Chapter 10 - How I fell in love with you.

Me and L.Joe?!


  How I fell in love with you.


Eun Mi slowly opened her eyes, still sleepy. "Woah... I had a good nap." she rubbed her eyes.

Her hand was on a figure's chest. Her eyes went sharp, when she saw the figure lying next to her. Her eyes widened ,when she could see it properly,"OMG! L.JOE!!!"

She jumped in fear and rolled out of the bed,"Ouch!" She rubbed her back.

L.joe rolled to the edge of the bed and smiled at her,"Hey."

Eun Mi glared at him,"Why the hell was I in a bed, together with you?!" L.joe pouted,"Don't you remember? It's was such a beautiful night." Her eyes widened again and opened shocked,"Don't say we had..."

L.joe sat up and hit her head lightly,"No, pabo. Don't think such erted things." He stood up and walked to his closet,"Do you want to change?"

Eun Mi shook her head,"No...And don't hit me! Tell me why we were in your bed!" He turned to her,"We were watching the movie and suddenly you made flirting attacks."

He shook his head at her,"You're such a erted person. I never expected that."

Eun Mi had a shocked face on,"Yah, I'm not a ert! I didn't even flirt with you! Liar!" He smirked,"You even told me that you love me so much! And you hugged me voluntarily."

She gulped, as she slowly remembered that. She pouted, looked away and spotted the clock,"Omo! We're late for school!!" 

L.joe walked to her and knelt down,"We'll go to a festival. School isn't that important now." He stood up and took off his shirt.

Eun Mi blushed and she quickly used her hands to cover her eyes,"What do we do then? And...w-why are you taking off your clothes?"

L.joe noticed her nervousness and smirked,"Babe, I just want to change. You can look if you want. I know you want to." Eun Mi shook her head hyserically. He shrugged and turned around to search for something to wear.


*Just one glance...* She secretly peeked, and looked at his body in awe. But she immediately blushed.

He turned around,"Should I wear this?" he asked holding up a shirt. He looked at her, she quickly hide her face behind her face. "Wear it! Wear it!!" she replied nervously.

L.joe made a face,"You have to look at it, then you can tell me!" He came over to her and knelt down.

He put her hands away from her face, just to see her red surprised face. She was speechless and gulped. L.joe smirked and leaned in. 

He closed his eyes. Their lips were just inched apart.


Suddenly the door burst open,"L.joe, I didn't went to school today! I heard you...oh." 

Chunji stood at the door ,waving and smiling at Eun Mi. L.joe let Eun Mi's hands go and sighed,"er."

"I'm just Eun Mi's savior!" he chuckled and went to Eun Mi. He hold his hand to her. She took it and he helped her up. "He wanted to you ,didn't he?" he smiled at her.


Her shocked face was back and she began to tell Chunji everything hysterically,"Omg! You don't believe what he did! He was sleeping together with me in one bed!! T-Then he took off his shirt a-and..." She made a crying face and sniffed. "I can't believe this~!" she whined dramatically. 

Chunji patted her shoulder,"Everything will be alright, Eun Mi. Don't worry!"


L.joe slapped Chunji's hand away from her shoulder,"My girlfriend!" Eun Mi looked up,*Why do you even have to be such a goodlooking boy?*

L.joe put on the shirt he showed Eun Mi earlier and dragged her out his room to the kitchen. 

Chunji sighed, put his hands in his pockets and followed,"I think, he will lose the dare."


"What do you want to eat?" L.joe asked Eun Mi. She sighed bored,"Let's eat outside. I think ,you can't even make butter on toast."

She walked to the door and looked at L.joe with a waiting look. He made a face and followed her outside the dorm, Chunji following in silence behind them.


After a long walk and silence, they entered a café and sat down at a table.

L.joe sat down at the seat in front of Eun Mi and Chunji sat beside her down. Eun Mi pursed her lips and looked out the window.

"You know, I just can kiss you ,if you look at me." L.joe smirked.

Eun Mi stucked out her tongue at him,"I don't want a kiss from you!" Chunji chuckled at the two,"You two are so cute!"

L.joe and Eun Mi stared at him. He cleared his thorat and smiled.


"Welcome in our café. What would you like to order?" a young waitress came. She quickly noticed the two handsome boys Chunji and L.joe and smiled sweetly at them.

Eun Mi rolled her eyes and made a disgusted face at the waitress,"One crossant, thanks."

L.joe replied with a smirk to the waitress,"Just a water." Chunji smiled back to the waitress,"I already had ,one white chocolate-cup, please!"

She nodded and walked away.

Eun mi said nothing and kept glaring at L.joe. He noticed it and looked at her,"What?" She scoffed and locked back out the window.

Chunji smiled and an idea popped in his mind.

"Eun Mi? How did you fall in love with L.joe?" Chunji suddenly asked. She startled,"What? Oh..." L.joe raised a brow,"I want to know too." Eun Mi hesitated.

"Yeah...?" L.joe looked at her with a waiting look. She took a deep breath,"Tell me first, how you fall for me!"

L.joe looked away, with a touch of sadness in his eyes. "Tell me!" Eun Mi pouted and waited excited. Chunji had also a sad face on,"Eun Mi, the thing is-"

"The first time you smiled at me."

Eun Mi and Chunji looked at L.joe. He had a serious expression,"I couldn't believe it first, but then I accept it." Eun Mi's face fell.

Chunji looked surprised at L.joe and mouthed:"And the dare?" L.joe shook his head and looked back at Eun Mi,"Now tell me how you fell in love with me."

Eun Mi sighed,"I don't know myself."

*I can't fall for you...* she thought and looked away. 

Chunji noticed the awkwardness in the air and changed the subject,"Eun Mi, what is your ideal type?"


With that question Eun Mi smiled brightly and answered quickly:"Prince Charming! Nice,faithful , caring, polite, good grades, good looking and such! You know what I mean! Like you, for example!"


Chunji chuckled. L.joe made a face at her,"You didn't describe me, right?" He felt jealious.

Eun Mi shook her head with an evil smile,"Nope." L.joe faked a smile,"And you know what? My ideal type is cute and hot at the same time! She should be pretty, too. And you're not my ideal type either! My ideal type is like...Like Hyuna from 4minute!"

Somehow, Eun Mi's face fell. She felt like crying. But she smiled,"Cool." And looked away ,out the window again. Chunji glared at L.joe and they began with their mind-conversation.

"You made her sad!" Chunji's mind said.

"You asked! Then she answered, then I asnwered!" L.joe's mind send back.

"It's just a dare! Don't let her fall in love with you too much and don't hurt her." Chunji's mind answered.

L.joe's mind didn't send anything back.


L.joe scoffed,"At least you know how to treat girls." Chunji shrugged,"You are the one who watchs dramas ,not me. You should know better!"

Eun Mi frowned at the two,"What are you talkin' about?" L.joe and Chunji smiled awkwardly and answered at the same time:"Nothing!"

She rolled her eyes.

"Sorry, if we took too long!" the waitress came and put down the things on the table, with a smile. "No problem." Chunji said and gave Eun mi her crossant over. The waitress winked at Chunji, but he ignored it.


She then winked at L.joe and he first glanced over to Eun Mi; EunMi eyed him. He looked back to the waitress and winked back.

She smiled and put a note ion front of him with her number. Eun Mi scoffed and took it,"What's that? Am I your first girlfriend, that you don't know that girls get pissed off when you flirt with someone they don't like?"

She crumpled the note and throw it somehwere behind her.

"Yah, I could've need that!" L.joe whined, just to piss her off more. EunMi shot him a glare and focused back to her crossaint. Chunji chuckled at the two,"Such cuties here."





Annyeong, readers~!

I hope you liked this chapter! I think I made it kinda short...


I'll upload tomorrow another chapter~! :D

You know what I did?
I bought a note book, so I can write my ideas for my story in,
when I'm not on my computer or when I'm in school or who knows where. :3

Bye~ See you in next chapter~ ♥


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oh my.. looking back at this i was like a baby in the english language.


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Chapter 41: Cute (o~o)
ksantos #2
Chapter 7: I love how ljoe and chunji talk through their eyes. hahaa love this story~
Chapter 7: I think you did some typos >< it should be jealous instead of jealious?
hanadongwoon #4
Chapter 21: this story is sooo goood. this story just chang my mood. bad mood to good mood!!
Chapter 40: Poor Chunji Oppa! :P
Goldie #6
Chapter 24: Ahahahahaha jinyoung of b1a4!!!
hi there~ new reader.. ^^
Chapter 34: <3 I love the story :D
Chapter 41: I really love ur story...u never failed to make me laugh in each chapter...ur grammar and so on is okay,understandable...this story is daebak..i've read a story about a bet too with L.JoeXoc but this one is totally to sequel now..!!
Chapter 41: nice story! off to sequel! :D