The Competition Day

Love Story in S♥NE High


"What just happened few minutes ago?"
"Why are all the club members in the changing room?"
"The news is going to spread tomorrow"
"What should I do?"
"I was going to hide the relationship, I don't think I'm ready to let the others know"

Jessica kept recalling back the event that just occurred. Slowly her eyes are getting tired and slowly closing.

After a few minutes, the tanned guy walked out from the changing room just to find his new found girlfriend dozing off on the bench, with her head against the wall and slightly open. He walked quietly to the bench, he can't help but chuckled at the sight in front of him.

"Can't get enough of your sleeping face", still examining her features.
"Sica baby, wake up babe, let's go home", he said while trying to wake her up by lightly patting her thigh, but the latter didn't budge. He stopped after trying for few times, a sudden grin appears on his face.

"Kyaaa!!!", the sleeping beauty wakes up with her infamous dolphin scream, glaring at Yul who was holding his stomach laughing. Apparently his method of waking her up is to held her nose and block her respiration system.

"Ish! Why are you so childish? Can't you wake me up using the proper way?", she said while hitting him. HellSica has unleashed.

"Trust me, my love, I tried", he said as blocking her attacks.

"Do you wanna see your respond?", he mimicked what he saw minutes ago.

"Ish!!!", she pushed him to the wall, hiding her embarrassment.

"Awww~ You were really adorable", he burst into another laughter.

She glared at him one last time before walking away. He quickly catch up to her and put his arm across her waist while the other hand carrying his gym bag. His action surprised her and she shoved it away, she can feel her cheek heating up.

"Come on~ I'm your boyfriend", while putting his arm back again to lead her to his car, she didn't push it away this time, she couldn't help but admit that she enjoy the feeling.

~~~ Next morning

YulSic couple arrived at school together and all eyes are on them.      
"Have you heard about the rumour about Yul-ssi and Jessica-ssi?"


"Is it true this time?"

"What does he see from her?"

"The Swimming club started it, saying that Yul-ssi was the one who confess"

"Can you believe that?"

Jessica heard all the whispering around her since she got out from the car. She took a glance at the guy beside her, he seems to ignore all these people. At first he was going to hold her hand, but she refused it, uncomfortable with all these staring, if look could kill, she will be long gone.

"Jess! Gratz! I'm proud of you!", Tiffany come running to hug Jessica when she saw her in the hallway, Sunny and the other 3 were following behind them.

"C-Can't... Breath...", the ice princess struggling to get out from the hug. Tiffany shows her eye-smile after let go the older girl.

"So... My man! Seriously! You are the best!", Taeyeon jumped towards the younger guy and give him a headlock, yes, he has to jump to reach his neck.

"Eat! Eat! Where are you going to treat us?", the tallest guy could only think of food, for him, new relationship has to be celebrated with all-you-can-eat.

"Eat? Canteen at lunch time", Yul replied while grinning, getting out from the headlock.

"No way! Stingy! Something better than canteen food please", Sooyoung said with pleading voice.

"*laugh* So where do you want to eat?", now Yul is the one who is head locking Taeyeon. The girls can only stand there and watch the boys childish behaviours.

"Can you forget about food for awhile? You didn't even congratz them yet", Sunny pulled Sooyoung's ear.

"How about we go overseas during this weekend? You know, to chill out before coming back and stressing out for the exam?", he suggested.

"Are you trying to imply something here? You don't even need to study for it!", Hyoyeon asked, feeling insulted.

"Omo! You actually realize?", he pretended to get surprised.

"Heh!", and they heard the bell rings.

~~~ Lunch Time

"So where are we going?", Tiffany asked, she is already excited about going on a trip.

"How about we go and visit my new resort in Japan?", Yul said.

"The new one?", Taeyeon asked.

"Uh-hu", Yul nodded.

"Japan? Are you paying for our flight ticket? Daebak!", Sooyoung gave Yul two thumps up.

"He's probably going to use his private jet", Hyoyeon answered lazily, but still earning a "WOW" respond from the table, except of course his brother and Yul. They knew Yul is from wealthy family, but they never thought it will be to that extent, looking from his out-going personality.

"Alright! Let's go! I wanna meet my parents too", Sooyoung shouted, shocking everyone on the table.

"Your parents?", Hyo asked.

"Yeah, didn't I mention that I was in Japan before coming here?"

"No", everyone on the table, except Sunny answered in unison.

"Owh, my bad. So yea, They are still in Japan, it's only me here", he explained and got the 'oooo I see' respond.

"But you guys have to come and cheer for me tomorrow, and we'll go in the afternoon", Yul said.

"What the... I think you have your very own cheerleader team already", Hyo said, referring to Yul's fangirls.

"Pweeeseee~ I'll be different with you guys here", actually the only things matters for Yul is for Jessica to be there, but he is sure she will get bored if she has no one to talk with during the event.

"We'll see", Taeyeon answered, and soon they heard the bell rings.

~~~ Yul's car, on the way home

"You are coming for me tomorrow right? I'll fetch you", Yul asked the girl sitting beside him.

"What for? I should pack for the trip. You have you VERY OWN cheerleader team anyway, according to what Hyoyeon said", she answered.

"Damn you Hyo!"
"But none of them is my girlfriend", he smiles.

"You're gonna win anyway"

"Boo~ I'll lose in purpose if you don't come", he said and pouted.

His last sentence earned himself a glare from his girlfriend.
"Yah! Are you stupid? Purposely lose because of that?"

"Hmph! I don't care! It's not important anyway, since you don't bother to watch it", he refused to look at her while still pouting.

"Fine! I'll go", she answered after some time. She doesn't like the fact that their school might lose and she is the one responsible for it.

He was smiling from ear to ear after hearing her reply. He definitely knows how to deal with his icy girlfriend, especially her deadly glare.

~~~ Next morning

"O.M.G! What happened? Is the world coming to an end?", the younger girl couldn't believe her eyes, seeing her older sister is awake quite early for the weekend.

"Please don't make such a big fuss over it", the older girl said in annoyed tone.

"But this kind of thing happens only once a decade! Where are you going? "What's the special occasion?", she is curious of what could change her sister habit.

"I'm going to school"

"On the weekend?"

"Yeah, they are having a competition"

"What competition? Are you part of it?"


"You never go to such thing before, why now?"

"My friend is competing, so he asked for support. Aish! Why do you have to ask so much?", she answered while getting her milk from the fridge.

"Ahh... I see. So who is this friend of yours? Yul oppa?", the younger girl is now focused on her sister.
The older girl chocked on her milk after hearing what her sister said.

"Ha! I got it right! Can I come too?"

"Do whatever you want, he's almost here, got ready before that or I'll leave you"

"Woohoo!!!", she dashed to her room to get change.

Not long after, Jessi's phone beep, indicating incoming text message.

From: Stalker
Babe, I'm outside. ^^

"Krys!!!", she shouted and heard the younger girl rushing through the stairs.
"Let's go!"

"Morning Yul oppa!"

"Morning, Krystal, what a surprise!"

"Yeah! I have to be there to support my favourite oppa!"

"I see! Let's go!"


They reached the school and there is only few number of people at the moment, most of them are the athletes participating and their families. They got out from the car and walked to the gym with Krystal walking ahead of them.

They almost reached the gym, suddenly Yul held one of Jessi's wrist, making her to stop the step and turned to him, looking at him with questioned look.

"Give me my good luck kiss", he said while leaning close to her.

She stopped him from leaning further in, "No!" and pushed his face away.

"Now or later when everyone's here?", he demanded.

"I said no and never"

"Fine, then I'll lose in purpose", he pouted and look away, waiting for her reaction.

. . .

"Urgh! You are unbelievable!", she took a look around her, no one is around, Krystal has disappeared to the gym.

She quickly gave him a peck on his cheek and walk away in fast pace to hide her blushing face, while the tanned guy was jumping in joy behind her.

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Chapter 36: Hi!!! I'm back ㅋㅋㅋ where are you author nim??
I missed this fic and yulsic too
Hope you update soon.. Fighting :))
Chapter 36: Author nim where are you, it's been 4 years since your last update,,, i need yulsic sweet moment.... I hope you're doing well and update this fanfic asap
Guitarra #3
Chapter 1: lol i see my name. Sorry i never commented on your post but i do love your works and still waiting for your update :)
sunleader95 #4
Chapter 36: I just have read this story, i really love how sweet yulsic are, hope you can update soon, thank you author
Chapter 36: Jelly sica is very cute when shes angry...kekeke...its funny at the same time sweet...keep work'n on it author......

Author is jjang.....!!!

Update soon author-shii..pls dnt rush just go with the flow..!!!
Chapter 36: is sica not wearing swimwear here? she should have flaunt her y bod and have men (and women) drooling over her too.,
Chapter 1: thanks for the welcome author, finally got to reading your story today, and I really like KWMS so I hope this is as fluffy as that
Chapter 36: Are you going to come back and update your fic author?
Joleds #9
Chapter 34: Author -ssi im so hooked up with your story lol..i didn't notice your notes because i wanted to go to the next sorry I can't stop reading this ff sorry for being so silent all this time T.T
gabiel #10
Chapter 36: Is this is the last chapter?