Chapter 30 - Back.

Me and L.Joe?!




Time to go leave the camp, Eun Mi and the other students waited for the train to come.


"How are you now?" Ricky asked with a wide grin.

Eun Mi chuckled,"I feel much happier! And you?"

"Me too." he smiled then turned around and smirked,*Good idea to make L.Joe drunk, right?*


"Eun Mi, L.Joe was weird at the party, wasn't he?" Chunji asked, with a smile.

She nodded and blushed,"But he was sooo cute!"

"But he can't remember everything that happened." Chunji made a face,"He's still down."

Eun Mi made a face too with a sigh,"This idiot. I'll make him remember everything! Where is he?"

Chunji pointed to CAP and L.Joe's direction, a bit away from Chunji and Eun Mi.

L.Joe looked sad, while CAP was trying to cheer him up.


"Okay, I'll be goin'." Eun Mi waved her hand and walked towords them.

Chunji watched with a smirk.


"Annyeong, pabo." Eun Mi smiled and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

His eyes widened and he blushed madly, he froze.

CAP only laughed,"I told you, L.Joe! You're still together."

Eun Mi smiled cutely at him,"I heard, you don't remember everything what happened last night. So, I helped you a bit."

L.Joe blinked nervously,"E-err... I t-think, I-I remember n-now..."

"How cute..." she mumbled and chuckled.

CAP spotted that the train was coming, so he winked at L.Joe and Eun Mi,"You two will sit next to each other, right?" 

The two nodded, L.Joe still with his forever-surprised-and-confused face.


"Well, let's go." CAP said and dragged the two inside the train.


The students are still thinking EunJoe couple broke up, so they were shocked when they saw them together,"Back together?"-"Whaaat?"-"Why does she had to get this hot boy?!"-"I wish I was her really!"-"She isn't even that pretty!" 
And such things were to hear, but Teentop, L.Joe and Eun Mi ignored them.



"You two sit here. And I'll sit with Niel and Changjo at the back. Chunji and Ricky will sit with you, opposide seats." CAP explained and walked quickly to his seat with Niel.

"Hi." Chunji said and sat down.

"Wassup?" Ricky sat down too.

L.Joe sat down too, Eun Mi at the window this time.


L.Joe played nervously with his fingers, while Eun Mi looked out the window with a happy look on her face.

"You're in a good mood, aren't you?" Chunji smiled at her and leaned his arm against the little windowsill.

Eun Mi nodded,"Yup. But there are still things to think about."

"Wait.. I can smell much perfume here. Too much." Ricky made a disgusted face and looked around.

Suddenly he met eyes with Soo Jin and he lightly jumped in his seat,"Oh my god!" He held a hand on his chest,"I almost died!"

Chunji chuckled,"Yo Ricky, It's just a girl!" Then he smelled her perfume too and his smile faded,"Forget what I said."

L.Joe looked up and down at her, then stared at her. 

Soo Jin smirked,"Am I that pretty?"

L.Joe shook his head,"I'm just waiting for you to say what you want from us."

Eun Mi tried to hold in her laughter, so she looked away and covered with her hand.


Soo Jin glared at her,"Didn't you want to do something?"

Eun Mi stopped, slowly looking up to Soo Jin,"I did."

She nodded to L.Joe,"Doesn't look like it."

"I did. Really. But ,yeah, we're back." Eun Mi gulped,*Don't make things more complicated, please Soo Jin.* 


"What are you two talking about?" Chunji asked confused.

Soo Jin faked a smile,"Nevermind. Bye."

Then the train started. "Ahh!" Soo Jin almost fell, then she looked a last time back to L.Joe and Eun Mi and walked away to look for a seat.


Meanwhile, the four were laughing like maniacs.

"Did you see that?" Ricky laughed. "Did you heard what she said?" L.Joe raised a brow with a laugh,"She thinks she is prettier than Eun Mi. She's not pretty. Not even a bit!"

Eun Mi stopped laughing and slapped his arm,"Yah, don't be so mean!"

"Ouch,Yah! What was that for?" L.Joe yelled shocked.

"Learn to respect girls!" Eun Mi scoffed and leaned back at her seat.

He rolled his eyes and mumbled,"Oh, man. Typical woman."

"I heard that." she crossed her arms.

Ricky and Chunji watched with judging stares.

Ricky shook his head at him,"How can you say that, L.Joe?" 

"Rude." Chunji commented. 

"Why are you always at her side?" L.Joe whined.







"Waaah~, we're finally back!" Eun Mi scretched herself, when they stood in front of the school.

L.Joe flicked her head with a pokerface,"Don't be so erted. The boys are already looking."

"Ow! Wtf?" Eun Mi looked at him disbelief,"For what was that, please?!"

L.Joe shook his head and took her bag,"I'll bring you home, ok-"


"Byunhuuuuuuuuun~! Seoooo Min~!" 


L.Joe's eyes widen,*Not again...*

Eun Mi facepalmed herself,*Just one person calls me wrong..*


"Annyeong! I hope you didn't get pregnant in the camp, Seo Min!" Mrs.Lee patted Eun Mi's shoulder with a wink. 

Eun Mi blushed shocked,"Ani!"

"Umma, what are you doing here?" L.Joe asked.

"What I'm doing here? Isn't it obvious? I'm picking you two up!" Mrs.Lee happily replied.


"I'll take Eun Mi." Taemin popped out of nowhere with his arms crossed.

Then he looked at Eun Mi and hugged her. "My Eun Mi~! I missed you so much! How do you feel? Why are you with him? Are you okay?" he whined.

"Oppa, I feel better. Thanks. And, I missed you too~!" she hugged him back and whined with him.


Mrs.Lee frowned confused,"She has two boyfriends?"

"That's her Taemin oppa. Her cousin." Chunji explained casually,"They're always like that."

Mrs.Lee and Chunji looked at L.Joe.

He leaned against the wall frustrated with a dark aura around him, his back facing them.


Mrs.Lee laughed silently,"How jealious~!"

"Sometimes it's worse with him." Chunji chuckled.


Taemin let Eun Mi go and held her hand,"Let's go. Key the others missed you too. Since you were gone, Key used me as his model for his dress! Do you know what I went trough for you?"

He pouted,"It was... scary."

Eun Mi chuckled,"Omo! My poor Taemin oppa~! I'll cook something for you today, when we're home, arraseo?"

Taemin smirked,"Oh well, I was a man. I deserve much delicious food!"

"Sure, oppa. Sure!" Eun Mi nodded with a smile.


Meanwhile L.Joe...
The dark aura was still around him, he watched Eun Mi and her cousin with a scary stare.

Chunji shivered through L.Joe's aura,"You can be so scary."

Mrs.Lee agreed and shook her head at her son,"How comes, I'm like this and you grow up to be... like that." She pointed at L.Joe.

L.Joe's stare went to her,"Where's the car?"

Chunji flinched.

Mrs.Lee shook her head with smile,"We're going with Seo Min and her cousin. She said she will cook something."

"Eh?" Eun Mi and Taemin looked confused up.

"I want to come too!" Ricky and Niel popped out.

"I'm coming too." CAP went beside them.

"Nado." Changjo made a peace sign with his hand.

Eun Mi sighed,"Okay, then... Let's go."






*What kind of joke is this?* Eun Mi asked herself, while watching the boys and Mrs.Lee in her living room.

Mrs.Lee watched dramas together with Changjo, and overreacting about almost everything. Eun Mi always thought Changjo was a silent and cool boy, well that thought is scratched now.

Ricky and Niel rolled around on the floor.

CAP watched the goldfishes in the little aquarium, totally happy about that.

L.Joe and Taemin where fighting over a pillow with Eun Mi's name on it. Eun Mi rolled her eyes.


"Oh god... I'll be at the kitchen." she waved and walked to the kitchen.

"Cook something yummy~!!" the boys and Mrs.Lee shouted happily after her.







How was this chapter? :D
Hope you liked it :3

Oh, and I'm always reading your comments.
But my problem is;
I don't know how to reply. D:

Sometimes I'm very awkward. ._.
Sorry for that.

Well, tell me your opinion about the chapter and comment! :D


Bye till next chapter! ♥





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oh my.. looking back at this i was like a baby in the english language.


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Chapter 41: Cute (o~o)
ksantos #2
Chapter 7: I love how ljoe and chunji talk through their eyes. hahaa love this story~
Chapter 7: I think you did some typos >< it should be jealous instead of jealious?
hanadongwoon #4
Chapter 21: this story is sooo goood. this story just chang my mood. bad mood to good mood!!
Chapter 40: Poor Chunji Oppa! :P
Goldie #6
Chapter 24: Ahahahahaha jinyoung of b1a4!!!
hi there~ new reader.. ^^
Chapter 34: <3 I love the story :D
Chapter 41: I really love ur story...u never failed to make me laugh in each chapter...ur grammar and so on is okay,understandable...this story is daebak..i've read a story about a bet too with L.JoeXoc but this one is totally to sequel now..!!
Chapter 41: nice story! off to sequel! :D