Chapter 21 - Finally!

Me and L.Joe?!







Eun Mi and L.Joe quickly let each other shocked go.

"Umma?!" L.Joe's jaw dropped,*You ruined the moment.*

"Mrs.Lee?" Eun Mi's jaw dropped also,*How awkward...*


"Omg kids! I thought you would make out right in front of me ,if I won't interrupt you! You practically undressed each other with your eyes!" Mrs.Lee gasped and put a hand on her chest.


L.Joe sighed and rolled his eyes,"Mum, that's what I wanted to tell you all the ti-"

"Byunhun! Why you never told me? I'm your mother!" Mrs.Lee crossed her arms over her chest,"The poor girl! And I was still shipping you and Suzy! I'm glad that I know now. Without your help, Byunhun!"

L.Joe facepalmed himself,"Mum, I always wanted to te-"

But Mrs.Lee interrupted again,"I can't believe you didn't told me about this!"

"Uhm... Mrs.Lee?" Eun Mi called.

"Deh, Seo Min?" Mrs.Lee smiled at her.

Eun Mi cleared and began to explain awkwardly,"I'm Eun Mi. Hm, well... L.Joe and I didn't want to make out. We're just a normal weird couple."


" 'Normal weird couple'." he imitated her voice in a mumbling tone,*How can something be normal and weird at the same time?*

"I understand. No need to explain! You're young! But I'm just saying... please use a bed. It's much more comfortable and-"

"MUM!" L.Joe interrupted and pointed to the glass doors.

Mrs.Lee chuckled and nodded,"I'll be going... Come out the pool! You will catch a cold!"

With that Mrs.Lee went in.


L.Joe glanced over to Eun Mi.

She had a red face like a tomato and an awkward expression on her face.

He cleared his throat and tapped her shoulder,"Are you okay?"

She slowly turned to him,"I'll be going in now. And then I go home... See you tomorrow."

Her voice was monotone and the expression on her face was still awkward and red.

"O-okay... See you tomorrow... in school..." L.Joe waved lightly.

She nodded and went out the pool.


After she was gone, he also went out the pool and went in.



L.Joe flinched, then realized it's just Chunji.

"Wtf are you still doing here?" L.Joe frowned and continued walking to his room to get a towel. Chunji followed.

"I have a photo." Chunji said.

"Wow. A photo. I'm so excited." L.joe replied sarcastic.

"You are on the photo." Chunji said again.

"How surprising." L.Joe rolled his eyes.

"You and Eun Mi kissed." Chunji grinned, when L.Joe stopped by those words.

L.Joe turned around,"Who? How? Why? What...?"

"I TOOK A PHOTO OF IT~~~!" Chunji bagan to jump and dance wildly.

L.Joe watched him shocked.

"GIVE IT TO ME NOW!" L.Joe began to chase after him, Chunji ran away.

The floor got wet because of L.Joe.


Suddenly he slipped,"Oh fuuuu-"

And landed on the floor,"Ouch."

He rubbed his and looked in front of him. He frowned, seeing legs from a female.

He blinked and looked up,"Eun Mi? Y-You're still here?"

She nodded and hold up her wet clothes,"Your mother gave me some clothes so I could change. Now, I wanted to go... but it seems like you two have fun here?"

She had on some clothes from his mum.

Chunji popped out next to her,"Annyeong, Eun Mi!"

He slung an arm around her shoulders and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.

Eun Mi frozed and blushed.


Chunji grinned and looked to L.Joe,"You are jealious~!"

L.Joe raised a brow and stood up,"You just k-kissed her?"

Chunji nodded then looked to Eun Mi,"Looks like she likes it! Woah!"

L.Joe looked at her, she was still frozen with an open mouth.

He turned back to Chunji,"A kiss on the cheek isn't better as a kiss on the lips!"

Chunji shrugged,"Kiss is Kiss."

L.Joe scoffed,"You're my best friend! Wtf is your plan?"

Chunji chuckled,"It's for me to know and for you to find out!"

Then looked at Eun Mi,"Right, pretty Eun Mi?"

"Eh?" Eun Mi blinked, back to reality.

"Yah!" L.Joe flicked her forehead lightly.

"Ouch. Yah, L.Joe!" Eun Mi whined.

Chunji chuckled and slowly backed away from them.


"Yah, Eun Mi! How could you let him kiss you?" L.Joe whined like a little kid.

"You're so childish! It's just a kiss on the cheek! And I didn't know he would do that!" Eun Mi pouted.

Meanwhile, Chunji sat on the floor. He watched them like he would watch a movie.


"Then give me a kiss on the cheek too!" L.Joe pointed to his cheek.

"Fine!" Eun Mi stomped her feet.

"Fine!" L.Joe still pointed to his cheeks.

She leaned in,"Just a quick kiss on the cheek..."

But before her lips touched his cheek he turned so her lips were on his.


Her eyes widened and she quickly pulled away,"OMG, L.JOE!!!"

He smirked and danced around,"The second kiss, babe~!"

Eun Mi facepalmed herself,"Oh, L.joe..."


"Kiiiiiiiiiids!" Mrs.Lee popped out next to L.joe.

The two flinched, then realized it's only Mrs.Lee.

"I found out something!" she clapped in her hands happily.

Eun Mi nodded,"And what?"

L.Joe looked at his mother confused.


"You two are dating! So L.Joe fell for you first!" Mrs.Lee exclaimed and ran away.

L.Joe slowly sat down and stared at the floor frustrated.

Eun Mi facepalmed herself,"Finally she knows."


Meanwhile Chunji: "BWHAHAHAHA- Omg so damnfunny! I'l do that more often -HAHAHA!"

L.Joe looked at him and shook his head,"Not funny, dude."

Chunji grinned,"Totally funny ,dude."

Eun Mi sat down next to Chunji and pouted,"Thanks to you, he kissed me! On my lips!"

Chunji smirked,"Well, you can kiss me on the lips-"

"HELL NO!" L.Joe jumped between the two.

"Everything will be okay ,L.Joe." Eun Mi patted L.Joe's head like he was a crazy cat.


"You will go on a school trip!" Mrs.Lee popped out of nowhere again.

"What?" Eun Mi looked shocked at her,"School trip?"

"We got a letter from school! It's in two days! Hm, thats all! Bye~!" Mrs.Lee was gone again.



"Wow, a school trip!" Eun Mi smiled.

"School trip..." L.Joe began to think.


"Did anyone realize that Mrs.Lee is a weird women?" Chunji frowned.

The two ignored him.

"Okay, okay. I understand." Chunji rolled his eyes,"I can feel your love."







Annyeong, readers~!

How was this chapter? :3

Double update today, whooho :D

Comment and tell me your opinion~^^

Bye, see you in the next chapter!

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oh my.. looking back at this i was like a baby in the english language.


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Chapter 41: Cute (o~o)
ksantos #2
Chapter 7: I love how ljoe and chunji talk through their eyes. hahaa love this story~
Chapter 7: I think you did some typos >< it should be jealous instead of jealious?
hanadongwoon #4
Chapter 21: this story is sooo goood. this story just chang my mood. bad mood to good mood!!
Chapter 40: Poor Chunji Oppa! :P
Goldie #6
Chapter 24: Ahahahahaha jinyoung of b1a4!!!
hi there~ new reader.. ^^
Chapter 34: <3 I love the story :D
Chapter 41: I really love ur story...u never failed to make me laugh in each chapter...ur grammar and so on is okay,understandable...this story is daebak..i've read a story about a bet too with L.JoeXoc but this one is totally to sequel now..!!
Chapter 41: nice story! off to sequel! :D