Secret between you and me

Difficult love.

  "OMO! Daehyun oppa?! Why are you here?" You jumped in surprise. Kris looked at you, also in surprise. "Mianhe Kris, I think you should get back first. I'll go back with my brother." You said apologetically. "It's alright ~~~, see you in school tomorrow." Kris smiled and waved goodbye. You turned to look at Daehyun, "Oppa! Did you stalk me?!" You exclaimed. "No! Of course not! All 6 of us split up to look for you. And I found you first. They even warned me that if I see ant guy with you, I MUSTskin him alive. I let him go and this is what you have to say to me?" He glared at you. "Mianhe oppa, I didn't mean that." You replied, looking down, drawing circles with your leg. "Enough said, let's go home. You better explain everything to me when we get home, araso?" you sighed and nodded. Daehyun called the rest of your brothers and told them he found you and that both of you will meet them at home.

  During the walk home, it was really quiet. You did not dare to say a thing. Not even a sneeze or a cough. It was so quiet that if a pin dropped, you could hear it. After what seemed like eternity, both of you finally reached home. When Daehyun was about to open the door, you tapped on shoulder timidly, "Oppa, you wouldn't tell them right?" You bit your lips. "I won't but you better explain every single thing to me at night araso?" He gave you a small smile. You heaved a sigh and smiled back. When you stepped into the house, Yongguk dragged you onto the sofa and you pouted. "What, oppa?" Yongguk ignored you and questioned Daehyun, "What was ~~~ doing just now? Was she really with her classmates? Or was she with some other guy?" "Aniya, oppa, I was doing my project!" You proetested. "Yes, she was doing her project with her classmates and when I saw her, she was about to finish, so I waited for her." Daehyun lied. "I told you so oppa!" Daehyun shot you a look which made you zipped your mouth immediately. The whole house was silent for a moment. You could tell that they were really suspicious about it. *Ohno, did we lie so badly?* You thought as your palms started turning sweaty. "I knew our baby girl wouldn't lie!" Yongguk exclaimed as he gave you his gummy smile. You smiled widely and nodded non-stop. Daehyun shot you a look again which made you hid behind Zelo. "Let's make dinner!" Himchan exclaimed and all of you ran into the kitchen to start cooking.

  During dinner, your btoehers asked many questions about your 'project'. Example, 'What's your classmates name?' , 'What subject were you doing?' , etc. So you lied and answered, 'Their name was Minah, Jiyoung and Vick.' and 'I was doing on English.' You were so proud of your lying skills but on the other hand, you were veryn guilty. Your brotheres trusted you so much and yet all you knew was to lie. Thus, you decided to avoid their questions so that youwould not have to lie, by avoiding them. You told your brothers that you would be in your room resting at that you would not join them for tv shows at night. So you laid on your bed. Images of Kris flashed in your mind again. You thought of Kris again. Every time you thought of Kris, a smile would form on your lips without fail. As you thought about Kris, a knock came on your door. You sighed, *Daehyun oppa's gonna make me tell him everything.*

  You stood up to open the door. Indeed, Daehyun was standing in front of you. "Tell me what the whole thing was about." He ordered as he walked past you to sit on your bed. You closed your door and walked to your bed to sit next to Daehyun. "Promise me you would not tell anyone about this. I can only trust you, Daehyun oppa. And please keep this a secret for me." You said softly. Slowly, you started pouring everything out. You told him every single detail you could thought about. You felt a weight being lifted off your chest after telling everything to Daehyun. "So, both of you are just friends right? No more than that?" Daehyun asked. "Nope, of course not." You replied confidently but in your mind, you thought, *Though he's my crush.* "Good. By the way, tell him that the way he approached you was such a y idea and that it only works on you! Who would place anote in a girl's pocket these day? So old-fashioned." Daehyun scoffed . "Oppa!" You punched him lightly in his arms. "So you'll keep it a secret right, oppa?" Daehyun smiled, "Of course." You smiled back. "Oppa, I'm going to sleep already. Sleep early alright? Goodnight." You said. Daehyun stood up and walked out of your room. Before he closed the door, he turned back and smiled, "Goodnight baby girl, I'll definitely keep that secret for you. I promise."

  You laid on your bed once again. "At least it was Daehyun oppa who knows about it and I know that I can trust him. I can't believe if it was Yongguk oppa who spotted me." You shivered at that thought. "It was still a good day today but it'lI would have been better if Daehyun oppa didn't spot me. " You pouted.    You thought about a lot that night. Your eyes started to feel tired and soon, you fell asleep.

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Chapter 1: Im about to start this story but there is one thing that I'm really confused about...
It's pretty impossible that zelo is brother related when he is a few days older... no birth and pregnancy goes that way.. just letting you know.
Chapter 70: Awhhhhh soooo flipping cute!
Kai is the best boyfriend ever. ♥
I wish I was his girlfriend.): #sadlifeofafangirl
Chapter 70: awesome story!(: great job!
Chapter 70: i love this story <3
this deserve an upvote and a subscribe :D
Thank you subscribers commenters and lovely readers. Thank you all for supporting my story I love all of you. I've reached 206 subscribers and I thank all of you. <3
Matokii #6
Chapter 2: Hahaha I love it that they call her baby girl~ :D
I'm so looking forward to the next chapters :3
Chapter 49: If i'm not wrong when ~~~ with infinite she said her school is seoul art school but in this chapter her school is TS high school ._.
WatashinoOrenji #8
Chapter 70: Awwwwww I love it so much that i almost cry!!! T.T
Chapter 70: WOAH loved the story!!! ^_^