15 minute meetings

My Heartbeat

To most people 8:45 is a odd time to have a meeting. Well for Choi Seunghyun this was the rare 15 minutes that he gets with his father. His dad is the one sets the meeting because he feels that 15 is all the time is needed for a meeting with his disabled son. He feels that there is nothing to really talk about and it is a sad statement that the whole Nature Garden knows. 

The relationship with Seunghyun's father has always been distant. Yea he gave him a great education and control of most of the company but still his dad is disappointed that his son is not perfect. Seunghyun learned from a young age that nothing will ever be enough. For years he felt that he had to go above and beyond for him but soon found out that all of his efforts would simply be ignored. 

The only thing that keeps his father kind of satisfied is that his son still keeps a huge secret from his employees. The thought of the whole company finding out that Seunghyun is deaf would be a huge embarrassment to the company in his fathers eyes. The younger one has been taught ever since he could lip read was to never let the secret out no matter what. 

Seunghyun because of the secret was never really allowed to have friends. He never really had girlfriends more like "buddies" from his college days and still his father made him go to a school close to home and made him come home everyday. Seunghyun has been nothing but lonely all of his life until he met his boyfriend and he now assumes that his father has gotten word already that he indeed has a boyfriend. 

The Choi's are now sitting in the meeting area and his father has a face that is stone. No emotion is show at all and Seunghyun who is use to the cold appearance bows and leads to a place to where they can sit comfortably. 

Seunghyun takes a seat to the side and his father takes a seat at the head of the table and 2 minutes have already gone by. They stare are each other for a little bit of time and Seunghyun takes it as his father making sure that he has the proper appearance. 

"Hello father"

His father raises an eye brow " Don't hello father me. What the hell have you been doing the past month. I heard that you are dating...and of all people a new employee? Are you kidding me Seunghyun...?" 

Seunghyun gets nervous and quickly defends himself  "Yes father I'm dating and he is a very nice man. I know that he is a new employee but I fell for him" 

His father eyes his son again and sighs " Do you realize how important this month is...do you realize how much work and focus is needed. Do you think that dating is the right thing to do? " 

The younger one sees that his father does not approve of his relationship right now and truthfully he would never be happy about it. "I'm sorry father but I really love him""You love him..heh...sure I'm sure that this is a phase.." 

Seunghyun is taken back by the mean statement and is saddened that his own father does not care for his son's happiness. " Father I love him and we now have a child that we adopted together*SLAP*" The director freezes and puts his hand up to where his father just slapped him. "Why father? Why are you like this?" 

"First of all you are deaf and second of all you are a . You think that I will approve and now you have a kid too. Seunghyun this does not look like focus. Do something about your boyfriend and company or I will...I better hear good news at the end of the day." 

Seunghyun starts to cry a little "Father don't you want me to be happy? Do you even care for my happiness? ...I have developed a relationship with someone that I love dearly. I can't stop father. I won't do it." 

Mr. Choi rolls his eyes and looks at the clock. " Well I see that our 15 minutes is almost up. I'm not kidding I will do something about it. I will fire that kid and I will put that child in an orphanage" Seunghyun's eyes widen and for the first time he defends himself "FATHER!! Stop it! I will not let you do anything to hurt them and the child is mine so you can't do anything without my permission. Please don't ruin the lives of innocent people. I love them dearly...can't you see that father...I'm in love and I don't care." 

His father doesn't say anything back. His face is not angry. It's just the same cold stare that he always has. He walks out the room and sees that the secretaries are staring the Chairman down. He raises an eye brow at them and they quickly bow. He looks at the toddler and makes a looks of disgust and finally walks out and Dara is the first one to speak. 

"Aiiiigo that man is intense." 

Bom who is holding Yoo Bin nods in agreement. "That man is just heartless and no telling what he told his son...just sad." 

Yoo Bin looks at the two women in confusion and speaks "Who is that man. He looks mean"  Dara and Bom don't know what to say and are not sure to tell her that that was her grandfather who looked at her like a piece of meat. "Aigo aigo let me check on your daddy Yoo Bin and you stay out here and play with Auntie Dara." Dara gets happy at the name she was give "Yeaaaa Auntie Dara is going to play with you while Auntie Bom talks to your Daddy okay?" The little child smiles and runs into the arms of the other woman and quickly snuggles into her embrace. "I think that she is going to fall asleep instead haha" Bom smiles and walks into the office. 

Seunghyun doesn't have many friends but he does have his secretaries to depend on. He is the closest to Bom because they have been co workers since day one. When his father has these 15 minute meetings Bom always goes in and makes sure that her Boss is okay. Most of the time he is fine and other times she has to set play dates and make her hubby Dongwok cheer him up but he works in the corporate region of Seoul and he can't always meet. 

Bom walks over to the table and sees her boss staring blankly in at the wall. The director has already received a buzz from his watch when Bom walked in but just chose to ignore it. When he feels that she is closer to him he looks up at her with glossy eyes. He is not crying but he just high on emotions. Bom takes a seat across the table and they looks at each other for a moment and Bom can read the emotions. 

" He doesn't approve..." is all the director says and Bom immediately gets concerned "He doesn't approve what? " 

"He doesn't approve Jiyong and Yoo Bin..." He looks into Bom's eyes with a tear running down his face. "I can't lose them...I love them so much..." 

Bom gets angry and balls her fist up under the table. " He can do no such thing. What right does he have to tell you who you can date and also why would he threaten you about taking that child away...no disrespect to your father but I have to say that this is just sick." 

Seunghyun nods "It's okay for you to feel that way...father has always been like this and I always obey him. For the first time today I raised my voice at him. He slapped me but I for the first time in my life felt like a man when I defended myself...but he knocked me down with the threats soon after." 

Bom places a hand on top of his " You did good Seunghyun you did good but would your father really do such a thing?" The younger one nods slowly " Yes he can and he will do something and I don't know what and how he is going to do things but I don't want that to happen...I don't" 

"That's terrible to hear but yea we all need to do something about it. It is not fair for him to do such a thing. Listen...I will figure something out ne?" 

Seunghyun nods "Thank you noona you and hyung have been nothing but good to me. " 

"It's because we love you like a son and we want you to always be loved. This is what families do for each other we make sure that our sons and daughters are always happy." she smiles again with a bright smile. "One thing Seunghyun...have you considered presenting Jiyong to your father. Do you think that once he sees how happy you are with them he might give in and accept your life? " 

Seunghyun shrugs his shoulders " To tell you the truth I don't know and also I'm not sure if my Mom and Dad with do something that might scare them." 

"Wow he is something from straight out of the dramas. I knew that your dad is evil but I didn't know what he was so heartless.." 

Seunghyun sighs "Yea he is heartless but I still love him and I still believe that he can change and learn to love me" 

"He does love you but his definition is not what you expect...but remember he does love you. Even though he has 15 minute meetings with you that is a way of showing that he cares...in a sick and twisted way but you know what I mean hmm?"

The director nods in agreement " Thank you so much for always coming in and making sure that I'm not destroying the office. Can you keep watching Yoo Bin until lunch time?" Bom stands up "Yea Dara and I love her and she is a treat....but think about it Seunghyun maybe a dinner meeting with your father would work things out..even if there is a little drama your father can see your family and he can choose weather he wants be apart of your fabulous lives." 

The director smiles at the older one and watches the door close behind her. A dinner with his father and mother sounds like a good idea but really it could be a bomb that could easily set off but sooner or later the dinner has to be done. 

Seunghyun gets back to work and text his boyfriend


Jiyong is working hard on a email to the interior design department. The fabrics that the ladies have chosen do not match the color theme of the flowers that the men have chosen. This small hitch could hurt a lot of eyes at the ceremony and because of Jiyong's departments past everyone is still warming up to the new Team Manager. 

Jiyong stops typing when he notices his phone vibrating. He looks down and sees a notification from his Hyunnie. He quickly unlocks his phone to see the text. 

"Heeey baby how is work?"

Jiyong gets giddy and his co workers snicker at the girly moves their boss is doing. " Oh just writing an email to the interior design dept. They decided to get a little too daring with their colors."

"Haha I see. Is it something that I need to fix for you baby. You know I love you right :)"

Jiyong laughs " No baby I got this plus I need to learn how to deal with other depts and I love you too"

"Okay well if you ever need help your wish will be granted...btw I'm taking you and Yoo Bin out to lunch today so meet us by the employee parking."

"Lunch aweee I'm excited it's our first family lunch. I'm bringing the camera. I will see you then Hyunnie" 

"Later babes" 

Jiyong smiles and puts his phone away and looks up to see the peanut gallery of course trying to decode their text. Taeyang smirks "Sooo how is it going Jiyong? I see that you are rather happy." 

"Yea you are super happy hyung" Seungri chimes in with a huge smile. 

Jiyong smiles dreamily " We are so happy. Everything so perfect I have to pinch myself. For the first time in my life I have a family and we are going for our first meal together for lunch. " 

Daesung smiles with his eyes " That is great hyung I'm so happy that you have a great life" 

"Ne your life is so good hyung. By the way I'm wondering...how does Yoo Bin address you two?"  Seungri asks confused.

Jiyong chuckles " Well we have not decided that but I think that she is going to call me Appa and I think that she will call Seunghyun Daddy in English. She kinda does it now but gets confused every now and then. We are going to tell her today what to call us...well Seunghyun doesn't know we are having this talk either haha but we are going to tell her at lunch." 

"Already calling the shots like a true housewife" Taeyang smirks. 

"Well this housewife works" Jiyong laughs at the hilarious comment. "Well let's get back to work boys we have a lot of work ahead of us until lunch and hopefully the noonas in interior will let up and change their colors for the anniversary. " 

The men all get back to work. Jiyong writes out his email and checks it over twice to make sure it is not rude at all and hits send. A couple hours later he receives a reply and has is elated they worked so fast. The women were very nice and they sent a couple emails back and forth talking about colors and they finally setting on a nice neutral pallet that is modern but still entertaining to the eyes. 

After the last email was sent Jiyong silent cheered himself. It was a long process but he got it done. The ceremony is now two weeks away and things have to be perfect from here on out. The team leader looks at his watch and sees that it is three till 12 and tells the guys to go on down for a early lunch. The men do not argue and leave the office in a hurry to they can beat the lines in the cafeteria. 

Jiyong puts away his laptop and goes into this cabinet to pull out his high powered camera to take pictures. Yea the camera is made really for work but since this is kind of a special occasion he doesn't care much. He straps the camera around him and makes the long walk to the lobby. 

He makes it down to the lobby and smiles at the secretary before he turns right to head down to the employee parking lot. He steps outside to see his two loves waiting by the car. Yoo Bin was given a small thing of bubbles has been running around the past hour making bubble to chase until they pop. Seunghyun kept a eye on her to make sure she didn't consume the mixture. 

Jiyong smiles and waves at his boyfriend "Hello my loves" He knows that Yoo Bin can't hear him but he says the greeting Anyways. Yoo Bin gets out of her trance for a brief moment and notices her blonde appa and runs to him shouting Appa. Jiyong bends down to get her a hug and signs to her. 

"Was my Yoo Bin a good girl today?"

"Ne Appa I'm was a good girl I was playing with my Aunties. They are fun I played with a machine where it tears up papers. " 

Jiyong laughs and finds it funny that little kids can get amused by a shedder " Are you ready for lunch my love" 

Yoo Bin shouts "Neeee!!"

Seunghyun sees that Jiyong is signing to Yoo Bin about lunch and walks over and  bends down to his family "Neee you say? Is my baby hungry for food." He looks into the little ones eyes. "Neee I'm hungry." Jiyong chimes in "Well let's go on our first family outing!" They all smile at each other and the toddler runs to the car ready to be strapped in by her Daddy Seunghyun. 

They all get into the car and Seunghyun smiles and looks back at the little girl " Let's goo!" Yoo Bin cheers and Jiyong laughs at how cute their child is. Seunghyun taps Jiyong on the shoulder and he looks directly at him. Jiyong smiles dreamily back at his handsome boyfriend. "Yes my love?"

"I just wanted to look into your beautiful eyes" Seunghyun says with a deep voice to his boyfriend. 

Jiyong turns beat red "Hyunnie..."

Seunghyun starts the car and they head to their destination which is a restaurant called "Dash" it is a Korean restaurant and it is know for having high class service in a casual environment. Getting a reservation at the restaurant is tough and some people wait up to 5 months to get  a seat and that is not including the wait for dinner. Seunghyuns family has hosted many parties at their restaurant so anytime they want a reservation it is never denied. Jiyong who never tried to get into high class anything in the past has no idea what the restaurant is about but all he is excited for is that they are a family eating lunch together. This is something that Seunghyun and Jiyong and Yoo Bin are experiencing because all of them have not so perfect past. 

They finally make it to the restaurant and they are approached by the valet. Jiyong's car door is opened and he is escorted out of the car. Seunghyun gets out himself and goes to the back to unbuckle the little one. Jiyong waits patiently on the side for the rest of his family so that they can walk in together. Jiyong loves the front of the restaurant "Hey let's take a picture" Seunghyun gets puzzled "In front of the restaurant...as you wish my dear but who is going to take it?" 

Jiyong waves his hand at his boyfriend. "I just want a picture of the two of you first then I want a picture of all of us together" 

"I can take the next one for you sir." says the valet who is not busy at the moment. 

Jiyong bows "Thanks!" 

Jiyong poses the waddling toddler and his boyfriend "Okay stay like that!" He takes a couple pictures and then hands the camera to the valet. Jiyong runs up to the family and puts himself perfectly next to his boyfriend. The valet gives the family a 3 to 1 countdown and takes the pictures. Jiyong runs up to the valet and slips him a couple Won. "Thanks sir!" 

"No Thank you! You were a huge help!" 

Seunghyun bows and teaches the little one how to bow to the valet to show respect. Jiyong smiles at the little lesson and they finally walk into the restaurant.

Jiyong walks into the small restaurant and notices how homie and fancy at the same time the place felt. The family is quickly greeted and lead to a table that sits six. Seunghyun took a seat on the other side and Jiyong and Yoo Bin sat next to each other so Jiyong could help her eat. They get comfortable and they are greeted by their server. 

She bows "Hello I will be serving you today Choi family! Thank you for choosing us. We have everything cooking as we speak and your order will be sent out in five minutes. " She sets out two glasses of water plus a sippie cup and a coloring book for the toddler and takes her leave to the next table. Jiyong is wide mouth of the service. He never knew that you could pre order your order and have it cooking as soon as you come in. 

"Yongie?" Jiyong looks up at his lover "Ne baby?" 

"Do you like the restaurant? I hope that you don't mind that I pre ordered I did it because of time like she said that it will be out in five minutes and I hope that you like the food well I'm sure that you will like the food not saying that I'm saying that you have to like it but...sorry I did it again...I'm nervous..." 

Jiyong chuckles "It's so cute when you ramble and Yoo Bin finds it entertaining. I will love anything that will present to us." Jiyong reaches his hand across the table and his boyfriend takes the smaller hand and smiles warmly as he gently rubs is rub up and down the top of Jiyong's hand. "This is nice Hyunnie thank you for taking us out. Do we have enough time to eat and go back to work?" 

Seunghyun smiles "I'm taking a two hour lunch and I already informed the boys of our plans. They are excited and told us to take our time." 

Jiyong loves how his boyfriend can do what ever when ever he want at the Garden " Thanks Hyunnie we have more time for pictures...here take a picture of me and Yoo Bin. " Jiyong prys the little one from her coloring and pulls her closer to that he can take a picture with is baby. 

The first picture he put his arm around the little one and the second picture was of Jiyong kissing the little ones cheek. Yoo Bin smiled at her daddy kissing her and the last picture she kissed him back with both of her hands holding her Appas face in place. Seunghyun found the sight adorable as he took the pictures. He hands back his boyfriend the camera and stares at the two with loving eyes. Jiyong notices and smiles. "Are you jealous my love?" 

Seunghyun smiles at his boyfriend. "I'm just realizing how lucky I'm to have you two in my life."

Finally the food comes out and Seunghyun as usual got a little carried away when he ordered the many dishes of food. Jiyong his lips at the sight and Yoo Bin didn't know so much food could fit on one table. The servers bow after they have placed everything on the table and their main server bows again and takes her leave. "Wow Hyunnie this looks so good!!" 

"I'm glad that you are happy baby. Enjoy family!" 

Jiyong places a napkin in Yoo Bins shirt and starts to help her set food on her plate. They all get the food on their plates and they dig in. Jiyong being a man eats a lot while Seunghyun takes in a lot too but at a slower pace. "Slow down baby before you get indigestion." Jiyong who has a mouth full of veggies answers back "Ne ne." and continues to consume more. 

They all eat in silence because the food is so good for five minutes and Jiyong finally starts the conversation about the daddy appa situation. He turns the toddler towards him "Do you like the food my love?" 

"Ne good food. I like it" 

"Good. Well I have something I want to talk to you about. You know that we are both your daddy's so we have figured out names for you to call his." 

Seunghyun is amused by this conversation because he didn't talk to Jiyong about this yet but he goes with the flow and chimes in "Yea Yoo Bin-ah we want you to have a name for us too." 

Jiyong smiles apologetically at his boyfriend for not talking about this with him first "I want you to call me appa and I want you to call him daddy. Ne?" 

Yoo Bin smiles "Okay Appa I love you" Yoo Bin hugs her appa and Seunghyun smiles at the happy family and for the first time in his life he see the person that he wants to spend the rest of his life with. Yea they have only known each other for 6 months but love is love and he wants to marry Jiyong and make him his one and only along with Yoo Bin. 

Jiyong sticks out his tongue at his boyfriend and smiles at him "What you thinking about?" 

"About how I'm going to take the last of the Kimchi" Grins the older one and Jiyong makes a challenge face. "Try me..." They both reach their chop sticks out about to grab the last piece until they are interrupted by a little hand reaching in the bowl quickly followed by a *crunch* from the radish kimchi. They both laugh and Jiyong wipes the little ones mouth full of red pepper paste. "Aiiigo you really like this stuff huh" Yoo Bin giggles "Ne Appa" 

The happy family enjoys their lunch together and talk of stories from the past. Happy stories of course to tell to Yoo Bin. They all learned more about each other and they instantly got closer than ever. Seunghyun was going to tell Jiyong about the meeting this morning but he didn't have the heart to tell them yet. One thing for sure he was not going to have his Dad take away what he loves the most. Instead of his father quickly judging without meeting them he decided to have the dinner meeting. 

He pulls out his phone while Jiyong takes the toddler to the family restroom. 

"Hey Noona. I thought about it and I think that the dinner is a great idea. Let's have the dinner tomorrow." 

"Alrighty I'm glad that you decided to have the dinner. I think that the two of you need more than 15 minutes...I'm tired of those meetings. Hopefully you will be a brave and work things out. How can he not like Jiyong and Yoo-Bin. I will set the meeting for tomorrow night at 8 I will inform your father and I will get back to you. " 

"Thanks noona" 

Jiyong comes back from the restroom and sees that he boyfriend was texting. "Who were you texting baby?" 

Seunghyun gets up and pushes in his seat "Oh my secretary. I planned a dinner for tomorrow for all of us." 

Jiyong gets excited "Wow taking us out twice in one week. You spoil us too much we might get too use to this life. " 

Seunghyun looks deep into his boyfriends eyes " You two are my life." He pecks his boyfriends lips and the younger one gets red at the PDA. Seunghyun takes the toddlers hand and they all go outside to wait for their car as a family. Seunghyun is appreciating every moment of happiness he can. What's to come for tomorrow might be good or it might be bad but it has the director nervous for what is to come. 

"Hyunnie come come the car is here" 

Seunghyun smiles and picks up the toddler. "Let's get buckled up!"

"Ne Daddy!"


Heeeey I know that it has been a while. I'm now back at home and I'm done with university so I can type more often. I hope that you all love the story still and forgive me for not writing too often...school kept me busy. Comments are love enjoy. BTW this story will be edited soon:)






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Chapter 1: I have been reading thos for many times through years and still not bored ...
Chapter 35: Its a really heart warming story i loved every bit of it the fact that seung can't hear ji's voice killed me really its sad really but its a new thing i never read a fic with such story line its soo good and that little ball of cuteness is so perfect ugh that fart in bed tho XD I laughed so hard hahaha and seung rumblings are so cute kekekeke the best thing is BOTTOM TOP XD now thats a change but such a baby lol ..... Thank you for your great work i love all your fics really now i will move to read another one ^^
Chapter 34: i got a trully shock feelings !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how can this make my manly seunghyun into a botm ?! and in this chapter i finally realize that seunghyun never hear jiyong voice ! this chapter gave me a shock !
Chapter 26: awwww !!!!! what a cute story !!! i love the picture and especially the story ! . this was the third of my favourite stories after the manny and my husband is a vampire . I hope you make another one about lovey dovey couple with their child and must GTOP !!! i'm starting become your fans author-nim .... FIGHTING :)
Chapter 35: So beautiful story ♡♡♡
Chapter 35: Hehehe. This story is so cute. I read it twice :)
All along I wanted to hug Hyunnie cause his dad was mean and to hug Youngie because he was so lonely but they had each other and that made me happy and at ease. I was so happy cause the beautiful friendship between my 5 boys was so precious till the friendship between Hyunnie and Youngie turned into love, engagement, committed marriage. And Yoobin was so precious little girl who brought them closer than they were <3
Thanks for sharing this beautiful story with us.
Hey, a new reader here. Came here because of "The Manny". I just wanna tell you something about the pictures in the Forward part aren't all working, well except for Ji's and Dae's pictures. Will enjoy reading this one just like "The Manny" :D
Blue82 #8
Chapter 35: I love seke couples just throwing that out there. This story was so romantic and sweet with just a touch of angst to give it depth. I enjoyed this so much that I'm up way later than I intended to finish it.
I finally found it i read it WAY long time ago and i loved it and i have been looking for it for months and now BOOM GONNA READ IT AGAIN AND AGAIN
Chapter 23: praise Dongwook's mom for his existence