The Girl Rules the Relationship

Love Story in S♥NE High


YAY! Update!




It was crowded at the beach that day, people playing beach volleyball, surfing, swimming, and all other beach activities. Yul was holding their stuff and Jessica was walking in front of him with her big round hat, hot pants, sleeveless shirt and her Chanel sunnies, while Yul was wearing simple thin t-shirt and board short, with his Ray-Ban. They walk around to find an empty spot to lay out their beach towel, placing their bags beside it.

They are sitting settling down and Sica was digging into the bag to look for her sunscreen.


“What are you looking for?”, Yul looked at the his impatient girlfriend who almost rip open the poor bag.


“The sunscreen”, she answered briefly, too concentrate in looking for the hidden treasure.


“It’s here, babe”, he open the front zip of the bag and took out the sunscreen, amused, as Sica staring at it in disbelieve.


“*Huff* Who put it there anyway”, she was the one who put it there and forgotten about it, but she was trying to run away from the embarrassing fact.


“I’m VERY sure it was this absent-minded girl who called Jessica Jung that put it there”, he rubbed his chin like a detective while pretending to think hard, earning a hit on his arm.


“Give it to me”, she asked for the cream.


“I’ll do it for you”, he said with a erted grin plastered all over his face.


“NO! You are just going to fool around”, she tried to snatch the bottle.


“No, I’m serious, here give me your arms”, Yul blocked her and started to squeeze out some of the cream on his palm and turned back to her. After few failed attempts she extended her arm to him. Yul applied the lotion gently while Sica did not know what should she do, she tried to look around, Yul’s face concentrating, his palms running through her arms, she can feel that her face is heating up.



He finished applying it on her arms and around her neck, but he stopped before moving to her legs, suddenly he gulped and hesitated while staring at her slim legs behind his sunglasses.


“Are you done?”, her question snapped him out of his thought.


“Err… Uh, your legs. Gosh, I’m stuttering, concentrate YUL!” , he shook his head and started to apply the lotion on both of her legs. He started from lower knees and when he moved up to her thighs…


“HAHAHAHA!!! Stopp Yul!!! Wait! I’ll do it myself, it’s ticklish!”, she pulled back her legs and grabbed the bottle. Yul was surprised with the sudden laugh, he can only stare blankly at her applying the lotion to her thighs. When he has done with his confused state, he then rubbed the remaining lotion on his palms to himself.



Jessica was already lying down on the towel, the breeze is driving her to sleep, while Yul sitting beside her with his hand supporting himself, he was just looking around the beach, and stealing some glances to the glory beside him once on a while.


“Do you want to take a dip?”, he asked the almost fall asleep girl beside him, he was tempted to swim, can’t blame him, as that is his hobby.


“Hmm-mmm”, she shook her head slowly.


“Owh, okay”, he sunk back, still staring at the sea and Jessica noticed it.


“Just go if you wanna swim, I’ll be fine”, she pushed his back lightly.


“Hmm… Okay then, it will just be awhile”, he took off his shirt, revealing his sculptured body.


“Err… Do you have to take off your shirt? Seriously?”, Jessica said while getting up from her sleeping position.


“Y-Yeaaaa… I only bring an extra short”, he scratched his head and said sheepishly.


“… Here, put some sunscreen, you are tan enough, Taeng will tease you even more if you get any tanner”, she took the sunscreen before he can reached it and applied it to his back, caught him off guard. She stopped and gave him the bottle after she finished with his back.


“Huh? Just the back? What about this part?”, he faced her and pointed at his front part, he wants to .


“Do that yourself!”, she said while keep shoving the bottle to his hand.


“Come on. Don’t you wanna touch this abs?”, he patted his abs while moving his eyebrows up and down.


“Stupid!”, she slapped him hard on his stomach, making him to curl into a ball.


“Akk…Ack!”, he was groaning and holding his abs.


“Serve you right”, she got back to her napping position with her cap covering her face.


She got back up when she sensed that Yul has left for swim. She didn’t nap, instead she look at Yul who was enjoying himself at the sea.






 “*hufff*huff*Pany-ah, are you not done yet?”, Taeyeon following his girlfriend at the back with at least 4 big bags in each hands.


“Hummmm… I still wanna go to that shop and that one too, and also th-”


“Okay, okay, I get it, can we rest first?”, Taeng said while trying to push Tiffany to the nearest seat available.


“Come on, one last one? Then we can go home. Deal?”, she uses her secreat weapon again, while Taeng can only stare at her.


“I’ll just sit here and wait for you”, He sit on the empty seat.


“No! You have to help me choose, come on!!!”, She started pulling him while he can only groan in frustration.


“You promise it’s the last one?”, He asked, looking worn out.


“Yesssss, I promise you baby”, She said with her eye-smile before leaning to peck his cheek.


“I can’t complain now, can I?”, he thought after getting the peck.






“Whoahhhh! I’m full, that was good~”, Soo said while tapping on his tummy.


“Seriously? With two potion and half of mine, if you are still not stuffed, I’m pretty sure I have to take you to the hospital. Something must be wrong”, Sunny said, staring at him in disbelieve. They have been friends since forever, but she can never get use to him eating that much.


“Where should we go now?”


“Let’s go to arcade!”, Sunny said excitedly.


“As expected from a gamer, huh?”, he squished her chubby cheeks before getting back the car.






Just a RANDOM fluff chapter~


More YulSic in this chapter.

I really find it easier to write YulSic. LOL

Maybe I will improve in writing the other two in the future. >.<



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I'm nice, I'm not gonna hurt you, I swearrrrr. XD


Other silent readers. I'm still watching you.

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Chapter 36: Hi!!! I'm back ㅋㅋㅋ where are you author nim??
I missed this fic and yulsic too
Hope you update soon.. Fighting :))
Chapter 36: Author nim where are you, it's been 4 years since your last update,,, i need yulsic sweet moment.... I hope you're doing well and update this fanfic asap
Guitarra #3
Chapter 1: lol i see my name. Sorry i never commented on your post but i do love your works and still waiting for your update :)
sunleader95 #4
Chapter 36: I just have read this story, i really love how sweet yulsic are, hope you can update soon, thank you author
Chapter 36: Jelly sica is very cute when shes angry...kekeke...its funny at the same time sweet...keep work'n on it author......

Author is jjang.....!!!

Update soon author-shii..pls dnt rush just go with the flow..!!!
Chapter 36: is sica not wearing swimwear here? she should have flaunt her y bod and have men (and women) drooling over her too.,
Chapter 1: thanks for the welcome author, finally got to reading your story today, and I really like KWMS so I hope this is as fluffy as that
Chapter 36: Are you going to come back and update your fic author?
Joleds #9
Chapter 34: Author -ssi im so hooked up with your story lol..i didn't notice your notes because i wanted to go to the next sorry I can't stop reading this ff sorry for being so silent all this time T.T
gabiel #10
Chapter 36: Is this is the last chapter?