Will It Be Too Late To Apologize?

Love Story in S♥NE High

The ride home was unusually quiet for them. Yul was only concentrating on the road, while the girl beside her was looking outside the window, lost in her own thought.

They are half way back to the hotel, “You have done it again, Jess”, she told herself. Guilt is creeping on her, she regretted what she just did a while ago. She knows this time is entirely her fault, she will have to find a way to clear this misunderstanding.

“Yul”, she called out while stealing glances to the guy beside her. As she expected, he didn’t answer. Somehow, it hurts her that he was ignoring her presence, it’s the first time he treated her this way since they got close. She understands that whatever she is feeling now, he must be feeling worst than her. This kind of feeling, she swore she would never want to experience it anymore in the future.

He was still wearing the ring. She looked at it and let out a sigh.

“Yul, sorry, I didn’t mean to reject it, I was just surprised, because you suddenly give such an expensive thing to me”, she let out another sigh after not getting any respond from him. “I would definitely accept it if you gave me a second chance”, and the car is filled with another silence.


Soon, they reached the entrance of the hotel. Jessica was unbuckling her seatbelt, but stopped when she saw Yul wasn’t doing the same.

“Are you going somewhere else?”, she asked, but instead of getting answer, she was given the room card.

“Just go back first, I still have stuff to do”, he answered in monotone.

She couldn’t do anything but to obey him when he unbuckled her seatbelt. She got off the car and went inside the building.


Yul took a glance at her back before speeding off circling around the city, to cool off his head.

“Why does it so hard for her to just accept a small gift from me?”

“Should I forgive her?”

“Won’t it be too easy for her? But to think about it, it’s her first time saying sorry to me”

“If what she said is true, does that mean she will accept it if I give it to her again?”, train of thought is going through his head.

“AAARGH!!!!!!!!!”, in the end he scream in the speeding car to release his frustration.


After few more round around the city, Yul decided to go back to the hotel. He left his car for valet parking, and walked into the building. He heard somebody was calling out for him from the receptionist desk and he walked toward the desk.

“Kwon-san, here is the document from my manager, he brought it to your room, but you weren’t there, and a young lady left the room key for you”, He said while handing over the files and card for him. Yul was looking at the card confusedly.

“Did she go somewhere?”, he asked the receptionist.

“Yes, she has gone out for a while now”, he answered.

“Did she say where to?”

“No, she only asked us to get her a taxi”

“Alright, thank you”, he then headed to the suite.

Where is she going?”, unconsciously, he started to get worried about her where about. He realized that he couldn’t stay mad at her, he’s more worried than angry. He pouted when he found the empty suite and walked straight to the room, leaving the pile of files on the table and headed to the bathroom to take a bath.


He was expecting her to be back when he came out from the bathroom, but to his disappointment, she was nowhere to be found, he left the door unlocked in case she came back when he was still in the bathroom.

Where the hell did she go?”, he looked at his phone, debating whether to call her or not.

“I’ll give her another 30 minutes, she better be back before that”, he thought to himself before looking through the files he just got.


Not long after, he heard the door opening, he took a peek from the room to see if the girl he was waiting for is back. He saw her sneaking away to the kitchen area. He decided to play his cool act again, relief that she is back.

He was just starting to concentrate on his work, when Jessica walked into the room, holding something that smells familiar to him. She walked to the table and place the thing on the table for him.

“This is for you”, she said and gave him the sweetest smile she can make.

He was trying hard not to show his happiness, when he saw what it is. It was takoyaki, his favorite food in Japan. He didn’t get to eat it today , because he was too busy doing other stuff, but now it’s in front of him, how could he resist it? However, he still pretended to concentrate on his work.



Jessica was going back to her suite when she bumped into TeaNy in the corridor outside their room.

“Hi Jess! Where’s Yul? How was your dinner?”, the taller girl asked.

“Not too good”

“What have you done now?”, the eye-smiled girl can already guess that it’s the ice princess’ fault.

“Something, and I think he is mad at me”

“It must be pretty bad if he is angry, he barely shows tamper to anyone close to him”, Taeyeon said, adding more guilt to the crime she has already committed. She can only answer with a heavy sigh.

“Where is he now?”, Tiffany asked again.

“I don’t know, he dropped me off at the entrance and just left”

… Taeyeon seems to be thinking about something.

“Hmm… maybe you can give him takoyaki, he likes it the most and always eats it whenever he came here, maybe that will cheer him up a bit”

“What else does he like?”

“Err.. Mickey mouse?”

“Huh? … Okay”

“We need to go now Jess, call me if you need any help”, Tiffany said while tugging Taeyeon to the lift.

“Alright, thank you”.

She looked at her watch and rush down to the receptionist desk.


*End of Flashback*


She decided to fork one of it and held it in front of his mouth after not getting any respond from him. She kept pushing it to his mouth purposely, leaving some sauce on his mouth, so he can taste it. She pouted when he still ignoring her.

“Fine, if you don’t want it, I’ll finish it myself”, she was going to take away the plate of takoyaki.

“Leave it, I’ll eat it later”, he said before his favorite dish got taken away, his eyes are still on the papers. She smiled after hearing what he said, she decided to leave him alone to enjoy it, while she got ready to take a bath.


She came out from the bathroom just to find an empty plate on the table, he has eaten them all in just a few minutes. She took the plate and brought it to the kitchen to wash it.

She came back to the room and took a book before sitting comfortably on the bed to continue her reading from this morning. The room was awfully quiet, both of them are too engrossed with their own stuff.


Jessica was done with her reading and she stole a glace to the guy on the desk. He was focused on his work, she has never seen this side of him, as he was always playful in front of her. Unconsciously, she lost in his irresistible figure, his dark-brown eyes, pointy nose, tanned skin and broad shoulder.

Yul who was doing his work got the feeling of someone was staring at him, he saw her from the corner of his eyes, gazing at him intensely.

“Gosh! Stop staring at me already, I can’t even concentrate here”, he was distracted by her stares.

“I know I’m irresistible. Do you like me that much that you can’t stop staring at me?”, in the end he say something, still looking at his work.

She was flabbergasted when he said it, she was caught red handed, and quickly slid down to hide under the blanket, quickly turned away to hide her burning cheeks.

Another few minutes and he’s done with his work. He stretched his arm and looked over to the bed to find his girlfriend playing with her phone.

She turned around when she heard the sound of the paper being tidy up on the table.

“Yul, are you still angry?”, she asked, but didn’t get any reply. Instead, he walked towards her slowly, looking intensely into her eyes.


In one swift movement, he grabbed both of her wrists and pinned it to either side of her head, he was on top of her, eyes still fixed to hers.

“Ekk!”, she squealed, surprised by his action.

“OMG! OMG! OMG! What is he doing? Is he crazy? He is out of his mind! I’m gonna die.”, she was panicking after realizing their position.


“I love you”, he said before leaning down, capturing her lips in a firm and fast lip lock. Jessica was stunned, her eyes opened wide from the sudden kiss, her slow brain is still processing, her heart pumped twice as fast as before.

“Thank you for the takoyaki”, he said after he released the kiss, getting away from the position, he sit on the side of the bed, looking at the bashful girl who was also sitting up on the bed.

She pouted shyly, “Can I have the ring back then?”, she showed her palm to him, asking for the ring.

“Nope, you have to earn it”, he shrugged and smiled at her pouting face.


“Seobang, can we go to Disneyland tomorrow?”, as she remembered Mickey Mouse is one of his favorite.

“Seobang?”, he was quite surprised by the new nick name, she sure made a lot of surprises tonight and he was enjoying every moment of it, minus the cold war part.

“Uh-hmm, I prefer calling you that”, she answered shyly.

“I can get used to that. *grins* Alright, let’s go to Disneyland tomorrow, I’ll ask the others”, he said while getting up from the bed.

“It’s late now, have a good rest”

“Good night”

“Nite, baby”, he kissed her forehead before heading out to the living room.




It will soon catch up to what I have posted on Soshified.

And I will have to announce that you guys will have to wait for my update probably once a week.

I'm sorry T.T I've got so much stuff to do for my uni.

Please be patience.


Of course, THANK YOU for all the comments and New Subscribers!!!!


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Chapter 36: Hi!!! I'm back ㅋㅋㅋ where are you author nim??
I missed this fic and yulsic too
Hope you update soon.. Fighting :))
Chapter 36: Author nim where are you, it's been 4 years since your last update,,, i need yulsic sweet moment.... I hope you're doing well and update this fanfic asap
Guitarra #3
Chapter 1: lol i see my name. Sorry i never commented on your post but i do love your works and still waiting for your update :)
sunleader95 #4
Chapter 36: I just have read this story, i really love how sweet yulsic are, hope you can update soon, thank you author
Chapter 36: Jelly sica is very cute when shes angry...kekeke...its funny at the same time sweet...keep work'n on it author......

Author is jjang.....!!!

Update soon author-shii..pls dnt rush just go with the flow..!!!
Chapter 36: is sica not wearing swimwear here? she should have flaunt her y bod and have men (and women) drooling over her too.,
Chapter 1: thanks for the welcome author, finally got to reading your story today, and I really like KWMS so I hope this is as fluffy as that
Chapter 36: Are you going to come back and update your fic author?
Joleds #9
Chapter 34: Author -ssi im so hooked up with your story lol..i didn't notice your notes because i wanted to go to the next chappies..im sorry I can't stop reading this ff sorry for being so silent all this time T.T
gabiel #10
Chapter 36: Is this is the last chapter?