A joyful engagement.

My Heartbeat

Jiyong is eating his dessert when suddenly he feels his phone vibrate. He takes a look at the text "Hey I need your help in the rear garden. I need to talk to you about the problem." He gets a confused look and looks at Bae. 

"Hey man I thought that you guys fixed the problem in the rear garden?" Bae starts to look nervous and tries to lie. 

"Sorry man we have been trying but the problem just gets worse and worse" 

"Ne hyung we we we have bee been trying to fix the problem." Shudders Seungri who is not helping. Daesung decides to chime in before the maknae spills the beans. "Yea hyung we have been really trying to work on things. The problem seems like we will have to get outside help. We didn't tell the Director because we thought we could handle it ourselves." 

They all lower their heads and say sorry to their team manager. Taeyang squeezes the maknaes hand and smiles to himself because the lie is working. Jiyongs face is just emotionless and he is just confused about the situation. He puts his head between his hands and sigh deeply. "Guys why would you hide this from me. I thought that you had this under control..." He doesn't say anthing for a bit and sighs again "It's okay guys...this is not entirely your fault. We are in this together ne?." He gets up from the table and puts his napkin down. Yoo Bin who has cake all over her face looks up at her appa. "Bin ah Appa will be back hand out with grandmother and your oppas okay? " Yoo Bin nods and dives back into the sugary madness. 

"I will be back guys and I will see what I can do. If we can figure the problem tonight and figure a plan for tomorrow that will be great" Jiyong bows to everyone and starts to make his way towards the path that is always taken. 

The younger was heartbroken when he found out that the area was restricted. He wanted to sneak back there and sit under his favorite tree like he always did. That tree brought many first to him and it hurts. If he can fix the problem tonight it will be the best thing in the world to him. He starts to walk deeper into the gardens and he is almost to his favorite spot. 

To get there are two tall bushes that go down in a wave like formation to reveal a huge willow tree surrounded by greenery. Jiyong gets to the path and starts to see a dull glow. He starts to panic and think that something is on fire but he was very wrong. He gets to the path and sees tea candles that are individually lit. Jiyong looks up and sees the lifted path leading down to somewhere. 

Jiyong automatically knows what is going on and starts to slowly walk down the path. Finally he makes his way down closer and he sees his lover waiting for him smiling.Jiyong looks down and sees a lazer line looking like a trigger and the younger knew it was to notify Seunghyuns watch that his lover is near. Jiyong walks to the end of the path and starts to cry. 

The willow tree is lit with white lights and they are twinkling brightly along with the night sky. The tea lights are now lined in a circle around the tree. The glow of everything was just beautiful. Seunghyun smiles and walks over to his lover and holds out his hand. Jiyong takes the larger hand and smiles brightly. 

Seunghyun leads them to the middle of the circle and takes both of their hands. He looks deeply into the coffee eyes and leans in for a quick and sweet kiss. Jiyong is still speechless and Seunghyun chuckles and scratches the back of his neck. "Say something baby...you are making me nervous" 

Jiyong laughs "Hyunnie...no one has ever done anything like this for me...this is so beautiful...." 

Seunghyun takes Jiyongs hands again and looks deeply in his eyes. "You know what this is Jiyong ah..." Jiyong chuckles and nods his head Seunghyun laughs a warm laugh  "Jiyong, Yongie, baby, I love you so much. I have never thought that I would meet someone like you. Ever since I first saw you, to the first time I was jealous you went to lunch with Tae" They both laugh .

" to my confession of me liking you to finding out that I was madly in love with you. When I first kissed you. My world became a new. Jiyong I know that this is cheesy but you made me who I am today. You helped me to believe in myself and start to love my disability. And how can I not mention our baby Yoo-Bin...she is such a light and a delight. You are so great with her and a great father. I wanted you two together but I really wanted us. Jiyong you let me ramble and lie to you and give you things that are outrageously expensive without complaint. You are the best support that anyone can have and I'm happy that you are mine to have. Jiyong..." 

The director gets down on one knee and Jiyong starts to laugh and cry at the same time "No ing way...are you serious...hyunnie" 

Seunghyun chuckles and reaches in his pocket for the ring box and presents Jiyong with the beautiful Diamond encrusted band. "Kwon Jiyong do me the honor of being my husband for life...I love you"

Jiyong's jaw drops as he eyes the bling bling. He is frozen and is struck by his lovers presentation. The younger nods his head with tears flowing from his face "Yes yes a thousand times YES! " 

Seunghyun slips the ring on his finger and put his ring on as well and stands up to kiss his now fiance. The kiss is sweet and passionate and Jiyong is so happy he releases the kiss to look at the ring. "Damn you have expensive taste..." Seunghyun smiles and shrugs "I love to spoil you my lovely!"  Jiyong hugs his lover again and kisses his chest and then he hear a popping noise and followed by cheers. Seunghyun feels the youngers reactions and figures the guys have made it over. 

Jiyong releases the hug and sees his mother, Yoo Bin and his co workers popping a bottle of champagne. Seunghyun takes Jiyongs left hand and throws it up in the air with his and yells and everyone cheers in response. 

Mrs. Choi comes up with Yoo Bin and Jiyong walks over to hug them both. Jiyong looks at his mother and she smirks. "Mother...did you know this all along..." 

She smiles "Oh I didn't know a thing." 

Jiyong smiles back "Yea right mother..." 

She puts Yoo Bin down and she runs to her daddy "Did you tell him daddy" the little one smiles her famous grin. "Ne Yoo Bin ah you did good. Here are your cookies" 

"You bribed our child with cookies" Jiyong laughs hard and so does everyone else. Seunghyun pulls Jiyong closer and puts Yoo Bin in his fiances arms. "I wanted to present this last gift in front of everyone. He looks at Jiyong. "Last I want to give our daughter something to remember" He picks up  Yoo Bin and takes her right hand. "Yoo Bin I love you so much. Appa and Daddy love you so so so much and we wanted to give you this ring to remember this night. We are now a complete family and we will be together from now on." 

"Forever?" Yoo Bin digs in her bag of cookies with her new bling. Jiyong laughs "Bin ah use your other hand ne? and yes forever my love" The little one gets happy and kisses her Appas cheek with crumbs and all and then kisses her daddys cheeks too. "I love my daddys." 

Mrs. Choi aws at the moment and so does the co workers. Taeyang takes one of the glasses from the maknaes hands and fills up a glass. "Hey everyone let's celebrate this joyous moment!" Everyone laughs and takes a glass while Taeyang pours everyone a glass of the fizzy drink. 

Jiyong is just in heaven at this moment. Who knew that he would be engaged in less than a year to the person that he is madly in love with. Taeyang pours the last bit of champagne in Jiyong and Seunghyuns glasses and makes a toast. 

"To the new and happy couple!" 

"Yay!! " Screams Yoo Bin and everyone chuckles and takes a sip of their drink. Mrs. Choi comes over to the new family "So now we are officially family Jiyong ah and Bin ah. I'm so happy to have you two. Welcome to the family. " Jiyong smiles and hugs his mother with Yoo Bin too in his arms. Seunghyun tears up a bit and joins in for the group hug. 

They all release with tears in their eyes...well except the cookie munching toddler but you get the emotion ne? Seunghyun is so happy that Jiyong said yes to his proposal. He knew that it was really early to do it but he couldn't wait. He already knew that Jiyong was the one that he was the one that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. 

Seunghyun looks at his mother "I really wish that Appa would have seen this.." Jiyong sees the hurt in his lovers eyes and rubs his arm lovingly while his mother coos "Hyunnie he will come around. The great thing is that the people who want to be here are here." 

Seunghyun nods and holds back a sniffle. Jiyong puts Yoo Bin down to run to her oppas and then wraps an arm around his fiance. "Baby...fiance" Jiyong coos and Seunghyun smiles at the word. Mrs. Choi laughs "Soon to be husband of this fine young man. It's okay hyunnie. Look around you. You are nothing but loved. Hmm" She puts her hand on her sons cheek and rubs it in a motherly motion. 

"You are right mother. " He then turns to face Jiyong "and you too Fiance. I like that word Fiance" Jiyong giggles at the word "Fiance hyunnie" 

"Fiance Yongie" 




"BAb""Aaaiiiigooo how many times are you two going to say that!?" nags the maknae. They all laugh at the blushing couple and Taeyang puts an arm around the maknae. "Jealous are we?" Seungri flinches and throws the arm off "No! They just kept saying it over and over and their voices sound like babies. " Taeyang gets closer again "Jealous" Seungri shivers at the words and blushes. "Aiiigo look at him hyung he is blushing over your words hahaha!" 

"No no I'm not" 

Jiyong looks at the interaction and smirks "Seungri ah?" 

"Ne hyung. We just love each other so no worries" Jiyong chuckles and smiles and infectious grin. Seunghyun turns his lover around "Hey hey don't smile at anyone else but me." 

Mrs. Choi laughs "What is this a day time drama hyun? Take it down a notch" 

"I was just playing mommy" 

"MOMMy??" The guys say in unison and they all cackle at the name. Jiyong looks over at his blushing Tabi and pinches his cheeks "Aiiigo my sweetie is so cute aiiigo" 

"Baby you are squeezing too tight" whines the older like a baby. 

"Aigo aigo don't wanna hurt the baby" Jiyong smiles and steals a quick kiss from his fiance. Yoo Bin then runs up to her Appa and latches on to his leg of  expensive Gucci. "Ride ride" Yoo Bin signs to her appa. Jiyong laughs and unlatches the kid and signs "Later baby okay. "

Jiyong picks up the little one and everyone dies down from their laughing. Seunghyun then speaks "Guys...there is something that I want to tell you all..." Jiyong figures what he is going to tell them and takes his hand and his mother takes the other. "Guys there is something about me that I have been hiding from you and I hope that you will still will like me...here it goes...I'm deaf..." 

The guys get wide eyed and Daesung chuckles "Hyung quite playing. You can't be..." Seunghyun shakes his head and releases the grip of his fiance and mother. He signs speaks at the same time. "I'm am deaf...have been deaf ever since I was ten years old."

The guys stand there and they are silent. They had no idea that their boss had a disability and he hid it well. "Boss we are not going to look at you any different. This has taken all of us by surprised. You sly hyung you" Taeyang grins. 

"Yea hyung you are still awesome to us. I will just be more aware when I'm talking to you" Seungri smiles and Daesung smiles his priceless grin. Seunghyun show a sigh of relief "So you guys are not mad at me?"

All the guys shake their head and say no and of course not to their hyung . They all gather around and go in for a group hug. Yoo Bin loves hugs and tries to hug all the legs that are at her level. Jiyong chuckles and picks up the little one.

Jiyong speaks "So this is the new family...all of us..."

Seunghyun smiles at his lover "Seriously guys. I consider you all my family and I thank you all who helped me tonight."

They all release the hug and Seungri gets curious " So when is the wedding?"

"Seungri they just got married. " says Daesung shaking his head.

"We will decide soon" says Mrs. Choi.

Taeyang smirks "You know...I lit all the candles and popped the champagne...best man potential right here."

"Whaaaat I brought all the candles hyung" Seungri pouts.

"Well I'm the one who brought all the caution tape and cleaned near the tree and brought the champagne..." says Daesung looking at the two.

"Well I'm the oldest" says Taeyang and the two younger get mad "Yah!"

Jiyong and Seunghyun are wide eyed at the men and are finding it hilarious. Yoo Bin then screams "No fighting!!" They all stop and they all look at each other and laugh. "Oh my gosh did we just fight over being the best man?" They all laugh at the embarrassment and Mrs Choi takes Yoo Bin in her arms.

"Okay everybody let's let the new couple have sometime together ne?" All the guys nod and wave and cheer as they leave. Mrs. Choi and Yoo Bin give the two one last hug before walking down the lit path. Leaving the two new souls alone at last.

Seunghyun pulls Jiyong into a  hug and wraps his arms tightly around the other. Jiyong buries his face into his fiances chest and wraps his arms around just as tightly as they stay in a peaceful embrace.

Seunghyun releases the hug and kisses youngers lips slowly encapturing both lips into his. They move their lips together and Jiyongs dessert is still left on his lips making the kiss taste sweet and joyful. Seunghyun lowers his arms to Jiyongs waist and the younger moans a little. Seunghyun then carefully sips his champagne flavored tongue into the youngers mouth. Jiyong on the tongue and taste the sweet taste of his fiance. Jiyong rubs his fiances back gently as their kiss stays passionate. 

Soon the older releases the kiss and kisses the top of the youngers nose to look deeply in his eyes. "Baby I love you so much."

Jiyong looks back into his eyes "I can't wait to marry you"

"You have no idea baby"

"I have to say...you did good. I had no idea you had all this planned the whole time."

"Well it was really hard, but I figured out how to keep the almighty Kwon away from the willow tree. "

"Baby but I was so sad when I found out. We had a lot of first here"

Seunghyun laughs at the little pout Jiyong puts on his face and kisses it away into a smile " Yongie I know I know, but we are going to have a lot of first. " He wraps is arms around the youngers waist and stares at him lovingly "Think about it...we are going to get married, have our first kiss, our first dance, our first meal, and then our time of us becoming one." Seunghyun grins and gets a confused innocent look. "Become one...ohhhhh" Jiyong thinks out loud and then blushes. 

"Our honey moon..." Jiyong blushes again 

Seunghyun chuckles and lifts the youngers chin and presses a kiss on the moist lips "Yes baby our honey moon. Where I can really show you my love and we can become one and be joined together." 

Jiyong blushes again "Sorry hyunnie...it's just...just that...I'm a ..." 

"I know baby...that's why I have been taking things slow for you...because I love you." Seunghyun looks into Jiyongs eyes sincerely and he really does what their honey moon to be special because he knows that Jiyong is going to experience all kinds of new things and so is Seunghyun. 

"If it makes you feel better I'm a too" 

Jiyong smirks "A of what..." 

Seunghyun smirks "Of men" They both chuckle and Jiyong lightly punches his lovers shoulder "Funny funny" 

Seunghyun leans into Jiyongs neck and kisses it lightly the skin while caressing the younger body running his hands up and down sensually. Jiyongs eyes start to become half lidded and his arms become limp. "Aww hyunnie." Seunghyun smirks at the good vibration and releases the captive neck. Jiyong looks at him dazed and satisfied. "That's just a preview baby..." Jiyong blushes "Hyunniee..." and then pouts and Seunghyun can't help but kiss his lips stealing a kiss. 

"Let's go back over to the venue people will be looking for us. " 

Jiyong chuckles. "REally looking for you" 

Seunghyun shakes his head " They will be looking for us because I'm apart of you now we are one baby." He lifts Jiyongs blinged out hand. "Ne." Jiyong smiles warmly and they walk the path back to the west garden. 

They make their way over and people are still having fun and conversing. Seunghyun walks by the table and waves at everyone. "Hey we are back!" EVeryone cheers at the couple and some people from other tables look at them funny. Seunghyun then takes his que to bring Jiyong up to the stage for an announcement. "Hyunnie. What is going on?" Jiyong looks up into his fiances eyes. "Follow me baby" 

Seunghyun takes the lead and brings him and Jiyong up to the stage. The director who has been waiting for Seunghyun to come up hands him a microphone and Jiyong smirks. The spot light flashes on and everyone in the venue gets quiet to hear what the director has to say. "

"Everyone I just wanted to present to you Jiyong" Everyone clapped and cheered Jiyong bowed and held onto his fiances hand a little tighter due to  not being use to the attention. "I just proposed to him and he said YES" He holds up the hand with the ring and everyone claps and cheers congratulations in the background. 

Seunghyun can't hear a thing but thing is the most happy that he has been in his life. He is shouting to the world the love of his life while doing the dream job at the same time. Everyone is happy for him. 

Everyone except Mr. Choi. When he heard the announcement he gripped the table as he saw his son staring right in his direction. Mr. Choi glared back and left the venue in a huff. Seunghyun's smiles was faltered a little bit but it was brought back when he felt his lover squeeze his hand tightly. What he did to his father....it was not out of spite it was just simply that he was going to live his life how he wanted it and no one was going to get in his way. 

Mrs. Choi walks on the stage followed by Jiyongs co workers and Bom Seunghyun's secretary. They all bow and hug each other and everyone in the room oouu and ahhh at the new couple. Seconds later there are bottles of champagne being brought to each table so they can celebrate. Jiyong has never been to happy. Everything was simply perfect. Mr. Choi he will just have to get over it. 

Heeeey everyone!! It finally happened!! Did you like it?? Feedback is what fuels me so comments are love!

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Chapter 1: I have been reading thos for many times through years and still not bored ...
Chapter 35: Its a really heart warming story i loved every bit of it the fact that seung can't hear ji's voice killed me really its sad really but its a new thing i never read a fic with such story line its soo good and that little ball of cuteness is so perfect ugh that fart in bed tho XD I laughed so hard hahaha and seung rumblings are so cute kekekeke the best thing is BOTTOM TOP XD now thats a change but such a baby lol ..... Thank you for your great work i love all your fics really now i will move to read another one ^^
Chapter 34: i got a trully shock feelings !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how can this make my manly seunghyun into a botm ?! and in this chapter i finally realize that seunghyun never hear jiyong voice ! this chapter gave me a shock !
Chapter 26: awwww !!!!! what a cute story !!! i love the picture and especially the story ! . this was the third of my favourite stories after the manny and my husband is a vampire . I hope you make another one about lovey dovey couple with their child and must GTOP !!! i'm starting become your fans author-nim .... FIGHTING :)
Chapter 35: So beautiful story ♡♡♡
Chapter 35: Hehehe. This story is so cute. I read it twice :)
All along I wanted to hug Hyunnie cause his dad was mean and to hug Youngie because he was so lonely but they had each other and that made me happy and at ease. I was so happy cause the beautiful friendship between my 5 boys was so precious till the friendship between Hyunnie and Youngie turned into love, engagement, committed marriage. And Yoobin was so precious little girl who brought them closer than they were <3
Thanks for sharing this beautiful story with us.
Hey, a new reader here. Came here because of "The Manny". I just wanna tell you something about the pictures in the Forward part aren't all working, well except for Ji's and Dae's pictures. Will enjoy reading this one just like "The Manny" :D
Blue82 #8
Chapter 35: I love seke couples just throwing that out there. This story was so romantic and sweet with just a touch of angst to give it depth. I enjoyed this so much that I'm up way later than I intended to finish it.
I finally found it i read it WAY long time ago and i loved it and i have been looking for it for months and now BOOM GONNA READ IT AGAIN AND AGAIN
Chapter 23: praise Dongwook's mom for his existence