Ceremony :)

My Heartbeat

Know that feeling to where you know something is going to happen but you don't know how that is going to happen? Well that is Seunghyun at the moment. Today is the day of the ceremony of the West garden and all the planning has come to this day. 

The man wants everything to go well. It is a celebration but also huge deal when it comes to press. The reason why they put so much into this ceremony is to get a good review. Bad review they are done with and all their efforts will be a waste. The Public Relations department never failed him but still it gets people nervous. 

Still this is not even going to top anything that is to come during the dinner ceremony. That is when Seunghyun plans on proprosing to Jiyong. He is so nervous it shows. He left early this morning from Jiyong apartment because he was sweating so much. The poor thing has taken two showers already and it's only 2. 

"Seunghyun ah it's okay. Just try to relax hmm" Bom coos to the nervous reck. 

"I just want things to be perfect. I want Jiyong to remember this day." 

Bom comes over to sit on a office chair. "He will be Seunghyun he loves you so much he would love anything you would do. " 

Seunghyun smiles "Thanks noona." 

Bom takes the files off her boss's desk and walks out the room. Seunghyun spins in his desk chair and breahes in and out to try to relax himself. Suddenly he feels two arms snake around him and he smiles when he sees the arms "Jiyong...what are you doing over here?" 

Jiyong spins the chair around and rest his arms on the chair arms and he is intamitly close. " I heard that you were nervous about the ceremony and I wanted to make sure that you were ok. " 

Seunghyun leans closer bring a hand behind the younger ones head in for a kiss. They sweetly kiss each other and Jiyong almost loses his grip on the chair because the kiss is so powerful but sweet from the other. They release and stare dreamily into each others eyes "Jiyong I love you so much." 

Jiyong smiles back " I love you too" He leans in a kisses his boyfriend once and Seunghyun releases the kiss. " Don't worry about me baby. I can handle this ceremony stuff. It's just the anticipation of it all" Jiyong stands upright and smiles down on his boyfriend " I still don't want you to worry or stress baby. " Jiyong pouts and Seunghyun smiles "Aiiiigo my boyfriend is so cute when he worries about his hyunnie." He takes his arms and wraps them around Jiyong's waist. Jiyong smiles " Hyunnie tonight is going to be so great and we all worked so hard for this night. It will be nothing but perfection." 

Seunghyun releases the hug " You are right baby. It will be a night we will always remember. " 

Jiyong quirks his head to the side "Yea baby it will be. I can't wait for your speeches and I can't wait for us to enjoy the night together." Jiyong kisses his boyfriends cheek and leaves the room. They both still have a lot of work to do, especially the older one. 

Seunghyun summons his other secretary Dara to come into the room. She was assigned the task of the engagment. "Hello Director. "

"Hello did  you pick up the  rings. " 

"Ne, I have them right here in this bag and may I say sir that I'm super excited for the two of you. " 

Seunghyun smiles "Thank you Dara for your wishes. Please sit the rings here." 

"Ne" She places the rings down and walks out of the office. 

Seunghyun pulls the box out of the bag and takes a look at the rings. 

"Well this is the least of my worries." SAys the director to himself. He takes the rings and places them back in the box to carefully put them back in the bag. Today he is leaving work early to make sure everything is going well. He takes the bag in hand and walks around the to the venue. The ceremony will take place in the west garden but the engagment will happen in the place that him and Jiyong first met. 

He walks over to see Daesung cordinating everything. Seunghyun told Jiyong's coworkers about hte engagment and they all hopped on board to help. They all took turns seting things up gradually. They told Jiyong that they were doing some contruction over there the and the workers are forbidden to go there. Jiyong was upset at first but he was too busy with planning the west garden to do anything extra. 

"Hey hyung!" Daesung runs up to the older "What brings you here?" 

"I was just checking up on things Dae" 

Daesung puts his hands on his hips. "You don't trust us? " 

Seunghyun shakes his head "I trust you guys but I can't help from checking up on things. It's my job" Seunghyun chuckles. 

"Well we all want you to be suprised too. We got it we got it hyung. Yoo-Bin will be with us for the night so it will be perfect. So not to be disrespectful but you are not to come back until tonight hyung" 

Seunghyun raises and eye brow. " I can't come back " The younger chuckles yes and gently pushes Seunghyun away from the site. He walks away and heads over to his personal parking lot. He is so stressed that he need to go home to get ready.

He gets in his car and sends a text to his lover "Baby I jetted out early. I need to get ready. I can't wait to see you and Yoo-Bin tonight." 


Jiyong puts his phone away and goes back to putting the finishing touching to the garden. He has been doing nothing but direction people in all kinds of directions. All of the plants came in last minute and things are a little stressful. He didn't tell his lover because he was stressed enough. 

Taeyang and Seungri were in the dirt depotting plants and sticking them in the more expensive pots. The people hired on were also doing the same thing. Everyone had to help make this thing happen and everyone was putting in their 100 percent. Jiyong is cover in dirt stains and doesn't know when he will get a shower but doesn't care. 

He take a look at his watch and it's almost 4. "Aiiish I need to go..." 

"What's up Ji" says Taeyang "I need to pick up Yoo Bin" 

"Go ahead man. Everything is almost done anyways. " 

Jiyong smiles and runs towards the parking lot. He has to get himself ready and his little girl. There is a lot to do and so little time. He gets into his car and heads home.

When he gets to his apartment he sees Yoo Bins van pulling up at the same time. He parks the car and waits outside of the parking garage for his little girl. The van pulls up and the door opens with the toddler running in his arms. "Aiiiiiigoooo my little girl" He coos. He waves at the teacher and the van leaves. He picks up Yoo- Bin to take her home. 

They walk into the apartment and the little ones runs towards her toys. Jiyong follows the little one and signs to her "Appa is going to take a shower and then I'm going to get you read" 

The toddler nods and goes back to playing with her toys. Jiyong leaves to the bathroom door cracked just in case the little one wants to come in. He takes off his clothes and comes into the shower. He lathers up and takes the quickest shower of his life. He towel dries his hair and puts on a robe. He then turns on the water in the tub. 

He walks over to the toddler still playing with her toys. He signs. "Yoo Bin time for a quick bath." The younger nods and takes her appas hand as they go the the bathroom. He turns off the water and helps his daughter get undressed to get in the tub. The toddler laughs as she is placed into the warm water. He puts a couple of toys in there for her to with. See looks at her appa and he smiles "Appa is going to get dress be right back." 

He goes into his bedroom and takes out the suit that his boyfriend suprised him with this morning. It is a Gucci suit and it is the most expensive thing that Jiyong has ever worn. He carefully puts the suit on and style his hair for the tossled air dry look. He then takes out Yoo-Bins new Chanel dress. He can't help but get excited for tonight. 

He comes back into the bathroom and makes sure that Yoo-Bin cleaned herself well and helps her out of the tub to dry her off. Minutes later the dress is being slipped on to her and she looks stunning. He grabs his phone and takes a picture of the two of them. Jiyong's last task is her hair. Yoo-Bin is not a fan of combing her hair but today she will have to deal. 

Yoo-Bin sees the comb and tries to run but is stopped by her Appa picking her up. "We want to look nice for Daddy today. Don't you want to look nice for daddy?" 

Yoo Bin signs back "Ne Appa...be gentle'" Jiyong kisses her forhead and starts to brush her hair into a decent style. He then takes the Chanel headband and puts it in her hair. The last item is a pretty gold necklace of a bearbrick. Yoo Bin looks at herself in the mirror. "I'm pretty." She smiles to herself. 

Jiyong kisses her again "You are my pretty girl no matter what you wear remember that." Yoo Bin smiles and he helps her down from the chair they placed in front of the sink. It is already 5:45 and the younger needs to hurry to the garden. He takes the little one in his arms and they rush to the car. He straps her in and he gets in the car to head to the garden. 


Seunghyun is talking to his public relations and the stage director of the whole night. He has to say a speech before the other speaker come on to stage. The speech is unrehershed because the director does his best when he says what is on his heart. Every always looks forward to his speeches because he has that special appeal to the audience. 

Everyone is in their best and is already sitting in their places. Every department has their own table and section. Normally Seunghyun would sit by himself or is too busy to really eat but tonight he wanted to sit with his family. His mother is already sitting at Jiyong's table waiting for his arrival and he is just in time. "Graaaandmaa!" screams Yoo-Bin and the older lady gets out of her seat to wecome the little one. She gives her a hug while Jiyong looks at the two in awe. She releases their hug "Aiiigo my grand daughter is full of energy. " 

"Neee! " Yoo-Bin yells again and Jiyong blushes at the attention the toddler gives off. Jiyong signs to the younger "Inside voices" Yoo-Bin nods and Jiyong picks her up to put her in her seat. "Hello Mother" Jiyong smiles warmlly and gets into a unexpected hug. "I love it when you call me mother Jiyong ah. I feel that we are going to have a great night!" She releases the hug and Jiyong smiles back. He pulls out a chair for his mother and sits down next to her. The toddler wiggles in the chair and Jiyong can tell she is already bored and prepared back ups. 

He takes his phone and give it to her. He puts on a kids show with sign language and she is immersed into the device. Jiyong's mother is suprised "Wow the things kids have these days. I wish Seunghyun had this he was a hand full." 

Jiyong gets curious. "Was he a crazy kid" 

His mom laughs "He was very michivious..I didn't know what to expect from when he was Yoo-Bins age. One time I caught him putting on my make up then another day he called himself fixing the car and gave his dad four flat tires...aiiiigo.." his mom laughs again at the memory and Jiyong laughs more at the makeup story. 

"I see mother has already told you embarressing stories about me." Seunghyun sighs and sits next to his boyfriend. "Hello mom and hello Yoo-Bin" They both say hi and Yoo-Bin looks back at the device. "Hello my love" He stares at Jiyong and kisses his cheek. Jiyong blushes immediatly and mumbles "Not in front of mother " 

"Ohhh I don't care Jiyong I love seeing you two together." They all smile. The stage director comes over to get  Seunghyun and Jiyong can tell they are ready for him. Seunghyun excuses himself and they all watch him take his leave. Daesung, Taeyang and Seungri make it over to the table. 

"Hello Mrs. Choi" They all say in unison and bow. "Hello boys. Please have a seat." They all sit down and they are not nervous to be around the chairman's wife. She has always been a kind spirit and treat everyone like her own. Still Mr. Choi is not in anyones sight...or so what they thought. The man has taken a seat in the back on the 200 plus guest venue. He sit alone at a table he had made for himself. Seunghyun was told where he was but didn't greet him. 

Seungri and Taeyang look at the program and all the people who are going to speak. "Aiiiigo this is going to be quite a night." Taeyang says 

Seungri chimes in "Hyungs do I have to stay all night? There is this ba..fine" The three men were glaring at him like he was nuts. 

"Dude if i have to be here so are you. Plus don't you want to see all the work we did?" says Taeyang wrapping a arm around the maknae. Seungri blushes. "Yea I guess I could stay longer." 

Daesung looks at the younger one blushing "Why are you blushing Seungri" 

"I'm im not blushing...' 

"Whatever man" Daesung lets the topic go for the sake of Mrs. Choi. Some music starts playing and a video comes on to a screen near by. It shows the history of the garden and everyone starts to take their seats. Seunghyun stands next to the screen and waits for the video to be over so he can say his speech. 

The video stops and the spot light goes onto the director. Seunghyun starts to make greetings and JIyong is in awe of how cool his boyfriend is. His suit is beautiful and he looking simply dashing with the white light against his skin. 

The older finishes his greetings and then starts his speech. "Hello everyone I'm Director Choi and welcome to the tenth aniversary of the west garden." Everyone starts to clap and Yoo-Bin claps too because her appa is signing what her daddy is saying. 

"I want to thank all of the sponsers and the board members for helping to fund this aniversary. I also want to thank all of the workers who decorated and made this whole night come to life. " Everyone claps again. " This night is so special because it is the beginning of many new things. We restored this whole garden and sales have been soring because of the attraction. In closing thank you for celebrating this night with me. I want to recognize some special people in my life. I would like to introduce my mother. Mrs. Choi. "

Everyone in the room stood on the feet and clapped and Mrs. Choi smiles and bowed as she was highlighted on the big screen. Mr. Choi sat in the back still with a expressionless look. The clapping died down and Seunghyun made eye contact with his boyfriend. "I also want to introduce my boyfriend Kwon Jiyong. With out him I would be nothing and then also my daughter Choi Yoo-Bin my new light in my life. " The camera puts the two on the screen and everyone claps again.  Jiyong cries a little at the sweet words and bows. He signs for Yoo Bin to bow too and she obeys. 

"Thank you all for being here and please enjoy the night." Everyone claps and Seunghyun makes his way off the stage walks to his table. He takes his place by JIyong's side and waits for the food to be servered. The first course comes out and it is  Kalbi with a couple of other side dishes. Jiyong get a little nervous. " Don't worry son I will help out Yoo-Bin. Take a break for the night." Jiyong smiles "Thank you mother" 

Taeyang hear the mother word and smiles "You two are hitting it off" 

"Ne" Jiyong smiles whiles he cuts another potion of the steak. 

Jiyong looks over at his hyunnie "Baby the speech was beautiful. " 

Seunghyun smiles "I'm glad that you liked it Yongie." 

The guys at the table say in unison " Awwww " The couple blushes and Mrs. Choi laughs. "Aiiigo leave them alone. They are in love boys." 

Seungri speaks "I wish to have what you guys have one day. " 

Taeyang looks at the younger "You will Seungri. You gotta get out there " 

Seungri looks down at his steak "Ne hyung. I know" 

"Why the long face?...and I thought you had a crush here..did you tell her yet?" 

"No...not not yet..." 

"Wow the maknae has a loss of words" say Taeyang in a teasing manner. 

They all laugh and continue eating. Seunghyun then gets up from the table and Jiyong grabs his wrist " Where are you going baby?"  

"Oh I need to go check how things are going. I will be back" He leans down to kiss the younger one on the lips. Jiyong loves the sweet kiss and pouts when the older leaves. 

"Don't worry son. Seunghyun will be back" 

Jiyong smiles "I know. I just miss him when he is not by my side." 

"Aww you two are so cute." 

Jiyong smiles and looks at everyone having a great time and it couldn't have been a any more perfect night. He looks over and Yoo Bin is full of joy and his co workers are having their usual innteractions. "What are you smiling at Jiyong ah? " ask Mrs. Choi

"Nothing...tonight is just perfect. Nothing can top this. " Jiyong looks out into the night sky.

His mother responds "You never know Jiyong ah...you never know" she smiles and then continues eating...with a smirk like grin that is very Choi. 

Hey everyone!! Did you like the update?! The engagment will be the next chapter. I wanted to write them separatly:) I will do spell check later. The thing keeps timing out...aish


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Chapter 1: I have been reading thos for many times through years and still not bored ...
Chapter 35: Its a really heart warming story i loved every bit of it the fact that seung can't hear ji's voice killed me really its sad really but its a new thing i never read a fic with such story line its soo good and that little ball of cuteness is so perfect ugh that fart in bed tho XD I laughed so hard hahaha and seung rumblings are so cute kekekeke the best thing is BOTTOM TOP XD now thats a change but such a baby lol ..... Thank you for your great work i love all your fics really now i will move to read another one ^^
Chapter 34: i got a trully shock feelings !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how can this make my manly seunghyun into a botm ?! and in this chapter i finally realize that seunghyun never hear jiyong voice ! this chapter gave me a shock !
Chapter 26: awwww !!!!! what a cute story !!! i love the picture and especially the story ! . this was the third of my favourite stories after the manny and my husband is a vampire . I hope you make another one about lovey dovey couple with their child and must GTOP !!! i'm starting become your fans author-nim .... FIGHTING :)
Chapter 35: So beautiful story ♡♡♡
Chapter 35: Hehehe. This story is so cute. I read it twice :)
All along I wanted to hug Hyunnie cause his dad was mean and to hug Youngie because he was so lonely but they had each other and that made me happy and at ease. I was so happy cause the beautiful friendship between my 5 boys was so precious till the friendship between Hyunnie and Youngie turned into love, engagement, committed marriage. And Yoobin was so precious little girl who brought them closer than they were <3
Thanks for sharing this beautiful story with us.
Hey, a new reader here. Came here because of "The Manny". I just wanna tell you something about the pictures in the Forward part aren't all working, well except for Ji's and Dae's pictures. Will enjoy reading this one just like "The Manny" :D
Blue82 #8
Chapter 35: I love seke couples just throwing that out there. This story was so romantic and sweet with just a touch of angst to give it depth. I enjoyed this so much that I'm up way later than I intended to finish it.
I finally found it i read it WAY long time ago and i loved it and i have been looking for it for months and now BOOM GONNA READ IT AGAIN AND AGAIN
Chapter 23: praise Dongwook's mom for his existence