Chapter 35 - Happy.

Me and L.Joe?!






4 days later.

Eun Mi woke up early today, just to watch Teentop's debut stage. She couldn't go to their concert yesterday, so she wanted to watch it as soon it comes on TV.


Now she was sitting in her dorm, SHINee's dorm next to hers.


She turned the TV on and stared at the clock above the TV,"5..4...3...2.."

"Hello! Here we come with the latest Idol news!" the man in the show said.

He talked and talked.

Eun Mi rolled her eyes, full of excitement,"Come on! Show the debut stage already!"

"And here is Teentop's debut stage! Enjoy!" the man said and what she waited for began.


She watched with awe,"They're awesome!"

"Oh really? Better as us?" Taemin, of course, had a key to her dorm. So he entered and sat down next to her.

"Aish, just watch it, oppa!" she beamed, without taking her eyes off the TV.

"Yeah, yeah..." Taemin sighed and watched too.


"OMG! Look! I have such a cool boyfriend! Don't you think?" she swooned and throw her body on Taemin,"I miss him so much~!"

"I know. I know. No reason to become crazy!" Taemin joked.

Eun Mi sat up and sighed,"I wish he would call m-"


Her eyes widen,"Isn't that... my dorms home phone??"

Taemin smiled,"Sounds like it."

She jumped up and ran over to the phone,"Yeobosayo?"

Her face went brighter when she heard L.Joe's voice,"Hey, babe. H-"

"Omg, it's really you! I missed you! How are you? Did you miss me too? How are the others?" she blurted.

He laughed lightly,"I'm fine. We're fine. Everything is cool here. I missed you too, it's obviously! Why would I call you, if I didn't?"

She rolled her eyes,"Sorry, but do you know how it was without you?"

"Do you know how it was without you?" he asked back.

She just wanted to answer,"I guess, you couldn't even live witho-"

"Nope, awesome." he said. 

"What?" she asked blankly.

"Just kidding, babe." he chuckled,"You're getting-"

"OMG, HI EUN MI!" she heard Chunji's voice.

"Yah! Give me my phone back!" she could hear L.Joe in the background.

"How are you, Eun Mi?" Chunji asked excited,"Shut up! Hold him back a bit longer, guys!"

She chuckled,"Haha, I'm fine! I've watched your debut stage! It was awesome!"


And with L.Joe's scream, L.Joe was back,"I'm back. So... shall we meet today? I'm free."

She sighed sadly,"I have my debut stage today... I have no time, sorry."

"No problem... Shall I come and visit you there?" he asked with a sigh too.

"I don't know. What if rumors come out, because you've visited me? That wouldn't be good!"

"Nevermind that. We're a couple!"

"Our manager said he isn't allowed to reveal that he as a girlfriend!" Ricky snapped the phone away from L.Joe.

"Yah, Ricky!" she heard L.Joe's scream.

She laughed, a bit hurt though,"Oh.. It's okay. My manager said the same thing!"

Ricky laughed,"So-"

"We'll talk later again, okay, babe? I have to kick some idiots." L.Joe was back.

She nodded, though he couldn't see it,"Okay... Bye!"

"I love you!" he hung up.


She sighed and looked down at the phone.

"How was it?" Taemin came to her.

She smiled,"Everyone is fine... Oh well, I should change my clothes now."

"Yup, and your hair. And brush your theeth and take a-"

"Okay, oppa! I got it." she walked in her room, came back with clothes then went to the bathroom and shut the door,"You can go to the others, while I prepare myself!"

Taemin made a face,"What else."





Some hours later, afternoon...

"Are you ready? Don't be nervous!" her manager cheered her up,"You can do that!" 

Her stylist also,"If you're nervous, it just gets worse."

"B-But what if I d-do something wrong..?" Eun Mi sobbed.

"Yah~, you can do that! We believe in you! Your cousin should be here in some minutes too..." her manager, Mrs.Kim, looked at her watch.


"5 more minutes!" a man from the staff shouted. Eun Mi's debut stage waited for her.


"Omg, in 5 minutes already?" Eun Mi's heart was about to explode.

"My Eun Miiii~!" Taemin ran to her and hugged her,"You can do that! Believe in yourself!"

The rest of SHINee followed quickly.

Jonghyun ruffled her hair,"Long time no see, beauty! Good Luck!"

Key slapped his arm,"Stop it! You're ruining her beautiful hair!"

And beside them was Minho judging the two, then he looked at Eun Mi,"Good Luck, sweetie!"


"Eun Mi? You can come now, if you're ready!" the same man from before said with a smile,"Good Luck."

Eun Mi smiled back,"Yeah, I'll need it..."

Onew patted her back,"Fighting!"

And with that she went on stage.






"WHOOHO~!!" Taemin and Eun Mi cheered in the van, on their way back to their dorms.

"I did it! And they said I was good! Woah, I'm so glad..." Eun Mi let out a tired sigh.

Key on her other side, nudged her arm and wiggled his eyebrows,"More time for your boyfriend~!"

Eun Mi blushed,"Haha, maybe..."

Jonghyun looked back at them, his seat was in front,"Don't dare to forget us, because of him!"

Eun Mi chuckled,"No never!"

Minho also wiggled his eyebrows at her,"Don't get caught with him, while maki-"

"Yah, Hyung! Wtf?" Taemin slapped Minho's arm,"She isn't allowed to do such things yet!"


"Kids, please. Shut up for once." Mrs.Kim rolled her eyes with a smile.

Everyone shut up.


Suddenly Eun Mi's cell phone vibrated,"Yeobosayo?"

"Did you miss me much?" L.Joe's lovely voice came out the other line. Well, lovely is the wrong word...

"L.Joe? You sound drunk." Eun Mi frowned.

Chunji took L.Joe's cell phone,"Actually he is drunk."

"Why?" Eun Mi asked shocked.

"After a party with some hyungs, his brain stopped working propably. Me, Ricky and Changjo are the only ones who aren't drunk." Chunji explained and sighed,"If you could see our Byunhun right now, you would be... shocked, haha."

"No, would be funny... Make a picture of them and send it to me!" Eun Mi beamed.

Chunji smirked,"Okay, wait a second..."


"I have it... omg." Eun Mi's smile faded away and went seriously to shocked.

"Yah, yah... Show me too!" Taemin whispered and looked at the photo,"Omg. Remember; that is your boyfriend."

Eun Mi nodded,"I know."

Then put her cell phone back to her ear,"How did they end up beeing in a dress and so much make up on?"

Chunji chuckled,"Yeah, I wish I would know. We're on our way home right now... I'll tell L.Joe to call you tomorrow!"

Eun Mi laughed,"I wish him good luck with his hangover!"

"Oh wait." Chunji was gone.

"Annyeong~, baaaabe~! How was your debut stage? Did you talk to other guys than me~?" L.Joe drunk voice was there.

"It was good! Aigoo, L.Joe... Good night, and sleep well! You'll need it..." she mumbled the last part and hung up.

With that Key snapped her cell phone away and looked at the picture,"HAHAHAHA, he is prettier than Taemin here!"

Minho snapped it away from him,"It can't be that-...HAHAHA,  you're so right!"

Onew frowned,"Show me. It can't be that bad."

Minho gave him the cell phone. Key and Minho laughing like maniacs, Eun Mi and Taemin judging them.


Onew looked at the picture,"Oh... these three are...pff...HAHHAHA!"

Jonghyun on the other side,"Ew... show me too."

After the also saw the photo of L.Joe, CAP and Niel in dresses they all were laughing like maniacs. Except Taemin and Eun Mi.

"How can they be prettier than me? Hmph." Taemin mumbled and looked out the window.

Eun Mi sighed,"Why did he had to do this?"



Mrs.Kim smiled,"We're here. Get out my car now, kids. My head will explode any second."

They quickly exited the van and waved goodbye to Mrs.Kim.

"I'm tired~!" Eun Mi whined and ran inside.





She lay in her bed and smiled to herself, trying to sleep.

"I miss you, jerk." Eun Mi smiled at her cell phone, the photo was to be seen.




"I'm missing ma babe~~!" L.Joe whined, while Ricky dragged him to his bed.

"We know that 'kay!" they groaned annoyed.

Chunji dragged Niel to his bed and Changjo dragged CAP to bed.

"Goood, please, no one should give them alcohol! Never ever!" Chunji whined.

Changjo throw CAP half on the bed,"Please, let it be the last time!"








Annyeong, readers!

How was this chapter?

Haha, poor trio...
I mean ChunRickJo. ;-D

lol, and can someone explain what `collab´ means? 
I'm too dumb to know it :p

Okay, tell me your opinion and comment!
I hope you enjoy my story! ^o^

♥ See you in next chapter! ♥





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oh my.. looking back at this i was like a baby in the english language.


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Chapter 41: Cute (o~o)
ksantos #2
Chapter 7: I love how ljoe and chunji talk through their eyes. hahaa love this story~
Chapter 7: I think you did some typos >< it should be jealous instead of jealious?
hanadongwoon #4
Chapter 21: this story is sooo goood. this story just chang my mood. bad mood to good mood!!
Chapter 40: Poor Chunji Oppa! :P
Goldie #6
Chapter 24: Ahahahahaha jinyoung of b1a4!!!
hi there~ new reader.. ^^
Chapter 34: <3 I love the story :D
Chapter 41: I really love ur story...u never failed to make me laugh in each chapter...ur grammar and so on is okay,understandable...this story is daebak..i've read a story about a bet too with L.JoeXoc but this one is totally to sequel now..!!
Chapter 41: nice story! off to sequel! :D