And The Story Continues. . .

Love Story in S♥NE High


Hmm... It's been awhile, yeah?

I'm really sorry, coz I've been busy with my uni works, it's my final year.

So there is a lot to be done. T.T


You guys might want to re-read few chapters back in case you guys for got about the story. :D



Daniel looked nervous when he saw Yul and Jessica walked into the restaurant. He quickly got up to greet them, but was ignored by Yul who just took a seat straight away. While Jessica not knowing what to do, she thought Yul and her have a deal of being nice to the older guy, however she decided to just follow what Yul did, she trusts Yul.


Daniel cleared his throat and pulled his arm while gettng back to his seat. “Should we order something first?”

"How have you been?", Daniel tried to break the ice. Sica and him has never been more awkward than this. They were always close, but thanks to his stupid action before, there are tensions between them, in addition, Yul was there too.

No one answered his question, Yul was still looking through the menu, while Sica didn't dare to speak first, she was just stealing glances between the two.

Daniel can only hung his head low, not minding being ignored, but still guilty of what he did.


"It was better yesterday without you on the list", Yul put down the menu and his answer was full of poison. Sica nudged him lightly, she can only hope hell won't break lose between the two.


"I see", there were another silence.


“Stop beating around the bush and just say what you wanna say, I don’t have so much time for your nonsense”, Yul said it in bitter tone. Daniel seems to be intimidated for a bit by the younger man.


"I want to say sorry about my behavior, I'm glad that the two of you have worked it out. Honestly I can't believe I did that, I was under the effect of alcohol", he lift up his head to look at Yul who was looking straight at him, to see if he has anything else to add.

"Yul, I hope you can forgive me, and I just want to say that you have changed Jessica for better, she is more cheerful and lively now. You may not know it, but all she can think of when we meet up was always you", "that's was one of the reason I went for a drink, because I can't take it anymore", he thought. Jessica was already blushing and was trying to hide her face, she didn’t expect him to say that, all her cold image she built in front of Yul was crushed down by seconds, she knows Yul must be jumping inside hearing it .


He then looked at the girl beside Yul, "And Jessica, I hope you forgive me and still look at me as a brother or at last as your friend", she turned to Yul, as if looking for answer, asking for his permission. However, Yul didn't give her any sign, he was giving her the freedom to decide. He tried not to be an over-possessive boyfriend, even if he would prefer her to say no.

“I’ll be going back to the US tomorrow, so I want to clear up this misunderstanding before I leave”, he continued. Jessica does feel bad about him getting punched by her boyfriend, but he has asked for forgiveness, and he helped her a lot in the past too, she does not want to be a person who forgot about someone’s kindness. Right now she is just afraid that Yul will get mad again if she accepted Daniel as friend again, and with Yul just staring at her without giving any answer was not helping at all.


Not getting any sign of rejection from Yul, she nodded lightly to the older man. “As a friend”, she quickly added, earning a nod and warm smile from him, he was really glad that they forgave him, well, not really for Yul, he probably will still have some anger left, but at least Jessica has forgave him, that should be a good start.

“Of course, I wouldn’t want to experience that punch anymore. Just for your information, you broke my nose”, he said, tried to make a joke to get Yul to talk to him.


“Heh, you totally deserved it”, he mumbled, but was heard by Sica who gave him a quick glare, and then he was sulking. Actually, he has already forgiven him by the time he talked about how Jessica always mentions him when they meet up. How can he not, that proved that he has successfully melt the ice, he was glad that he told him this information that he will never get from his girlfriend himself, however he doesn’t want to admit that he has forgiven him that easy.


“What? Did you say something?”, Daniel asked, he was amused with Yul’s childish behavior, how could someone who look totally mature before can become like this in front of the one he loves, he finds them cute, where as he remembered how excited Jessica was every time she talks about Yul.


“No, nothing, was that all you wanna say? Coz I have to go now, I have something to do”, Yul asked, getting ready to stand up from the chair, but Sica was holding him down.


“Well, I hope you accept my apologized and please promise me not to hurt Jessica”, Daniel said, he dared to joke around because he was sure he saw Yul grinned when he mention about his meeting with Jessica.


“You don’t have to tell me that, just mind you own business”, he grabbed Sica’s hand and got up from the seat.


“Right, see you guys next time”, he stood up to bid his goodbye to them, smiling mischievously with full of meaning behind it.


“Bye sunbae, have a safe flight tomorrow”, Sica bow to bid her goodbye, while Yul was still tugging her wrist. With that, they left the restaurant, leaving the older man.


 -     -      -     -



“Gosh YUL! Why are you so rude and childish? You didn’t even say ‘bye’ to him”, Sica looked at Yul when they got into the car again.

He pouted, “But..but…but I don’t want to forgive him that fast, what happened if he thinks that it’s so easy for me to forgive him and then he will do those things to you again?”, he whined cutely, leaving Sica speechless.

“Please, you are thinking too much, besides, I will not let that kind of thing happen again”, she said reassuringly.

“Oh God, please, please, you really have to promise me you won’t let that happened again, you were so stubborn and wasn’t listening when I warned you before, you know how frustrated I was?”. Yul said it in pleading tone, as if he was begging, of course he was just joking around.

“Yes Sir, I will listen to you in the future”, she rolled her eyes.

“That’s my obedient baby”, he patted her head and brush her hair, before pulling her head to rest on his chest with his arms around it.


“So? Where are we going now? You kept on saying that you have something important to do?”, she moved her head to look at him, while still keeping the same position.

“I need to go to the office to get the document my dad ask me to bring it to him, and we can go anywhere you want afterward, it shouldn’t take too long, if there is no traffic. I don’t want you hanging around him for too long”, he said easily, while looking at the clock, it was still noon and the traffic was busy.

Jessica can only smile while getting back to her seat thinking how sweet and protective Yul can be.



After almost an hour, they reached the office, he parked on the reserved parking right in front of the main door.

“Do you want to come down? Or do you want to wait here?”, he asked when he has parked the car nicely.

“I’ll just go down together”, Jessica was curious about his working place, she wants to know more about Yul, note to herself to keep an eye to all the female workers around him.

“Alright, let’s go”, he said when he turned off the engine.

Yul offered his hand to Jessica before entering the building and she quickly cling onto his arm. They walked into the building and few staffs who walked past them greeted him, while looking questionably at Jessica. She felt uneasy at the stares, unconsciously holding onto Yul tightly, looking like a lost child. Yul who felt it tried to calm her down by tapping on her hand.



They reached his office room that was on the second top level of the tall building.

“Just wait for me here, I need to do something first, and seat wherever you want”, he kissed her cheek before opening the door to go out, but then he felt a tug on his arm, he look back just to find his girlfriend pouting cutely.

“Don’t worry, it will only take awhile”, he smiled reassuringly to her. He knows she doesn’t feel at ease with all the people staring at her.



When Yul left her, she looked around the office. It was spacious with a set of sofa in the middle, his desk, with a computer and all other necessary things. She then walked to his desk and sit on his chair. She looked at the two pictures displayed on his table, she saw her picture, it was only her, not looking into the camera, she doesn’t even know when he took it.

“When did he take this? I looked so bad in it. Gosh!”. She looked at her derp face picture on the frame.

Next, there was a picture of a younger him with a girl she has never seen before, both of them were smiling happily in the picture.

“When was this? He looks so young and wasn’t as tan, he was so cute. But, who is this girl? I’ve never seen him smiling like that to any other girl before, well, except to me. Should I ask him about this girl? But why didn’t he has a picture of his whole family?”, she was so deep in he though she doesn’t even realized that he sneak up on her.



“BOO!”, he appeared behind her shoulder.

“KYAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!”, with her reflex she hit him continuously, while he tried to cover himself and laughed at her.

“AAAA PABO! Don’t scare me like that!”, she glared at him.

“HAHAHAHA! Sorry I can’t help it, you look so lost just now, what were you thinking anyway?”, he ruffled her hair.



“Nothing! Are you done?”, she answered in annoyed tone while fixing her hair.

“Yup, let’s go”, he offered his hand, but was ignored by her, she walk in front of him.

“Yaaaaaa, Sica yaaaaa~ Don’t be angry”, he called her and quickly wrap his arm on her waist before she got out from the room. He held her hand to lead her back to the car when he felt that she has calmed down.





I was going to update it few days ago, but I lost my chapter and has no time to re-type it.

But I found it today, and I'm here updating!

I hope you guys like this chapter. :D



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I was a bit discouraged by the small number of comments. :(

So I hope you guys do tell me what you think about it.

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And Welcome for New Readers!!!!!!!!




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Chapter 36: Hi!!! I'm back ㅋㅋㅋ where are you author nim??
I missed this fic and yulsic too
Hope you update soon.. Fighting :))
Chapter 36: Author nim where are you, it's been 4 years since your last update,,, i need yulsic sweet moment.... I hope you're doing well and update this fanfic asap
Guitarra #3
Chapter 1: lol i see my name. Sorry i never commented on your post but i do love your works and still waiting for your update :)
sunleader95 #4
Chapter 36: I just have read this story, i really love how sweet yulsic are, hope you can update soon, thank you author
Chapter 36: Jelly sica is very cute when shes angry...kekeke...its funny at the same time sweet...keep work'n on it author......

Author is jjang.....!!!

Update soon author-shii..pls dnt rush just go with the flow..!!!
Chapter 36: is sica not wearing swimwear here? she should have flaunt her y bod and have men (and women) drooling over her too.,
Chapter 1: thanks for the welcome author, finally got to reading your story today, and I really like KWMS so I hope this is as fluffy as that
Chapter 36: Are you going to come back and update your fic author?
Joleds #9
Chapter 34: Author -ssi im so hooked up with your story lol..i didn't notice your notes because i wanted to go to the next sorry I can't stop reading this ff sorry for being so silent all this time T.T
gabiel #10
Chapter 36: Is this is the last chapter?