep then!"

" Thanks, Manager-hyung!"

The ones who only stayed behind were Dongwoo-hyung and Hoya because they wanted to work on the choreography together. The rest of us went back to the dorm, and we went into our respective rooms. Though Sunggyu-hyung went to Dongwoo-hyung's and Myungsoo's room. I didn't care, though. If he wanted avoid me then that's fine with me. With how we are now, we can't even breathe the same air as the other. So, here I am, lying in the bedroom with my headphones in. I just stared at the ceiling trying to see if I could see some sort of image. Nothing came up, though. It was just blank like a piece of white paper. Empty and full of void.

" Woohyun!" I felt like the air was taken out of me when they jumped onto my body.

" S-Sungyeol! What the heck!? Get off of me! You are choking me!"

" Huh? I am? Haha, sorry!" He finally got off of me and now was sitting across from me on my bed.

" Anyways, what do you want?"

" I want to go shopping!"

" What?"

" I said I want to go shopping!"

" Sungyeol, what if somebody recognizes you?"

" So! I can just wear a mask and hat!"

" In this hot weather? People will think you are crazy then!"

" Oh, yeah, I totally forgot about that." I heard the door open, and all of a sudden Sungyeol ran out of the room. I followed him out, and saw Myungsoo putting his shoes on. I leaned against the doorway, and watched the two of them.

" Myungsoo, where are you going!?"

" I'm going shopping."

" Really! Then let me come with you." By then Myungsoo had already stepped out of the door, and soon Sungyeol was following him. I rolled my eyes at how hard Sungyeol was trying. Wasn't it quite obvious that Myungsoo didn't want to be near him? To be more exact, neither of them wanted to be near us.

My throat was a little bit dry so I went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. I took the pitcher of water from the fridge, and then grabbed a cup from the cupboard. Then I poured the water into the cup, but when I went to put the pitcher of water back into the fridge I accidentally bumped into somebody causing to splash water on them. I didn't dare look to see who it was because I had a bad feeling it would be Sunggyu-hyung.

" W-Woohyun..." Unfortunately, it was him I looked up and his shirt was practically drenched.

" I'm sorry!"

" What are you going to do about it?" I thought about it for a second, and then an idea came to me. Though I knew he wasn't going to like it, but if I didn't do something at this moment, he was gong to like kill me!

" Take off your shirt."

" W-What did you say?" I stepped forward and grabbed his shirt and yanked it off of him. Then I took off my shirt and put it on him. Now I was shirtless and it became really awkward all of a sudden. I took a few steps back, and then made a beeline to the bedroom. I closed the door loudly and then slid down the door.

You idiot! Now he is going to think you are some sort of ert! Great! Just great! What am I doing to do now!?


Sunggyu's POV:


I was frozen right there. My whole mind just shut off when he took off my shirt and then put his on me. Woohyun's scent was emitting from his shirt. It smells like strawberries. It took me a couple of minutes to compose myself after what just happened. Then I just realized that Woohyun saw my bare chest! What if he is probably laughing at me? Great! Just great! Out of everybody who has to see me shirtless, it had to be him! Why couldn't it have been somebody else! I wouldn't have mind even if it were Sungyeol. Anybody but Woohyun!

Trying to get out what just happened, I walked out of the kitchen and went to Dongwoo's and Myungsoo's room. Since Woohyun was in our room and Sungjong was in his room, I needed my space from everybody. I lay down on the ground and had my head on Dongwoo's banana pillow. I closed my eyes for a second, but then the door opened and my eyes flew open. Dongwoo and Hoya were holding hands, and when they noticed they weren't the only ones in the room they immediately separated. I got up from the ground and walked towards them. I crossed my arms and then look between the two of them. They weren't looking at me and it seemed like the ground was much more interesting then explaining to their leader. I sighed and then I pat both of their shoulders. I don't what is between them, but it's not any of my business.

I walked out of the room and then slowly opened the door to our bedroom. First, I peeked inside to make sure what Woohyun was doing. When I peeked in, Woohyun was fast asleep on the ground. I rolled my eyes at how lazy he was for not sleeping on the bed. I walked over to him and squatted. I poked his cheeks that once used to be a little chubby, but now more defined. He was wearing a wife beater and I noticed how his arms a bit more toned too. Woohyun was sleeping with is mouth opened which isn't new.

" Sunggyu..."

" W-Woohyun? Are you awake?"

" Sungyeol... Myungsoo... I'm so sorry... Sunggyu... Please don't leave me." A tear slid down his face and I caught it before it fell to the ground. Seeing him like this is pitiful, but I can't forgive him. Not after the pain he has brought to Myungsoo and I. I can't forgive him. The pain in my heart that has grew over the years: who knows how long it will take to heal.

It seemed like Woohyun finally stopped sleep talking. I helped him onto his bed because I didn't want him complaining later on that his back was hurting. I pulled his blanket up to his chest, and then stepped away from him. Right when I took a step, I felt a hand around my wrist. I looked down to see Woohyun still asleep but he had a grip on my wrist. I tried yanking it away, but that only caused him to hold on it tighter. Then all of a sudden he pulled me and now I was lying on his bed. Before I knew it, I was in his arms. I tried to squirm my way out, but to no avail.

" W-Woohyun! Let me go!"

" No."

" Y-You're awake?"

" Yeah, when you put me on my bed."

" Oh... Can you let me go?"

" Like I said before. No." I really didn't want to deal with his stubbornness right now. So, I elbowed him and he immediately let me go. I stuck out my tongue at him and stomped out of the bedroom. When I left the bedroom, two people were poking the heads out of their doorway.

" What are you looking at, Dongwoo and Hoya!" They retreated back to their bedroom, and I decided that a walk sounds very nice right now. I checked to make sure I had my phone and wallet in my pocket, and then I put on my shoes.

I headed out of the dorm, and went to get some ice cream from the convenience store that was a block away. I bought a popsicle for myself, and then decided to roam around the streets. There weren't any stores that really caught my eye, but when I passed by this stall, I saw something that caught my eye. They were two simple silver rings.

" Hello there! Do you like these rings?"

" They are very beautiful."

" You have great taste. Even the most simplest things in the world are the most beautiful." I nodded my head in agreement.

" I believe that too. Well, thank you for letting me look."

" It was nice meeting you too. Who knows, I might meet somebody else who will look for these rings too." I tilted my head in confusion at to what she said, and then made my way around.

I wonder what she was talking about? Somebody else coming to look for the rings too? Hm. I wonder who?


Back at the dorm...


Dongwoo's POV:


" Hoya, what did you think Woohyun and Sunggyu-hyung were doing in their room? Sunggyu-hyung looked really mad when he came out."

" I don't know, hyung. They have been on bad terms since Sunggyu-hyung and Myungsoo joined our group. Do you have a five?" I gave him my five.

" Really? Well, I guess. I mean Sunggyu-hyung only hangs out with Myungsoo and Woohyun hangs out Sungyeol. Weird isn't? Do you have a nine?"

" Who knows? I just hope it doesn't bring down the group. Nope, I don't have a nine. Goldfish." I picked a card from the deck and placed it in my hands. Hoya and I were playing Goldfish to pass the time since we still have two more hours until it was 4 PM. I wasn't the one who suggested the game, though. It's weird because for some reason I keep on losing to Hoya.

" Hyung, do you think they knew each other before? Do you have a six?" I handed him my six and thought about it for a little bit. Did the four of them know each other? If they did, then what happened between the four of them?

" I don't know if they knew each other before. If they did, then why would they be pretending not to know each other? Do you have a seven?"

" Hm, well, I don't know what to think about anymore. I think we should just look by the sidelines and make sure nothing goes out of control. Nope, I don't have a seven. Goldfish." I took a card from the deck, and I was able to make it a pair with another card in my hand. I had only two cards left while Hoya had one left. For some reason, it seems odd that he was able to get each of my cards that he asked for.

" Dongwoo-hyung, do you think when Sunggyu-hyung saw us holding hands, do you think he was... creeped out? Do you have a ten?" I gave him my ten. I thought back to when he saw us holding hands. I didn't think Sunggyu-hyung would be in our room, but I guess he was. I thought that everybody would be in their respective bedrooms, but maybe the reason why Sunggyu-hyung was in my bedroom was because of Myungsoo. I looked down at my hand and noticed I had only one card left, and Hoya had none.

" That's not fair, Hoya! This is the third time you have won!"

" Do you want to know how I won?" Hoya leaned closer to me, and I started to blush at how close he was.

" H-How did you win?"

" Because... There is a mirror behind you." I whipped my head around to see a full size mirror behind me. I turned back to Hoya and glared at him.

" Yah! You cheated for all three games! That's not fair!" All of a sudden I felt a pair of lips on mine, and then slowly he pulled away. My body got all warm and fuzzy because of the kiss, and I couldn't think straight for a second.

" Now is it fair?"

" Y-Yah! W-What was that f-for?"

" Should I give you another one?" Hoya gave me another kiss on the lips, but this time it was longer. I could feel him smile through the kiss and I smiled a bit too. He nibbled on my bottom lip as he pulled away and left me breathless.

" W-What if somebody s-saw us?"

" Don't worry, the door is locked."

" It better be!"

I heard the door open, but this time it was the one to the dorm. I unlocked our door and peeked outside to see who came home. The person who came home was Sunggyu-hyung. I didn't realize that he was gone for almost an hour, but it seemed like he bought something. He was holding two bags full of food, and I ran towards him and took the bags off of his hands. Then I went to place them on the counter and took out the contents in the bag. There were ramen, juice, bread, and he bought us meat! He got us pork, beef, and chicken! I turned towards Sunggyu-hyung and ran back to him. I jumped into his arms and gave him a big hug.

" Sunggyu-hyung, you are the best! Thanks for buying all of this stuff for us!"

" Ahem!" I turned around to see Hoya leaning against the wall, and I smiled at him. I got off of Sunggyu-hyung and ran to Hoya.

" Hoya isn't Sunggyu-hyung the best! He bought us all of these food for us!" Hoya patted my head and smiled at me.

" Yes he is. Thank you, Sunggyu-hyung."

" You're welcome." We heard another door open and this time it was Sunggyu-hyung's and Woohyun's room. Woohyun came out of the room and he looked groggy. His hair was messed up a bit, but at least it didn't make him look weird. We watched him as he went to the kitchen and looked through the bags. Then he took something out from one of the bags: it was a bag of candy.

" Hey, this is my favorite candy. Who bought it?" Sunggyu-hyung all of a sudden sprinted towards him and snatched away the bag of candy. I stepped a bit closer to Hoya afraid that something might happen. I can really feel the tension between the two of them now.

" That's mine! I bought it for myself!"

" Oh, I didn't know you like these too."

" W-Whatever." Sunggyu-hyung went back to my bedroom and Woohyun went back to their bedroom. Now Hoya and I had nowhere to go instead of staying in the living room. We opted to stay in the living room since we didn't want to kick out Sunggyu-hyung and make him angrier. I leaned close to Hoya's ear because I didn't want the other members to hear what we were saying.

" There is definitely tension between them."

" No duh! What do you think we should do?" I sighed not knowing what we should or can do. I feel like this is a problem that they have to solve themselves, but at the same time I want to help them out somehow.

" I guess for now we just watch by the sidelines."


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708 streak #1
Chapter 2: woohyun is an idiot!
708 streak #2
Chapter 1: started reading 😁
Chapter 26: rereading this and still hating woohyun so much in this fic.gotta have to read a fic with a whipped woohyun now.
Chapter 34: I love the story..
Vanja77 #5
This story is great ;)
kisanet73 #6
Chapter 34: this was soooooo great!!!
thank you for such great story.
khasabat #7
Chapter 34: Ahh- i so happy for them-
In begining i am so upset and angry for Woohyun because their selfsh make distand and pain for Myungsoo and Yeolie!
But i gland they move on and comeback for rise their sweet relationship!
God job author- i like your storys
Chapter 34: In the middle of the story I was about to comment on how I hate it to see sunggyu being so stupid for holding onto woohyun and for woohyun to play around with sunggyu even when he's not sure of his feelings.he pushed and hurt sunggyu twice in the story!can't help being mad at my babygyu for still accepting him.
But well towards the end u kinda ....kindaaa made it up hahaha
Chapter 34: Wow this took me so long to finish but its worth it. Its was breath taking. Im happy they found their lost heart back wow that was too cheesy~ kekeke ♡. Thanks authornim for this wonderful fic!!!
honeyplum #10
Chapter 34: awww so sweet ^^