The cafeteria choas.....................

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  It was launch time. We all headed to the cafeteria after washing the paint off of our selves.

My eyes searched for Kai but I didn’t see him anywhere. I finally found him, he was hiding behind a wall.

"Kai!"I hissed and waved at him. He turned his head and tip toed towards me.

"… I don’t wanna go to the cafeteria" he said

"Hmph! Coward! Maybe you should disguise yourself as a girl after all" I laughed.

"And maybe you should color your hair purple!" he said holding a strand of my hair. I slapped his arm off and he laughed. Yup! He was right, my hair was slightly purple.

"And did you call me a coward? Fine lets go to the cafeteria then!" he said as his manly senses came to life and we started walking.

"You didn’t answer my question earlier. What is with you and all these girls?" I asked him as we made our way to the cafeteria.

"Well you see, it's a bit compli-" he was about to answer when someone interrupted.

"Kim! Why do you keep disappearing?!" Jiyoung yelled as she grabbed my hand. And that attracted everyone's attention. Now again all eyes were on Kai and there was a deadly silence in the cafeteria.

" Thank you so much!" I said sarcastically and she just looked around with innocent eyes.

"What should I do?!" Kai whispered bending slowly to reach my ear.

"Just don’t panic, you distract them, I'll get the noodles and then we'll run away!" just then there was a big scream.

"KAAAAIIIII!!!!" one girl screamed and ran towards him and the others followed her. The cafeteria staff tried to stop them but they were uncontrollable.

The colony of ants running towards the sugar cube. Again! Why do they run after him?! These animals!

When they were about to eat the sugar cube when Kai spoke.

"WAIT!" he raised his hands and they stopped. "If you don’t attack I………I……..I'll sing for you!" he said and everyone cheered. They lifted him up and made him stand on the table and he started singing this song called History ( he also did a few dance moves). Everyone sang along and waved their hands in the air, it was like a mini concert.

hmm… I wonder where I've heard this song…..O MY GOD! THAT'S THE SONG MY FRIENDS DANCE WITH!!!! This means that Kai…….is a member of Exo! Hmph! Smart Jiyoung, no wonder she was so nice to me. Using me to get close to him . That creepy little thing. But I have to admit he sings so good!   

I thought as I moved my head left and right, following the rhythm.

"KIM!" he mouthed and I snapped out of my thoughts.

I signaled him to cut it off when I got the noodles. He looked at me and then shouted and pointed at the door "OH! LOOK ! THERE COMES THE OTHER MEMBERS OF EXO-K!!!"

The fans turned their heads towards the door and back at the table, but Kai was already gone. We sneaked into the kitchen and exited the cafeteria through the back door.

" This way" I said  as we ran to this place the students call secret garden. They haven’t done planting all the trees and flowers , yet it's a stunning place.  Students usually come here and talk abou

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crazykpoper #2
Chapter 40: I don't really like sad endings, u usually hate that story if twy have one, but yours is an exception. I felt that this story show more of the reality, and what usually will happen. It may ruin the fanfic-ish moments, but then again, most idols date, they have their first love but not all of them ends up with their first love. Life is so cruel isn't it x| XD Anws about the squeal, I have a feeling Kai will be cold if there were to be a squeal :| but then again this is a fanfic, it's fictional, so why not make a squeal xD hahaha I don't make sense at all xD
Mystique_12 #3
Chapter 40: If u do will u plz write a happy ending for kai n kim...?
I luved this fanfic a lot but the ending kinda broke my heart.....
tiffydn #4
Chapter 40: I think you should... it ended pretty sad... and I personally felt it like it should say something in the end like "continuara" or something like that xD
Chapter 39: Aww I'm sad it had to end this way, but I really enjoyed reading your story! And I agree with everyone requesting a sequel :) I bet you feel really relieved after finally fishing! Haha x
KimJongMin #6
Chapter 39: Such a sad ending! i hope there will be a sequel! :D
tiffydn #7
Chapter 39: Sequel sequel sequel sequel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The end looks completely incomplete!!!!!
tiffydn #8
Chapter 39: Omfg.... Wth??? No really.... I HATE SAD ENDINGS!!!!!!!!!!!! GOSH!!!!!!!! I HATE IT!!!!!!! ARRRRGHH!!!!! IT'S SO ____ING SAAAAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TT@TT OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I liked the story but hated the end seriusly after so much heart breaking things happening in this story you decide ti put a heart breaking end too??!?!?!!!?!!?!? Gosh no this is too much for my heart.....
Chapter 39: This ending is the saddest of them all but I like how you think because in reality this same thing would have happened. Great story btw
Chapter 39: T-T I really wanted an happy ending. Im crying my eyes of right now.
Anyway thank you for writing this awsome fanfic :)