Good morning

My Heartbeat

Jiyong wakes up in total comfort. He feels warm and hugged but his lover. Seunghyun is sleeping peacfully next to him and he can't help but stare at the beautiul being. 

"Why are you so perfect." Jiyong whispers and keeps staring. The other feels the warm air on his face and slowly starts to wake up. He opens his eyes to see his beautiful boyfriend next to him. "You are beautiful" Jiyong blushes and the other moves closer to kiss his forhead softly. 

"Did you sleep well my love?" 

Jiyong Nods and mouths the word "Ne" 

Seunghyun doesn't feel warm air on his face when he spoke "Why did you mouth it silly..." 

Jiyong smiles "I feel lazy and I figured that you could maybe read my lips" 

Seunghyun chuckles nervously "Haha I guess I can this morning." 

Jiyong changes the subject as he saw the older one was getting nervous about the lip reading. He nuzzle himself into his lovers chest and breathes in his scent. "You smell so nice." 

Seunghyun can't hear the other but feels him sniffing his clothes. "Do I smell that good?" 

The other nods into his chest and then pulls away to speak to him directly. "Seunghyun I want you to know that I love you and  I love everything that you have done for me. I want you to also know that you don't have to ever hide anything from me or anyone. You are a amazing person...I just wanted you to know that." 

Seunghyun tears up a bit and pulls the other into a hug. "That was so sweet my love and I love you and Yoo-Bin so much. I don't know what my life would be like with out you." 

Jiyong releases this hug to kiss his boyfriend and Seunghyun captures the youngers pouty lips immediatly. Jiyong moans into the kiss as the other gains access to taste the others mouth. Jiyong starts to caress and pull the olders hair as they make out on the bed. The kiss is firey as they turn their heads to try different angles and the whole time Jiyong is letting the older take the lead. 

Finally they pull away for air and Jiyong's lips are red and puffy from being and teased. They both lay back and snuggle as the older turns on the TV with the closed caption at the bottom of the screen. Jiyong smiles as he watches the TV program totally comfortable in his surroundings. 

He never knew that he would even have a boyfriend this early in life. To have someone care for him to give him absoulutly the best almost feels fiction, but it is all reality. He has a family to call his own and he loves it. The younger still needs to help his lover get his father to accept them both but he is not worried. 

The bed suddenly dips and they feel two little hands pulling at their blanket and it is of course Yoo-Bin. She crawls up to her daddys and signs to Jiyong "Good morning Appa" 

Jiyong signs back "Good morning my love. Are you hungry? Do you need to have help with mister potty?" Yoo-Bin is picky about bathrooms which is a funny thing to Jiyong and Seunghyun. 

"I like this potty because it is Daddy's potty" 

Seunghyun chimes in "It is our potty" 

Jiyong looks over at his boyfriend who is supposidly not suppose to know sign language and plays with him. "Oh you know what she said???"

Seunghyun chuckles nervously "I remember the word potty and I figured she was talking about her bathroom pet pevs." 

"Ne ne I see. Well you did a great job Hyunnie!" 

Seunghyun blushes and Yoo-Bin crawls up to her Daddy and pinches his cheeks "Daddy is blushing." 

Jiyong finds this scene cute and grabs his phone to take a picture of the two. The picture was kinda blurry but it's the memory that counts. All three of the sit in the bed Seunghyuns watch buzzes he looks over and the maid comes into the room and bows. 

"Good morning Director Choi. Shall I prepare for three this morning?" 

"Yes please prepare a child size portion for the kid." The maid bows and heads out of the room. 

Jiyong taps the other. "I didn't know you had maids too??" 

"Ne I have to clean and one to cook and I also I have landscapers who come once a week...oh and I hired one for your place too she is cleaning it right now." 

Jiyong playfully punches the other "Baby you spoil me so much. I feel so bad for not being able to do anything to repay you." 

"My lovely you never have to pay me back anything and remember I love you. Love have no cost. " 

Jiyong smiles and plays this the toddlers hair. "I love you both so much." 

"I love you too" Seunghyun looks at his watch. "Guess what Yoo-Bin today is your first day of school!!" 

Yoo-Bin gets excited "Really?!" 

"Ne little one let's get you ready!" Seunghyun takes the little one in his arms and looks at his lover "Sorry noona forgot to tell me it was today so I will take care of her today. You relax okay. Jiyong smiles leans over the bed to kiss the little one before they both leave the room. 


One hour later  Seunghyun Jiyong and Yoo-Bin are waiting in front of the gate to the house to await the school bus. Jiyong is so excited for the little and also kind of sad so he tries to hold back tears. He has never been apart from her and this will be the longest he hasn't been with her. 

Well the toddler is the complete opposite and is dancing with her backpack on the paved drive way. Seconds later the bus pulls up and the director comes out to meet them. "Hello I'm Teacher Lee and I'm here to take Yoo-Bin to Happy Hands" The teacher smiles brightly at the two dads and they bow to each other. 

The teacher bends down to YOo-Bin and sighs. "Are you ready Yoo-Bin for school!"

"Yes Teacher Lee!" Yoo-Bin hugs her daddy first with a big hug and then she hugs are appa who is now starting to tear up. He releases the hug "Have a great day Yoo-Bin I packed a special lunch for you." 

Yoo-bin bows to her parents and then gets on the bus. The doors slowly close and the little one waves through the window as the bus pulls away. Jiyong waves back and starts to cry. Seunghyun laughs a little bit at the crier and pulls him into a hug. "Don't worry Yongie she is in good hands and you will see her later today. Ne? We can pick her up together and she can tell us about her day. 

The younger pulls back and looks up at his lover "My baby is growing up too fast." he burries his head into his lovers chest and the other laughs again because of the dramatics. "Shhh it's okay." He rubs the younger ones back. "Let's go to work hmm?" 

Jiyong nods and takes his lovers hand and they both go to the car. Seunghyun opens the door for his lover to get in and Jiyong blushes at the sweet act. Seunghyun gets in and turns on the car and kisses his lovers cheek. "Let's go to work. The ceremony is in two days"


Jiyong is once again working on an email and this time it's the same ladies. They can't decide on what colors are going to be used and it's pissing everyone off. Jiyong decided to try to talk to them to try to save things. So far so good because one color has been decided and it is final. Silver is a great color to match everything in the west garden. 

"Yo Ji did you get things straightened out?" say Taeyang hoping things were working out

"Yea thank God!" 

"Yea Hyung knows to work out those deals!!" says Seungri relieved that the fight of the interior department is starting to get resolved. 

"Well they only decided on one color so far. Hopefully the others will be nice." Jiyong was only hoping because those ladies are really set in their ways with things. 

"Well Ji I know it will work out because you are the man of the hour haha" Taeyang smiles brightly before diving back into his work. 

These kinds of events normally has everyone on edge and people normally have huge work loads that make people work over. Today is one of those days and everyone is not in the mood at the nature garden. EVen the secretary is on edge because of the constant load of rsvps that have not been confirmed. 

Jiyong and his dept is suprisingly calm and fine with how things are going. The department is known to be very calm because most of the work has deadlines and they are use to having to work under pressure. They learned quickly that time can get the best of you if you go crazy. Jiyong who is super organized to begin with never has any trouble. Except for the color indicent but that will be fixed in time...or that is what everyone is hoping to happen. 


Finally it's lunch time and instead of everyone running to the cafeteria the men are still at their desk working deligently on their assignments. This event is so important it is common for people to skip out on meals. Jiyong was planning on skipping until he suddenly saw a plate of food presented to him. "Dara? What bring you here bearing gifts" Jiyong chuckles. 

"Director wanted me to bring this food to you. He said that he wanted you to be healty and eat. " Dara smiles and places a napkin and chopsticks next to the plate of food. She bow and then walks out the room. 

"Ohhh lookie at what the boyfriend brought for hyung" says Daesung playfully 

"Yeaa all that just for his looooooveee" says Seungri 

Jiyong laughs "Come on guygs..." the younger blushes. 

"Yah you are blushing " say Taeyang pointing and they all say in unison "AWWWWW" 

"Shut up" says Jiyong looking down at his lunch chuckling. 

"Well since you are eating I'm going to take advantage of the massive amount of food at the caf" say Taeyang 

"I'll come too" says Seungri

"I'm hanging back guys" says Daesung still looking at his computer. The two other men leave and Jiyong and Daesung are working hard. 

Jiyong pulls out his phone to text his boyfriend...

"Baby thanks for the food. I will eat it well" 

"No problem my love! Work hard and lets be ready to leave by 4 to pick up Yoo-Bin from the bus stop. " 

"Okay love you" 

"love you more:)"


It's after lunch time and Taeyang and Seungri come back into the office laughing at something stupid. "Come on hyung you know it is funny" 

"Stop please stop your corney jokes are so bad it's funny" 

"Yah hyung I really worked hard on these jokes." Seungri says sarcasticly 

Jiyong laughs at the two and tries to get back to work. The old ladys finally got out of their ways and made the final color decisions. Silver and teal and turquoise will be the theme. The colors will match everything and everything else perfectly. People already have written the younger emails or thanks to helping them move things into motion. 

Two days from now it is going to be the biggest day for the nature garden and Seunghyun has plans. He has to make a speech for the opening the dinner toast and the closing it's a lot of work and also over seeing everything that every department is doing. He also has another trick up his sleeve..during dinner he plans to propose to Jiyong. So that means he has two days to plan the engagment at the cereomony and less than 48 hours to have his dad accept him.

He already told his noona to plan a dinner with his dad and he hopes that he accepts this time. He is not going to have Jiyong come because he is simply to scared of what he will do. He is going to tell his father his plans about his future and hopefully he will get his blessing. What is more nerve wracking than talking to his father is telling Jiyong that he is indeed deaf and can sign as well as he can..and hopefully he will for give his lies.

This makes Seunghyun pace around the room and just think and hope. Bom comes in the room and his watch buzzes. "Ne noona?"

"Your father agreed to dinner but it's tonight at 6 can you do it"

"I can and it's time I have a talk with him as a man and not a child"

Bom shows a thumbs up "Good for you Seunghyun ah good for you"

"I can only hope that he will accept my feelings and he will be a father to me and Jiyong. By the way did you call the ring shoP.

"Yes and I'm so excited!!!"

Seunghyun chuckles "See you women are the ones that spread secrets. Keep this between us okay."

"Yes director sir!" She sallutes him as she walks out the door.

The older goes on his email to look at the custom engagment rings he ordered. " Jiyong ah forgive me"


Hey another chapter done! I hope that you all are doing well. Comments are love!:) Also sorry for spelling mistakes the spell checker is acting stupid...




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Chapter 1: I have been reading thos for many times through years and still not bored ...
Chapter 35: Its a really heart warming story i loved every bit of it the fact that seung can't hear ji's voice killed me really its sad really but its a new thing i never read a fic with such story line its soo good and that little ball of cuteness is so perfect ugh that fart in bed tho XD I laughed so hard hahaha and seung rumblings are so cute kekekeke the best thing is BOTTOM TOP XD now thats a change but such a baby lol ..... Thank you for your great work i love all your fics really now i will move to read another one ^^
Chapter 34: i got a trully shock feelings !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how can this make my manly seunghyun into a botm ?! and in this chapter i finally realize that seunghyun never hear jiyong voice ! this chapter gave me a shock !
Chapter 26: awwww !!!!! what a cute story !!! i love the picture and especially the story ! . this was the third of my favourite stories after the manny and my husband is a vampire . I hope you make another one about lovey dovey couple with their child and must GTOP !!! i'm starting become your fans author-nim .... FIGHTING :)
Chapter 35: So beautiful story ♡♡♡
Chapter 35: Hehehe. This story is so cute. I read it twice :)
All along I wanted to hug Hyunnie cause his dad was mean and to hug Youngie because he was so lonely but they had each other and that made me happy and at ease. I was so happy cause the beautiful friendship between my 5 boys was so precious till the friendship between Hyunnie and Youngie turned into love, engagement, committed marriage. And Yoobin was so precious little girl who brought them closer than they were <3
Thanks for sharing this beautiful story with us.
Hey, a new reader here. Came here because of "The Manny". I just wanna tell you something about the pictures in the Forward part aren't all working, well except for Ji's and Dae's pictures. Will enjoy reading this one just like "The Manny" :D
Blue82 #8
Chapter 35: I love seke couples just throwing that out there. This story was so romantic and sweet with just a touch of angst to give it depth. I enjoyed this so much that I'm up way later than I intended to finish it.
I finally found it i read it WAY long time ago and i loved it and i have been looking for it for months and now BOOM GONNA READ IT AGAIN AND AGAIN
Chapter 23: praise Dongwook's mom for his existence