Chapter 12 - Knowing a secret

Me and L.Joe?!


 Knowing a secret.


Eun Mi opened her locker, thinking about yesterday. 

"Don't worry. I don't have to say that, I show it to you."

This words from L.joe, keep playing in her mind. She smiled like an idiot to herself,"Keke...So cute..." 

"Yah!" Soo Jin harshly closed Eun Mi's locker "What's happening between you and L.joe?"

Eun Mi made a face and turned to her,"What's happening? We're a couple!"

Soo Jin rolled her eyes,"I know that! The thing is, I think you already lost the dare. It looks like you've already fallen for him! I knew it, seriously."

Eun Mi blinked,"Eh?!"


"Annyeong, my Eun Mi~!" Taemin came and hugged her happily from the side. He let her go and glared at Soo Jin,"What'ya doing with my Eun Mi?" She smiled awkwardly,"Nothing, Taemin oppa... Just talking, right Eun Mi?"

She looked at Eun Mi. Eun Mi looked up to Taemin,"Just talking." she winked. He immediately knew; they were talking about the dare. 

Taemin grinned and turned back to Soo Jin,"Oh, then... And don't call me oppa! Geez, girls these days!"

He slung an arm around Eun Mi,"Come! I'll bring you to your class!" With that Taemin dragged Eun Mi with him.



Soo Jin stood annoyed there, her plan failed. *I wanted Eun Mi to let go of Taemin and the other handsome boys on this school! But now Eun Mi has Taemin and L.joe+Teentop!*

Soo Jin stomped her feet,"This girl! How dare she?!" 

The students gave her weird looks. She threw her hair back and shot them a glare, they looked away.

"I'll just help with ending that damn dare and will ruin her repuation..." she snickered quietly, walking to her class.





L.joe just came out of class, together with Eun Mi on the way to the caféteria.

Chunji tried to catch up with them, but he bumped lightly into someone,"Aish, I have to go. Sorry!" He just wanted to go.

"Stop, here!" someone grabbed his arm. He frowned and turned around,"What?" 

Soo Jin smirked,"Wanna know a secret?" Chunji shook his head slowly,"No, thanks..." She rolled her eyes,"Aigoo! Then tell L.joe he have to come to the school gates today at 6pm! Okay?"

Chunji scoffed and shooed her hand away from his arm,"He already has a girlfriend, sorry." He tried to be polite, but Soo Jin annoyed him.

She sighed,"Not a date! Eun Mi... Eun Mi will be there too!" He raised a brow,"Why?" Soo Jin pushed him lightly,"Because. Go and tell him now!"


He shrugged and went to the caféteria, sat down at Teentop's table,"Hey, guys." Then he looked at Eun Mi with a smile,"Hey, Eun Mi!"

"Hey, Chunji!" she smiled back and focused back to her food.

L.joe was already glaring at Chunji, just because of saying 'hey' with a smile. Chunji grinned,"I have to tell you something~!"

L.joe looked curious at him,"What?" Eun Mi stood up,"I'll be back. My friend is over there!" She went away from the table. 

"So..." Chunji started "Be at 6pm at the school gates today, okay?" L.joe titled his head to the side,"Why?" Chunji smiled,"Eun Mi will be there too. I think it's a surprise present thing for you!"


L.joe smiled,"Really? Cool. I'll be there then." Chunji nodded and saw Eun Mi coming back,"Eun Mi~!"


"I'm back!" she sat back down next to L.joe and Ricky.


L.joe leaned closer to her,"Why are you so happy today? Because of yesterday?" He smirked and bite his lip with a flirty look.

Eun Mi blushed and pushed his face away,"You ert, L.joe! Can't I be happy?"

L.joe chuckled, he thought it's because of the 'surprise present' for him.





After school; Eun Mi waved and seperated from Teentop.


After Teentop weren't in sight anymore, Soo Jin came to her and tapped her shoulder,"Hey, Eun Mi. Come at 6pm to the school gates ,okay? I have to talk to you, about the dare."

Eun Mi nodded,"Okay... It's already 4pm ,so I'll be going home now. See you later!" She smiled and began to walk away again. Soo Jin smirked and mumbled to herself,"Just see what happens."



Eun Mi went to her appartment,"I should take a shower first..." 
With that she went to the bathroom and took a shower. 


Meanwhile, Taemin entered her appartment; he had a seperate key for her appartment for emergencies and such things. "Eun Mi-ah~, I'm here!" he called.

He got no respond and heard the shower. "Ah... she is in the shower." he said to himself and sat down on the couch, waiting for her.



"Lala~, Cupid should shot an arrow in my heart~ I wanna fall in looove~" she sang happily and came out the bathroom, new clothes already on and eyes closed"I want an arrow in my heeeart, babeeh~" 


Taemin eyed her with judging stares.

Eun Mi opened her eyes and flinched when she saw him,"OHMYGAWD! TAEMIN OPPA!" Taemin flinched  also and covered his ears,"Why are you screaming? It's just me!"

Eun Mi sighed in relief,"I know... I just... You're a boy! We're not kids anymore!" 

Taemin laughed,"Just because your chest is bigger and softer, doesn't means you're not a kid anymore!"

She made a face at her cousin and walked to her room, to make her hair,"I swear ,every boy I know is a ert."


Taemin stood up and followed her. 

"Shall I make your hair?" he smiled cutely. Eun Mi took a deep breath,"When you weren't so cute, I wouldn't let you do it!" Taemin chuckled and took her hairdryer. 



After 20 minutes....

"Wow, Taemin oppa! Did Key oppa taught you that?" Eun Mi touched her hair happily. Taemin smiled and nodded. Then his smile faded,"Why do you think Key taught me it?" She smiled,"He is our diva~!"

Taemin nodded,"Well, that's right... Ah, yes! What's now with the dare? You didn't fall for him, did you?" He eyed her suspicious. 

Eun Mi glared at him,"It's just a dare."

"Did you fall for him or not?" Taemin whined.

She stood up and went to the door,"I have to go now, Taemin oppa."

"Bye..." Taemin waved, pouting. Eun Mi waved and exited the appartment and made her way to the school gates. 





In one minute it was 6pm. Eun Mi stood there waiting for Soo Jin to come. 

"Eun Mi!" a voice called. She turned around and saw Soo Jin,"Oh...hey."

"So let's talk about the dare!" Soo Jin said. Eun Mi nodded,"Okay!"


Just in time L.joe came. He saw Eun Mi and Soo Jin, but they didn't see him. He wanted to go but then he heard the word 'dare'.

"Don't you think you already lost the dare?" Soo Jin asked and crossed her arms.

*What dare?* L.joe asked himself and continued listening to their conversation. Soo Jin already noticed him and began to smirk. 

Eun Mi shook her head,"No! The month isn't over yet, and I'm still his girlfriend, right? I didn't lose the dare!"

L.joe startled,*You had a dare too? That explains why I could make you so quick to my girlfriend...*


"I think, you've fallen for him." Soo Jin titled her head arrogantly to the side "You've fallen for him, Eun Mi?"

Eun Mi blinked and stared at Soo Jin's eyes, she was thinking about what to say.

*Please, say that you've fallen for me...* L.joe watched with hopefully eyes.

"No..." Eun Mi brought out .

Soo Jin raised a brow, knowing L.joe heard it properly,"Well, then! Let's break the dare now."

Eun Mi looked up at Soo Jin,"Eh?!"

"You can break up with him now."


Soo Jin nodded in L.joe's direction, but he quickly hide somewhere. "Who is there?" Eun Mi asked. Soo Jin sighed,"Well, done."

"I'll be going now." Soo Jin said and walked quickly away. Eun Mi sighed in relief,"Finally she's gone!" And walked back to her appartment. 




"You don't have any feelings for me?" L.joe muttered and held a hand on his chest "Not even a bit?" He sighed,"Tsk, why am I even asking? I also have a dare. I don't have feelings for her either ,right?"





Annyeong, readers!
How was this chapter~? :3
It's short ,I know. But I have school and not much time :/
I hope you liked it though! ♥

Tell me your opinion and comment! ;)

♥ See you in next chapter ♥



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oh my.. looking back at this i was like a baby in the english language.


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Chapter 41: Cute (o~o)
ksantos #2
Chapter 7: I love how ljoe and chunji talk through their eyes. hahaa love this story~
Chapter 7: I think you did some typos >< it should be jealous instead of jealious?
hanadongwoon #4
Chapter 21: this story is sooo goood. this story just chang my mood. bad mood to good mood!!
Chapter 40: Poor Chunji Oppa! :P
Goldie #6
Chapter 24: Ahahahahaha jinyoung of b1a4!!!
hi there~ new reader.. ^^
Chapter 34: <3 I love the story :D
Chapter 41: I really love ur story...u never failed to make me laugh in each chapter...ur grammar and so on is okay,understandable...this story is daebak..i've read a story about a bet too with L.JoeXoc but this one is totally to sequel now..!!
Chapter 41: nice story! off to sequel! :D