Who's the girl?

Love Story in S♥NE High



When they reached the canteen, Sooyoung and Sunny were already sitting on their usual table. They can see Sooyoung waving excitedly when he saw them.

“Let’s get some food!!!”, Sooyoung rushed to them before they even reach the table. He rested both of his long arms on their shoulder and led them to the counter as the girls walked to the table to join the other girl.


“Hey, isn’t that Hyo?”, Sunny pointed at Hyoyeon who was tailing a blond haired girl to the canteen.

“Yea. Wait, is he following that girl?”, Tiffany said after Jessica and her found the guy Sunny was pointing at.

“I you are talking about that blondie in front of her, then yes. Just look at him keeps popping his head from her sides”, said Jessica who was resting her head on the table.

“Haha! It’s just funny how all these popular guys trying so hard for girls like you two”, Sunny looked at her friends who was sitting on opposite her. Tiffany just laughed it off while Jessica remained no respond.

“Who is she anyway? I’ve never seen her before”, they guys are all back with trays of food when the eye-smile girl asked.

“Who?”, Taeyeon placed the tray in front of her and gave her a peck on the cheek before sitting down.

“That girl there”, she pointed at the girl who was now waiting for her food to Taeyeon and grabbed her lunch.

“Oh. I think she is in class 2-3. Hyo has been following her around these days. She is in his dancing club too”, he explained, earning nods from the girls.

“So, what’s her name?”, Sunny asked.

“I don’t know, you should ask Hyo that. I only know that she is new”, he just shook his head.

“How do you know that?”, Yul asked.

“Of course I know, I have my informants all over the place. You are too busy with her”, Tae pointed at Jessica, earning him a deadly glare, while Yul gave him a thumb up and merong without his girlfriend noticing.

“Jess!!! No glaring at my Taetae allowed!”, Tiffany waved her hand in front of her best friend’s face.


They were almost done with their lunch when Hyo joined the table.

“Yo Hyo, how is it going with your girl?”, Yul greeted him when he sat beside Taeyeon.

“What girl?”, he put up an innocent face.

“That one”, Yul pointed at the same girl he was following before.

“*gulped* How do you know about her?”, he was sure he has never told anyone about anything yet.

“You were being way too obvious”, Sunny said and everyone was laughing at his confused face.

“You were trailing behind her”, Jessica rolled her eyes in annoyance.

“Ooo, hmm. ANYWAY, can we have some kind of group studies? I’m so doomed this semester”, Hyo face palmed himself.

“Hyo”, Yul called.

“Huh?”, Hyo looked at the latter as Taeyeon can only held his temples and shook his head, being one of the genius himself, he can already guess what is coming.

“You ! Just say that you wanna spend more time with that girl by asking her to join our so called ‘group studies’!”, everyone burst out in laughter once he finished his sentence.

“Where did you get that idea from? I really need help with my studies!”, he tried to defend himself.

“Save it Hyo! You never care about your result before”, Yul shook his head while moving his pointed finger from side to side in front of Hyoyeon’s face.

“Why didn’t you just ask her to join this table?”, Taeyeon asked.

*phew* I guess she feels kinda intimidated. I mean, just look at you people!”, he looked at them one by one. Starting from the perfect handsome prince Yul, moving on to the ice princess, then the shikshin and the aegyo queen, the popular eye-smiled angel and finally yet importantly, the other popular guy, he sighed.

“I don’t even know if that’s a compliment or an insult anymore”, said Sunny.

“Just take it as a compliment, Bunny. It’ll make you feel so much better”, Sooyoung patted her head.

“So are we gonna do THE GROUP STUDIES?”, Taeyeon looked at Yul.

“I’m whatever, as long as my princess here is coming”, Yul pulled Jessica close to him.

“Erm, can we use your apartment then?”, Hyo asked.

“Wae?”, Yul raised one of his eyebrows.

“Well, you live alone there”

“…Fine, I don’t know what stage you guys are in, just…don’t make out at my place”, he warned him.

“And same goes to you two as well”, he pointed at TeaNy.

“Err… Not planning to. We would rather take it privately, right Pany? Besides it would probably be you who will turn into ByunYul”, the shorted guy retorted.

“Heh! It’s my place, I can do whatever I want”, Jessica swore her face is already as bright as cooked crab.

“Yea yea yea, so this afternoon?” Hyo tried to bring them back to the main topic.

“Just call me or text me before you come”, Yul got up from his seat, they were getting ready to go back to the class.

“Just send me your address later”, Sooyoung said after wiping his mouth. This whole time they were chatting, he was too busy with his lunch to join their conversation.




It is time for them to go home. Taeyeon has already left with Tiffany, same goes to Sooyoung and Sunny. Hyoyeon headed for his club activities, and that left Yul who was waiting patiently for his girlfriend that was discussing some school stuff with the principle. He waited outside the office, played with his phone, he did anything he can to keep him away from boredom.

He was looking at the school field where students are doing their activities, when suddenly he heard fast footsteps came closer to him and he felt a finger poking on his shoulder. He turned around to find his girlfriend grinning at him.

“Sorry I took longer than I expected”, she said.

“It’s okay. So everything’s done?”, he asked.

“Yup. Why did you change your shirt?”, they started walking.

“Coz I’ve got nothing else to do, I was sweaty and these clothes are in my locker”




They are now in the car heading to Jung’s resident. Jessica wanted to take a bath and change her clothes before going to their ‘group studies’.



“Wanna go for a movie before going back to my place?”

“Huh? Is that why you change your shirt?”

“That’s just coincidence. Told you I was sweaty, you wouldn’t want a sweaty boyfriend, would you? So?”

“What time are they going to your place?”,

“I don’t know, they will probably drag until it’s late, and Hyo is still in the school”

“Mmm… Alright, just let me take a bath and change my clothes first”, they have reached Jung’s resident.




“I’m done”, Jessica came down to the living room, ready with a casual looking dress, looking simple and yet gorJESS, with a thin layer of makeup. Yul can only smile, feeling contented with the view in front of him. He was talking to Mrs. Jung about their short trip while waiting for her to get ready. They bit goodbye to Mrs. Jung and drove to the mall close to Yul’s apartment.

They reached the mall and walked to the ticket counter hand in hand while looking for the movie they might be watching. They just agreed on watching “Total Recall”, as it was playing in few minutes, but Yul’s phone rang, indicating incoming call.

“What?!”, Jessica nudged him because of his rude tone, he is always annoyed when someone called him every time he is alone with Jessica.

“Hello to you too YUL”, Hyo’s voice can be heard from across the line.

“What do you want? Coming now?”, he looked at his watch, his best friend was supposed to be still in the school.

“Yul! She said she’ll be coming! Treat her good, okay? And please don’t scare her away! We’ll come probably in 2 hours”, he said in excited tone.

“Oh gosh, HYO! What are you so scared of? Have we ever treat someone badly?”, they are still queuing for their ticket, few people left till their turn.

“Fine fine, chill man, I’ll see you later then!”, he hung up the phone.

“I thought he was already coming now, but luckily he is coming in another 2 hours, so we can still watch the movie”, he looks really excited with their movie date, Jessica couldn’t help but chuckled at his childish behavior. It left only 2 more people before their turn when Yul got another call. He looked at the name of the caller.

“You’ve got to be kidding me”, he picked up the phone, “Yes, Taeng?”

“Yo Yul! We’ll be coming in half an hour or so”

FUUUUUUUUUUU Why so early?”

“Coz we have nothing to do, and feel like chilling at your place?”

“Do you think my apartment is vacation place?”

“Something like that, whatever Yul, see you in awhile, you better be at home when we come”

“Damn you, Taeng!”, he cursed under his breath.

“Yeah, see you too”, the guy on the other side replied sarcastically.

Yul let out a heavy sigh after the phone call, it was supposed to be their turn to get the ticket but from the phone call, he knew that they would not have enough time for the movie.

“What’s wrong?”, Jessica asked when she looked at Yul’s gloomy face.

“Taeng said he will come in half an hour, which means we have no time to watch the movie”, he pouted which Jessica found cute, they walked away from the line.

“Let’s go, just walk around awhile and go back to your place”, she smiled and slid her arm to his and started to pull him around the place. Yul did not mind being pulled around, as this is the first time his girlfriend initiating such action, it has always been him going head over heels over her. They went back to his apartment after some window-shopping all around the mall.



Yul and Jessica were just watching tv show in Yul’s living room and they were snuggling on the coach with Jessica in Yul’s arm. Jessica has been looking around the apartment since the time they reached there, it was one bedroom apartment painted in warm color complete with living room, kitchen, and a bathroom that is connected to the bedroom and living room, with a big glass that have the view of the town.

“So why do you live here alone, not with your parent?”, Jessica said, looking at him while he was still looking at the tv screen.

“It’s closer to the school, and my parents are barely at home anyway, so it really doesn’t make that much different”, he answered, Jessica can see a glimpse of loneliness from his eyes when he was explaining.

“Do you have any siblings?”

“A younger sister, but she went for studying overseas few years back, I moved out since then”

“You get lonely without her?”

“Kind of, she is a prankster too, the house was never quiet when we are together”, he smiled when he was reminiscing the past. “But I still have Taeng and Hyo around, so it’s not too bad. And now I have you”, their eyes are now locked together. He grinned and kissed the top of her head causing Jessica to look back to the screen and shrink in shyness.

 Right at that moment, they heard a knock on the door. Yul groaned in frustration and got up from one of his favorites position lazily to walked to the door, “I’ll get the door”.



There is no surprise for him to find a short guy and an eye-smile beauty standing in front of his door.

“Why are you here so early?”, he was still holding a grudge because of the failed movie date, and threw a look to his best friend.

“What?! You guys were making out or something?”, Taeyeon lead his girlfriend to walk pass Yul to enter the apartment, it’s like his second home already.

“Yes! That’s why you should have come later!”, he closed the door after the two has came in.

“You’re lucky I didn’t just open the door with my spare key”

“Woah Jess!”, Tiffany was already imagining things in her mind.

“KWON YUL!”, Jessica heard the conversation before and glared at Yul while he just grinning innocently.


“So? What are we going to do now? It’s not like we are actually going to study anyways”, Yul said based on the fact that everyone that was now sitting in his living room are the top students. Before anyone replied to his question, they heard another knock on the door.

“Midget, go open th-”, Yul received a smack on his lap before he even finish his sentence.

“Can you stop calling him that? And open the door”, Jessica glared at Yul before another childish war happen between the two best friend. Taeyeon and Tiffany burst out laughing at Yul’s frowning face who could not say anything but head to the door.

“I think I have found Yul’s weaknesses”, Taeyeon pretended to whisper to the girl beside her, but loud enough for everyone in the room to hear.

“Talk to yourself Taeng”, Yul said, implying that Tiffany is also Taeyeon’s weaknesses before opening the door for Sunny and Sooyoung who bought plenty of snacks.

“Good afternoon, excuse me~”, the tallest guy said while stepping into the house following the short haired girl in front of him.

“Yo Soo, I what’s with all the snacks?”, Taeyeon looked at the big plastic bag full of snack on the table in front of them.

“I need snacks to accompany me to do whatever we are doing”, he explained it calmly as if it is a normal thing to do.

“I have told him not to bring all these but he insisted”, Sunny sighed, making everyone else laughed.

“This is one nice apartment you have here”, Sooyoung said while looking around.



“WOAH! PS3! Let’s play something, what game do you have?”, Sunny eyes sparkled when she saw her favorite thing in the world.

“Seriously, I don’t even know why are we doing this, none of us is actually here to study”, Yul said while turning on the machine.

“It’s because of your best friend who is such a chicken”, Taeyeon answered.

“Excuse me? He is your BROTHER”, Yul rebutted.

“I think Hyo will be very upset when he found out that none of his best buddies acknowledge him”, everyone in the room laughed when Tiffany pretending to make a sad expression.

The boys plus Sunny played games while Tiffany and Jessica were gossiping as they were waiting for Hyo to come. After almost more than an hour, they heard a knock on the door. This time Taeyeon was the one to open the door because Yul was busy with his game.


“Guys~” Taeyeon called for attention.

Everyone including Yul and Sunny who paused the game looked at the two newcomers. They saw a shy girl standing behind Hyo with a blond medium length hair.

“Hi guys, this is . . .”





Sorry for the late update >.<


Should I make SooSun official then?

I'm sure everyone can guess who is Hyo girl and who is Yul's little sis. :D



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Chapter 36: Hi!!! I'm back ㅋㅋㅋ where are you author nim??
I missed this fic and yulsic too
Hope you update soon.. Fighting :))
Chapter 36: Author nim where are you, it's been 4 years since your last update,,, i need yulsic sweet moment.... I hope you're doing well and update this fanfic asap
Guitarra #3
Chapter 1: lol i see my name. Sorry i never commented on your post but i do love your works and still waiting for your update :)
sunleader95 #4
Chapter 36: I just have read this story, i really love how sweet yulsic are, hope you can update soon, thank you author
Chapter 36: Jelly sica is very cute when shes angry...kekeke...its funny at the same time sweet...keep work'n on it author......

Author is jjang.....!!!

Update soon author-shii..pls dnt rush just go with the flow..!!!
Chapter 36: is sica not wearing swimwear here? she should have flaunt her y bod and have men (and women) drooling over her too.,
Chapter 1: thanks for the welcome author, finally got to reading your story today, and I really like KWMS so I hope this is as fluffy as that
Chapter 36: Are you going to come back and update your fic author?
Joleds #9
Chapter 34: Author -ssi im so hooked up with your story lol..i didn't notice your notes because i wanted to go to the next chappies..im sorry I can't stop reading this ff sorry for being so silent all this time T.T
gabiel #10
Chapter 36: Is this is the last chapter?