One shot to AwkWard

My Heartbeat


"Yah! It's lunch time! Come on hyungs!"   


"Take it down a notch maknae" Taeyang waved away the maknae still looking at a document on his computer.    

 Jiyong stood from his desk stretching out his muscles "Come on guys lets all go down to lunch, since the food is gonna be good."  Saving their work the whole team walked down to the cafeteria to eat. When they walked into the cafeteria they saw that it truly was a special day everyone was eating today and the line was long. The guys got in line luckily the line was moving along quickly. Daesung's eyes lit up when he finally reached today's menu "It's Kalbi (Korean bbq) today!"   


"All right!!" Seungri bounced a little in anticipation.    


"Lets conquer what is left of the Kalbi and have a great meal today guys" Jiyong said excited for a great lunch. Reaching to serve himself his food Jiyong leaned over to ask the lady why lunch was special today.   


The lady handed Jiyong a glass with ice and a bottle of Vitamin water before she answered him "The Director was in a good mood this morning and said something about him wanting to make someone happy today by the gift of food. I'm not sure who he was referring to but it was really nice of the young man." The lady was all smiles telling Jiyong what was going on then she stopped talking as Jiyong got redder and redder. "Oh dear are you okay you are awfully red" Taeyang who had been standing beside Jiyong cracked up along with Seungri at seeing Jiyong's expression.   


Embarrassed Jiyong bowed and left taking his tray of food catching up to Daesung who had already left the line "Hey Dae lets go find a table for us."   


Jiyong walked over to a table with plenty of seats for all of them to sit around. Daesung and Jiyong sat down first waiting for Seungri and Taeyang to come and sit. Taeyang took the seat next to Jiyong with a smirk and started off the conversation "So Jiyong asked why the food was so special today." Daesung looked up at Taeyang to see what he was going to say when Jiyong cut in obviously changing the subject "Hey so what should we do about this up coming project. Are you all almost finished on your end?" All of the guys looked at Jiyong and laughed. Taeyang puts his hand up to his head in a salute gesture "Of course Team Manager Kwon we have everything ready for the mission. We WILL conquer!"    


"Ay ay captain" Daesung and Seungri shouted in unison.    


Jiyong semi-amused by their actions waved at them "Okay okay no work talk at the table I get it, I get it."    


The men finished their meals and headed back to the office. They all satt at the round table and began their discussion for the up and coming project.   


The project coming up was big and time consuming since it involved the changing of the seasons therefore a completely new layout was being needed so that every plant have the space it needed and what section of the building.   


Taeyang was in charge of placement of all plants pulled out a diagram of the whole garden. Seungri was in charge of foliage and the grass, type and length of the grass was important when it came to the changing of seasons. Daesung was in charge of the flowers, pulling up a diagram he pointed the flowers that would be arriving within a few days and pulled up another diagram showing some flowers that they might receive after the confirmed shipments. Jiyong's job was to take all of their ideas put them together to create an artful masterpiece.    


Several cups of coffee later the men realized that it is already 9pm. Normally they were all out of work by 6 but because of the excitement of the project time flew by. Daesung and Seungri packed up their things and left together, Taeyang and Jiyong following them shortly after.   


"Hey Jiyong lets go get a drink. I think that it is well deserved."    


"I would but drinking has never been a strength for me. Actually...drinking is never a good idea."   


"Come on Jiyong it's not like we are going to get drunk just one drink okay?"   


"Hmm okay...why not."    


So they both caught a cab to a local small 24hr restaurant. Taeyang who knew the owners told them to bring out a bottle of soju for him and Jiyong. They both make their way to table off to the side. The ahjumma came out seconds later with the bottle and two shot glasses. Jiyong looked at Taeyang "Just one shot" Taeyang nodded "Let me pour you a drink." Taeyang took the bottle and poured Jiyong a shot and then himself one. They both clank the glasses together before drinking it.   


"Yah! Hyungs what are you doing in my neck of the woods?"   


The two turn around and spot Seungri and Daesung coming towards them both having had the same idea as Taeyang "Ahjumma can we get a couple more bottles of soju we have a celebration going on." Jiyong waved his hands no at the ahjumma mouthing no over and over, but she ignored him and brought out two more bottles of Soju with more glasses. Taeyang put an arm around Jiyong "Come on live a little, we are off work tomorrow we can all take a taxi home and then sleep all day tomorrow."   


Jiyong breathed out "Okay fine but only a couple more shots and I'm going home."    


The boys grinned and poured more drinks.   



"One shot!!!!" They had been drinking the whole night. Shot after shot, they got drunker and drunker, but the main attraction was Jiyong. He could barely keep himself in the chair. Seungri had to pick him up off the floor a couple times already.   


The great thing about the restaurant they were at was they could be as loud as they wanted. Most places would have kicked them out by now, but it seemed that this night would be different in this restaurant. The ahjumma who had heard enough drunken shouts walked over to them "Yah you need to go home now I think you've all had enough for tonight. Your excitement is scaring away my business." Taeyang looked up at the older woman and smiled "Are you really going to kick out your favorite customer since age 12?" The older woman smiled "I just don't want you all walking home or getting in a taxi and don't know where you are going. That blonde boy or is that a girl...omo an Adam's apple...that boy needs to get someone to take him home." Taeyang looked over at Jiyong and nodded in agreement "I will take him home." " Oh no you are not young man. You all are way too drunk. Do you know anyone who would take him home?"   


The guys looked at each other and smirked "Director Choi will come and take him home."   


Jiyong too drunk to really respond just waved his hand in the air and tried to say something but the ahjumma was quick and already had Jiyong's phone and looked through his contact list. Daesung who was not as drunk but not coherent enough to take Jiyong home helped the ahjumma find Director Choi's number. The ahjumma thanked Daesung and instructed all of them to go home. One by one they all bowed and left the restaurant leaving Jiyong behind. None of them were worried because he would be in good hands with Taeyang's family friend and once Seunghyun picked him up, in even better hands..   


The ahjumma dialed the number.    




Seunghyun was in his living room on his laptop bidding for new limited edition bearbrick. When he felt his watch buzzing. He looked at his watch and saw that he had a call. He grabbed his phone and saw that it was Jiyong and answered.    


"Jiyong...why are you calling so late?"   


"Sorry but this is not Jiyong." Seunghyun watched his phone type out the words of the person on the phone, Seunghyun frowned becoming worried "What is wrong with him, is he okay?"   


"Well the boys all got together and they started drinking. The other guys seemed to handle their drinks well but this poor boy couldn't keep up with them. He's not able to get home by himself the boys suggested you to take him home. Could you do that? If not I can call--" "NO no I can do it. Where are you located I will come right over." the ahjumma told Seunghyun the address. He walked outside to one of his more conservative cars, a Mercedes CLS550, and immediately synced the address into the GPS system. He drove off with his navigation system pointing him in the right direction.    




11 minutes and 35 seconds later Seunghyun walked into the restaurant and immediately spotted a very drunk Jiyong barely conscious as he sat at the table his head resting on the smooth surface. Seunghyun walked over to the ahjumma and bowed "I'm Choi Seunghyun I'm here to pick Jiyong up. Thank you for watching him."    


"Omo you are so sweet to come and get him thank you for coming so quickly."    


Seunghyun walked over to Jiyong. Jiyong opened his eyes looked up at his hyung who is staring at him with a worried face "Hyuuuunnnngg you takin mehh home..." Seunghyun tried not to laugh at the babble that just came out of the younger ones mouth instead responded back "Yes hyung is taking you home." Jiyong smiled and laid his head back on the table. Seunghyun cames over and took one of Jiyong's arms and stood the younger one up. They both hobbled to the car and Seunghyun unlocked the door and put Jiyong into the passenger side. He carefully puts on the seat belt and then goes around to the drivers side and gets in. Jiyong who had closed his eyes while they came out to the car, looked at his hyung with a drunk smile before turning his attention to look out the window. Seunghyun laughed and started up the car turning to head over to Jiyong's place once again. 


As the flashing lights of Seoul’s night sky flash through the window Jiyong snuggled into the leather seat falling asleep.      




Arriving in front Jiyong's apartment Seunghyun turned off the car. He sat there and stared at Jiyong sleep. For the first time he actually took a good look at him. With the moonlight beaming through the sun roof Jiyong looked like an angel. His eyelashes to his nose to his lips are all nothing but perfection in Seunghyun's eyes.   


Knowing Jiyong was pretty drunk Seunghyun tested himself and moves his hand towards Jiyong's face waving it to make sure he truly was asleep. Seunghyun then touched Jiyong's face. He ran his finger lightly through Jiyong's hair and then caressed his cheek marveling at how soft his skin was. He was just about to run his hand along the younger ones face again when he noticed Jiyong opened his eyes.   


"Hyung what are you doing that tickles...hic..." Seunghyun pulled back and thanked any entity of higher power that Jiyong was drunk and didn't know what was going on. 

Seunghyun lightly shook Jiyong "Yah Jiyong where are your keys?" 

"Keys...I don't know where they are...I tried looking for them earlier..." Seunghyun quietly looked through Jiyong's brief case but found nothing.

 Seunghyun tapped Jiyong again "Could you check your pockets again?" 

"Hyunnie... I... the pockets are too far...I'm tired..." 

Seunghyun was taken aback by the pet name blushed and carefully checked Jiyong's jacket pockets and then his pants pockets.

He carefully leaned over and placed a hand down one of the younger ones pockets..Jiyong responded by giggling. Seunghyun smirks at how cute he was being and he checked the other pocket. Seunghyun was so close to Jiyong he was afraid that he would be able to hear his heart beating. 

After many attempts to find Jiyong's keys they were nowhere to be found. The only choice left was to have Jiyong stay at his place for the night.    


Arriving at Seunghyun's villa he parked his car in the driveway and walked around to take the once again sleeping Jiyong out. Since Jiyong was sleeping so soundly Seunghyun picked him up in his arms. Jiyong feeling the comfortable warmth against him wraps his arms around his hyung and nuzzles his head against him.  Seunghyun smiled at the affection and opened the front door where he carefully takes off his shoes trying not to fall with Jiyong being in hi arms. He walked through the massive and beautifully decorated open concept living room to take Jiyong to the guest room.   


Jiyong reeking of soju was placed in the 1000 count Egyptian cotton down bedding. Jiyong feeling the warmth leave him whimpered a moment before he turned to cuddle against the nearest pillow with his feet still hanging off the bed. Seunghyun sat down and took off Jiyong's shoes placing them on the floor by the bed where the other could see them.     


Sitting on the bed Seunghyun watched Jiyong sleep and then he noticed the other was still in nice work clothes. Getting up leaves the room and comes back with some pj's to change Jiyong into. 

Seunghyun carefully and gently undressed him at the same time blushing 'forgive me Jiyong for doing this.' He lifted Jiyong's arms and slips the clean t-shirt on.   


Jiyong giggled as the light touches registered in his still intoxicated mind.   


The pants on the other hand were a lot to handle. Jiyong kept moving his legs around in circles making it impossible to put the pants on in the end he gave up on pants. Instead he carefully tucked Jiyong into the bed and stared at him again, took in how beautiful he was. 'Is this a dream is he really here right now' Seunghyun thought as he pinched himself making sure he truly was awake. 

After affirming that he was awake Seunghyun quietly turned off the main light and left a small lamp on just in case and left the room leaving Jiyong to sleep. 


Jiyong groaned as he slowly regained consciousness. Jiyong slowly opened his eyes and stared up at the ceiling. 'My bed is so comfy today' Jiyong rolled over hugging his pillow and looked at the clock to see that it was already noon. 'Omo I slept in so late...wait a minute...where the hell am I?" Jiyong started to look around with his eyes and panicked 'what that is going on...omo..OMO OMO!!!'. Jiyong sat up too quickly and regretted it as his head started pounding as his whole world turned around on him "Aiiissh that hurt...tha fuccck..." Jiyong groaned as he laid back down on the bed.   


"I see that you have woken up" Jiyong snapped his head up to the familiar voice "How how did I get here? Why am I here?” Jiyong sitting up carefully and finally noticed that he wasn't wearing his clothes and his creamy porcelain thighs were peeking up at him "...where are my pants?"   


Seunghyun quickly spoke to avoid any misunderstandings. "Jiyong you were very drunk last night. The lady at the restaurant had me come over to take you back home but you lost your keys so I brought you here to my place. Since your work clothes smelled of soju I took them off and had them washed. They should be clean soon."   


"You, you... you saw me with my clothes had to drag me around...hyung I'm sorry I will leave immediately" Jiyong went to stand up but his wobbly legs couldn't support his weight and he ended up on the floor blushing in embarrassment.     


"No you need to sober up and get some breakfast. Here let me help you back in bed you must rest" Seunghyun scooped Jiyong up once again bridal style before Jiyong could protest he was back in bed the blanket being pulled to cover him. Seunghyun carefully tucked Jiyong in bed “Sleep some more you need it” he pointed to Jiyong's eye. Jiyong still in shock didn't say a thing but just let his hyung do what he wanted. Jiyong laid down on a pillow and fell asleep again.    


Hours later Jiyong woke up again and turned towards the bed side table to see what time it was now. Jiyong sat up and stretched his limbs and looked around the room spotting a tray of food with a note on it sitting on a small table by the dresser. Jiyong smiled carefully getting out of the bed and walked unsteadily to the table and grabbed the note.    


"Good afternoon :)   


I hope that you have had plenty of rest. I'm in the other room right now but I wanted to make sure you knew this food was for you...not that wouldn't think that it was for you but it is for you to eat...I hope this makes sense. Enjoy    




Jiyong smiled at the gesture and placed the note to the side of the massive sandwich that was sitting in front of him. Next to the sandwich was some freshly brewed chamomile tea to help with upset stomach and hangovers. Jiyong gulped down the gourmet sandwich and sipping at the warm tea Jiyong sat the cup aside and gathered the tray in his hands. Jiyong froze when he walked by the mirrored closet doors. The shirt exposed his collar bones and came down about four inches above his knees showing off his milky white legs.   


Jiyong walked out into the rest of the massive house. His jaw dropped at the sight of all of the expensive furniture and the TV's that were so big they needed their own wall and the toys put up on shelves. Finding the kitchen he saw Seunghyun eating a sandwich he had made himself. Seunghyun looked up at Jiyong his mouth dropped at the sight of Jiyong's slim legs before him.   


"What are my legs that are the one who picked out this shirt" Jiyong smirked at his hyung.    


Seunghyun responded back stumbling to gather his thoughts to make a coherent sentence "It doesn't look bad just did you like the sandwich was it good?"   


"Wha...uh ye ye... Were you going to say something else?"    


"No just wanted to ask about the sandwich" responded Seunghyun his ear turning pink as he tried to look at everything else but at the temptation that was standing in the middle of his kitchen.    


"Thank you so much for your hospitality but I think that I should get going hyung."   


"Of course of course you have a big presentation for me tomorrow."   


"That's right hyung we are finished with the project I just need to make the power points."   


"Okay well lets get you some the way Taeyang had your keys the whole time he tried calling you but I took care of it. He said he'd leave your keys at your apartment under your door mat...but yeah let me go and get your clean clothes" Jiyong laughed and nodded in agreement "Thanks."   


Seunghyun stood and quickly disappeared down the hall and came back with Jiyong's clean clothes. Taking his clothes Jiyong went back to the room he had slept in and minutes later Jiyong came back out fully clothed.   


Seunghyun grabbed the keys to his sedan both walking out of the house to the car. Jiyong still a little embarrassed bowed to the other once he was seated in the car "Hyung sorry for making you do all of this."    


"Nonsense Ji I will do anything for you. Never feel like you can't call me" Seunghyun smiled and put his hand on Jiyong's. Blushing Seunghyun pulled his hand back. "Sorry sorry I didn't mean...lets get you home" Jiyong responded with a chuckle pink staining his cheeks as well "It's okay hyung.”   


The drive was silent if not a little bit awkward. Seunghyun pulled up to Jiyong's apartment and watched as Jiyong got out of the car. Jiyong leaned down once again to give an infectious smile "Thanks for the ride hyung." Seunghyun smiled back and Jiyong closed the door.   


Seunghyun watched Jiyong go to his apartment entrance. Once he entered the building Seunghyun pulled away his mind occupied entirely by Jiyong 'I think that I'm falling for him...I never thought that I would fall for a guy but Jiyong is different.'   





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Chapter 1: I have been reading thos for many times through years and still not bored ...
Chapter 35: Its a really heart warming story i loved every bit of it the fact that seung can't hear ji's voice killed me really its sad really but its a new thing i never read a fic with such story line its soo good and that little ball of cuteness is so perfect ugh that fart in bed tho XD I laughed so hard hahaha and seung rumblings are so cute kekekeke the best thing is BOTTOM TOP XD now thats a change but such a baby lol ..... Thank you for your great work i love all your fics really now i will move to read another one ^^
Chapter 34: i got a trully shock feelings !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how can this make my manly seunghyun into a botm ?! and in this chapter i finally realize that seunghyun never hear jiyong voice ! this chapter gave me a shock !
Chapter 26: awwww !!!!! what a cute story !!! i love the picture and especially the story ! . this was the third of my favourite stories after the manny and my husband is a vampire . I hope you make another one about lovey dovey couple with their child and must GTOP !!! i'm starting become your fans author-nim .... FIGHTING :)
Chapter 35: So beautiful story ♡♡♡
Chapter 35: Hehehe. This story is so cute. I read it twice :)
All along I wanted to hug Hyunnie cause his dad was mean and to hug Youngie because he was so lonely but they had each other and that made me happy and at ease. I was so happy cause the beautiful friendship between my 5 boys was so precious till the friendship between Hyunnie and Youngie turned into love, engagement, committed marriage. And Yoobin was so precious little girl who brought them closer than they were <3
Thanks for sharing this beautiful story with us.
Hey, a new reader here. Came here because of "The Manny". I just wanna tell you something about the pictures in the Forward part aren't all working, well except for Ji's and Dae's pictures. Will enjoy reading this one just like "The Manny" :D
Blue82 #8
Chapter 35: I love seke couples just throwing that out there. This story was so romantic and sweet with just a touch of angst to give it depth. I enjoyed this so much that I'm up way later than I intended to finish it.
I finally found it i read it WAY long time ago and i loved it and i have been looking for it for months and now BOOM GONNA READ IT AGAIN AND AGAIN
Chapter 23: praise Dongwook's mom for his existence