“You're kind of mean.”

Hyung... saranghaeyo!



It had been a nice, spring-ish day. The sun was shining bright and tried it's very best to warm everything and everyone up. It wasn't exactly a match to the wind though, who roamed around Busan like a ghost looking for someone to scare.
Changjo had gotten up early that day. He was meeting up with one of his closest friends and he wanted to look his very best when doing so. He had hopped inside the small bathroom in his dorm he shared with one other boy. The water that ran down his body was ice cold. The first droplets that left the faucet felt like needles that dug themselves inside his skin.
It wasn't that he enjoyed pain or anything, he just didn't feel clean if he took a shower with hot water. And, he'd also get more alert with the icy water. If it had been hot, steaming water, then he'd probably fall back asleep.

Changjo looked absolutely stunning in the mirror once he was done. Wearing a pair of midnight blue jeans and a moss green, silk button up shirt, with the three golden buttons on the very top ed he felt confident. He had even taken some gel to fix his hair. That was something he blamed Chunji for. If he hadn't worked at a hair salon, he wouldn't be so fixated on his hair. But well, he looked good, and that was all that mattered.

He walked out of the small bathroom and bumped into his roommate, who surprisingly enough was about same height as him. Or, maybe a few centimeters taller. To be tall and Asian wasn't very usual, yet there were the two of them.

“Woah. Where are you going, looking all... handsome?”, the red haired Chinese boy asked him.
Changjo smirked at the boy and shrugged. “Just going out. Do I really look good?”.
The boy rolled his eyes and walked passed him inside the bathroom and squeezed out some toothpaste on his jade green toothbrush. “Always. Go. My boyfriend's coming over and I need to fix myself as well”.
“Good luck with that”, Changjo said and stuck out his tongue before quickly running out of the room, barely grabbing his jacket and shoes on the go.
Yeah, he figured it was best to joke with the martial arts master on a distance. It wasn't that he was scared, he just knew that that diva could easily kick his if he wanted to. And Changjo wouldn't let himself being beat down by a kung-fu-panda wannabe; definitely not! He'd bring out his inner gangster, for sure.
As he walked down the hall of the school, did he put on his black leather jacket and stopped to tie his black converse. Being friends with filthy rich brats had it's benefits. Being best friends with one... well, let's just say it automatically made him one too.
To count everything Chunji had bought him was... impossible. There were watches, bags, products, furniture to put in the dorm, clothes... jewelry. Not to mention the car that he had promised to get him once he finished school. Changjo didn't know much about cars, the only thing he knew was that the one Chunji drove around in, was worth more than everything he'd bought for Changjo together.

Changjo walked out of the school with his hands inside his pockets and began the stroll to the shopping mall where he was suppose to meet Chunji at. It had been a while since the last time the two met. It had been... a month, almost. Maybe three and a half weeks. But there had been reasons; Chunji had sworn to kill Changjo if he for even a second ditched school. He had made a deal with his roommate to keep an eye on Changjo. Over protective, much?
But he couldn't hate Chunji, he'd done so much for him. He really was the best friend he'd never have. Or no, he was more of a brother, actually. When things had been hard, had that blonde been there to help him out.

“Oi, going somewhere?”.
Changjo stopped and turned around to meet with a smiley, familiar blonde. The man chuckled, but then sighed.
“What?”, Changjo grinned and folded his hands over his chest. “Aren't you going to mention how y I look?”.
The boy rolled his eyes and walked up to Changjo. “You're going to get sick in those clothes. It's not summer; you can't walk around like that. It's a really good thing I thought of that. Here”.
With that, did Chunji take out a black knitted scarf and rolled it around his neck. It wasn't very necessary for Changjo to think of himself; Chunji did that for him. Like an awesome, caring older brother.

“I have such a good hyung”, Changjo teased and laid his arm around the man's neck, and chuckled. “Let's go!”.

It was nice walking down the street with Chunji by his side. He didn't realize how much he'd missed him until he was there by his side, chatting about all kinds of things. About his new friends that had kept him busy; some Eunhee girl and Ricky. He made sure to listen to every word Chunji said about Ricky.
The first time that he had met the guy was when everything was getting better. 

The first time that he had met the guy was when everything was getting better. He had helped Chunji out in the hair salon; or well, he had talked to the costumers and made sure they were comfortable. He had brought them coffee, magazines.. anything they wanted.
He had gone on Yubin's nerves as he ran after her when she had her break. He was pretty sure she hated him back then. She had only eyes for Chunji, and Changjo was pretty sure that he was aware of her feelings. He, on the other hand, weren't looking for a relationship with anyone. No, he was still waiting for someone else to run back to him. Which was kind of pathetic, since the person he was waiting for, had moved on years ago.
When Chunji had explained everything to Yubin, had she hit him hard on the cheek, leaving a red mark. He had told her about his uality, that he was just as interested in girls as he was interested in boys. Which freaked her out, since she had thought he'd only liked girls.
That was the part where C.A.P came in. He was the friend of Yubin's and had promised her that she could go with him to Seoul for a while, until things cooled down at Busan. 

Oh, how Changjo had wanted to go with her that night. She had asked him, tried to convince him that Chunji was mad and all kinds of crazy things. And he had chosen to believe in Chunji over Yubin.

“Are you even listening to what I'm saying?”, Chunji chuckled suddenly, and slapped Changjo on the arm. “Yah!”.
“I was! I was! But I just... grew tired about all the things you had to say about that chick. How's L.Joe these days? I haven't really got the chance to talk to him in a while”, Changjo smoothly said and earned a cute sigh from the older boy.
“He is fine. I think he's missing you”, Chunji replied. “Other than that... is he busy with school. If he takes some summer curses, he will be upgraded to his normal grade, so after that, he'll be a senior!”.
“Woah, really? Hyung is so smart”, Changjo muttered but then chuckled. “But then again, it's L.Joe we're talking about, he wouldn't waste his summer on studies”. 



Standing next to a pleading Ricky, made Changjo's heart weak. He knew that it was non of his business what Ricky did or didn't do, but he just couldn't resist. And he couldn't leave him like that. All teared up and fragile... no, he couldn't.

“Okay, I won't”, he sighed and looked down at Ricky's hand before firmly grabbing it wearing a smile he thought looked happy and filled with life. “Why don't we just... forget about that for now and have fun? I think there's a fair not far away from where I live. We could check it out”.
Ricky returned the smile, but the spark were gone. “Sure”.

Changjo lead the way down the street. He wanted to make Ricky feel better, but no sound would come out. The mood was totally gone, which he hated. He wanted to be happy and have fun all the time, not be all depressed and boring. And from the impression Ricky had given him the first time the two met, he was like that too.

“Hm... how are you doing in school?”, he asked in an attempt to start a conversation. He figured it was good to start somewhere, though the subject wasn't exactly one he enjoyed talking about, ever.
Ricky gave it a thought before answering honestly, with a voice slightly happier than before.
“It's going okay. I'm not exactly an A student, but with some help from my friends, I've managed to score some B's and C's”.
Changjo nodded. “That's great. I kind of... skipped school a lot, so I had to take some courses during my summer break. Though I'm not the smartest, I'm not failing any classes. Except for psychology. I hate it”.
Ricky lit up and pointed at him, his mouth open. “You too?! It's so hard! And boring! Wow! You're the first person I've met that hates it”.
“What is there to like? It's stupid and confusing.”, Changjo said with a bright smile and looked straight into Ricky's eyes. “Look at us. Sharing a hate. I sense we're going to be really good friends, Yoo Changhyun!”.

And good friends were one understatement Changjo had said as the two reached the fair and explored every stand that sell all kinds of things for a non-existing prize. The two tried on crazy hats with enormous dots on them, fancy glasses and old, old clothes probably from the early 80's.
At the end of the day, did Changjo drag little Ricky with him to a ddukkbokki stand.

“Ahjumma! Two portions of extra spicy ddukkbokki!”, Changjo said with glee and exhaled. He was starving, and dukkbokki was his favorite food.
“A-ani!”, Ricky whined and hit him lightly on the arm. “I can't eat too spicy food. It's going to burn my tongue and throat for a week!”.
Changjo just laughed and shot the boy a playful smirk. “Too bad... I guess I'll just have to eat your portion”.
“Yah!”, Ricky laughed. “What happened to 'I'm buying us food, don't worry about it'?”.
Changjo shrugged. “Yeah well... what to do if you can't eat spicy food?”.
“Arraseo! I'll eat!”, Ricky said with a pout.
“Good boy”, Changjo chuckled and patted the shorter boy on his head.

The woman in the stand gave them two containers of dukkbokki and Changjo paid.
He pointed at an empty bench the two could sit on while eating. It was hard for Changjo not to smile at Ricky who looked both nervous and scared over the food in his hand.

“Ahh... eotteokae”, Ricky mumbled and sat down on the wooded bench with the container placed on his lap. He inhaled and exhaled and stared at the dukkbokki like it was some kind of monster that was going to munch on him instead.
“Yah”, Changjo chuckled and hit him on the arm, very lightly. “I can assure you that it's going to be yummy. I've tried Busan's every dukkbokki, and this one is absolutely the best”.
Ricky let out an “ow” and shot Changjo a dark eye. “But you said to make it even more spicier than what it already was!”.
“Just taste it, damn it!”, Changjo laughed and happily dug in after splitting the wooded chopsticks.

The way his tongue burned made his eyes tear up. But he liked it. He let out a high pitched sound of happiness and clapped his hands together.

“Aah, mazdaa!”, he breathed and felt like a dragon that exhaled fire. It was a cool feeling. “You seriously have to try it! It was so good!”.
Ricky hesitated first, but then stabbed a rice cake with one chopstick and popped it inside his mouth. He chewed quickly and swallowed.
“Ah... hot”, he said and waved his hand in front of his face. But a smile soon crept up on the boy's lips and he wiggled his hands suddenly. “Omo! You were right! It's really, really tasty!”.

So, Changjo had pointed at the normal, which in his opinion wasn't very spicy at all ddukkbokki in the stand and taken the spicier himself.

“Told you”, he chuckled and had more of the hot, spicy food.

The two enjoyed the food and each others company, until the sun set and both of them felt like it was time to get home. To Changjo, had the day been one of the best. He loved how close he had gotten to Ricky and all of that. The fact that he hadn't told him what was bothering him was still a little suspicious to him, but he figured he'd tell him once he felt ready for it.

“Thanks for today”, Ricky said as they walked down the street.
Somewhere during their little walk, had he grabbed Changjo's arm and almost leaned himself onto it. Though it probably was because he felt cold, was Changjo happy. It was another sign that he was comfortable with him around.
“It was fun, wasn't it?”, Changjo said with a chuckle. “We should hang out again some time”.
Ricky nodded and took out a turquoise covered phone out of his pocket. “Give me your number and I'll call you”.
That should have been something to happy for, but Changjo was a little suspicious and shook his head. “I'll call you. I have a feeling you won't call me whenever you're free, so I'll just call you when I am”.
He took the phone from the shorter's hand and called his own phone from it.
“You're kind of mean”, Ricky stated out of the blue and stopped in his tracks. He then smiled at Changjo and shrugged. “But I like you anyway. I'll wait for your call”.

With that, did he disappear inside one of the many houses. Changjo stayed still and tilted his head to the side. He in some air before letting out a low; “Mwo?”.
Before he continued down the street to the bus stop, did he sigh. “Saying you like someone is kind of worse”. 

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MiniShampoo #1
Chapter 57: I love love love your Story! !
Chapter 65: Am I too late to say that this story is so beautiful? well yeah i've just finished reading this, and omg i just can't stop loving rickjoe. they're so cute. and again this story is awesome. good job!
Chapter 5: hi!!
new reader here >.<
already in chapter 5 n still long way to go~

you write pretty damn well honey n it really spark my interest to read well too~
Chapter 65: Waaa~ I just love this fic~^^ Looking forward to the sequel~~
Chapter 65: Great ending and I will wait patiently for your lovely sequel!!!
Chapter 65: Congrats for emding this story! It was totally awesome and i really enjoyed reading your stories! Cant wait for your sequel too! Hwaiting! (:
BubbleLightBaek #7
Chapter 65: omo!! love the ending!!its a bit short,but still!love it and can't wait for the sequel!!
Chapter 63: its so cute and omf. i usually dont like too fluffy stories but hksksjis this story is an exception<3
sequel pleaseeeeeee ^^