Psycho Ex

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After roaming around the city we reached a childrens' carnival.

"Wow! this place is so cool!" Chanyeol said as he looked at the big carnival which was full of light and cute decorations.

"Wait 'till you see Tokyo Disneyland" I said with a lollipop in my mouth.

We started messing around and having fun and decided to play a few games. We started with a targeting game. The owner of the booth would hand you a bow and arrow and you had to shoot a plate containing areas of different colors and she would give you a price depending on how close your arrow gets to the center.

"Hey Kim, watch me get that huge teddy bear for ya!" Sehun said confidently as he pointed at the huge, grey teddy bear hanging on the wall.

"He has a 'secret' crush on you" Kai whispered in my ear as he formed quotation marks with his fingers and I giggled.  

 He took the bow and arrow and focused deeply, then he loosened his fingers to shoot. The arrow didn’t even hit the plate. We didn’t know where it went so we laughed until our faces turned blue, then we realized we had to search for the lost arrow. Finally the owner of the booth said we have to pay for it since we lost it. I wanted to pay for the lost arrow but Sehun stopped me and paid for an extra one and said why not I try and see if I can do better as if he was insulted. I accepted the challenge and focused deeply as I coordinated my position and closed one of my eyes, ready to loose the arrow and when I did all of them started clapping and cheering. The arrow hit exactly the center.

"I-impossible" Sehun said as he examined the arrow.

"Kim! how did you do that?" D.O said and rounded his big eyes.

"Well, I took archery lessons as a kid so I'm pretty good with targets"

"You never told me that" Kai said.

"You never asked" I replied.

"M'am here's your price" the woman said as she handed me the huge teddy bear. I took it from her and handed it to Sehun.

"What? You want me to hold it?" he said.

"No. I'm giving it to you, you know to keep it"

"No no no. I'm not accepting a teddy bear from a girl who just won a challenge against me" he said and crossed his arm.

"But…….. I want you to have it. You're so rude!" I said and he became alert at my last sentence.

"Alright, alright" he said and took the teddy bear willingly and hugged it.

After playing a few games we decided to buy ice creams and get on the Ferris wheel. The line was pretty long so Sehun said he'll go and have a walk. I was looking around, not paying attention to my chocolate ice cream when I felt it was moving in my hand. I turned just to see Kai my ice cream.

"Ewwwwww! Now it's covered with your saliva!"I said and pretended to gag.

"Don’t worry I don’t have a disease. Your shoe lace is open"

"Mmm. I know, I'm too lazy to tie it"

 "Why are you staring at the ice cream? You can the other side" he said and laughed "C'mon! I dare you!"

I looked at the ice cream with disgust and stuck my tongue out of my mouth. I closed my eyes and came closer then suddenly he shoved the whole thing in my mouth.

"Ewww! Kai!" I yelled and he started running. I ran after him but ended up falling on the grass since my shoe lace was open.

"Are you okay?!" he said as he ran towards me. I shook my head in agreement while holding my knee.

"See, I told you to tie your shoe lace" he said and sat in front of me and tied my shoe lace for me. I just smiled at his kindness. He eventually got up and offered me his hand. I took his hand and suddenly yanked him down, making his face collide with the ground a bit hard.

"O my god! Are you okay?!"I asked concerned and he turned his head towards me while burying his face in his hands.

"Lemme see" I said and he uncovered his face. I touched his right cheek with my finger tips and saw that it was a bit red. For a moment our eyes met and it was just…….awkward.

"I'm so sorry" I said and got up, feeling really guilty. I knew it was going to bruise.

"It's okay. Now c'mon, let's buy you another ice cream" he said and dusted himself.

"If you wont it again" I laughed and we started walking. After buying another chocolate ice cream which I swallowed in two seconds we went back to the Ferris wheel.

"Where have you two been?" D.O asked as he narrowed his eyes in suspicious "we just got off the Ferris wheel!"

"Um…sorry, where is Sehun?" asked Kai.

"I'm here!" Sehun yelled as he raised his hand.

"Where have you been? You have some lipstick right here" Baekhyun said as he pointed at Sehun's bottom lip.

"Oh, this? Yeah I was at the kissing booth" he said and wiped it off.

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crazykpoper #2
Chapter 40: I don't really like sad endings, u usually hate that story if twy have one, but yours is an exception. I felt that this story show more of the reality, and what usually will happen. It may ruin the fanfic-ish moments, but then again, most idols date, they have their first love but not all of them ends up with their first love. Life is so cruel isn't it x| XD Anws about the squeal, I have a feeling Kai will be cold if there were to be a squeal :| but then again this is a fanfic, it's fictional, so why not make a squeal xD hahaha I don't make sense at all xD
Mystique_12 #3
Chapter 40: If u do will u plz write a happy ending for kai n kim...?
I luved this fanfic a lot but the ending kinda broke my heart.....
tiffydn #4
Chapter 40: I think you should... it ended pretty sad... and I personally felt it like it should say something in the end like "continuara" or something like that xD
Chapter 39: Aww I'm sad it had to end this way, but I really enjoyed reading your story! And I agree with everyone requesting a sequel :) I bet you feel really relieved after finally fishing! Haha x
KimJongMin #6
Chapter 39: Such a sad ending! i hope there will be a sequel! :D
tiffydn #7
Chapter 39: Sequel sequel sequel sequel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The end looks completely incomplete!!!!!
tiffydn #8
Chapter 39: Omfg.... Wth??? No really.... I HATE SAD ENDINGS!!!!!!!!!!!! GOSH!!!!!!!! I HATE IT!!!!!!! ARRRRGHH!!!!! IT'S SO ____ING SAAAAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TT@TT OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I liked the story but hated the end seriusly after so much heart breaking things happening in this story you decide ti put a heart breaking end too??!?!?!!!?!!?!? Gosh no this is too much for my heart.....
Chapter 39: This ending is the saddest of them all but I like how you think because in reality this same thing would have happened. Great story btw
Chapter 39: T-T I really wanted an happy ending. Im crying my eyes of right now.
Anyway thank you for writing this awsome fanfic :)