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"Kai!" Kim yelled and ran towards me after putting aside what seemed to be a canvas.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me tightly.

"Kim-" I said surprised but happy that she came. I didn’t know she would come all the way to the airport.

"Shhh…don’t say anything." She said and hugged me. I held her tightly and inhaled her scent. I couldn’t do that when I was gone right?

"Kai what happened to your face?!" she said after breaking the hug and my cheek with her soft hand.

"I hit a pole…that’s it."

Couldn’t you find a better lie?!

"You clumsy person!" She laughed and ruffled my hair.


"Oh look what I brought you!" she said and brought me the canvas. It was the painting she promised to finish painting on the day of my birthday. Before there was her and I in the painting although she didn’t paint herself completely but now there was only me walking alone.

"Kim…This is incredible but…"

"But what?" she said in worry.

"Why is there only me in this painting? As long as I remember there was me and you." To be honest I was a little bit disappointed.

She just hung her head low and said "The picture is more beautiful without me in it."

Why is she saying this?

I couldn’t believe she said that. Suddenly I had the urge to prove she was wrong.

"Don’t say that Kim." I said and cupped her small face.

"Hey hyung we gotta go!" I heard a voice from the other end of the corridor.

"." I cursed under my breath and looked at the anxious D.O who was scared to miss his flight. My heart started beating fast and I didn’t know what to say. At that very last moment my brain went blank. The worse thing was that, that was probably the last time I would see Kim.

"Kai I can't believe this is the last time we're seeing each other." She said making my heart sink. That sentence was enough to make me feel as if my heart was getting crushed. You know that feeling right? When something keeps moving in your chest making you feel uneasy.

"Don’t say that! Don’t say that! We'll see each other again!" I said still cupping her cheeks while them gently. I didn’t really believe in what I was saying but really hoped I was right.

She detached me from herself and opened the necklace around her neck. She looked at the tiny skateboard, sighed and touched it gently with her fingertips.

She placed the small object in my hand and closed it. I was standing there baffled. She was acting really strangely as if she didn’t want any memories of me to remain.

"No no no Kim! You have to keep this. I gave it to you on your birthday." I insisted.

"I know Kai but I want this to be yours. More memories being left behind make the pain larger."

Just like I guessed.

"Hyung!" we heard D.O yell again.

I cupped her face again and started talking. I wanted to use every second and tried my best to remember what I wanted to tell her.

"I-I'm so over whelmed. I don’t know what to say in these last minutes." I said and looked around nervously, "Kim, never ever feel insecure 'cause you're really special. Um, use your inhaler no matter where you go and stay healthy. Don’t cry a lot and don’t peel your palms." I said and kissed her palms. I felt a lump accumulating in my throat. I didn’t want to leave.


"I have to go." I said, hugged her more tightly than ever and walked away slowly. Only god knows how hard it was to walk away. My feet wouldn’t move as if they wanted me stay. The force of gravity seemed ten times stronger than normal as I dragged myself towards the other end of the corridor. I turned my head and looked at her. I wanted to look at her as much as I could. Suddenly I remembered the thing I wanted to tell her so I started running towards her. A smile appeared on her face and she brightened.

"Kim your shoe lace is open." I said and bent down.

Well I didn’t run to tell her that her shoe lace was open; not exactly.

 I stood up and examined all parts of her face as if it was the strangest thing on earth.

I wish saying goodbye was as easy as saying hello.

  I placed one hand at the back of her neck and planted a gentle kiss on her soft lips.

I'll miss this taste… a lot.

"Kim there's something I need to tell you." I said after breaking the kiss.

"Kim Jongin! Are you deaf!" this time we heard Baekhyun's voice.

"Kim I…I" I couldn’t let it out.

"Kai!" D.O and Baekhyun yelled in unison.


Why is it so hard to say three freaking words?!

"We're gonna miss our flight!" they kept shouting putting me under a lot of pressure.

I looked at them and then at Kim, then I said the word I never wanted to say.

"Goodbye." With that I kissed her hand and walked away. I turned back and looked at her multiple times as I was walking. I wanted to look at her as much as I could.

Everything was in slow motion as I walked through the white empty corridor…just like in movies. Soon I found myself amazed at how one single person can have such an impact on your life in such a short time and of course I was amazed at the earth's strongest force. No it's not gravity, it is love.

"This way please." Said the assistant as we entered the hall full of people; fans were screaming, photographers were taking pictures constantly but I couldn’t hear anything. I was in a completely different world. There was complete silence. As I walked every moment Kim and I had flashed before my eyes. The first time we met when she bumped into me when skating down the street, when we were running around the school trying to get away from the crazy fan girls, when I saved her at the park, our first kiss, all those times she chased me because of eating her food. I wished I could replay all those memories over and over again. I pressed my teeth against each other as tears blurred my vision.

"You OK?" Chanyeol asked me as he placed his hand on my shoulder and made me snap out of my world.

No. I'm not okay. I'm sad; sadder than you can imagine.

"Yeah yeah, I'm good." I said and faked a smile as I made an okay gesture with my hand.

We finally entered the plane. I went forward as I searched for my seat and when I reached my spot I found out I had to sit next to Suho.

"Oh god!" I said as I turned around and looked at the other seats. All were taken.

"Kai please sit down." said Suho in a low voice.

"Sit next to you? No way!" I said and looked around again.

Damn it! Seems like I have no choice!

I sat next to him and looked out the window although I could hardly see anything. I wanted to look at Tokyo for the last time. I didn’t feel good. Anger and sadness mixed together to make me feel sick. Suddenly I remembered something. I remembered the day when my dad told me we're moving to Tokyo. I couldn’t help but to laugh at my stupidity to throw a tantrum for such a matter.

Moving here was like hell for me at first but now look at me…getting attached to this place like it's my home. Who would have ever thought me coming here would lead to all this? Now I understand how Romeo felt when he was banished from Verona 'cause I, Kim Jongin, have been banished from Tokyo.  

Then I thought if my dad never brought me to Tokyo by force, if there was one extra space for me at the boy's school I would have never been the one boy plus one thousand girls. I would have never met Kim. I was amazed by destiny.

"Excuse me sir, you have to put your back pack in that cabi

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crazykpoper #2
Chapter 40: I don't really like sad endings, u usually hate that story if twy have one, but yours is an exception. I felt that this story show more of the reality, and what usually will happen. It may ruin the fanfic-ish moments, but then again, most idols date, they have their first love but not all of them ends up with their first love. Life is so cruel isn't it x| XD Anws about the squeal, I have a feeling Kai will be cold if there were to be a squeal :| but then again this is a fanfic, it's fictional, so why not make a squeal xD hahaha I don't make sense at all xD
Mystique_12 #3
Chapter 40: If u do will u plz write a happy ending for kai n kim...?
I luved this fanfic a lot but the ending kinda broke my heart.....
tiffydn #4
Chapter 40: I think you should... it ended pretty sad... and I personally felt it like it should say something in the end like "continuara" or something like that xD
Chapter 39: Aww I'm sad it had to end this way, but I really enjoyed reading your story! And I agree with everyone requesting a sequel :) I bet you feel really relieved after finally fishing! Haha x
KimJongMin #6
Chapter 39: Such a sad ending! i hope there will be a sequel! :D
tiffydn #7
Chapter 39: Sequel sequel sequel sequel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The end looks completely incomplete!!!!!
tiffydn #8
Chapter 39: Omfg.... Wth??? No really.... I HATE SAD ENDINGS!!!!!!!!!!!! GOSH!!!!!!!! I HATE IT!!!!!!! ARRRRGHH!!!!! IT'S SO ____ING SAAAAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TT@TT OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I liked the story but hated the end seriusly after so much heart breaking things happening in this story you decide ti put a heart breaking end too??!?!?!!!?!!?!? Gosh no this is too much for my heart.....
Chapter 39: This ending is the saddest of them all but I like how you think because in reality this same thing would have happened. Great story btw
Chapter 39: T-T I really wanted an happy ending. Im crying my eyes of right now.
Anyway thank you for writing this awsome fanfic :)