Chapter 19 - Friends? Yes.

Me and L.Joe?!


 Friends? Yes.



L.Joe finally decided to go and change his clothes.

Eun Mi and Chunji waited for him alone in the dining room, in silence.


Chunji broke the silence:"Do you know why he was out?"

Eun Mi shook her head,"No, why?"

He smiled,"He was looking for you. Are you okay?"

She nodded,"Yes, I am... why?"

He sighed,"Nevermind... Were you here the whole time?"

"Yup, all the time. I had a bitter feeling in my chest, so I searched for something to eat and found ice-cream. Then you came and we talked." she smiled.

He nodded in understanding,"Ah... L.Joe searched for you everywhere. How comes he didn't see you here?"

"It was dark." she chuckled "I didn't saw him either. I was walking around with my cell phone as a light. Until you came and the lights!"

He laughed,"L.Joe and I were worried about you! You saw that he was inhis pajamas, right?"


"What are you doing, hmm~?" L.Joe popped out at the seat next to Eun Mi, resting his head on his palms. He had other pajamas on now.

"L.Joe, why were you worried about me?" Eun Mi smiled sheepishly at him.

He blinked nervously and scoffed,"Just because... you still had the pajamas on my mum gave you! I had to take them back!"

She shook her head at him with a smile,"Just admit it..."

"Shall we go to the others? And then sleep. I look forward to share a matress with Eun Mi again!" Chunji winked at Eun Mi. 

L.Joe tried to hit him,"Yah ,Chunji!"

Chunji quickly stood up and grabbed Eun Mi's hand,"Come ,girlfriend!" He looked at L.Joe with a playful smile.

Chunji dragged her along, while the shocked L.Joe quickly followed them upstairs,"Wait for me!"

"Jealious~" Chunji sang.




"Oh, you're finally back." Suzy looked at them.

The three sat down. Eun Mi sat between Chunji and L.Joe.

Suzy shooed Ricky away so she could sit next to L.Joe,"L.Joe oppa!"

Ricky scoffed and sat next to Chunji,"Girls..."


"Yah," Suzy pointed to Eun Mi,"If you're L.Joe's girlfriend, why did you came in the room while holding hands with Chunji?"

Eun Mi was about to answer,"Because he drag-"

"Because L.Joe can't fight for his girl properly, meanwhile I use my chances!" Chunji grinned.

Eun Mi blinked surprised. L.Joe glared at his best friend.

Suzy eyed Eun Mi suspicious,"You're not even that pretty... How did you became his girlfriend?" 

Eun Mi sighed,"He asked me out."

Suzy gasped,"Never! Tell me everything!"

She pushed L.Joe away and clunged on Eun Mi's arm,"I thougt you were a crazy girl, who blackmailed him or something! I take back what I said, you are pretty! Tell me everything, come on!"

Eun Mi smiled proudly,"Well, I was casually walking around in the schoolground and suddenly he came to me and began to talk to me! I was shocked first and..."

And it goes on.

Suzy and Eun Mi went to an matress ,sat down on it and fangirled about things just the two could understand.

The Teentop boys looked confused at them ,with a 'wtf-just-happened'-look.


"Did... did they just became best friends?" Niel pointed shocked at them.

Ricky gulped,"Omg... Yes."

Changjo frowned and scratched his nonexistent beard,"But why?"


Chunji blinked,"Did you just see that?"

L.joe blinked too,"Yes... And you?"

Chunji gulped,"Yes."


L.Joe stood up and went to Eun Mi and Suzy.

He crossed his arms and looked at them with a waiting look.

The girls looked annoyed up,"What? It's rude to disturb someone while fangirling."

L.Joe scoffed shocked that Suzy said that,"Wtf happened to you two?"

"I found a new friend~." Eun Mi bite her lip shyly, with a big smile.

"I was just acting like I like you. You know ,I always do that if you meet girls. Your parents told me to look after you!" Suzy smirked.

"Little kid~!" she stucked out her tongue at him.

L.Joe's eyes widen,"Did you just call me 'little' kid?"


Eun Mi blinked, not knowing what was going on,"Uh?"

Suzy's smirk faded away,"Whops..." 

She stood up and ran to Changjo and used him as a protective shield,"Go away, L.joe! Eun Mi, hold him back!"

L.Joe slowly approached her with a creepy smile,"Why do you call me 'little'? I'm not small, not little!"

Eun Mi clicked her tongue, stood up and backhugged him over his arms so he couldn't use his arms,"Calm down!"


By the sudden touch, L.Joe bluched madly. He frozed on his spot and he had a shocked and nervous expression on his face,"E-Eun Mi..."

Chunji burst out in a big laughter,"HAHAHAHA- He is blushing like crazy! -BWUAHAHA!"

Then the rest laughed along with him loudly,"HAHAHHA!"

Only Eun Mi didn't laugh.

She let him go and faced him innocently.


"Awww, you're seriously blushing!!!" she exclaimed happily and pinched his cheeks.

L.Joe's jaw dropped,"B-but... Eun Mi!"

He shooed her hand away,"I will go sleep now!"

Teentop, Suzy and Eun Mi laughed together, while L.joe lay down on the matress he will have to share with Eun Mi and Chunji later. 

L.Joe felt embarrassed in front of Eun Mi.

"My heart..." he mumbled and held a hand on his chest. His back facing the others.

*What a crazy feeling...* he thought, confused about his feelings.






"Good mornig!!!" Mrs.lee burst full of energy in L.Joe's room.

Teentop, Suzy and Eun Mi lay scattered on the floor, some of them even lay on the other.

Meanwhile L.Joe was sleeping in peace on his own matress, he actually had to share with Eun Mi and Chunji, but didn't.



"Hmm... five more minutes..." he mumbled.

"Kids, wake up!" Mrs.Lee stomped on her feed "Do you want me to get a bucket full of water for you?"

"ANI!" Eun Mi jumped up.

The others also wake up trough Eun Mi.

"Is breakfast ready?" Chunji sat up and rubbed his eyes.

Then his eyes widen. "Eun Mi ,you're on my lap." he pointed awkwardly to his lap.

Eun Mi slept without knowing on Chunji's lap. And now she was sitting on his lap.


L.Joe woke up trough Chunji's words,"THE HELL! WHO IS ON YOUR LAP?!?!"

Eun Mi awkwardly crawled away from Chunji,"Sorry..."

Mrs.Lee chuckled,"Let them be, Byunhun! They are a couple anyways."

L.Joe's mouth was open, he was frustrated about his mother,"Mum, how often to I have to try-"

"Breakfast is ready, come kids!" Mrs.Lee exited the room.


"Leeet's eaaat~!" Eun Mi stormed out the room and dragged the sleepy Suzy with her.


Teentop watched them confused.

Suddenly L.Joe ruffled his hair frustrated,"My mother still thinks you two are a couple!"

Chunji stucked out his tongue,"Fight for her, if you want her~!" and ran away.

The rest of Teentop followed him to the dining area.

L.Joe stood there dumbfounded and sighed,"I will find a way to say that my mother in a proper way!"

"She can't be Chunji's girlfriend!" he stumped his feet and walked to the dining area.

*I don't care if I lose this dare right now!*








Annyeong, readers!

How was this chapter? I hope you liked it! :3

I think, next chapter will be fun to make~  ^^

See you in next chapter!




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oh my.. looking back at this i was like a baby in the english language.


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Chapter 41: Cute (o~o)
ksantos #2
Chapter 7: I love how ljoe and chunji talk through their eyes. hahaa love this story~
Chapter 7: I think you did some typos >< it should be jealous instead of jealious?
hanadongwoon #4
Chapter 21: this story is sooo goood. this story just chang my mood. bad mood to good mood!!
Chapter 40: Poor Chunji Oppa! :P
Goldie #6
Chapter 24: Ahahahahaha jinyoung of b1a4!!!
hi there~ new reader.. ^^
Chapter 34: <3 I love the story :D
Chapter 41: I really love ur story...u never failed to make me laugh in each chapter...ur grammar and so on is okay,understandable...this story is daebak..i've read a story about a bet too with L.JoeXoc but this one is totally to sequel now..!!
Chapter 41: nice story! off to sequel! :D