If Only There was no Glass in Between us.

You're Such a Geek, but I Like You

Jinyoung POV

“Come outside.” She opened the door and I pulled her outside, grabbing her into my arms.

“W-What are you doing here?!” she yelled.

“You ruined everything!” I held her by the shoulders.

“What?!” I grabbed her face, smashing our lips together. I could see her eyes widen all the way as mine closed. She didn’t move at all as I wrapped my arms around her. I broke the kiss, pressing my forehead to hers.

“It’s you. You’re the person I like.” I groaned. It’s like she was frozen. “Do you accept me?” She still didn’t move. “I guess not…” She finally looked up at me.

“I-Idiot… Why didn’t you tell me instead of torturing me with this image?” She pointed to my outfit.

“Sorry. I thought you would like it.”

“I do.” She hugged me tight. A smile broke out on my face. “It drives me crazy…”

“Do I really look y haha?” I asked, holding her softly.

“You always look good to me, just a lot more today. It must be the eyeliner. I like it. Wear it more often. …But not with other girls. I want to be the only one to see you look like this.”

“How demanding~” She was hugging me so tight, it was almost hard to breathe.

“Jinyoung-ah…you’re so sweaty.” She said.

“Well, I did run a 15 minute distance in 7 minutes…”

“You ran?”

“If you belt out that kind of sudden confession, how can I not run? Even if it was the middle of the night, I would come. I wanted to make everything special for you, but then you confess so unexpectedly? You’re a real plan wrecker.” She let go of me.

“Well, sorry.” She crossed her arms, but kept looking at my eyes.

“Is something on my face?” She looked away.

“No…I just can’t tell if this is serious right now. That you’re serious about this. I know I like you, but I feel like this isn’t really happening right now. Like, I’m just going to wake up tomorrow and everything will be as it was before…” I grabbed her by the shoulders.

“It’s not a dream. I really like you and I just…I want to--”

“Is this why you were asking me about what I would do if the guy I liked would confess to me?” she interrupted. I scratched the back of my head. “You said you would kiss me and I said I don’t know what I’d do. I guess you were serious haha.”

“I am serious. Don’t think that this never happened.” I locked our fingers together. “I really like you.”

“But why…?”

“I just like you. I can’t say why. I liked all the times we were together. All the times we hung out and played together. I liked them all. The times we made that cake and I hugged you. The time we spent at the arcade. The time I ran around the whole city, trying to find you…Every time we smiled together.”

“You…since when have you even liked me…? You liked someone else before…”

“I…” I laughed awkwardly. “I can tell you about that another time. Today I just want to hug you.” I grabbed her in my arms tightly. “We’ll talk another day, just hug me back today.” She put her arm around my waist lightly. “Such a light touch…you must not like me much.” She immediately tightened her grasp, making me smile. “This is another reason; you’re so cute.”

“I’m not cute…I’m not even that pretty.”

“Don’t be like that. You’ll come across like one of those girls who is really pretty and just says they aren’t. It’s annoying, so don’t do it. Especially after I say that you’re beautiful.” She didn’t say anything back. “You do know that, right? That you’re beautiful? You’re not that stupid.” I hugged her tighter.

“If you say so…”

“It doesn’t even matter if you weren’t pretty because I think you are.” She laughed.

“Who knew you were so funny.” I let go of her.

“I’m just being serious about it.” I cupped her head in my hands. “You look beautiful to me.” She smiled a little.

“Ahem.” I looked to the noise, her father standing in the doorway.

“Oh, hello Sir.” I said.

“Sang Ki, come inside.” He said. It wasn’t stern, but she went inside, crouching down and watching through the small window next to the door. “Jung Jinyoung.” He stared into my eyes.

“Yes Sir.” I said confidently.

“So you like my daughter?”

“Yes, I do.” He sighed.

“Just…Don’t do anything too serious.” He said, going back inside, locking the door behind him. Sang Ki pressed her hands up against the little window next to the door. I bent down, in front of the thin piece of glass, smiling as she started at me with cute big eyes. I pressed my hands up against it too, as if our hands could touch between the glass. She smiled as I leaned as close as I could to the glass, on my knees.

I could feel my phone vibrating in my pocket, but I kept looking at Sang Ki. I lightly pressed my lips up against the glass, wishing it wasn’t in between us. She smiled cutely, pressing her lips against it in return. If only there wasn’t a window.

Her dad saw this whole event and glared at me from behind her. I tried not to laugh and waved my hand to her cutely. She covered , laughing inside. I pouted. “How can you laugh?” I said. She read my lips, laughing again. ‘How cute~’ she mouthed. “Bye bye~” I said, waving again.


 I went back home. My phone was going ballistic from my mother’s incessant calls and texts. I just walked back home slowly; I don’t care if I’ll be yelled at today.

“Where did you go?!” My mother shook me by the shoulders as I entered the house.

“I just told Sang Ki-ah that I liked her.” I smiled. She gasped, agape.

“Really?! What did she say?!” She completely forgot all about me running out of the house before haha.

“She had already been liking me for the past two years, I just never realized.” She hugged me, jumping around.

“OMG OMG OMG!” She’s such a little kid… “I can’t believe this! How did you ever notice!?”

“She’s really good at hiding her feelings, but her body gives it away. Well I’m going to sleep now. Goodnight.”

“Goodnight~!” She said happily. I lay on my bed, hugging my pillow to my body. That escalated so quickly. I’m happy it happened that way.


I called Sang Ki the next day, wanting to see how she would talk to me now. No answer… I called a few hours later. No answer again. She can’t be that busy… I waited until evening, calling again. Not a single answer all day. I sighed loudly, putting my phone down. I sat around the rest of the day, keeping my phone close to me in case she called. She didn’t.

I woke up the next day, hoping for a missed call. I checked, not one call.

I grumbled on my way to class. Why didn’t she call? She could have at least sent a text! Hmph. How un-cute. I walked into class, she wasn’t there yet. I kept my eyes on the door as class was about to start. She ran in, huffing as she sat down. The teacher walked in less than a few seconds later. I looked back at her, but she didn’t look at me.


Class ended and I got up going to her. “Sang Ki-ah.” I said, expecting her to say something. “Why didn’t you call back…?” I asked.

“I’m so sorry! My dad hid my phone around the house and I couldn’t find it. He gave it back this morning! I saw all your missed calls and wished I could have answered them…sorry…” she said.

“It’s ok, I understand.” Her dad does kind of seem like the type to do that. I was wondering why he was so accepting last night; he was just going to try and keep her away somehow anyway… “Do you want to come over today?” I asked.

“Sorry…My dad is actually counting the minutes I stay after school right now. He wants to make sure I’m not doing anything bad.”

“Your dad is messed up…” I said unconsciously.

“I agree…so I’ll see you tomorrow?”

“Yeah.” I smiled. “Later.” She left. Another day passed, the same situation happening. The events repeated again until Thursday. She couldn’t even stay for the club meeting. This isn’t how I thought our new relationship would go.

I guess it just passed over our heads.


Why are you two ending up like this?! You're supposed to be all cute like you were with the window! Why must there be someone to in?! WAE! ...I hope they can easily get past this; I expect cute moments from you two -*-

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Chapter 36: Woooooaaah. I was kinda expecting the whole story to circulate on JinChan but overall it was so good. Thanks for this story. TTuTT
Chapter 36: uwaaaaaaaaah!!
I really really like the story! <3
I just found it now, and I read all the chapter in one night!
I can't stop reading it, and it kind of sad that the story is over :<
Thank you so much for sharing this awesome story!
love youuuuu <3
hallojmo #3
Chapter 24: omg when you wrote "win over jinyoung" i thought it meant that baro was gay....well then that'd be one big plot twist LOL. time to keep reading~
Chapter 36: Is this story finished already?? I hope not... If it is, can you make a sequel?? I mean, this story is so great till I stayed up in midnight to just finish reading this...so sequel, ne? Jebal!!!!!!
Chapter 36: Haahha.. MINWOO Couple
jennifer1801 #6
Chapter 36: Awwww it came to end ...goingbto miss reading this...
SweetTarts #7
Chapter 2: Haha love potion reminds me of the love perfume jinyoung tried to make in the jap version of beautiful target ^^
KillaGurl #8
Chapter 17: i was never before just this peverted damn bastard!! he almost ____ me. i managed to get away though.
KillaGurl #9
Chapter 7: Ahhh,, Jinyoung!! any girl can melt when they hear that sentence from you! Moreover ,you winked! OMG WInked!!