Family dinner

My Heartbeat

It's Friday night and Seunghyun is nervous. Suuuper nervous because he is going to have dinner with his mother and new family and just this morning she agreed. What makes the older man nervous the most is that his mother didn't question or get mad at his secretary about being with a man or adopting a kid. She just simply said yes to the invitation and said "how does nine sound. "

Yes that sounds like a normal conversation but in Seunghyun's family there is nothing normal about them. The last time he spent time with his mother was when her car was stuck in the driveway a year ago. Now she is all in for dinner? It is just weird. 

To prevent any chaos or fires Seunghyun hired a chef to do all of the cooking and serving. Having the responsibility as a host and a son and a daddy and a boyfriend will be enough work for the man.  He wants everyone to get along especially since he is planning on marrying Jiyong in the near future. He doesn't want to move forward until his parents give them their blessing/approval. His father is going to be a lot of work but he feels that it will work out one day. 

The one person who is never going to be stressed in this situation is Yoo Bin and this sometimes makes Seunghyun want to be a child again...well a normal child. Still he loves that Yoo-Bin is now in a family and has grandparents and two dads. 

*ding* goes the doorbell and Seunghyun scrambles to the door. He opens the door to feel two little arms wrap around his leg. He looks down and sees his daughter wanting a ride on daddy's shoe from the foyer to the living room. The older man never minds doing it because he is the one who started it...but the walk from the foyer to the living room in Seunghyuns mansion is a long way to go. 

The little one has no idea how big the place is but still wants a ride. Jiyong bends down to pick her up but she tightens her grip. Jiyong signs. 

"Baby Daddy has a long way to from here let's play shoe ride another day" 

The younger one pouts at her Appa and then slowly releases the captive leg. The older one looks at how well dress the two are. Jiyong is wearing a cute pair or skinny jeans and a nice V neck with a sports jacket and Yoo-Bin is wearing a pretty pink dress. The older one picks up the toddler and pulls Jiyong in for a group hug. The all groan from the pressure but Jiyong loves this moment. He releases the hug and leads them to the living room hoping the little one doesn't wander. They all sit on the sofa and Seunghyun faces them. 

"Okay so I said that the dinner was with my dad but I decided to have dinner first with my mom. That is why I told you to bring Yoo-Bin." 

Jiyong lights up "So she really wants to meet us...she is okay with our relationship?" 

Seunghyun makes a slow nod "To be honest I'm not sure because I didn't set this Bom noona did it for me. 

Jiyong smiles "Ohhh I see. Well anyway what is for dinner baby...did you cook??"

Seunghyun winces " No not tonight..I want to focus on my family so I hired a chef for the night. " 

Jiyong once again is loving how his boyfriend wants this dinner to go well. He only hopes that his mother is caring and kind too. He hopes that she will accept the relationship and Yoo-Bin and accepting her as her grandchild. Jiyong blushes at the word grandchild...and he is not even married to the man. 

"What are you thinking about Ji" says Seunghyun taking the toddlers hand and playing with her fingers as she tries not to doze off. 

"I was just thinking about how nice it is to finally meet your family...too bad I don't have anyone for you to meet..." 

Seunghyun comes closer to his lover. "Baby you are all I need. It's okay that you don't have family outside of our family." 

"Our family?" Jiyong says looking at his boyfriend. 

"Yes" the takes the younger ones hand "Our family. We are a family. This little bugger is our daughter. " 

Jiyong tears up a little at the reality that he does have a family. Two people that love him very much. Yes they are not married but that doesn't matter to the other. Jiyong is in in love that he will do anything to fight for this family. The two get closer and share a kiss. They are soon separated by two little hands again and Yoo Bin takes each of her daddys faces and kisses their cheeks. 

Seunghyun looks at the little one and smiles "Awww Yoo-Bin ah that was so nice of you!" 

"Appa and Daddy kissing. I wanted to kiss too. Appa's skin softer than yours Daddy." Jiyong laughs at the comment. "Well Appa is obsessed with face products." 

*Ding dong* goes the door bell again and Seunghyun gets nervous. "Omo omo it's her it's her!!" All of them scramble to the door and get ready to bow. Seunghyun opens the door to see his smiling mother. All three of them bow with a "Hello" Yoo-Bin steps forward and does what she has practiced with her daddy. "Hello my name is Choi Yoo Bin" The woman smiles at the little one and bends down to her and ask "Can I give you a hug you did so well!" The toddler lets her take her into an embrace and Jiyong and Seunghyun are elated! 

Mrs. Choi picks up the little girl and stands up to look at Jiyong. Jiyong bows and introduces himself again "Hello I'm Kwon Ji Yong. Pleased to meet you Mrs. Choi." 

"Pleased to meet you too Jiyong! I'm so happy to be here and see that my son is happy. That is my only wish in life is to see that he is happy and has a family."  Mrs. Choi smiles again back at Jiyong and sees where Seunghyun gets his warm heart. 

Seunghyun approaches his mother and gives her a sweet hug followed by a kiss and of course a kiss to Yoo-Bin who is still being held. Jiyong laughs at the second kiss and the three turn around. "What is it Jiyong ?" 

"Oh nothing you all just look really nice together" says Jiyong 

Seunghyun smiles and feels sad at the comment. He wants Jiyong to always feel like he belongs. "I say we all would look nice together...shall we go to eat" 

Mrs. Choi takes a seat and places the little one across from her knowing that Yoo-Bin is also deaf. Seunghyun takes his seat next to the toddler and Jiyong sits next to lets just say Mrs. Choi for now. Seunghyun speaks first "Thank you for coming mother. This really means a lot to me. I'm sorry for not coming to visit know it's hard for me to come home" 

His mother nods and places her hand on his "Son I understand that home is not a easy place to come to. I still love you even if you don't see me often." 

Seunghyun feels a little guilty because he has nothing against his mother but his father is the cause for not wanting to come. Every time he comes to the house he feels uneasy and always challenged. That is a feeling he tries to avoid...all of the negative is washed away in his peaceful home and his family. 

Yoo-Bin notices Mrs. Choi's ring on her finger and she points and signs to her Appa "Her ring is pretty" 

Mrs. Choi smiles at the little girl and looks at Jiyong she is good at sign language Jiyong. She signs back at the little girl and throws everyone off guard. "Would you like to see it darling?" 

"Yesss it pretty" 

"Mother since when did you know sign language?" says Seunghyun totally clueless of his mothers ability. 

"I learned a couple years ago...for you baby" his mother smiles. 

Seunghyun freaks out a bit because he still has not told anyone of his disability and he forgot to tell his mother that Jiyong still doesn't know. Jiyong sees his lover's  stress and helps him out " Ohhh so you can communicate with members of the company that is so nice. I wish that Seunghyun would learn sign language too because our Yoo-Bin is deaf and even though she can speak too she loves practicing her sign language with others." 

Mrs. Choi looks over at her son with a look of 'he doesn't know?' and Seunghyun shrugs his shoulders back in a non apparent way. Yoo Bin then blurts out "I hungry I smell foods" Jiyong slightly embarrassed by his not so well mannered hungry toddler coos "The food will be ready soon" The Choi's laugh at the little one and continue talking while the chef brings out the first course. 

Jiyong in this situation would normally be nervous but finds this whole evening so much fun. They all talk about everything and Mrs. Choi learns of Jiyong's up bringing. She gives the younger one a hug after he told his whole story "Omo you young thing have been through so much...and with no family...that is not right." She releases the hug and looks into the coffee eyed man. "Remember that we are always going to be family." 

"Thank you Mrs. Choi" 

She shakes her head "No need to say thank you and call me mother and Yoo-Bin ah call me Grandmother okay" 

Jiyong lights up and tears up a bit. He has not had a mother in so long. He quickly takes the woman into another hug. Yoo-Bin who loves hugs gets off the chair and runs over to have another group hug. Seunghyun on the other hand is taking in this evening as probably one of the best dinners in his life. His mother now accepted Jiyong as a son and they are not even married yet. 

She releases the hug from Jiyong and looks at her son. "So now when are you two getting married Hyunnie I want to see my son married before I die" 

Seunghyun's eyes widen "Mom you are not going anywhere and don't say the D-I-E word to Yoo yet she is still is happy happy land" 

His mother whispers a sorry and Jiyong is blushing. Why because of the marriage talks and the chance of being Well anyway Jiyong is so happy to be in such a support family and he is happy to have a mother. Everything is so perfect it is almost sickening to anyone else looking in but still it is something that everyone deserves which is a real family. 

Mrs. Choi looks at her watch and didn't realize what time it was. "Oh my look at the time. I must go soon but first I would like to talk to my son for a moment if you don't mind?" 

Jiyong takes the toddler and goes into the other room to entertain the little one. In the dinning room the Choi's are bringing up the situation of the stubborn Mr. Choi. Their goal is to get the man to stop being a troll and accept the fact that their son is going to live his life with or without him. Sound terrible but that is the harsh reality. 

"So what are we going to do about your father hyunnie?"

"I don't know mother...he was so angry the last time he saw me..." 

"Well we will make him submit soon...but you father is not the real reason I want to talk to you..." 

Seunghyun quirks his head. "What is on your mind?"

"Well son you need to tell Jiyong about your disability. I know that you don't do it for your father's sake at work but this is your boyfriend." 

"I know but I have been lying for so long I'm afraid to tell him...I'm afraid that I will lose everything that we built" 

His mother pats his hand "That is a risk that you will have to take but I think that he will still stay by your side...he might be a upset for a while but I can tell he has a forgiving spirit. Tell him Seunghyun ah hmm?"

The younger one sighs "Ne mother I will tell him soon. I promise" 

"That's my boy" She gives her son another hug and they both head out to the living room. Jiyong is quietly reading a book and Yoo-Bin fell sleep on the sofa. Mrs. Choi walks over to give the toddler a kiss on the forehead. Her angel face smiled a bit in her sleep. "She must be having a good dream" 

Jiyong gets off the couch to walk with his boyfriend to the door to see their mother off. "Well it was a lovely evening. Let's do this more often as a family." She smiles one last time and the two younger ones bow and wave as she gets into her towncar to be escorted back home. The couple closes the door and grin at each other for their accomplishment. 

"Hyunnie your mother is so nice"  

He pulls his boyfriend into a hug "Our mother loves us." Jiyong smiles into his chest and kisses his heart. They pull apart and Jiyong looks at his watch "Wow it's almost mid night...we should go home now.." Jiyong was about to go to the living room " should stay here tonight. I have a room for Yoo-Bin to sleep in. I have a four bed room house and there is plenty of room for you baby. " 

Jiyong smiles "Thank Hyunnie but we have no other clothes to change into but I don't have Yoo-Bin's stuff for bed time here either. " 

Seunghyun smiles " I have everything here too...and I have clothes for the both of you" 

"How did you get my size" 

The older smirks " I have my ways" 


Together they put the little one to bed in a room made just for her. Jiyong walked in and saw a princess themed room. The wallpaper on the walls and clouds on the ceiling was a dream room for a little girl and Yoo-Bin was sleeping in it. "You are such a lucky girl Yoo-Bin ah" Seunghyun pulls his boyfriend into a back hug and they watch their little one sleep. 

Minutes later they release the hug. Jiyong grabs the baby monitor and the couple walks out of the room hand and hand. Seunghyun leads them towards his bed room and Jiyong's speed slows down a bit. The older one stops and turns to see Jiyong blushing and looking down. "What's wrong baby?" 

"It's just...we...bed...together.." Jiyong doesn't say a complete sentence but Seunghyun got what he was thinking. The man has never been in bed with any one else except for when he shared a one room flat with his mother. Seunghyun takes the younger ones other hand and looks into his eyes "Baby I'm not going to do anything. I just want to hold you. I promise nothing will happen until we get married. " 

Jiyong blushes again at the marriage part. "Okay..."  he mouths and Seunghyun smiles and leads them into his massive bed room. 

Jiyong is in awe. He has never seen a bed room so big in his life. Everything about the room was very masculine. The fire place to the bedding to the TV over looking the bed. Seunghyun back hugged his boyfriend again "So you like my room?" Jiyong turns around "It's so...big..." Seunghyun chuckles "I have big taste. 

The older one goes into his closet and comes back with some clothes for Jiyong to turn into. Jiyong blushes and goes into the massive bathroom. He tries to find the light switch but that was a fail so he changes in the dark. He comes back into the room to find his boyfriend has already changed and is watching the news in bed. The blanket is already thrown back in a welcoming manner for Jiyong. The younger one gets shy and slowly walks towards the bed. Seunghyun can see the man in his peripherals the slow approach and chuckles " It's okay" He looks over at the younger "I don't bite" he smiles gently. 

Jiyong slowly makes it to the side of the bed and gets into it. Seunghyun then envelopes the smaller man into his arms. The younger one stiffens a bit and Seunghyun chuckles again and coos "Relax baby...relax" Jiyong listens to the deep sounding voice and melts his body into the others warmth. Seunghyun nuzzles himself into a comfortable position. "See this isn't so bad right' Jiyong nods and shyly turns around to face his boyfriend. "I love you Hyunnie" Seunghyun leans in and kisses the youngers lips "I love you too" They embrace again and Jiyong buries his head into Seunghyun's chest...minutes later they both fall sleep and all that could be heard in the house was the sound of slumber. 


Soooo what you think?! You like? I want this story to be a more of a traditional kind of love to where they really don't become intimate until after marriage. Their characters are so innocent:) Comments are love! By the way do you like the pictures??



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Chapter 1: I have been reading thos for many times through years and still not bored ...
Chapter 35: Its a really heart warming story i loved every bit of it the fact that seung can't hear ji's voice killed me really its sad really but its a new thing i never read a fic with such story line its soo good and that little ball of cuteness is so perfect ugh that fart in bed tho XD I laughed so hard hahaha and seung rumblings are so cute kekekeke the best thing is BOTTOM TOP XD now thats a change but such a baby lol ..... Thank you for your great work i love all your fics really now i will move to read another one ^^
Chapter 34: i got a trully shock feelings !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how can this make my manly seunghyun into a botm ?! and in this chapter i finally realize that seunghyun never hear jiyong voice ! this chapter gave me a shock !
Chapter 26: awwww !!!!! what a cute story !!! i love the picture and especially the story ! . this was the third of my favourite stories after the manny and my husband is a vampire . I hope you make another one about lovey dovey couple with their child and must GTOP !!! i'm starting become your fans author-nim .... FIGHTING :)
Chapter 35: So beautiful story ♡♡♡
Chapter 35: Hehehe. This story is so cute. I read it twice :)
All along I wanted to hug Hyunnie cause his dad was mean and to hug Youngie because he was so lonely but they had each other and that made me happy and at ease. I was so happy cause the beautiful friendship between my 5 boys was so precious till the friendship between Hyunnie and Youngie turned into love, engagement, committed marriage. And Yoobin was so precious little girl who brought them closer than they were <3
Thanks for sharing this beautiful story with us.
Hey, a new reader here. Came here because of "The Manny". I just wanna tell you something about the pictures in the Forward part aren't all working, well except for Ji's and Dae's pictures. Will enjoy reading this one just like "The Manny" :D
Blue82 #8
Chapter 35: I love seke couples just throwing that out there. This story was so romantic and sweet with just a touch of angst to give it depth. I enjoyed this so much that I'm up way later than I intended to finish it.
I finally found it i read it WAY long time ago and i loved it and i have been looking for it for months and now BOOM GONNA READ IT AGAIN AND AGAIN
Chapter 23: praise Dongwook's mom for his existence