Seunghyun's Story

My Heartbeat


5am and Seunghyun was already awake before his alarm clock. Almost like a ritual, before his alarm clock went off, he stared at the ceiling and thought about how he wanted to run things at the office for the day. He thought about budgets and appointments and what not. Then he did something that he has never done before, he thought about his new employee 'why does he follow me so  is kinda cute but a little persistant...' Before he could think more into why Jiyong was being his shadow his watch started vibrating. Seunghyun looked down at his watch seeing the words 'wake up' flashing across the face of the Rolex. Getting out of bed he grabbed the remote to his TV sitting on the night stand turning on the TV on to see that it was on the Fashion Channel.   
"Aiiiisssh I told that maid not to mess with my channel...aiiiish...."  
Seunghyun was pretty laid back and wasn't easy to get angry but the one thing that set him off was when people messed with his TV, especially when they would change the channel and mess with his settings.   
"Where are the captions. How the hell will I know what is going on..." he mumbled as he fiddled with the remote.   


Seunghyun had been deaf since he was 9 years old. It was a tragic accident where Seunghyun decided to climb a tree and lost his grip and fell. When the boy had landed he had hit his head causing nerve damage to the auditory nerve in his brain causing deafness, the fall had also induced coma.  
The doctor had told his family that they should prepare for the worst. His mother had stayed by his side day and night. She stayed so long  sometimes she would be almost forced by the staff to go and get some rest.   
Mr. Choi took the accident the hardest because he felt that he was responsible for the accident. For weeks he would have nightmares of his child falling and he could do nothing about it. He was so ashamed he couldn't even bring himself to come to the hospital. If it was not for his wife he would have done terrible things to himself. Mrs. Choi never thought of her husband as the cause of their sons accident and she made sure of that. She wanted to make sure that despite what was happening they were going to stay strong.   
After a month of waiting the torment was over, Seunghyun had finally opened his eyes. His mother's initial reaction was to hug her son. She had cried and looked and touched her beautiful son's face and hair for hours. When Mr. Choi heard the news of his son waking up he arrived in record time to embrace his only child. Seunghyun was happy to see his parents...just the only thing was that he couldn't hear them. He didn't know what they were saying to him. That's when he started to freak out.   
"Umma I can't hear what you are saying" Seunghyun whispered.  
His mother looked at her son mortified "What?..."  
Seunghyun saw his mother's mouth move but their was no sound. But oddly enough he was able to read her lips. Seunghyun started to tear up and his father worriedly looked at his son "Son come on now. You are just a little disoriented because you have been asleep a long time."  
Seunghyun once again saw his father talking but nothing made sense, he was used to using his ears to hear things "Appa I can’t understand... I can't hear you."  
His father stared again at his son and looked him directly in the eye "Son this is not a joke..."  
Seunghyun felt tears slip down his cheeks as he glared at his father in frustration "I CAN'T HEAR YOU APPA! I CAN'T HEAR ANYTHING! WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!! WHY CAN'T I HEAR YOU!!"  
Seunghyun's yelling alerted the nurses who quickly ran into the room to asses the situation one of them immediately calling for the doctor. The doctor arrived to a still screaming Seunghyun his little arms flailing in panic. After calming the boy down enough he quickly did a hearing physical and concluded that the accident may have caused deafness. Patting the boy on his shoulder the doctor ushered both parents to step out into the hallway. Mr. and Mrs. Choi don't know what to think and in a way they didn't want to hear what was to come next out of the doctors mouth. 
"Dr. Park what is wrong with my son. Why is he telling us that he can't hear? Can he really not hear?"  
Dr. Park took in a deep breath "I can't say yet but due to his injuries your son might have temporary hearing loss. We will have to run some tests to see what is going on."  
Mrs. Choi who has been a wreck ever since her son started yelling almost couldn't handle the news.   
"Mrs. Choi please be strong for your son. You too Mr. Choi. Your son will see everything that is going on. What he needs right now are strong parents."  
Mr. and Mrs. Choi both with glossy eyes they stared at each other and nodded in agreement. Mr. Choi hugged his wife "We can do this honey."  While the Choi's were still hugging Dr. Park quickly made arrangements for Seunghyun to get various test done.  
The whole time the test were being done Seunghyun had remained silent.  
After two hours of test and two weeks of waiting Dr. Park finally called in the Choi's to his office. With a grave face Dr. Park looked at both worried parents.   
"Sorry to burden you but your son is deaf in both ears and I'm afraid that he may not regain his hearing. If you look at the MRI scan when he hit the ground his head hit the ground on an odd side damaging the auditory nerves from both the right and left side of the head leading to the brain, his ear drums also ruptured from the hit although sometimes ear drums can heal themselves. There is no such treatment to fix auditory nerves I'm sorry."  

Mr. Choi who is not accepting the results. "There has to be treatments for my son...I will pay anything...anything." 

Dr. Park looked at Mr. Choi "I'm sorry but there are no treatments to help."  

"We will take the test results to another doctor and see what he has to say." 

"You can do that Mr. Choi but I'm sorry but you will most likely get the same results from any doctor you go to. What you need to do now is teach your son sign language. Here are some pamphlets from some highly recommended schools" Dr. Park took out a few pamphlets from his desk drawer.  

"Sign son....never..." Mr. Choi almost looked disgusted by the option.  

"Mr. Choi your son needs to learn how to deal with his new life. He needs to learn how to get through life with his disability." 

"Our son does not have a disability. OUR SON WILL NOT BE LABLED AS A HANDICAPPED!" 

Mrs. Choi who was still taken by the bad news tried to calm down her raging husband. The doctor who was sitting in his chair expressionless, he did nothing but try to encourage Mr. Choi to choose the right path with their son.  

After they were released from the hospital Seunghyun was taken out of school and was immediately home schooled by his wife. Mr. Choi who was embarrassed by his son's disability sent Seunghyun and his wife to the country side to their large estate and demanded that he learn how to read lips. He wanted his son to be able to get by in society and blend in to the point that no one would even think that he was deaf. That is just what his wife did they both kept Seunghyuns disability a secret. Seunghyun was placed hours upon hours in front of the computer where he had to repeat words over and over and over again. Seunghyun didn't understand why he had to look at those people and repeat what he saw on the screen. He became so difficult at times that Mrs. Choi didn't know what to do. One week Seunghyun went on strike and refused to talk for days, his mother would try to make him talk she did everything...she even bribed him with ice cream but it didn't work. She was starting to go crazy in the big  house that the two of them lived in.  

One day Seunghyun who was still on a vocal strike went to the fridge and tried to reach for the ice cream. Just before he reached the box his mother intercepted taking the ice cream and looked directly at him.  

"Seunghyun say 'I want ice cream.'" 

"ggggrrrraaaaaaahhhhhh" and Seunghyun tried to grab the box.  

His mother once again lifted the box higher than Seunghyun and tried to stay patient "Say I want I cream." 

"Grrrraaah   aaaaaaAAAAHHH" 

"Say. I. Want. Ice. Scream" She literally pronounced every syllable and Seunghyun resisted once again.  

Mrs. Choi who has been close to snapping finally did. She took the growling Seunghyun by the shoulders and looked directly at him. "Yaaaahhh do you want to die...LETS BOTH DIE TOGETHER." 

Mrs. Choi grabbed her son by the wrist and dragged him outside past the backyard toward the cliff that overlooked a small village. The whole time Seunghyun had been struggling trying to get out of his mother's grasp but failed. They both reached the edge of the cliff and  Mrs. Choi pulled Seunghyun close, Seunghyun looked up at his mother's face, seeing the tears falling down her cheeks but also slight derangement he gave in "Ummma I want ice cream!!" he screamed.  

Hearing his voice so clear not even tone deaf, her breath caught and she looked down at her precious son.  

"Umma I want ice cream. I don't want to die Umma. Please." Seunghyun begged his tears slipping down his cheeks as well, his mother bend down and hugged him "I'm sorry Hyunnie I'm sorry...I don't know what happened to me...I'm sorry..." She apologized hugging him tighter, hugging her precious baby. 

"We can do this Umma I love you and Appa...we can do this. I promise to be a good boy." 

After that moment of insanity Seunghyun realised that all of the pointless computer programs worked, he was able to read lips. As weeks went on Seunghyun became more aware of things and life started to become easier for him. Seunghyun daily repeated words, sounds, and copied mouths to make sure that he remembered everyday. Everyday in his house he found a new sound to remember life started to become exciting. Even behind his parent's back he learned sign language as well using some computer programs. For the next 15 years Seunghyun lived with his mother at the mansion in the country side learning. His father would come only on special occasions to make sure that he was making progress. With his father being gone for so long and only being around his mother he figured that it was normal but never questioned it. For some reason he always felt that he was being judged by his father that he always had to excel beyond the average and that is exactly what Seunghyun did. He grew up with the best tutors and studied hard year round. He even was able to get into Seoul University where he received a Bachelors in Business and Botany. He also recived a MBA from Harvard in Business. Most of Seunghyun's life was very academic but one thing he always loved was going to the garden and getting away from everything. With plants he felt like he was at home. He loved that he could talk to the plants and they would never talk back and everytime he would take care of the plants they would grow beautifully. Seunghyun's sanity was working at the nature garden and working as a director gave him the privilage to work amongst some great people everyday.  

Before Seunghyun had started work at the Garden his mother gave him a watch so that no one would notice his disability. The watch was gold with a black face a sparkling diamond at the twelve and golden hands. The unique thing about the watch was that it could be programed to alert him of everything that was going on around him. If his phone rang he would see his watch blink and vibrate and 'call' would appear on the black face in bright red letters, he would then look at his special phone, the phone would write out everything the caller was saying so with Seunghyun's blue tooth he could respond. If someone entered his office the sensors by the door would cause his watch to alert him. With that watch Seunghyun blended in perfectly at work...or so he thought he did....

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Chapter 1: I have been reading thos for many times through years and still not bored ...
Chapter 35: Its a really heart warming story i loved every bit of it the fact that seung can't hear ji's voice killed me really its sad really but its a new thing i never read a fic with such story line its soo good and that little ball of cuteness is so perfect ugh that fart in bed tho XD I laughed so hard hahaha and seung rumblings are so cute kekekeke the best thing is BOTTOM TOP XD now thats a change but such a baby lol ..... Thank you for your great work i love all your fics really now i will move to read another one ^^
Chapter 34: i got a trully shock feelings !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how can this make my manly seunghyun into a botm ?! and in this chapter i finally realize that seunghyun never hear jiyong voice ! this chapter gave me a shock !
Chapter 26: awwww !!!!! what a cute story !!! i love the picture and especially the story ! . this was the third of my favourite stories after the manny and my husband is a vampire . I hope you make another one about lovey dovey couple with their child and must GTOP !!! i'm starting become your fans author-nim .... FIGHTING :)
Chapter 35: So beautiful story ♡♡♡
Chapter 35: Hehehe. This story is so cute. I read it twice :)
All along I wanted to hug Hyunnie cause his dad was mean and to hug Youngie because he was so lonely but they had each other and that made me happy and at ease. I was so happy cause the beautiful friendship between my 5 boys was so precious till the friendship between Hyunnie and Youngie turned into love, engagement, committed marriage. And Yoobin was so precious little girl who brought them closer than they were <3
Thanks for sharing this beautiful story with us.
Hey, a new reader here. Came here because of "The Manny". I just wanna tell you something about the pictures in the Forward part aren't all working, well except for Ji's and Dae's pictures. Will enjoy reading this one just like "The Manny" :D
Blue82 #8
Chapter 35: I love seke couples just throwing that out there. This story was so romantic and sweet with just a touch of angst to give it depth. I enjoyed this so much that I'm up way later than I intended to finish it.
I finally found it i read it WAY long time ago and i loved it and i have been looking for it for months and now BOOM GONNA READ IT AGAIN AND AGAIN
Chapter 23: praise Dongwook's mom for his existence