The Big Day

My Heartbeat


After many appointments of fittings, cake tasting, pictures, and other randomness the wedding is here. Jiyong and Seunghyun have never been more excited to have this day. 
They are getting married at the garden. Jiyong ended up letting Seunghyun have his dream spot of getting married where they first met under the tree. Which is fine because it is a beautiful back drop for the guest and groomsmen. The whole theme of the wedding is very nature like with the soft colors and the hints of gold. 
Like most Korean weddings there are many thing the families have to go through. They normally greet all of the guest who are coming to the wedding. Even the groom has to stand and bow to the guest. Normally the bride sits in a beautiful room made up and people can come and congratulate her. 
Well since this wedding is a little different. Jiyong and Seunghyun decided to take shifts of bowing and sitting. Since the Seoul Nature Garden is a family like company everyone was invited. Since the Staff it self is not too big it is a perfect fit for the west garden. The chairs are all wood with  pristine white cushions. The whole scene is just breath taking. 
In the lobby which is also heavily decorated with decor of flowers. The Choi's are currently greeting the guest. Mrs. Choi is in her traditional Hanbok and Yoo Bin is in a beautiful white dress. They were going to put her in a hanbok too but Jiyong Seunghyun wanted her to feel like she was getting married too. More like married in because today they will become one as a family. 
It is about an hour before the wedding starts. Jiyong is now the "bride" sitting and waiting for staff to come see him. He is in a white Tux with gold ts on the lapel. His eyes are lined with eyeliner and his eyes has copper eyeshadow to help bring more of his features. Bom practically had to have all the patience in the world because every time she tired to put on the liner Jiyong's eyes would tear up. He of course would wipe his eyes with his hands and of course black would be all over his face. It was a funny sight because the girls really wanted him to wear it...and they got their wish. 
Jiyong's eyes look innocent but yet y. The black eyeliner and copper eyeshadow really bring out his coffee colored eyes. His hair is done in a tousled fashion that makes him just look very high fashion. 
The younger is now sitting in a office room that they converted in to a beautiful golden palace. Jiyong sits in the middle in a white King's chair.  YoungBae who is one of the grooms men....a western thing  with the grooms men because they really wanted their friends apart of the wedding. 
"Looking sharp man" says Bae with Seungri in hand. "Hyung looks really nice." he puts a thumbs up. Bae comes closer. "Is that eye shadow...and liner you got there?" 
Jiyong chuckles. "The girls...they did it. It's growing on me." 
Bae smiles "Oh yea man you better keep it on. Hyung is going to go nuts when he sees the liner." Seunghyun has been bowing the past hour so he hasn't seen Jiyong yet. "I don't know if he will like it..." Jiyong sounds a little nervous. " Oh hyung you look great don't worry about it. He will love it and this place looks amazing!" Daesung comes in the room "Ooohhh hyung liiiner I like." 
Jiyong smiles. "Well thanks guys. You all look dashing in your suits!" 
"Thanks for hooking us up man!" Seunghyun took the liberty of paying for all of the grooms mens suits. They are all black and Seunghyun and Jiyong's suits are white with gold. The grooms suits are both the same color white just the gold is placed differently. Bae then smiles. "Well we are going to go mingle some more." 
Jiyong smiles. "Thanks for coming back boys." 
The men leave the room. Jiyong smiles at the new couple and hope the best for them too. He then hears little feet coming near him. He turns to see Yoo Bin staring her father in the face. He then signs to her. "Having fun baby?" 
Yoo Bin nods and then gets into her fathers lap. She plays with his hands and rest her head on his chest. It has been already a long day for the little one and she has not had her nap for today. He then gently faces the little one to him and signs again. "Don't sleep yet baby girl. There will be a lot of fun coming soon." 
The little one smiles "Ne, appa. I will stay awake for daddies." She smiles again and then points at her father's eyes. "Daddy how you get black eyes? Does it hurt? You have owies" 
Jiyong laughs and kisses the top of her head. Yoo Bin furrows her brows and signs. "What is so funny daddy?" 
"You are so cute baby. Daddy is wearing eyeliner just for the wedding." 
"Don't Unnie put on eyeliner?" 
"Yea I'm wearing it too" 
"So not owies then?" 
Jiyong nods. "Ne, no owies" 
He combs his fingers through the little ones hair a couple times. "Aigo my family is so beautiful." Jiyong smiles and turns to see his husband to be in the doorway. Seunghyun then notices the eyes. They are captivating and it makes him want to do things already. "Oh baby your eyes..." He is in awe. "You look amazing..." He would have said another word but the child is in the room.
Jiyong chuckles. "You look wonderful too hyunnie." 
Seunghyun then comes over to the side of the chair. Yoo Bin looks up at her appa and smiles a huge grin. Seunghyun leans in and kisses her head and kisses Jiyong's cheek warmly. Jiyong blushes a bit from the affection. "Hyunnie..." 
Seunghyun chuckles and then takes Jiyong's and Yoo Bin's hand in his. They both look at him and the other smiles warmly. "We are going to be a real family in a matter of hours. He then runs a hand through Yoo Bin's hair. The little girl giggles. "Yoo Bin ah. Daddies have something for you" Seunghyun then pulls out a box. He opens it to reveal a beautiful diamond necklace. The little ones eyes go wide as the jewelry is put around her. Seunghyun takes her hands. "I want you to remember this day. This necklace symbolizes the unity of our family. We will never be broken and always strong."  He then raises his sleeve to show a diamond bracelet in the same pattern and same for Jiyong. 
Yoo Bin kisses her daddies. "I love my daddies so much." She looks at the necklace and loves how it glimmers against the walls. Jiyong kinda turns as he hears their photographer take candid pictures of their moment together. Jiyong smiles at the man behind them and then turns back to his family. 
The wedding planner comes into the room. "Jiyong?" 
"Ne Noona?" 
"Let's start getting ready!" 
Gummy leaves the room with her assistant and Jiyong then signs to his loves that it is time to get ready to walk down the aisle. Seunghyun gets up and takes Yoo Bin in hand. He leans down and places a soft kiss on Jiyong's lips. "I can't wait to marry you" 
Jiyong grins. "You have no idea." Seunghyun smiles as he leaves the room with their child. Jiyong then stands from the chair and walks out of the room too. He goes over to his grooms men who decided to make their office the changing room. Jiyong walks in and grins. "It's time guys." 
Daesung, YoungBae, and Seungri have never been so excited. They all help each other make sure that everything is perfect and they all make their way out of the office down the hall. Jiyong is of course full of nerves and excitement. He wants this day to be perfect like any normal person. He loves that he is getting married on the most perfect day and with his friends on his side. 
Seunghyun and his groom man not really men because he has a smaller circle of male friends. "Hyung...I'm nervous" Seunghyun whines. "What if I ramble...what if I say something stupid." 
"Oh gosh man calm down. It's going to be fine. When I married Bom I was the same way...look at me now I'm just fine." 
Seunghyun chuckles. "Yea you are more crazy." 
Dong Wook chuckles and straightens the younger's tie. " you feel about your father not being here..." 
Seunghyun sighs. "To tell you the truth it hurts, but I don't want anyone apart of our lives if they can't accept us for who we are. It's not fair to my fiance or my child." 
Dong Wook nods. "Ne, It's just sad the rude bastard...well I don't mean to call your dad a bastard..." 
"It's okay'"
"But yea I just don't understand people like that....well anyways enough of the doom and gloom let's get this party the ready for JeJu?" 
Seunghyun blushes. "Hyung..." 
"Just askin just asking." The older smirks and opens the door "Let's get out of your office and get you married ne?" Seunghyun smiles. "I'm ready." 
Ceremony time. All the guest are seated and the announcer is ready to start the program. Mrs. Choi is so ready for this to happen. The announcer then speaks. "Hello and welcome to the wedding of Choi Seunghyun and Kwon Jiyong. If you will take your seats we will begin the ceremony." There are murmurs of the crowd getting seated in their chairs. 
Music starts to play and the announcer calls for Seunghyun to walk down the aisle. The grooms men who are already placed at the alter give the older a motion to start walking. Seunghyun chuckles and starts to walk down the aisle slowly like they did in rehearsals. He takes his time as people stare and take pictures with their phones or professional devices. 
He makes it to the end of the aisle and bows to his parents and then over to the crowd. The announcer says some stuff to the crowd and then it's finally Jiyong's turn. The younger going second is making his stomach turn a couple times. He is so ready to walk down that aisle. The announcer finally calls. "Now will Kwon Jiyong please come down the aisle." 
The younger takes a deep breath and he starts to walks from the tall bushes to reveal himself to the guest. Everyone becomes quiet as the angel is walking down the aisle. All the girls smiles and take many pictures. The younger hears murmurs of beautiful and handsome. This makes Jiyong smile even more. He keeps eye contact with his fiance as he gets closer and closer. Seunghyun is finding Jiyong the most beautiful thing on this earth at the moment and his eyes are only on him. Jiyong finally makes it to the end of the aisle and Seunghyun automatically joins hands with the other. 
The officiant then smiles at the couple. He says a couple of words and allows the couple to say their own vows. Seunghyun goes first and he hopes that he doesn't ramble. "When I first saw you...I felt like I saw an angel. The way that you were looking at the clouds and smiling so brightly. You from that moment warmed my heart. When you first smiled at me I liked you. When you first held my hand I felt the connection and it made me love you. I loved you so early on I knew that we would always be together...and then you brought our precious daughter into my helped me to live helped me to see that it's okay to have a disability and I can be proud. You are the love of my life and I will always love you..." He then smirks and leans overs so only the younger would hear.  "And pleasure you fully" Jiyong blushes and the grooms men chuckle at the words that were said. 
The officiant then say a joke or two before passing the microphone over to Jiyong. The younger takes the microphone and grins at his cheeky lover. "Hyunnie. I love you so much. You have changed my life and taught me how to love like a lover. You have done so much for me you make me feel like I have a super hero. With us I feel there are no limits there is nothing that can stop our family. Everyday you make me complete. The way you are with Yoo Bin...your cute rambling, or your choom moments. I love it all so much and I feel so in love every minute of the day. I love you baby." 
The two continue to look into each other's eyes. The officiant has the two exchange rings and then the moment of truth has come. "Well by the power invested in me and the country of Korea. I now pronounce Choi Seunghyun and Kwon Jiyong married! You may now kiss each other" 
Seunghyun smirks and pulls his lover into a passionate kiss that threw Jiyong off guard. Everyone in the crowd laughs and awe's over the newlyweds as they kiss. They finally release and Jiyong is beat red. The grooms men all chuckle at their friends and pat their backs to congratulate them. Yoo Bin runs up to her daddy and Jiyong picks her up and kisses her cheek. He shows her the wedding band attached  to his engagement ring. "Look we are married now" Seunghyun leans over and kisses her cheek. "My cutie did you have fun?" The little one nods and claps her hands as Jiyong starts to spin her around a couple times. Seunghyun takes Jiyong's hand in his and all three of them walk back down the aisle as a family. 
Yoo Bin waves at all the guest and they all look like a perfect couple. 
The reception of course was beautiful with the amazing white table under the tall willow. It's fun how the theme of first is taken place under the willow tree. The long table has enough room for all the grooms men and Bom to sit next to her husband. Jiyong and Seunghyun are in the middle and Mrs. Choi and Yoo Bin are next to Jiyong. They really feel united as a family. 
The DJ played music that satisfied younger and older crowd. Of course Jiyong and Seunghyun were the first to dance on the dance floor as husband and husband. The whole dance was slow and beautiful. Jiyong found the dance a beautiful moment. Seunghyun can't hear the music so Jiyong guides him to the beat with is hands. Everyone in the room loves how caring Jiyong is to his husband. 
After the dance everyone else got on the dance floor and food was served to the tables. It was a club like feel how everyone was dancing together whether you knew the person next to your or not. Everyone was having a good time. Seungri and YoungBae or course did a couple of fun moves that everyone wanted to copy. Daesung did his moves and Jiyong had his moments too when he did the Dougie with Bae. Seunghyun also did some fun dancing too with them too followed by the choom shuffle. Everyone danced for hours and people seemed like they would never stop. 
Gummy is already finding this the wedding of the year how everyone is together and so united. She then lets the DJ know that the cake will be served soon. Every one need a break any ways and women were ready to come out of their heels due to all the dancing. Jiyong and Seunghyun cut the cake together and they feed  little bits to each other. Seunghyun blushes as he takes the cake from the smaller hands. Jiyong's coal eyes are keeping him captivated. 
After many hours of partying Dong Wook goes up to the couple who is still dancing hard. He gives them a tap and a grin. The couple comes to the side of the dance floor hand and hand to meet their hyung and Noona. 
Dong Wook smiles at the couple. "Hmmm so that honey moon" Bom grins too. "Yea so when were you thinking of leaving eh?" 
The couple blushes deeply. Seunghyun then grins. "Are you hinting something Hyung?" 
"Ne...I think that you two should JeJu" 
Seunghyun chuckles. "We leave for our flight in a couple hours." 
Jiyong blushes. "Hyung..." 
Dong Wook smiles. "Aigo we are not here to embarrass you. We want you to be able to wind down and get to the airport...go ahead and sneak away. I'm sure those party people won't mind." Bom signals Mrs. Choi to come over. The older nods and brings Yoo Bin with her."You two ready you go now?" 
Jiyong nods "Ne...looks like we are leaving for our flight now" 
Seunghyun bows and takes Jiyong's hand in his. "We love you all" They all waves and exchange hugs and then the couple departs from the party. The two walk the path back up to the main building. The party music gets fainter and fainter. The two then squeeze their hands together tighter. The soft grass can be heard by the younger. Seunghyun smiles and looks at the night sky. "It must be quiet now huh? ...I like this moment...our first walk together hand and hand as a married couple." He chuckles to himself and Jiyong smiles gently as the sun continues to set. 
They get outside to the car and Seunghyun smiles at his husband and pulls him into an embrace. Jiyong responds in kind and wraps his arms around the bigger man. "Yongie...we are married now" He releases the hug and steals a kiss. "Are you ready to go on the plane to JeJu?" Jiyong shyly nods and Seunghyun leads them over to the car. He opens the door for his lover and Jiyong gets in. Seunghyun closes the door and goes to his side and gets in. He puts the car in drive and the two head to the airport with their bags already packed and ready to go in the back seat. 
Jiyong takes his lovers hand and squeezes it tightly. He is nervous. He is excited...but he is ready to become one with the one he loves. 

Ding Dong they are married! Finally eh? Thank you all for reading! Please leave me feedback and see you at the honeymoon^^

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Chapter 1: I have been reading thos for many times through years and still not bored ...
Chapter 35: Its a really heart warming story i loved every bit of it the fact that seung can't hear ji's voice killed me really its sad really but its a new thing i never read a fic with such story line its soo good and that little ball of cuteness is so perfect ugh that fart in bed tho XD I laughed so hard hahaha and seung rumblings are so cute kekekeke the best thing is BOTTOM TOP XD now thats a change but such a baby lol ..... Thank you for your great work i love all your fics really now i will move to read another one ^^
Chapter 34: i got a trully shock feelings !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how can this make my manly seunghyun into a botm ?! and in this chapter i finally realize that seunghyun never hear jiyong voice ! this chapter gave me a shock !
Chapter 26: awwww !!!!! what a cute story !!! i love the picture and especially the story ! . this was the third of my favourite stories after the manny and my husband is a vampire . I hope you make another one about lovey dovey couple with their child and must GTOP !!! i'm starting become your fans author-nim .... FIGHTING :)
Chapter 35: So beautiful story ♡♡♡
Chapter 35: Hehehe. This story is so cute. I read it twice :)
All along I wanted to hug Hyunnie cause his dad was mean and to hug Youngie because he was so lonely but they had each other and that made me happy and at ease. I was so happy cause the beautiful friendship between my 5 boys was so precious till the friendship between Hyunnie and Youngie turned into love, engagement, committed marriage. And Yoobin was so precious little girl who brought them closer than they were <3
Thanks for sharing this beautiful story with us.
Hey, a new reader here. Came here because of "The Manny". I just wanna tell you something about the pictures in the Forward part aren't all working, well except for Ji's and Dae's pictures. Will enjoy reading this one just like "The Manny" :D
Blue82 #8
Chapter 35: I love seke couples just throwing that out there. This story was so romantic and sweet with just a touch of angst to give it depth. I enjoyed this so much that I'm up way later than I intended to finish it.
I finally found it i read it WAY long time ago and i loved it and i have been looking for it for months and now BOOM GONNA READ IT AGAIN AND AGAIN
Chapter 23: praise Dongwook's mom for his existence