Chapter 38 - Finally time for us!

Me and L.Joe?!



 Finally time for us!


"It's been a while, right?" Eun Mi smiled.

L.Joe took her hand and intertwined their hands,"Finally we can go on a date. Just the two of us! What movie should we watch?"

She was so excited, after such a long time they finally had a date! She was smiling non-stop,"A romantic movie! Or, comedy?"

"Oh no." he rolled his eyes playfully and entered the cinema with her,"Let's decide together, would be better."

Sure, they were idols now. So they wore glasses, a cap and so on, so they won't get caught.


After a while the two decided for a comedy movie and sat at the back.

L.Joe slung and arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer,"I wish we would watch the horror movie... So, you would have to cuddle with me because you're scared." He winked at her.

"I can cuddle with you if you want." she looked up and smiled,"But not in public!"

He pouted,"We can do it everyt-"

"Pshh! The movie begins!" she whispered and pointed to the front.

He pouted again,"I'm doing this, because you wanted to."




"The movie was awesome! I have to show it to Suzy and Taemin sometime!" Eun Mi beamed, while eunjoe couple walked out the cinema,"Don't you think, L.Joe oppa?"

"Ew, it was boring! Wait... You called me oppa!" he hugged her thight,"I love you!"

"Haha, I love you too! But, I can't breath..." she managed to say.

He let her go and winked,"See what happens when you visit me and we're alone!"

"Oh, L.Joe oppa! Your cap fell down!" she picked his cap up from the floor and whispered to him,"What if someone caught us? Be careful!"

L.Joe shook his head with a smile, while Eun Mi put the cap back on his head,"It's not a big deal! Everyone can know that I have the most annoying and cutest girlfriend ever."

"Awww, so cute!! Wait. Annoying?" she acted mad and walked away,"I can't believe this!"

L.Joe was shocked and quickly followed her,"Yah, I didn't mean it like that! Wait for me, Eun Mi! Babe! Yah!"


"Good photos, cute couple, huh?" a mysterious figure spoke and looked at the camera in his hands,"So careless."


"How about ice-cream?" L.Joe asked.

"Ice-cream! I want! Go and buy!" she gave him her eye-smile,"You're going to pay!"

He made a face,"I don't have a choice. Come on. White chocolate?"

"Yup, like always!" she smiled.

With that the two walked to the nearest ice-cream café and bought themselves ice-cream.


"Thanks," she smiled at the waiter,"You're still working here, Onew oppa?"

He nodded with a smile,"Yeah. Beside you, your friends and old people, no one comes to this shop, so no one realizes SHINee works here, haha!"

L.Joe interrupted their conversation,"You can go now, thanks."

"How jealious. Chill." Onew made a face at him,"Bye, enjoy your ice-cream."

The two walked around the park, not much people were there. Mostly old people.


"Thanks, L.Joe." Eun Mi smiled at her ice-cream,"I loved today."

"Why don't you talk to me, instead of talking to your ice-cream?" L.Joe looked at her,*Oh, is she blushing? Haha, cuuuuuuuuute~!*

"Let's begin, oppa." she looked shyly up, smiled and began with her ice-cream.

He blushed and gulped,"Y-Yeah.."



"Here, taste from mine!" L.Joe held his ice-cream to her lips,"Try it! Try it!"

"Are you a kid?" she chuckled and his ice-cream once,"Ah, nice. But white chocolate is better than your vanilla!"

He smirked,"Oh really? I don't believe you. Let me taste yours!" He tried to hers, but she pushed his face away,"No,it's mine!"

"But I bought it for you!" he complained, laughing.

Eun Mi stucked out her tongue,"I don't care~! You gave it to me, so it's mine, oppa!"

He blushed,"That's right."

"Waaait! No! Your `oppa oppa´ won't work on me that easy! Let me try!" he whined.

She let out a sigh,"Oh well, here you go, cry baby."

She held her ice-cream to him and he tasted it."Nice, babe. But your lips are still the best thing I've ever tasted." he smirked and kissed her cheek.

She blushed madly and hit his chest,"Y-yah! Stop it!"

He laughed,"You stop!"

She sighed and eyed him suspicous,"I have this feeling that you're actually reading that `dating for beginners´-book Taemin gave to you..."

He blushed, looked nervously around and began to walk again,"N-no! Me? Tsk, I don't need such things! I'm seducing you with being myself!"

Eun Mi raised her brow and followed him,"Oh really. Sure."

"It's true!" he whined. She her ice-cream,"Yours is melting."

"Because I'm hot." he looked down at his ice-cream,"Omg, it's really melting!"

She laughed,"Be quick!"

"I'm doing my best as you can see!" he liked the most melting places of his ice cream.

10 minutes later...

"I told you you should be quick!" Eun Mi and L.Joe sat on a bench, and she was cleaning his hands with a tissue,"You're like a little kid!"

"Ew, look at my hands." he looked disgusted at them,"Full with ice-cream."

"I know, oppa." she sighed,"Everything is clean now." 

She smiled at him.

He smirked,"Hmm, there is something on your lips..." and pointed at her lips.

She used her hands,"Is it away now?"

"Nope. Need my help?" he came nearer and held up the tissue.

"Yup, help." she nodded.

"As you wish!" he throw the tissue away and quickly kissed her lips.

Then he pulled away and smiled sweetly,"There was a little bit love at your lips."

"You're reading that book, right?" she made a face,"I knew it."

L.Joe's jaw dropped,"N-no! I-I just read chapter one..."

She rolled her eyes playfully and kissed him again,"It's okay."


Mysterious figure was there the whole time and took pictures of them,"Good pictures..."






Annyeong, readers!
How was this chapter?
Some problems are going to come up for them T^T

Comment and tell me your opinion~^^
♥ Bye till next chapter! ♥













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oh my.. looking back at this i was like a baby in the english language.


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Chapter 41: Cute (o~o)
ksantos #2
Chapter 7: I love how ljoe and chunji talk through their eyes. hahaa love this story~
Chapter 7: I think you did some typos >< it should be jealous instead of jealious?
hanadongwoon #4
Chapter 21: this story is sooo goood. this story just chang my mood. bad mood to good mood!!
Chapter 40: Poor Chunji Oppa! :P
Goldie #6
Chapter 24: Ahahahahaha jinyoung of b1a4!!!
hi there~ new reader.. ^^
Chapter 34: <3 I love the story :D
Chapter 41: I really love ur story...u never failed to make me laugh in each chapter...ur grammar and so on is okay,understandable...this story is daebak..i've read a story about a bet too with L.JoeXoc but this one is totally to sequel now..!!
Chapter 41: nice story! off to sequel! :D