I Hate Your Touches.

You're Such a Geek, but I Like You

Jinyoung POV

I went back home. Why is it that I understand my feelings and then you move on to Shinwoo ? I sighed. What can I do? I like her, but she… no, she still likes me. She can’t just move on like that! I have to seduce her into admitting she likes me or just confess first. I thought for a bit, smiling at the plan I began plotting. I hope Friday comes quick.


Sang Ki POV

“Thanks for coming with me.” I said to Shinwoo for spending the afternoon with me.

“Sang Ki-ah…”

“Bye!” I said quickly, going inside before he could say any more. I shouldn’t hang out with him anymore either…I don’t like him like that. My phone beeped. One new text!

I opened it, reading- Sang Ki-ah, are you free this Friday? I really want to hang out.-----Jinyoung.

I bit my lip, wanting to reply yes, but I just couldn’t. I don’t want to get hurt and I don’t want to see his smile if I can’t smile back like I used to. I closed the phone, going to my room. I looked back at the phone before I slept. I should enjoy my time with him still… I replied. See you Friday then.

I went to school, kind of anticipating Friday, but also not wanting to see Jinyoung… Friday came and Jinyoung came over to me. “Can we meet in like an hour? I forgot that my mom needed me to do this thing…but I can hang out after that!”

“Sure, I guess.” He smiled wide.

“Great! You should change too, it’ll be annoying to go around in your uniform.” He told me to meet him at a shop in an hour. I went back home, looking through my closet. What to wear~? I did want to look nice since it was Jinyoung. Hmm. Maybe this? Last time they thought I looked nice in that shirt without sleeves. But Jinyoung didn’t look that impressed…Maybe I should were this instead… I kept looking around.

“Sang Ki, are you going somewhere?” My mom came in.

“Yeah, hanging out with Jinyoung-ah in an hour. What should I wear?” She lit up, starting to sift through my closet with me. My mom had a pretty good fashion sense, so I trusted the outfit she picked out. I like it and hope he does too~

I walked down to the shop where we planned to meet. I kind of laughed at myself for wanting to look good today. It’s pretty much pointless since he likes some other girl. I started frowning as I walked. Why do I have to think so much? I should just have fun with Jinyoung…as a friend.

I waited outside as he had asked. I looked around for him; guess he’s not here yet. I checked my phone. It’s been thirty minutes already…maybe I should just leave. “Sang Ki-ah!” I looked up, my eyes widening at the pleasure my view was getting.


Jinyoung POV

She looked so surprised, looking at me up and down as I smiled. “H-Hey…” she said, shocked. Hehe.

“So what are we doing today~?” I affectionately put my arm around her shoulder, starting to walk. She was still so surprised by my appearance to even notice my arm. I smiled so much at her reaction. I knew she would stare, but I liked it.

“J-Jinyoung-ah…do you wear stuff like this often? I’ve never even seen you so…” I tried not to smile too wide, but I just couldn’t stop.

“I like dressing like this.” I said. We quietly walked for a while, but I could feel her eyes on me the whole time. I really stepped it up today. I knew she would like this. I had come not only dressed in my tightest black jeans, but I did my hair well with some products and even put on some guy liner. To be honest, I knew I looked hot and it looks like she knew it too. She kept stealing glances every few minutes. I couldn’t help but smirk.

Now that I look at her, she’s dressed nicely too. Her clothes looked so tight…how does she survive in that? I can’t even walk comfortably in these tight pants! Maybe she wears them a lot. I noticed she had on some makeup, highlighting her eyes. She looked really good.


Sang Ki POV

Oh God…I couldn’t stop looking at him. Why did you have to come dressed like this?! Tight clothes, nice hair, y eyeliner. Since when do you even wear guy liner?! I couldn’t stop staring. His eyes were especially good looking. Maybe I just have a thing for guy liner…but seriously, he looked…just so…I’m sure if there was a on the loose, he would take Jinyoung instead of the pretty girls walking down the street. Even if the was straight. He looked that good right now.

“Should we go there?” he pointed to our usual place; the arcade.

“Sure.” I agreed, but half of my brain was still focusing on his looks. He was shining today. I could see every girl walking by gaze at him for a moment before they continued. He looked like a celebrity or something. We went inside, playing the same game as always; me winning as usual. We left eventually since it was getting dark already.

“Let’s go eat something.” He said. It was so crowded today, we had trouble not getting split up. He grabbed my hand, pulling me along with him. H-He always grabs my hand not knowing how warm it makes my face. We went in a place, eating something quickly, going back into the streets. They were emptier now so we just walked side by side.

“Hey!” A group of girls came over. “Are you free tonight?” They asked Jinyoung. “You’re so hot, wanna come with us?” I looked away.

“No. I’m with someone.” He put his arm around my shoulder, pulling me to him. “See?” The girls scoffed.

“Why are you with her? Did she pay you or something? She’s so ugly.”

“You shouldn’t say something so rude when your own image can’t back you up.” Jinyoung said as the girl gasped. He pulled me with him, walking away.

“J-Jinyoung-ah…” I started.

“Sorry about that. I hope they didn’t spoil your mood. They were so stupid. How could they call you ugly?”

“It’s not like I’m that pretty…” He turned to me.

“What are you talking about?! You’re beautiful!” I blushed even though I knew he was just saying that to be nice.


Jinyoung POV

I just blurted out what came to mind. I could see her starting to blush, but decided to ignore it, seeing something else of interest. “Ah! Sang Ki-ah, we need to go there!” It was our usual photo booth.

“You really love to take pictures, don’t you?” She asked as I pulled her over. I nodded my head, having my plan swirling in my head. I wanted to dump the whole plan of confessing to her slowly and just show my feelings quickly. We got in the booth. I knew what I was going to do.

“1, 2, 3!” We smiled for the first shot. “1, 2, 3!” I moved closer in a discrete way for the second shot. “1, 2, 3.” I hugged her close. She immediately pushed me away after the camera light flashed. I played it off with a laugh, pulling her closer by the waist for the fourth shot. She quickly bolted out after that, taking the photos that we printed.

“I’ll keep this one~” It was the one of us hugging. I really wanted to keep it; we were both smiling at the moment and really looked like a couple! I put it in my pocket, putting my arm back around her as we walked. She looked a bit shy from my arm; maybe she finally realized I had been placing it there through our whole date. I smiled at the word ‘date.’ If only this was a real date.

I dropped her off at home, purposely not saying anything about my feelings. I’m just getting this plan started.


Sang Ki POV

I lay on my bed, still thinking of Jinyoung. How can I get over you if you dress like that and hug me so much?! Really…Jinyoung looked too good today. It just made me feel worse, knowing that the girl he likes will get to see that image. At a point on our day out, when he smiled…it…just looked so y. I literally had to hold myself back from doing anything. I’m so bad…

My phone rang. “Hello?”

“Sang Ki-ah…” a low voice filled my ears.


“I want to talk to you…” His voice was so smooth over the phone.

“A-About what?”



“I need to tell you something, but I don’t want to either.”

“…Ok then…”

“Did I look good today?”


“Answer the question; I know you heard it.”

“…You looked good.”

“Just good? That’s it?”

“You looked…really y.”

“I want to confess to the girl I like with that image.” My chest clenched a little at the sentence.

“Then just do it. Why don’t you just tell her how you feel?" I said, spitefully.

“I can’t…I know she’ll like me back, but I want to make it special…” I sighed.

“You just…can we not talk about this?”


“I hate this conversation.”


“Because I…I like you.” There was a silence on the other line. “You’ve always been the person I liked. I never shifted my eyes from you and to hear you talk about the girls you really like…It hurts. It really hurts me. I…just can’t keep talking to you.  Your look today…It drove me crazy. I loved it so much that I hated you. You hurt me so much when you hug me because I know you’ll give all your real love to some girl that you actually like. I tried to ignore you, but you wouldn’t let me. I hate it when you touch me and smirk because I just want to kiss you, but I know I can’t.” He didn’t respond at all.

There was a silence on the line for over eight minutes. He didn’t hang up, but he didn’t respond either. I debated hanging up, but I just couldn't after what I had said and wanted to wait until he got back on the line.

“Come outside.” He finally said.

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Chapter 36: Woooooaaah. I was kinda expecting the whole story to circulate on JinChan but overall it was so good. Thanks for this story. TTuTT
Chapter 36: uwaaaaaaaaah!!
I really really like the story! <3
I just found it now, and I read all the chapter in one night!
I can't stop reading it, and it kind of sad that the story is over :<
Thank you so much for sharing this awesome story!
love youuuuu <3
hallojmo #3
Chapter 24: omg when you wrote "win over jinyoung" i thought it meant that baro was gay....well then that'd be one big plot twist LOL. time to keep reading~
Chapter 36: Is this story finished already?? I hope not... If it is, can you make a sequel?? I mean, this story is so great till I stayed up in midnight to just finish reading this...so sequel, ne? Jebal!!!!!!
Chapter 36: Haahha.. MINWOO Couple
jennifer1801 #6
Chapter 36: Awwww it came to end ...goingbto miss reading this...
SweetTarts #7
Chapter 2: Haha love potion reminds me of the love perfume jinyoung tried to make in the jap version of beautiful target ^^
KillaGurl #8
Chapter 17: i was never before just this peverted damn bastard!! he almost ____ me. i managed to get away though.
KillaGurl #9
Chapter 7: Ahhh,, Jinyoung!! any girl can melt when they hear that sentence from you! Moreover ,you winked! OMG WInked!!