What is love? no seriously what is love?

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It's been about four months Kai and I are friends. I get happier and happier by day, knowing I have a friend that is always by my side. We get closer and closer by day, sharing more secrets with each other. He too, shared some secrets with me because he couldn’t share them with anyone else due to his popularity. We feel like we know each other forever.

"Kimi! Hi!" Chanyeol said with a wide grin on his face when he opened the door.

When we wanted to do homework together Kai usually came to my house. I helped him in grammar and he taught me how to read and write in Korean if we had any free time. It was my first time going to his house so I had to go under the supervision of a bodyguard since they ( Smith and Will) believed it wasn’t safe for a girl to go to a house with six; or more correctly, seven guys present and it wasn’t appropriate as well.

"Hi Chanyeol" I smiled and hugged the giant and got inside the house.

"Ayo! Wuddup?" Sehun said as he was sitting on the sofa, eating popcorn and watching TV along with the other members.

"Hi Thehun"

"It's Thehun, not Thehun!" he said and we all laughed. I found his lisp cute just as his fan girls.

"Where's Kai?" I asked as I took my coat off and handed it to D.O.


"Hey Kim" Kai said while running down the stairs, drying his wet hair with a towel. I waved with a smile.

"You see, he takes a shower only when his girlfriend is coming over" said Sehun.

Kai threw the wet towel he was holding at Sehun's face and sent him a glare in anguish.

"Aright let's go" he said ignoring the younger one and we ran upstairs.

I was scanning the place with my eyes as round as my cat Frankenstein. They had a studio of their own, shielded with glass walls so you could see right through the studio where they composed their own music. It was just fabulous.

Kai opened the door of his room and let me inside. I was surprised to see that everything in his cozy room shined from neatness. Too neat for a boy. We sat behind his desk which was at the corner of the room and placed my folder on the desk.

"You don’t share rooms with anyone?" asked I as I looked around the room.

"Well, no. you see I can't really um…share rooms with people. You know I don’t get along with them so Suho shares rooms with my dad instead of me. You must be thinking I'm pretty stubborn" he said and took his glass of water from the desk.

"No not at all. I was about to slap Minwoo when we were sharing rooms, and not to mention, the same bed for a week" I said and he choked on the water he was drinking.

"Oh my god! Are you okay?!" I said and slapped his back several times.

 "Yeah" he said but was still coughing.

"Alright I think we should start. The paper is due tomorrow" he said as he flipped the pages of our literature book.

"Yeah we should start" I said and wore my glasses. We started reading  Romeo and Julliet with Kai reading Romeo's parts and I reading Julliet's parts.

We reached the part when Romeo and Julliet met for the first time at a feast thrown by Capulet.  When Romeo is expressing his love to Julliet and is impatiently waiting for her to kiss him as they hold their palms against one another.

"So here he says ' O, dear saint, let lips do what hands do. They pray, grant thou, lest faith turn to despair' " He read a line and looked at me.

" 'Saints do not move, though grant for prayers' sake' " I read.

" ' Then move not, while my prayer's effect I take' and then he um, kisses her" he said awkwardly and looked at me but in a second that look changed. Time seemed to slow down. The only thing I could hear was my own heartbeat and my breathing that got heavier and heavier by second as he looked at me with his mesmerizing eyes while coming closer and closer. His plump lips curved into a sweet smile and he stopped coming closer since our faces were already a centimeter away from each other.

"Hyung, can I borrow your jacket? You know the striped one" I jumped back when I heard Sehun's voice from right behind my ear.

"It's in my closet. Take it" Kai said through gritted teeth and crossed his arms.

"Whoa! Your room is so clean today! What happened to you?!" Sehun said and knocked Kai's head. Kai gave him a fake smile.

Now I was sure of one thing:

That there was something wrong with me. This unknown feeling kept invading me whenever he was around.

"Kai, now that we're finished with our studying do you mind introducing some of your songs

to me?" I asked and stretched my arms.

"Sure" he replied and sprang to his feet.

We went to the mini studio they had and sat on two, big le

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crazykpoper #2
Chapter 40: I don't really like sad endings, u usually hate that story if twy have one, but yours is an exception. I felt that this story show more of the reality, and what usually will happen. It may ruin the fanfic-ish moments, but then again, most idols date, they have their first love but not all of them ends up with their first love. Life is so cruel isn't it x| XD Anws about the squeal, I have a feeling Kai will be cold if there were to be a squeal :| but then again this is a fanfic, it's fictional, so why not make a squeal xD hahaha I don't make sense at all xD
Mystique_12 #3
Chapter 40: If u do will u plz write a happy ending for kai n kim...?
I luved this fanfic a lot but the ending kinda broke my heart.....
tiffydn #4
Chapter 40: I think you should... it ended pretty sad... and I personally felt it like it should say something in the end like "continuara" or something like that xD
Chapter 39: Aww I'm sad it had to end this way, but I really enjoyed reading your story! And I agree with everyone requesting a sequel :) I bet you feel really relieved after finally fishing! Haha x
KimJongMin #6
Chapter 39: Such a sad ending! i hope there will be a sequel! :D
tiffydn #7
Chapter 39: Sequel sequel sequel sequel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The end looks completely incomplete!!!!!
tiffydn #8
Chapter 39: Omfg.... Wth??? No really.... I HATE SAD ENDINGS!!!!!!!!!!!! GOSH!!!!!!!! I HATE IT!!!!!!! ARRRRGHH!!!!! IT'S SO ____ING SAAAAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TT@TT OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I liked the story but hated the end seriusly after so much heart breaking things happening in this story you decide ti put a heart breaking end too??!?!?!!!?!!?!? Gosh no this is too much for my heart.....
Chapter 39: This ending is the saddest of them all but I like how you think because in reality this same thing would have happened. Great story btw
Chapter 39: T-T I really wanted an happy ending. Im crying my eyes of right now.
Anyway thank you for writing this awsome fanfic :)