Dreams and wishes

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We went inside the fast food restaurant and found a table to sit at. The members quickly wore their caps so that no one recognizes them. We ordered food and I chose to have a hotdog.

"Oooo hotdog!" I said and took a BIG bite.

"Whoa Kim! slow down. Are you this hungry?"said Chanyeol while having some French fries.

"Mmmm…..I don’t get to do this often" I said as I closed my eyes to enjoy the taste of the hotdog.

"What do you mean?" asked D.O.

"I'm not allowed to have any fast food" I replied with full mouth.


"My parents don’t allow me to have any fast food. They think it's crap, but guess what? I manage that somehow" I said and winked.

"But how can someone live without fast food?!" Chanyeol asked as if it was the scariest thing that could happen to someone.

"Rules are rules" I replied not paying any attention to the hotdog when I realized it was moving in my hand. Yup! Kai took a bite of it.

"Kai! See what you did! Now I can't eat it anymore!" I said and pouted.

"Awwww, you're so cute when you're angry!" he said and pinched my cheek.

"Stop that!" I said and slapped his arm but the next thing I knew Chanyeol was pinching my cheek as well and then Sehun and then all of them.

"OWWW! Stop it you guys" I said and rubbed my cheeks which were red.

"Oh! Kimi, you have to do something for us if you want us to stop pinching your cheeks" said Chanyeol.

"What? I'll do anything not to be pinched" I said and took a sip of my coke.

"Do the buing buing!" he said and they all cheered.

"Do the what what?! No way! I hate acting cute and all that sissy stuff!" I said and they all brought their hands towards me, ready to pinch my cheeks.

"Alright alright, I'll do it!" I said and placed my fist in front of my cheek and said "Buing Buing" with a straight face.

"No no, that doesn’t count. You have to do it cutely" Sehun said and they all agreed.

I sent him a death glare and took a deep breath, then I closed one of my eyes while pouting and placed my fist in front of my cheek and did the buing buing.

"Woohoooo! See it wasn’t that hard!" Sehun said and pinched my cheek and all of them copied his action.

"Ugh you guys! I thought you won't do this if I did that ridiculous act!"

"You know what Kimi? You don’t have to act cute cause you're already cute!" Chanyeol said and pinched my cheek for the last time.

"You and Tao should have a Buing Buing contest" said Baekhyun.

"Who the hell is Tao?" I said and they all looked at me blankly.

"We'll just explain that to her later" Chanyeol said to Baekhyun.

We finally got out of the restaurant after that pinching session. When we came out the sky was full of glowing objects and a huge banner was standing on the hill.

"What is it written?" Suho asked since the writing was in Japanese.

"Flying lanterns available! Make a wish and send them to God" I read the writing on the banner.

We climbed up the hill to give it a try. The view was absolutely magnificent. Those yellow lanterns burning brightly in the sky made you think it was day time. I couldn’t take my eyes off of them. It was so peaceful.

What happened if I could fly away like those lanterns?


We paid for the lanterns and Kim handed us some markers.

"What are these for?" asked Sehun.

"The guy said you can write your wish on your lanterns before setting them free"

The guys went here and there to fill their lanterns with hot air. Chanyeol and Baekhyun were running around as usual, sehun was sitting with the Teddy bear on his lap and Kim was sitting on the grass away from the crowd of people, writing her wish on the lantern. I tip toed towards her and suddenly my eyes fell on what she wrote on the lantern……..and it was heart wrenching. It was painful.

On the lantern she wrote:

Dear god,

Please do not laugh at my stupid wish but I wish one day me, mommy and daddy would sit around a round table in a small house and eat pancake and tea for breakfast together, laugh and talk about ourselves. By the way……..the table has to be round. You know? Many people don’t have their parents next to them. I do have my parents next to me physically but mentally we are in two completely different worlds. A question that always pops in my head is, why did you give me all this money? To take away my happiness instead?


To see how she wrote 'mommy' and 'daddy' made my heart stop for a while. What did it

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crazykpoper #2
Chapter 40: I don't really like sad endings, u usually hate that story if twy have one, but yours is an exception. I felt that this story show more of the reality, and what usually will happen. It may ruin the fanfic-ish moments, but then again, most idols date, they have their first love but not all of them ends up with their first love. Life is so cruel isn't it x| XD Anws about the squeal, I have a feeling Kai will be cold if there were to be a squeal :| but then again this is a fanfic, it's fictional, so why not make a squeal xD hahaha I don't make sense at all xD
Mystique_12 #3
Chapter 40: If u do will u plz write a happy ending for kai n kim...?
I luved this fanfic a lot but the ending kinda broke my heart.....
tiffydn #4
Chapter 40: I think you should... it ended pretty sad... and I personally felt it like it should say something in the end like "continuara" or something like that xD
Chapter 39: Aww I'm sad it had to end this way, but I really enjoyed reading your story! And I agree with everyone requesting a sequel :) I bet you feel really relieved after finally fishing! Haha x
KimJongMin #6
Chapter 39: Such a sad ending! i hope there will be a sequel! :D
tiffydn #7
Chapter 39: Sequel sequel sequel sequel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The end looks completely incomplete!!!!!
tiffydn #8
Chapter 39: Omfg.... Wth??? No really.... I HATE SAD ENDINGS!!!!!!!!!!!! GOSH!!!!!!!! I HATE IT!!!!!!! ARRRRGHH!!!!! IT'S SO ____ING SAAAAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TT@TT OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I liked the story but hated the end seriusly after so much heart breaking things happening in this story you decide ti put a heart breaking end too??!?!?!!!?!!?!? Gosh no this is too much for my heart.....
Chapter 39: This ending is the saddest of them all but I like how you think because in reality this same thing would have happened. Great story btw
Chapter 39: T-T I really wanted an happy ending. Im crying my eyes of right now.
Anyway thank you for writing this awsome fanfic :)