Chapter 26 - Unhappy but Happy.

Me and L.Joe?!


Unhappy but Happy.



Eun Mi lay alone under a tree with her eyes closed, on the grass. Thinking about what to do next, how she feels, and what should happen next.


"Hey," Soo Jin looked down at her,"When will you break up ?"

Eun Mi opened her eyes,"Soon."

"When 'soon' ?" Soo Jin rolled her eyes.

Eun Mi sat up,"When the month is over."

Soo Jin raised a brow,"In five days?"

She nodded,"That's my plan."

"But you can break up now." Soo Jin crossed her arms,"Our dare doesn't excist anymore!"

She shrugged with a smile,"I feel like, winning it properly."

Soo Jin groaned,"Really? Well, if you don't, then... you'll see what happens then!"

With that Soo Jin walked away.


Eun Mi pulled out her cell phone, looking what time it is,*3:45pm. Shall I make my way to the meeting place now?*

She stood up and began to walk,*Everything would be so easier, if it wasn't so confusing! Well, he doesn't loves me anyways.*



"Eun Mi!" Ricky waved,"We're here!"

Eun Mi faked a smile,her mood went down in just some hours,"I'm coming!"


"Babe~" L.Joe smiled.

Eun Mi took a deep breath,"Hey, L.Joe. You're partners with Soo Jin, right?"

He nodded with a frown,"Yeah... why?"

She shrugged,"Just asking. Can't I ?"

"No, you can. Can I ask you something?" he smirked.

She raised a brow,"What? Ask."

"Kiss me." he quickly leaned in and gave her a kiss.

Her eyes widen, her heart bumping like it wants to jump out.

He pulled away,"Now, I have enough energy to be partners with that Soo Jin girl."

"Awww, so cute!" Niel fangirled, over them when L.Joe left Eun Mi dumbfounded.



Chunji stared at her,"She looks like... a sick bird. A weird bird."

Eun Mi hold up four fingers,"It was the fourth k-kiss."

CAP laughed, patted her shoulder and walked to his partner,"Aren't you happy about that?"

Then Changjo winked at her,"Cute you two." And walked to his own partner too.

Then Chunji and Niel waved,"EunJoe is such a cute couple!"

And at least, there is Ricky...

"Eun Mi? You okay?" he asked and titled his head to the side, looking at her.

She came back to reality,"Oh, Ricky! Uhm, yeah."

He looked suspicous at her,"Something you want to say?"

She sighed,"Okay, let me ask you something."

He nodded,"Okay!"

"Is L.Joe..." she began,"...a person you can hurt easily?"

Ricky made a thinking face,"Actually, no. If I would punch-"

"No, not like that!" she laughed,"Feelings and such things!"

"Oh," he smiled,"I've never saw him hurt about something very much. Wae?"

"Hm, nevermind. I have to find my partner!" she beamed then was out of his sight.

Ricky sighed,*So weird.*



"Jinyoung!" Eun Mi waved.

He looked up and waved back,"Hey."

She sat down next to him on the grass.

All the students were waiting for the teachers and the camp-magaers to come.


"Are you unhappy?" Jinyoung smiled lightly at her.

She blinked,"Wae?"

"Because you look unhappy!" he winked,"Tell me why."

She pouted,"I don't want to."

"You can trust me~!" he slung an arm around her shoulder.

She chuckled,"Haha, okay!"

"I want to... break up with L.Joe." her smile disappeared.

His smile was gone too,"Why?"

"Just because." she shrugged. "Don't you love him?" Jinyoung asked.

She looked down.

"So, you're still in love with him?" he sighed and looked up to the sky.

She shrugged,"...How can I break up with him, without hurting him?"

He chuckled,"If he really loves you, every way to break up with him will hurt him!"

She flicked her forehead,"I'm so dump!"

He held her hand,"No!"

She chuckled,"There is something more!"

He sighed,"You're changing the topic too fast! Aish, okay tell me."

"SM Ent. wants me to debut as a solo singer." she smiled proudly,"One thing I'm happy about!"

"Jinjjah? Woah, that's cool!" Jinyoung blinked surprised, happy for her.


Then he frowned,"Is that the reason why you want to break up?"

She shook her head,"One of some other reasons!"

"What reasons?" he asked. "Secret!" she quickly answered.

"Do you want to debut?" Jinyoung grinned.

She smiled,"I-"



"Students! The games will begin now! So, we'll explain how it works, the rules and thing for you to know!" the camp-manager announded. Everyone looked at him ,on the stage.









Double Update for today, yeah :D

I'm sorry, I think it's a bit short, D:
but I don't want to say too much for now~ ^^
I Hope it was okay though ._.


How was this chapter? :3 
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Tell me your opinion and comment! ^^

Bye, 'till next chapter~




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oh my.. looking back at this i was like a baby in the english language.


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Chapter 41: Cute (o~o)
ksantos #2
Chapter 7: I love how ljoe and chunji talk through their eyes. hahaa love this story~
Chapter 7: I think you did some typos >< it should be jealous instead of jealious?
hanadongwoon #4
Chapter 21: this story is sooo goood. this story just chang my mood. bad mood to good mood!!
Chapter 40: Poor Chunji Oppa! :P
Goldie #6
Chapter 24: Ahahahahaha jinyoung of b1a4!!!
hi there~ new reader.. ^^
Chapter 34: <3 I love the story :D
Chapter 41: I really love ur story...u never failed to make me laugh in each chapter...ur grammar and so on is okay,understandable...this story is daebak..i've read a story about a bet too with L.JoeXoc but this one is totally to sequel now..!!
Chapter 41: nice story! off to sequel! :D