Chapter 5 - A Day with Teentop

Me and L.Joe?!



 A Day with Teentop !



Eun Mi walked out of her appartment, Taemin waited outside the building for her. When she came out she waved at him,"Taemin oppa~!"
Taemin ran to her and hugged her,"My Eun Mi~!" Eun Mi smiled at him and they made their way to the library.

After some time of walking,Taemin spoke up,"So, when do you want me to tell the truth? I know you wanted Prince Charming and not this L.joe-whatever boy. YOu rejected everyone, but not him?" Eun Mi gulped,"How did you know?"

Taemin sighed,"Eun Mi, I'm your cousin. We know each other so good, I could tell you which colour your underwear has; It's baby-blue. So, why are you his girlfriend?"
Eun Mi blushed and checked her underwear quickly,"Omg, you are right!...Well, you know I make dares and bets ,right?" Taemin nodded. 

"Well, L.joe is part of my new dare." Eun Mi explained and pursed her lips,"I know it's not right to use someone like this...But I couldn't resist, I'll win white chocolate!" Taemin made a face at his cousin,"Guuurl, I can buy you your white chocolate too!" 

Eun Mi waved her hands,"But I never rejected a dare, Taemin oppa! If you want to ,you can buy me white chocolate too!" He patted her head softly and said:"My Eun Mi is a happy girl~!"
"Oh, yeah I am~!" Eun Mi added cheerfully.


"Eun Mi?!" someone gasped behind them. Taemin and Eun Mi turned surprised around. "Oh, Ricky! Annyeong!" Eun Mi waved cutely. Ricky chuckled and ran to her,"The others are here too!" Eun Mi smiled,"Where?" Ricky dragged Eun Mi with him ,and Taemin followed bored.

"Guys, Guuuys~! Eun Mi is here!" Ricky cheered and let her hand nervously go ,as L.joe glared at him. "Well... Annyeong!" Eun Mi smiled awkwardly. All the boys looked happily at her.
Taemin catched up,"What are you doing here?"

"This is Seoul, you could see us everywhere." L.joe stood up from the bench and walked to Eun Mi and smiled at her,"How are you?" Eun Mi faked awkwardly a cough,"I'm alright...And you?" 

"Awwee~, wanna hang out with us today?" Chunji popped at her site with a smile. L.joe made face at Chunji. Changjo joined her site too and waved at her,"Hey, wassup?" Eun Mi smiled,"Nothi-"

"Yah! She is my girlfriend! Why are you clinging on her so much?!" L.joe asked in disbelief and frustration,"I can't believe this!" Eun Mi chuckled,"Aww, you are so cute ,when you're jealious~!" She pinched his cheeks. He blushed and shooed her hands away,"No. No. You can't touch me. I'm mad at you!" Eun Mi chuckled more and Teentop began to laugh with Taemin, because of L.joe's childish behaviour.

Eun Mi smiled at L.joe,"Well, I can touch the others if you want to?" L.joe's eyes widened and he quickly hugged her thightly,"No! No! That's worse!" She blushed madly.

"Yah~~ Look she is so cute. She immediately blushed ,when L.joe hugged her!" CAP teased you. Niel put a hand on CAP's shoulder,"L.joe was blushing the whole time!" L.joe let Eun Mi awkwardly go.
Eun Mi flicked her own forhead,"I'm such an awkward turtle..."

"My Eun Mi isn't an awkward turtle! You are just too cute ,you can't handle your cuteness, Eun Mi~!" Taemin pinched her cheeks. L.joe glared at him,"Why are you even touching my girlfriend so much? Is she cheating on me?!"

Taemin and Eun Mi looked at each other and bursted out in laughing. Teentop and L.joe were confused. They didn't really understand why the two were laughing so hard in this sitiuation.

"Well, L.joe oppa... Taemin oppa is my beloved cousin!" Eun Mi calmed down and smiled at L.joe. Taemin also and then had an evil grin on, because he knew that she was just his girlfriend because of the dare,"Well, she is too cute for you though!"

Eun Mi chuckled.

Then Taemin's phone rang. He answered it,"Yeobosayo~?"-"Neh~."-"See you there."-"Okay."

He hang up and looked sadly at Eun Mi,"Jonghyun is searching for me... Minho find out that I ate his cake last night... Bye bye ,my Eun Mi~!" He hugged her and walked away. 

Eun Mi pouted,"And now?" L.joe slung an arm around her neck,"You'll have your day with your boyfriend!"
The rest of Teentop pulled him away from you,"This will be a Day with Teentop!"

L.joe pouted and looked at Eun Mi. Eun Mi ignored his pout and smiled,"Well, where are we going?" L.joe made a face,"Yah! Why are you ignoring me?" Eun Mi laughed and ruffled his hair.

"Woah!" she gasped,"I love your hair!"
L.joe shooed her hands away,"No, you can't touch my hair!" Eun  Mi pouted,"But you are my boyfriend!" She quickly realized what she said and blushed with wide eyes. "So, you finally accept the reality with you and me, babe." L.joe smirked. 

Eun Mi blushed and pushed him lightly away. Chunji chuckled and ruffled her hair,"She is blushing again!" L.joe shot a scary glare at Chunji. Chunji smiled at L.joe and looked at the others,"Well, shall we go to a disco?" Everybody agreed.


Eun Mi jumped happily with Ricky around in front, while the others were behind them with judging stares.
Eun Mi and Ricky looked like two elementary kids.

"We're going to a disco~~!", the two sang the whole way long. But then L.joe called Eun Mi ,when they were in front of her home,"Eun Mi, babe ,go change!" He winked. Eun Mi smiled and rushed in the building and changed her outfit quickly. When she came out after some minutes ,the boys gasped in awe,"Woaaaah~, you look so pretty~!" They said at the same time. She looked beautiful. Eun Mi laughed and asked:"You should change too, right?" They agreed and walked to their dorm to change.


It was a house, they told Eun Mi that they live together there. After they went to change in their rooms, she waited for them and sat on the couch and looked bored around.

Suddenly someone blocked her sight with his hands. Eun Mi touched the hands,"Hmm... Who could you be?" She heard chuckling and immediately knew who it was,"L.joe!" She smiled widely and he let her go and sat down next to her. "Well, I look better then you." he said.

Eun Mi made a face at him,"Pff. I'm a girl ,that means I'm prettier!"
"Everthing you say doesn't even make any sense!" L.joe replied with a frown. Eun Mi scoffed and didn't answered him. He sighed.

The others came and they went to the disco. Eun Mi and Ricky cheered the whole way around and when they entered the two gasped,"Woah! So many people!" It was Ricky's second time and Eun Mi's first time in a disco. 


They sat down at the VIP-lounge. L.joe next to Eun Mi. He slung an arm around her waist. He pulled her closer and quickly kissed her cheek,"You'll have fun."

She blushed madly and smiled,"Okay..." Chunji snickered, he sat on Eun Mi's other side. L.joe saw Chunji looking at them and faked a cough and let Eun Mi go. It was like ,Chunji send a message to L.joe's mind:"Woah, looks like you've fallen for her!" And L.joe's mind replied:"Well, no!"

Eun Mi poursed her lips and crossed her arms at L.joe's actions, she finds it annoying. *First he is totally cute. And in the next moment he is a Jerk again. Geez.*, she thought.


"CAP-Hyung! Let's make a special performance, only for Eun Mi!" Ricky beamed. CAP smirked and glanced over to her and winked,"Do you want to see our performance?" Eun Mi's eyes widened in excitement,"Yes, of course I want to!" She loves boys with special talents, so she wanted to see their performance.

L.joe shot CAP a glare,"Why don't you ask me ,if I want to perform? Maybe I don't want to!" CAP snickered,"Man, you want to! It's for your girlfriend come on, everybody wants to." L.joe sighed. Teentop stood up and walked to the stage. From the VIP-lounge were Eun Mi was left, she could see the stage good. When they were on the stage ,L.joe winked at her. She smiled and waved back. 


"Yo, man! Wassup? Do you want an awesome performance?" CAP asked trough the microphone. The people on the dancefloor cheered,"Yeah!"

Teentop smirked and began to perform. Eun Mi watched them in awe. She kept her eyes on L.joe,  also looked at the others. But Chunji's voive caught most of her attention. While the performance they winked ,waved and smiked over to Eun Mi, what made her chuckle.


After the performance,the people cheered around for them. They bowed and thanked to the people on the dancefloor and walked back to Eun Mi ,to the VIP-lounge."You were awesome!" Eun Mi complimented them honestly in awe. They sat down like before and their eyes were glued on Eun Mi.

"What?" Eun Mi asked confused. Chunji smiled at her,"Who did you like the most?" She made a thinking face,"Hmm... All of you were do damn good~! But my favorite was-"

"L.JOE! ME!" L.joe stood up and made a triumphant pose. Eun Mi frowned at him,"No... I liked Chunji the most!" Chunji smiled and blushed lightly. L.joe shot Eun Mi a glare,"I'm your boyfriend! You have to like me the most!"

Eun Mi stuck her tongue out at him,"All of you were awesome! But ,when I overthink you wasn't as good as the others!" Teentop laughed, except L.joe. She didn't meant it really like this, honestly she liked his rap and dance skills very much. But he annoyed her right now ,so she wanted to annoy him back with that.

He sat back down and pouted to himself with crossed arms. She chuckled.

Eun Mi wanted to dance on the dancefloor, but was too shy to ask one of the boys. She didn't wanted to go alone. L.joe noticed it and looked to her with a smirk,"Do you want to dance? With me?"
She gulped,"N-no!"

Chunji glanced over to the two,"Well, do you want to dance with me then?" She smiled at him. He knew ,L.joe would be jealious. "Yah! She is my girlfriend! She will dance with me!" he grabbed her and dragged her to the dance floor. Chunji smirked,*Success*, he thought.


L.joe stood awkwardly with Eun Mi on the dance floor. "Okay, what now?" she asked bored. L.joe glanced over to the DJ, and the DJ smirked and put a slow-love-song on. L.joe didn't wanted to , but the DJ wanted to play it. "Hey, everybody! This song is for all the couples here!" the DJ said.


Eun Mi gulped, L.joe too. *Awkward...*, the two thought.

L.joe took gently her hands and placed them on his shoulders, then he placed his arms around her waist and pulled her closer. He stared deeply in her eyes and she just stared back.
And the two began to slow-dance.


*I don't want this moment to end.* The two thought and smiled sweetly at each other, without knowing.






Annyeong, readers! ^-^

How was this chapter? :)
Thank you for your comments, I'm really happy about them !
You are so cute ! ^^

I hope you liked it! Tell me your opinion and comment!

See you in next chapter!




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oh my.. looking back at this i was like a baby in the english language.


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Chapter 41: Cute (o~o)
ksantos #2
Chapter 7: I love how ljoe and chunji talk through their eyes. hahaa love this story~
Chapter 7: I think you did some typos >< it should be jealous instead of jealious?
hanadongwoon #4
Chapter 21: this story is sooo goood. this story just chang my mood. bad mood to good mood!!
Chapter 40: Poor Chunji Oppa! :P
Goldie #6
Chapter 24: Ahahahahaha jinyoung of b1a4!!!
hi there~ new reader.. ^^
Chapter 34: <3 I love the story :D
Chapter 41: I really love ur story...u never failed to make me laugh in each chapter...ur grammar and so on is okay,understandable...this story is daebak..i've read a story about a bet too with L.JoeXoc but this one is totally to sequel now..!!
Chapter 41: nice story! off to sequel! :D