Better than you

My Heartbeat

It has been about four days since Jiyong has been to work. Everyone around the building of course had their rumors. Most were about the couple eloping or running away. Thankfully though they never found out about what really happened. Jiyong would love to tell what happened but his fiance doesn't want the risk of rumors going around. Despite what Seunghyun's father has done to his family...he still loves him. 

Jiyong makes his way into the office to be greeted by the peanut gallery. Seungri runs up to his hyung and gives him a bear hug. "Hyuuuuuunnnnnngggg!" The younger latches on like a baby cub and doesn't let go. YoungBae and Daesung can do nothing but laugh and watch as Jiyong tries to get away from the man. "Aigo agio lemme go....I'm not going anywhere." Jiyong chuckles. 

Seungri releases the hug "Good. Don't leave us like this again we missed you so much hyung it's not the same with out the four of us." Jiyong ruffles the maknaes hair "Aiigo you really missed me huh? Well at least you showed how much unlike those two over there." Jiyong eyes the two on the other side of the room. 

"Sorry man but we don't latch on people like pandas." 

"Ne hyung...and you know I don't really hug people...when was the last time you ever seen me hug a person?" 

Jiyong nods. "True true Dae. Anyways sorry for my absence I will not take off without telling you again...and just to clear up any rumors no I'm no married yet." 

YoungBae smiles "I know you two would not do that. Hyung is very particular about's not like him to be spontaneous." 

Jiyong chuckles. "Yea that is a very true fact."

"So when are you planing the wedding hyung?" asked Daesung. 

"Well....I think that I'm suppose to start now. We kinda talked about it yesterday..." 

"Do you need our help Ji?" 

"That would be awesome but it will be a lot of extra work for us all. I think that I'm just going to go for a planner. All I have to do is give her my ideas and my dreams are suppose to come true..." 

YoungBae nods. "Yea maybe that would be a good idea. Plus it's good to have a female in the mix." 

"Yea I have not looked into it yet, but I think that it will be an easy process. I want to try to have the wedding  in a month." 

Daesungs eyes widen "A month?  Yaaaaah that's really crazy hyung" 

"What? is that not enough time?" Jiyong has no idea what he is doing. Another reason he wants to get a plannner. 

"Yea hyung that is really really quick...weddings of Seunghyun's status takes a bit to plan. I think that two months would be reasonable." 

Jiyong sighs. "Yea you are right. His expensive taste and my attention to detail would make the decision process crazy at times." The manager goes over to his desk. "I'm going to let Hyunnie pick the planner. This stuff is beyond me...and I think beyond him too." 

Seungri snickers. "Hyunnie?" 

Jiyong raises an eye brow. "Well he is my hyunnie...what's wrong with that?" 

Seungri clears his throat. "Nothing hyung." The other two laugh and go back to their seats. Jiyong opens his email and opens the messenger. 


Heeeeey my  love

Baby I think that we need a wedding planner. 

Oh we do?

Yea, I was talking with the guys and I feel that this will be a little much...

Okay baby I will have the girls look into it.

Good. Is it okay that we get married in about two months? 

I will get married to you now if you wanted. I can wait for you. 


Jiyong closes the messenger and goes back to work. Now that the anniversary ceremony is over there is nothing too much going on at the garden. There is the regular matience and the plans for some redesigns, but nothing at the same caliber of what they had to plan the past couple of weeks. 

Every one had fun working with each other but they all have seen each other  too often. Jiyong loves just hanging out with the guys but he also likes that he has friends in the other departments too. The man cave of course is still number one...well Seunghyun's office is number one but you get it. 

Jiyong pulls out his chair and prepares for his routine work of going to his favorite spot and over looking the garden. He has to make sure that the workers are maintaining the designs and not halfway doing anything. He never has that problem so there is never any thing to stress over. 

"Hey guys I'm heading out I will see you in a couple hours." 

"Alright man!" waves Bae. 


Lunch finally rolls around and Seunghyun has decided to leave a little earlier. He wishes that he could avoid this but he can't. He must have the dreaded meeting with Mr. Choi. 

If the man was a stranger Seunghyun would have thrown him out of his life for doing such a evil thing. The sad part is that Mr. Choi is his father and in all reality the owner of the place that he works at. He can ignore him for so long. 

Seunghyun just doesn't understand why his father would do such a thing to his only child. Most parents would only want happiness in their childrens lives. Not the talks of getting rid of a person to the point of relocation. The director has no idea what to expect at this meeting and he is surprised that his father even accepted to meet. 

He knows that he does not like how he is living his life. Seunghyun didn't turn out to be the ideal child that his father wants to be. The man couldn't live his life pretending that he can hear but he can't or marring a woman that he doesn't love. He doesn't want to be a bank of heirs. He wants to be a father and a husband to the person that he loves. 

Seunghyun makes it to the conference room. Which is the same room Mr. Choi had with Jiyong before he disappeared. It may sound like he wanted to meet in that location on purpose but really it is the only place they can meet privately at work. The only place for if they wanted to scream at each other most likely it would not be heard. 

The last thing the both of them want is their dirty laundry aired out on their own place of work . Seunghyun opens the heavy doors and walks in. He looks down the long table and sees his father sitting at the end of the table. The older man looks over at his son and then stares. The younger bows out of respect  and walks over to the other side of the table. 

For minutes they sit in silence. The room is still and Seunghyun doesn't know how to start the conversation. His father makes faces as if he wants to talk but is too stubborn to say anything. The younger looks into his father's eyes. "Why?" It is a simple word, but there is power and  hurt trailed at the end of it.

Mr. Choi doesn't respond right away. He tries to collect his thoughts. "I want you to have a better life" 

Seunghyun frowns "A better life?" 

"Yes a better life." 

"Oh so you mean a better life according to what you believe in?" 

The older man frowns at the tone. "Seunghyun I'm just trying to do what is best for you!' 

Seunghyun sees that the man has clearly raised his voice. The director could yell back...but he is not going to get on his level of ignorant. "What's best for me? Because you know me oooooh so well Mr. Choi." 

The older man hitches his breath at his son not calling him father. "How dare you call me that...." He frowns even more. 

"Don't you remember...I told you that I'm not your son any more...I will let you be my father again when you start to act like a human being and not a animal." 

"THAT'S ENOUGH! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE !?" The old man points a finger at his son. "SEE THIS IS WHAT THAT HAS DONE TO YOU!" 

Seunghyun listens to the yelling man but says nothing in response. "Okay now that you are done yelling. I came here to say what I have to say and then I'm leaving. What you did to me and my family is the most terrible thing you ever did. For that I can not forgive you. You put two people that I love in danger and they did nothing to you. All they wanted to do is love you and let you be apart of our lives."

He bangs his fist on the table making the old man jump "Can't you see? Can't you see that I'm happy? I'm doing things that I could never do. I'm loving full on and everyday is a blessing. How could you try to take away anything like this from me. I refuse to be the material item that you created. I'm going to live my life how I want to. When you are ready to be my father whole heartedly we will accept you with open arms, but if you still carry  that animalistic personality you will continue to not be apart of our lives. Yes, you will see me at work but it will be strictly business. You will not get any calls text or any communication from me. Is that what you want father...?" 

Mr. Choi furrows his brows. The old man pulls out his chair. "If that is the life that you want. I want nothing to do with it. If I'm not your father. You are no longer my son."

Seunghyun sighs. He knew that his father was going to do this but he had a little glimmer of hope that he could possibly change his mind. That unfortunately didn't happen. The director doesn't cry as the old man slowly walks out the room. This may be the last meeting they have together as family but it's something that had to be done. Who would want someone in their lives that doesn't love you and all they do is hate and put you down. Seunghyun is through with it. 

Seunghyun has had enough hate and neglect in his family. The advantage is that he can make his life what he wants it to be. His family and honorary members are always going to be apart of their lives. He loves each and every one of them. Jiyong has made him strong and no longer a stuttering nervous wreck around his father. 


Seunghyun walks out of the conference room and walks over to Jiyong's department. He walks in and smells the familiar scent of the outdoors. He sees his boyfriend still busy at work. He walks up to the desk. "So is that a new cologne that you are wearing?" 

Jiyong chuckles and looks up at his goofy fiance "Ne Hyunnie it is called Le Stank" 

They both laugh and Jiyong looks to see that his fiance  has something on his mind. He knows that the whole incident has hurt him tremendously, but normally he hides it pretty well. Jiyong gets up from his chair earning a stare from his fiance. The smaller man steps in front of him and holds out his arms. "Yongie wants a hug from his hyunnie." says the younger in a baby voice. 

Seunghyun can do nothing but grin and accept the open arms. He pulls the man into a tight embrace. Normally the public display of affection is put on hold but he really did need a hug at the moment. Jiyong breathes in his fiances scent and stares up into his lovers eyes. "So what is bothering you?" Jiyong's coffee eyes show a look of concern. 

Seunghyun rubs Jiyongs back. "You know me so well baby..." 

Jiyong smiles "Ne, I do. Tell me what is bothering you. Your problems are my problems now." 

Seunghyun kisses Jiyong's lips and releases the hug still having one of the smaller hands locked in his. "I talked to my father today..." 

Jiyong's grip tightens from fear of what happened. "What happened?" 

"Well basically he is out of our lives..." Seunghyun says this with a dry tone. 

Jiyong kisses his lover on the lips. "Are you okay baby?...I'm so sorry..The has to be hard for you..." 

Seunghyun puts his head down. "It was so hard having to do this but it has to be done. Maybe one day he will want to be apart of our lives...but the way he is I can't allow him as family." 

Jiyong rubs his hand up and down Seunghyuns forearm in a comforting motion. They both knew that this meeting was going to happen soon. Jiyong just didn't know that it was today. Most people around the building never have even met the man..because he is so old he doesn't rome the halls like a younger man. 

Seunghyun looks at the clock and sees that lunch time is almost over. "Baby did you eat?" 

"Ne I had some lunch that our cook made for me. " 

"Aiiigo you are getting use to the luxury life already eh?" He pinches Jiyong's puffy cheeks 

"Yah yah. At least I know my way around the kitchen. Unlike someone." Jiyong eyes the taller man which earns a smirk from the other. 

"I know my way around things." 

"Things like what?" 

"Things like work, my family, and you" He growls pulling Jiyong in for one last kiss on the lips. Jiyong blushes and on cue Daesung and Seungri come into the room with their blushing team manager. 

Seunghyun clears his throat. "Well I must be getting back to work. See you at the car my love." He flashes his million dollar smile and Jiyong can't help but smile back like a blushing idiot. 

The man leaves the room and Daesung decides to poke some fun. "Hey hyung I have some sun block if you need some." says the younger playing innocent. 

"Yea hyung we have sunblock up to SPF 60!" yells Seungri with his lack of volume control. 

"I don't have a sun block..." says Jiyong in a low voice.

Seungri turns his head to the side. "Then what is it hyung?" 

Jiyong makes an annoyed face. "You know what it is..." 

"No hyung we don't" says Dae and Seungri chimes in "Ne please do tell."

"It's because I kissed him." All three of the men gasp at the sight of their director back in the room. Seunghyun smirks "Oh there is my cell phone." He picks up the device and winks at his lover before turning to depart again. "Now you two get to work and no more picking on my fiance Ne?" 

The two men chuckle "Ne, hyung." 

The director leaves and greets YoungBae on his way in. He sees that the room is silent. His two dongsaengs are the quietest he has ever seen and Jiyong is a blushing red mess. YoungBae puts down his backpack and then whines. "Aw man I missed it again! I always come late when the good stuff happens." 

The younger ones bust into laughter and Jiyong then whines. "Will you please get to work?" 

"Ne" says the men still fighting back a laugh. Jiyong rolls his eyes...he can't be mad. He loves them all like family. 


After a long days work Seunghyun drives his family home. He is a little upset about his father but he is learning to let that go. He can't force his father to think a certain way. He will come around on his own. Jiyong gets his attention when he points towards there front door. Seunghyun looks in the direction to see his mother sitting in front of their house.

"Mom...what are you doing sitting on the front porch?" says Seunghyun putting Yoo Bin down. Jiyong gets a look of concern as he sees two big rolling suit cases next to her. "Mother did you move out?" Jiyong runs over to grab her bags. Mrs. Choi chuckles and stands up. "It's about time I left that bastard. I'm not going to sit around listening to his mess anymore." 

Seunghyun smiles and opens the front door. "Mom I told you the code. Why were you sitting outside?" 

"I forgot." 

"Mom I put it in your phone." 

His mom laughs. "I don't know how to work that thing. Plus I think it's broken. The screen is always black." 

Jiyong laughs. " have to unlock it first..." 

Yoo Bin runs up to her grandmother and takes the phone and presses the unlock button. She then hands the phone to her with a smile. Mrs. Choi leans down and kisses the top of her head. "Aiiigo I was just out smarted by a toddler..." 


Hello all! Sorry that it has been so long. I have been sick the past two weeks. When I thought that I was getting better I got worse. I had to get away from the extra things I did in life and focus on my health. Today I'm much better with only a sniffle here and there. I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter. What do you think about the father son relationship? Comments are love and if you could a upvote would be awesome :)

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Chapter 1: I have been reading thos for many times through years and still not bored ...
Chapter 35: Its a really heart warming story i loved every bit of it the fact that seung can't hear ji's voice killed me really its sad really but its a new thing i never read a fic with such story line its soo good and that little ball of cuteness is so perfect ugh that fart in bed tho XD I laughed so hard hahaha and seung rumblings are so cute kekekeke the best thing is BOTTOM TOP XD now thats a change but such a baby lol ..... Thank you for your great work i love all your fics really now i will move to read another one ^^
Chapter 34: i got a trully shock feelings !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how can this make my manly seunghyun into a botm ?! and in this chapter i finally realize that seunghyun never hear jiyong voice ! this chapter gave me a shock !
Chapter 26: awwww !!!!! what a cute story !!! i love the picture and especially the story ! . this was the third of my favourite stories after the manny and my husband is a vampire . I hope you make another one about lovey dovey couple with their child and must GTOP !!! i'm starting become your fans author-nim .... FIGHTING :)
Chapter 35: So beautiful story ♡♡♡
Chapter 35: Hehehe. This story is so cute. I read it twice :)
All along I wanted to hug Hyunnie cause his dad was mean and to hug Youngie because he was so lonely but they had each other and that made me happy and at ease. I was so happy cause the beautiful friendship between my 5 boys was so precious till the friendship between Hyunnie and Youngie turned into love, engagement, committed marriage. And Yoobin was so precious little girl who brought them closer than they were <3
Thanks for sharing this beautiful story with us.
Hey, a new reader here. Came here because of "The Manny". I just wanna tell you something about the pictures in the Forward part aren't all working, well except for Ji's and Dae's pictures. Will enjoy reading this one just like "The Manny" :D
Blue82 #8
Chapter 35: I love seke couples just throwing that out there. This story was so romantic and sweet with just a touch of angst to give it depth. I enjoyed this so much that I'm up way later than I intended to finish it.
I finally found it i read it WAY long time ago and i loved it and i have been looking for it for months and now BOOM GONNA READ IT AGAIN AND AGAIN
Chapter 23: praise Dongwook's mom for his existence