Together at Last

My Heartbeat

It has been a long day. Probably the longest that Jiyong has had in a while. Today has been a total event that he only thought would happen in a action movie but it happened. He looks over to his little one and she is sound asleep. He stretches his arms in the dimly lit bus and looks at his watch to see it's 3am. 

The bus has been going non stop and he just figured out that the bus was going to Haenam which is six hours from Seoul. Haenam is a country town and Jiyong has never been to the southwest side of Korea. He looks around the bus and definitely gets the small town feeling that he is use to. His little girl might be weirded out by the sudden changes but he figures she will be sleep most of the time. 

The bus finally pulls into the terminal and the bus door slowly open. The driver gets on the intercom and speaks through the obviously old and distorted speakers. Jiyong notices Yoo Bin furrowing her brow and looking like she is about to cry in her sleep. Jiyong pats her stomach gently and coos "Go back to sleep baby." She smiles in her sleep and drifts off into another slumber which makes Jiyong thankful she can be a heavy sleeper at convient times. 

He picks the little girl up and grabs his things and stands up to wait to get off of the bus. One by one he sees nothing but grey haired ajummas and agushis making their way off the bus. A couple of people smiled at the toddler and said a couple of aigos while they made their way off. Jiyong quickly found out that this is a older city. 

He finally gets off the bus and he gets the attention of an older couple. The older lady eyes the younger and Jiyong bows. "Sorry to bother you...but do you know of any hotels that I could stay at or bath houses?" 

The older lady looks the boy over and his child and smiles at him gently. "Son you will not find a hotel with a child in hand. They will turn you away. Come stay with us young man. " 

Jiyong gets wide eyed and a little hesitant. Normally in this situation you would say no. The older man smiles at Jiyong "Aigo we are harmless. We have lots of grandchildren around your age" He pulls out his wallet to reveal a ton of pictures of his kids and their grandchildren. Jiyong suddenly gets  a warm feeling from the two and figures for one night it should be okay. He nods to the old couple and the older lady takes him by the hand. "We love having grandchildren over to our house. Please make your self at home. This is a friendly town. " 

They walk about twenty minutes with Jiyong the whole time looking back and making sure the gangsters didn't follow them. The older lady at some points looked back with him but she didn't bother to ask what was wrong. They finally arrive at a decently sized house. It is a very traditional Korean home where the  bathroom you had to walk outside and the bed rooms had their own entrance. The couple brings them to the main part of the house and the agushi opened the door for him to go in first. "Go ahead young man and take off you and your daughters shoes and make yourself at home. 

Jiyong takes off his shoes and Yoo Bins and walks into the living room with attached kitchen. The home had a very family like feel. Everywhere there were pictures of their kids and grand kids and great grandkids. There were drawings from their  grandkids on their frig and there are toys in a basket by their sofa. The woman comes over to Jiyong. "Have a seat young man. By the way what is your name. Aigo we totally forgot to ask. " The lady chuckles and so does Jiyong. 

He places Yoo Bin on the sofa and bows. "I'm so sorry. My name is Kwon Jiyong and this is Yoo Bin." 

The woman smiles over at her husband in the kitchen preparing a meal "Aigo he is so polite honey! My name is Lee Ma Ri and my husband over there he is Jang Man Ok. Pleased to meet you. " Man Ok comes over to the two and bows. "My wife loves to introduce me" He laughs with a smirk and motions for all of them to sit down. 

The man looks Jiyong over and figured something was wrong and decided to be a little blunt. "Young man not to get into your business but I can tell that this is not the place you intended to come..." 

Jiyong sigh and nods his head. "Ne, something happened in Seoul which lead me here. " 

Man Ok nods "Ne I saw you running on the bus. It must have been an urgent matter. " Jiyong starts to get a little hesitant and Ma Ri pats her husbands  shoulder giving him a look "Sorry Jiyong Shi my husband can be nosey at times. We are happy to have you and you don't have to tell us anything more. I will go and prepare your room and you can sit out here with my husband while you wait...and Man Ok ah no more questions ne?" Her husband chuckles "Ne ne I won't." He looks over at Jiyong "Sorry Jiyong it's just that you remind me of my grand children so I can't help but worry" 

Jiyong gets touched. He has never had anyone really worry about him in such a way except for his mother and fiance. Jiyong takes a kimbap and chews slowly and smiles "This is really great thank you for having me." 

"Anytime Jiyong Shi. How is your daughter doing is she ok? Does she need a change of clothes or you. We have clothes here for our grandkids and no offense you could fit in most of their clothes too." The older man chuckles. "Sir you don't have to do that Jiyong show the man the back pack and opens it to reveal not much. He chuckles at himself. "You know what...I will take you up on your offer agushi" 

"Well follow me luckily the room we are preparing is in the main house and it's where the clothes are. Jiyong picks up Yoo Bin and she furrows her brows again. Jiyong smiles and kisses inbetween her brows and she slowly wakes up and looks around. She looks as she is lead down a hallway revealing another room with a futon layed out for the two to sleep on. 

Jiyong starts to get teary eyed because he didn't know how this night was going to end up. He has never been so scared in his life and he is grateful for nice people in his life. Ma Ri takes the little one in her arms and Yoo Bin hugs her and falls to sleep again. "Aiigo she is a friendly one. ' 

"She loves people" 

"Well here are the clothes that you and your daughter can change into. They are  a little old fashion but they are warm and cosey. Please take a good rest and we will prepare breakfast in the morning for you. " says the agushi loving the company. 

"Yes please make yourself at home and stay for as long as you like. We don't care if you stay here for years. We love the company. " She smiles warmly and they slowly walk out the room and close the door. Jiyong looks down at the prepared bed and sees that Yoo Bin has already taken over the whole half. She snores lightly and fidgets a little in her sleep. Jiyong hate that he has to wake her to change her so he just lets her sleep. He changes out of his dirty clothes he has been in for over six hours and gets into bed. 

He snuggles closer to his daughter and sheds a tear. He misses his fiance and he misses his home. In less than six hours he was rejected and almost sent to a foreign country. Seunghyun has no idea where he is and he has no wallet no cell phone or anything to get in contact with any one. Jiyong looks over at his little girl in the dark room and smiles knowing that she is safe and that they both have a place to lay their head. 


"Dammit Seunghyun you trying to kill us." 

Seunghyun can see the man next to him moving his mouth but is not trying to figure out what he is saying. Right now he is following the red dot on his navigation system. Dong Wook is gripping his seat at the speeds his dongsaeng is going on the country highway. He pats his shoulder and Seunghyun responds with a "Hm?" 

Dong Wook rolls his eyes and speaks again "Seunghyun will you read my mouth you crazy fool" 

"Sorry I'm deaf I can't understand you at the moment" Seunghyun chuckles knowing his hyung is mad about the speed he is going...which is 40 over the limit. 

"Aish you little punk...this is what I get for helping you." Dong Wook mutters. 

"Aw Wookie you are going to be like that with me. " smirks the younger. 

"So you do know what I'm saying lip reader " 

"Ne..." Seunghyun steps harder on the gas  and Dong Wook grips the seat again "Seki...slow down aish!" 

"Can't do can you tell me where we are going ?" 

Dong Wook looks at the coordinates "Looks like we are going to Haenam." 

"Where the hell is that? We have been driving for the past four hours in plain ing darkness." 

"We have the car light on you noob" 

"I need to see what you are saying!" 

"Aish why you yelling at me!"

"Aish just read the map!" 

"Bastard I'm reading it!! You just drive and try not to kill us! " 



The two always have arguments like this. Most people think that they have a messed up friendship when really yelling is their way of communication. If they are not yelling it is scary and they can be  ticking bomb...but that rarely happens all thanks to Bom who will have none of it. They have been driving for the past four hours. They have been following the red dot and noticed how it went further and further south. Seunghyun started speeding simply to try to catch up with them. 

They could have chartered a plane but you really can't fly around Korea's air space with out a proper destination. Driving is really the only option. Seunghyun just wants to find his family and have them all be together again. After the that his father pulled he in finally not his son anymore. The trashed apartment to the gangsters was the last straw. When he finds them he is going to have Jiyong and Yoo Bin living with him. 

It is a little untraditional of him to have a someone live with him full time but these circumstances changes everything. The positive side of things is that he was going to have Jiyong move out of his apartments Anyways. After he left the apartment he had the place cleaned and cleared out and moved over to his house. He got a wardrobe  for Jiyong and Yoo Bin to place their clothes.

"Don't worry" 

"Hmm?" Seunghyun looks over at his hyung. "I'm okay..." 

"Dude I can see the worry in your eyes..." He pats his shoulder 

"I know man...I just don't like the feeling of not knowing where my family is..." 

Dong Wook nods in agreement "Hey pull over. We can switch. I don't want you driving in this state any further." 

"but Hyung..." 

"No buts obey." Chuckles the older. Seunghyun finally slows down the car and pulls over. The two quickly switch sides and Dong Wook adjust the seat and moves the mirrors. 

"Aish do you have to change all the mirrors..." 

"I'm taller than you ...just  just go to sleep ne?" 

"Fine fine." Seunghyun mutters to himself and pulls the seat back. Dong Wook starts the car and looks at the red dot. "Good news. The red dot is now stationary. Maybe they found a hotel." 

"That's good to know..." Seunghyun starts to feel a little relief. He turns to one side and drifts off to sleep while his hyung drives the rest of the way to Haenam. 


It's 6am and Dong Wook nudges the sleeping man. Seunghyun slowly stirs out of his sleep and looks around at the day light. The two are at a local gas station. Dong Wook taps the younger on the should and points at the red dot. Seunghyun lights up and notices that they are very close to JIyong. 

"We are close hyung" Seunghyun starts to tear up. 

"Aiigo aigo none of that now. They are fine I promise." Seunghyun looks into his hyungs eyes and nods slowly. Dong Wook hands him a pastry "Here have a pastry I know you like sweets" 

Seunghyun does love sweets and it's a great time for it. Dong Wook fills up the car and continues their journey with the younger navigating. Finally they pull up to a older house and they see a older man gardening. Dong Wook rolls down the window and the older man eyes the car. "May I help you young ones?" 

"Ne, we are looking for two people." 

The older man lights up "Oh you mean Jiyong and Yoo Bin?" 

"Yes! I'm mean yes sir." says Seunghyun a little too excited.

"Please park your car and come in we have started breakfast. The two are still exhausted and are still sleeping but still come in!" 

Seunghyun is so happy that they are safe he can do nothing but cry when the window finally rolled up. He starts to break down and he is so happy. Dong Wook hands him some napkins and helps him to depuff his eyes. They both get out of the car and walk into the old house. Ma Ri gets excited. "Oh we have more visitors. This is my lucky weekend." 

Seungyun and Dong Wook both bow to the older lady and she introduces herself to them too. She tells them to have a seat and wait for the food. Dong Wook walks over to the couch and takes a seat but Seunghyun can't help but ask where his lover is staying. "Can I see Jiyong?" 

The lady smiles "Of course. He looked so worried when he fell sleep he would love to see familiar faces." She lead him to the door. "He is in here." Seunghyun nods and opens the door slowly and enters the morning lit room. Jiyong and Yoo Bin are cuddled together and Seunghyun loves the sight of his family. He starts to tear up again and he can't help it. Jiyong hears the crys and slowly wakes up. 

His vision is blurred from sleep but he quickly notices the tall figure "Hyunnie?" he rubs his eyes and Seunghyun nods walking up to the futon. The older takes Jiyongs hand and his and he kisses it gently. "I have missed you so much. You have worried me to much." The older cries and Jiyong can't help but cry too. They get into an embrace and Jiyong buries his head into his lovers chest. They both sit there and cry with the joy of seeing each other again. 

Seunghyun releases the hug and kisses Jiyongs lips "I love you so much. I'm so happy that you are safe...I will never forgive what my father did to you and our child." 

Jiyong kisses his hyunnie and smiles. "I'm glad that you found us...I thought that we would never be found..." 

"Nonsense baby...I would do anything to find you and thankfully Yoo Bin is the hero. Her back pack has a tracker. " Seunghyun chuckles and Jiyong gets wide eyed and picks up the back pack. "This thing has a tracker on  it...?" 

"Yes baby and it was only a couple million won for it. I'm so happy I brought" "Couple aigo..." says Jiyong. 

"Nothing but the best for the ones I love." Seunghyun pulls JIyong into another kiss sweetly caressing his lips. They both pull away when they hear a knock at the door. Ma Ri slowly opens the door and smiles. "I see that the happy couple is reunited." 

The two look at each other in shock. "How did you know.." 

"Well your rings and they way he came back here. My husband and I have a good I for love" The couple laughs and the older lady tells them that it is time to eat. They all sit in the living room and exchange stories to talking about the whole situation. They don't know how they got to that topic but the ajumma and agushi were so nice and understanding they couldn't help it. 

"Aiiigo I'm so glad that you two are okay. Now you can go home safe and happy" says Ma Ri. 

"Thank you for letting us stay with you." JIyong bows and so do the other two. Yoo Bin bows and smiles not really knowing but just does it. 

They all get up and start to get ready to leave. Seunghyun helps Jiyong to make sure that he has everything and Ma Ri packs snacks and lunches for them for the road. They all get in the car and Jiyong gets their number and places it in his fiances phone. He is going to personally invite them to the wedding. 

They all get in the car and Jiyong rolls down the window. "Thank you so much for everything. I will see you at the wedding!" The old couple waves and they car starts to make it's way down the old road to the newly paved one. Dong wook who is sitting in the back with the little one speaks "I'm so glad things worked out guys.." 

Jiyong turns to the back "Thank you so much for your help hyung. We love you!" 

"Wow this is our first time meeting and you love me already. I like you already Jiyong." 

"Hey hey now he is mine." Seunghyun interrupts and grabs Jiyongs hand. Jiyong pats his lovers hand and rubs his shoulder lovingly. 


Finally they are back in Seoul and they just dropped Dong Wook off. It has been over seven hours diving back into town and they are all exhausted. Jiyong starts to get worried about his apartment. They arrive at a red light and Seunghyun turns over to his lover. "Baby. You are going to start living with me." 

Jiyong blushes."" 

Seunghyun chuckles. "Yes, today. I had all of your things moved over already so all you have to do is move in. Plus we had to do this at some point." 

Jiyong looks down and blushes a little redder. Seunghyun lifts his chin and places a soft kiss and looks in his eyes. "I love you so much and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." Jiyong giggles...yes giggles at the statement and he is over the moon *Hoooonk!* goes the car behind them and Jiyong nudges his almost hubby. 


They pull into the drive way and and Seunghyun opens the garage to reveal Jiyongs car in the other space. He smiles and gets out of the car. Seunghyun gets out the car and takes out the sleeping toddler and their things. He walks over to the garage door and Jiyong is feels like he is in heaven. A perfect family a perfect lover and child...Seunghyun turns and smiles at his lover. 

"Baby come inside our home" 

'Ours.' Jiyong smiles to himself "I like the sound of that." 

"You like the sound of what? I can't hear it" Seunghyun chuckles and so does Jiyong. 

"That this is our home pabo." 

They both smile.


Yaaaay they are home! New chappie friend please comment and leave feedback:)

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Chapter 1: I have been reading thos for many times through years and still not bored ...
Chapter 35: Its a really heart warming story i loved every bit of it the fact that seung can't hear ji's voice killed me really its sad really but its a new thing i never read a fic with such story line its soo good and that little ball of cuteness is so perfect ugh that fart in bed tho XD I laughed so hard hahaha and seung rumblings are so cute kekekeke the best thing is BOTTOM TOP XD now thats a change but such a baby lol ..... Thank you for your great work i love all your fics really now i will move to read another one ^^
Chapter 34: i got a trully shock feelings !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how can this make my manly seunghyun into a botm ?! and in this chapter i finally realize that seunghyun never hear jiyong voice ! this chapter gave me a shock !
Chapter 26: awwww !!!!! what a cute story !!! i love the picture and especially the story ! . this was the third of my favourite stories after the manny and my husband is a vampire . I hope you make another one about lovey dovey couple with their child and must GTOP !!! i'm starting become your fans author-nim .... FIGHTING :)
Chapter 35: So beautiful story ♡♡♡
Chapter 35: Hehehe. This story is so cute. I read it twice :)
All along I wanted to hug Hyunnie cause his dad was mean and to hug Youngie because he was so lonely but they had each other and that made me happy and at ease. I was so happy cause the beautiful friendship between my 5 boys was so precious till the friendship between Hyunnie and Youngie turned into love, engagement, committed marriage. And Yoobin was so precious little girl who brought them closer than they were <3
Thanks for sharing this beautiful story with us.
Hey, a new reader here. Came here because of "The Manny". I just wanna tell you something about the pictures in the Forward part aren't all working, well except for Ji's and Dae's pictures. Will enjoy reading this one just like "The Manny" :D
Blue82 #8
Chapter 35: I love seke couples just throwing that out there. This story was so romantic and sweet with just a touch of angst to give it depth. I enjoyed this so much that I'm up way later than I intended to finish it.
I finally found it i read it WAY long time ago and i loved it and i have been looking for it for months and now BOOM GONNA READ IT AGAIN AND AGAIN
Chapter 23: praise Dongwook's mom for his existence