Chapter 39: Will you?

When begins the life I can live with you?
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Kibum`s POV


It feels so good, so unbelievable good to have his lips against mine again. I almost forgot their taste, almost forgot their feeling and moves. But I didn`t try to remember all this time, laying here. I thought I wouldn`t see him again, banished to live like that, bounded to a sickening soft bed and smelly room.


I gave up on life, I gave it up so lightly. Because there was no savior back then, no one to save me from this sickness. He still doesn`t know. Should I tell him? Should I tell him my miserable fate? Tell him that this moment won`t last long, this feeling of having the other on our arms again. It won`t last long. It would break his heart.


I would break his heart into pieces, break it with no repair. Still, I had to. I had to tell him with pleading tears. Pleading for forgiveness. Pleading for every good in this world, but I knew it wouldn`t help him, wouldn`t help us. There was no one to plead to. God already isn`t on our side, not that he was in the first place.


So to whom should I plead to? My happy smile slowly turns into a bitter and sad one. He looked at me with questioning eyes. Asking me silently, what’s wrong? What’s wrong? And I wanted to say, nothing, nothing is wrong. But I would be lying. So I told him…


“Everything, everything is wrong.”


And I could see it in his eyes, his heart stopped for one single second. He is scared

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Kimdeaqua #1
Chapter 56: I'm crying... oh!!!!!! God so good.....sweetest fiction I have ever read......
KGVO94 #2
Chapter 56: i really love your writing style <3 and this story is just WOW BEAUTIFUL! <3
danicabozic #3
Chapter 55: the story is really beautiful, I love the way you wrote this :D
Chapter 55: IT WAS SO BEAUTIFUL!!!! I can't explain with words how precious this story is, I loved every moment, i loved how you wrote it and their ideal love. Please, let me translate this story too.
FreezingLove #5
Chapter 55: I finished reading in one day!!This is so sadly beautiful!!
I am not really a fan of these kind of fics so I wasn't going to read this. But I read this and I am totally glad I did!!!
Chapter 55: I read this story in two days, it got me into it since the very beginning.
I will definitely miss reading it. T T <3
Chapter 5: Started reading and so far the story is great just wished the chapters were longer
LOL I read it all and forgot commenting. But I really like this story! It was sad but very dream-like. Thanks for sharing! Upvoted :)
Chapter 1: Started reading today! Liking it so far! :)