Chapter 23 - No.

Me and L.Joe?!





After some time of silence, CAP finally broke it,"It's almost a month since you two are dating."

He looked at L.Joe, waiting for his reaction. 

He continued,"Hmm... did you like the time with him so far, Eun Mi?"


L.Joe finally payed attention and looked at Eun Mi.

She shrugged,"I don't know. I had fun with you all."

"So you liked the time with me?" L.Joe grinned.

"No, I liked the time with all of Teentop so far." she corrected him. His grin disappeared.

"Funny reaction." Chunji chuckled.

"Oh really?" L.Joe rolled his eyes and looked back out of the window.

"Yah..." she poked his arm "That doesn't means I didn't like the time with you."

He ignored her.

CAP sighed. "Already a month..." he mumbled. Chunji heard it and whispered to him:"Did he lose the dare?"

CAP shrugged and whispered back:"I don't know. Maybe he is a good actor. Or mabye he really lost the dare."


"Yah, what are you two whispering about?" L.Joe raised a brow, still ignoring Eun Mi.

She scoffed,"Ignorant jerk."

"Bwoh?!" He looked at her.

She ignored him now.

Chunji and CAP laughed,"A girl's revenge is the one who hurts the most!"

"You've watched too many dramas!" L.Joe sighed.

"You're the one who watches dramas the most of us!" Chunji pursed his lips annoyed.

CAP agreed,"You even cried-"

"Shut up ,okay?" L.Joe hissed.

CAP smiled,"I'll tell her later about that."

"Just try it." L.Joe scoffed "I won't let her alone with you guys."

"One mooonth~" Chunji sang, putting on his headphones in one ear,"Almost over~~" He danced weirdly.


"Woah, I know that song!" Eun Mi said surprised.

L.Joe frowned,*Didn't you had a dare too?*

"It's an old song!" she continued "How do you know about it?"

Chunji shrugged and stopped dancing,"Randomly found on the internet."

L.Joe made a face,"Are you all ignoring me now?"

No one listened.

CAP joined Eun Mi's and Chunji's conversation too, L.Joe somehow couldn't join.

He stood up,"I'll going to Changjo, Niel and Ricky. Wherever they are..."

"Bye!" the other three said quickly and continued their conversation.



"Yo, Ricky, Niel, Changjo." L.Joe sat down on Ricky's lap.

"Yah, hyung!" Ricky tried to push him down.

L.Joe looked back at him,"Are you avoiding me too right now?"

Ricky stopped, because of his fierce glare,"N-no, hyung..."

"Aren't you supposed to be with your girlfriend?" Changjo asked.

He shook his head,"I guess ,at the moment no."


"Students! We have to exit the train now!" they heard the teachers call.


"Oh... let's go." Niel grabbed his bags. L.Joe stood up and went back to CAP, Chunji and Eun Mi.



L.Joe saw that the three weren't there anymore, propably already off the train.

He grabbed his bags and went out too.

The rest of the class was waiting 'till everyone was out.


L.Joe searched for Eun Mi ,but couldn't find her.

Suddenly someone grabbed his wrist,"L.Joe oppa!"

He turned around,"Uh? Oh... it's you."

Soo Jin smiled,"Yup, it's me. Are you happy? Sure, you are. Can I ask you a question?"

L.Joe sighed,"Ask."

She smirked,"Do you love Eun Mi?" 

He looked up and just stared at Soo Jin.


"Wae? Yes or No? It's simple!" she laughed.

He stared at the ground.




Meanwhile, Eun Mi and Ricky had to look for L.Joe and Soo Jin, because they were the only ones left.

Then the two spotted Soo Jin and L.Joe.

"There!" Eun Mi pointed happily. Ricky grinned,"Finally!"

They walked up to them, but suddenly they heard 'Do you love Eun Mi? '

With that they stopped.

Ricky looked worriedly at Eun Mi,*Oh-oh.*

*I don't know ,if I should wait for a yes because of the dare... Or a yes because of Eun Mi...* he thought and looked back to Soo Jin and L.Joe.


Soo Jin raised a brow,"Hmm? I'm waiting? That was an easy question! Why don't you answ-"

"No." L.Joe sternly said.

"No ? Are you sure?" Soo Jin frowned.

"Yes, I'm sure. I don't love her." he said.

"Why don't you break up then?" she asked.

L.Joe looked down,"Because... Aish, just keep it as a secret!"


But Eun Mi didn't wanted to continue listening to them, and tapped Ricky's arm,"Can you take them to the meeting place alone? Can I go ahead?"

Ricky smiled,"Sure."

She smiled back,"Thank you." And walked away, back to the meeting place where the rest was waiting.


*For now, I'll just act like nothing happened.* he thought and went to L.Joe and Soo Jin.


"L.Joe hyung! Soo Jin-sshi!" Ricky walked to them with a fake smile "Everyone's waiting for you two!"

"Oh." Soo Jin said and walked ahead.

L.Joe scoffed at her and then began to walk,"Let's go then."


"Okay, hyung. Now you're your old self again..." Ricky mumbled and sighed, following him.



They all took a bus to the camp, the teacher told them about. 

The ride began.


Eun Mi sat down next to Ricky, because he knew what happened and won't bother her with something now. 


L.Joe found it strange,*Why is she ignoring me again?*

Chunji and L.Joe sat together. Changjo and Niel sat with CAP at the back.


"Why don't you sit next to Eun Mi, you jelly Joe?" Chunji teased.

L.Joe shrugged without a reaction to the tease,"I don't know. She is ignoring me."

"Wae?" Chunji asked.

"I wish I knew." L.Joe sighed.

"Your problem, dude. Maybe you did something wrong again and you deserve it!" Chunji shrugged.



"Eun Mi, are you okay?" Ricky tapped her shoulder shyly.

She blinked,"Eh? Oh... Yes. Why wouldn't I ?" She chuckled.

"I know you're faking." he mumbled sadly.

*Poor Eun Mi. I think she feels like bull right now.* with that thought ,Ricky sighed.

"Hm? Did something happen?" Eun Mi asked.

"Nope." Ricky smiled "Enjoy the ride!"

"I will. You too." she smiled back.


*EunJoe... There is a problem. Not only one, I see.* Ricky began to think deeply.







Annyeong, readers!

How was this chapter? :3

Hooope you liked it~^^

Ricky comes for help! Yeah! :D

Please comment and tell me your opinion! ^^

And readers, I have a crush on my ex-best friend...
He ignored me and was mean to me the past months, idk why.
And suddenly he is nice again
and does weird things, that makes me fall for him! D:
I don't want to fall in love with him, no!
Help me~ :(

Well, thank you~! 
100+ subsribers~^^ ♥


♥ See you in the next chapter! ♥




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oh my.. looking back at this i was like a baby in the english language.


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Chapter 41: Cute (o~o)
ksantos #2
Chapter 7: I love how ljoe and chunji talk through their eyes. hahaa love this story~
Chapter 7: I think you did some typos >< it should be jealous instead of jealious?
hanadongwoon #4
Chapter 21: this story is sooo goood. this story just chang my mood. bad mood to good mood!!
Chapter 40: Poor Chunji Oppa! :P
Goldie #6
Chapter 24: Ahahahahaha jinyoung of b1a4!!!
hi there~ new reader.. ^^
Chapter 34: <3 I love the story :D
Chapter 41: I really love ur story...u never failed to make me laugh in each chapter...ur grammar and so on is okay,understandable...this story is daebak..i've read a story about a bet too with L.JoeXoc but this one is totally to sequel now..!!
Chapter 41: nice story! off to sequel! :D