Moving forward

My Heartbeat

"So you just left father's house mother?" Jiyong pulls the last of his mother in laws suit cases into her new room. 

She puts down her makeup bag. "Ne, I can't live with a person like that. What example am I leaving to you two staying with a man who tried to banish you. I nearly lost it when I found out what happened to you two..." She started to tear up. "If anything happened to you..I just...I would never forgive myself" 

Jiyong shakes his head and allows the woman to give him a firm hug. He wraps his arms around her as she cries of all the stress that she has had built up. Like her son she tends to carry the weight of the world on her shoulders. Jiyong appreciates her even more that she trust him enough to pour her heart out. He loves that she loves him like a son. 

She releases the hug and chuckles. "Wow...I haven't had a good cry in years and...omo mascara is all over your nice shirt!" She puts her hands over in shock. Jiyong chuckles. "It's fine it's just my clothes that I wear outside for work. These clothes are covered in everything weekly." He gives her a reassuring smile. He is use to women smearing makeup on his clothes. The stains are hard to get out but nothing is ever ruined. 

Seunghyun comes into the room joining the two. He sees his mothers puffy eyes. "Mom? What's wrong...were you crying?" She shakes her head "It's nothing hyunnie I was letting out some stress. You have a good catch here. He is fantastic when it comes to listening. " 

Seunghyun walks over to hold his lovers hand allowing the smaller digits to wrap around him.  His mother smiles brightly. "So. When are we planning this wedding?"  The two men shake their shoulders. "We have not officially set a date yet because we don't know when is best. I talked to the guys in my office earlier and I think that we are getting a planner to do everything."  Their mother shakes her head. "Let me plan it." 

"Really mom? That's a lot of work and can you handle our picky taste?" 

"Son that picky taste of yours comes from me thank god you know how to match your clothes. Did I tell you when hyunnie was smaller he would wear his underwear he was so cute he use to think that the hole." "MOTHER!" Seunghyun turns bright red. A bad family trait is that everyone tends to ramble and most of the time when his mother does it it is embarrassing stories about her son. 

Jiyong can't help but laugh. He is laughing so hard tears start to come out of his eyes. Seunghyun looks at the silent laughs and raises an eye brow at his lover. Jiyong looks and calms down a bit. He rubs his lovers arm "Sorry hyunnie...mother tells the best stories." Seunghyun pouts "But they are embarrassing.." He looks over to his mother. "Mom will you please please try to control your stories..." 

His mother laughs. "I'm your mother it is my job to embarrass you. And do you think that this is the only time Jiyong and I have had talks about." All the color from Seunghyun's face goes from his head. He looks again over to his lover. "How much did she tell you?" Jiyong chuckles. "Don't worry Hyunnie...nothing too bad...your Mister bubbles story was so cute." 

Seunghyun turns beat red from embarrassment. "Aiiish Mom...why...why..." 

"Because you were so cute! I loved your little song." His mother walks up to pat her son on the back. The mister bubbles story is going to take a little while for him to get back his pride. The story behind it is that when he was six he liked to take bubble baths in his parents huge tub. He would stay in there for hours with his toys and other gadgets. To prepare his baths he would ask his maid to put tons of bubbles in the tub. There would be so much in there Seunghyun would blend in like camouflage. 

His mother at times got nervous for him being in the tub for so long, so she would sit on the side of the tub and watch over him. He would put bubbles all in his hair and him and his mother would talk for hours. One day Seunghyun came up with a song and he would end up singing it every time he was in the tub. Sometimes his whole body would be covered in bubbles and he would dance around. 

Since he was so young the help found it adorable. Now in this day and age he finds the whole situation the most embarrassing thing on the planet. Simply because the same maids still work at his parents house..well not his father's house.  It's not that he is trying to be the cool kid. He just didn't want that story to be shared. Too late now. 

Seunghyun leans in and kisses his mother on her cheek. "Well if the story is only told to Jiyong...and only Jiyong not the maids...then I'm fine..." 

"Too late" 


"Just kidding" The woman smirks. 

"Now I know where 70 percent of my personality come from...aish. Anyways are you settled in? We are happy to have you." 

"I'm fine. I'm so glad that I have a place to go to in such times. I really want to be here for you all and I want us to all be a family." She puts her arms around the two men. The smaller lady is inches shorter than the other two and her head comes up to Jiyong's chest. "Aigo you too are too tall for me" 

"Well you are not too short for me and Hyunnie to give you a hug" The three enjoy a group hug and then they feel another body pressed to their legs. Seunghyun looks down and sees that their daughter has escapes from bed time. 

They all release the hug and Jiyong signs to her "Yoo Bin ah. Why did you leave your room? Are you scared?" 

"I want to be with Grandma. I want to sleep with grandma." She then smiles up to her granny. Mrs. Choi gets a warm feeling that her grand child wants to go to bed with her. She then signs to her. "I would love to have a sleep over with my favorite little girl." Yoo Bin smiles brightly and runs into the huge plush luxury bed. 

"Well we will take our leave now Mother." Jiyong bows "See you later my little love" He waves and leaves the room with Seunghyun following behind him in a back hug. The two waddle their way to the other side of the mansion to their quarters. Jiyong laughs as his goofy fiance is still pressed to his backside. They finally make it to their room and Jiyong opens the door. 

Seunghyun releases the hug and grins like a kid. "I love hugging you" 

"You are so chessy...goofy...." JIyong can't help but laugh. His fiance pouts. "Baby, don't tease. I love you Jiyong ah" He leans in and places a soft kiss on his lovers lips. Jiyong's heart starts to pound from excitement from such a small kiss. "You are adorable...dorky..beautiful, loving kindhearted, and irressisitable" Jiyong smiles a goofy grin at the praises "I love you too." The older one smiles and starts to his work shirt. Jiyong turns around and blushes. 

Seunghyun can't help but chuckle. "You will have to get use to me dressing in front of you soon my lover." He coos as he walks over to his closet in the bathroom to get dressed. Jiyong turns around and can't help but try to catch his breath. His heart is pounding and his brain has thoughts about the other man. He has never been with anyone and being intimate is all new to him. He has never seen his lover but the thought of what he will look like on his honey moon makes him anxious. 

"What are you thinking about baby?" Seunghyun places a kiss on Jiyongs cheek. The younger is thrown out of his thoughts and then studders. "I...I was just thinking..." He trails off at the end of his sentence. 

"Thinking about what?" He looks at his lover. A soft blush of red covers his face as he bites his lip. Seunghyun smirks and puts his hands on his lovers waist. Jiyong hitches his breath when he feels the two hands resting on his waist. He looks up at his lover still biting his lip. Seunghyun smirks. "So you were thinking about me?" 

Jiyong turns redder and slowly nods. Seunghyun softly smiles and kisses Jiyong on the lips again earning a soft moan from the younger. Seunghyun smirks and feels the lovely vibration. "Well it's good to know that I attract you in all kinds of ways." He purs and then releases his grip on the younger.  If they were married...Jiyong would be in trouble. The older fights once again not to ravish the man of his innocence before the honey moon. He wants Jiyong's first to be special. 

Jiyong quickly changes and then gets into bed with his lap top. Seunghyun follows suit and moves the pillows around to create a soft cushion. Jiyong finishes his notes and puts the computer down. He turns off his lamp and gets down into bed. Seunghyun feels the movements and turns back over to cuddle into his fiance. Jiyong melts into the man behind him and he rest his hand on top of his lovers. Seunghyun snuggles his head near Jiyong's pillow and breathes "I love you" before drifting off to sleep. 


It's lunch time at the office and it is just one of those days where time is so slow. Everyone is just antsy and they want to get out and do something. Jiyong has already been out to the garden four times and still is just as restless as the others. Seungri has finally had it. "That's it...I can't take it anymore I'm going to lunch..." 

YoungBae gets up from his desk. "I'm coming too. I don't know what's up with today but need to get out before I go crazy." He walks over to Seungri and puts an arm around him. The younger blushes and Daesung raises an eyebrow. " are blushing..." YoungBae looks at the younger and he is. He smirks. "I'm just that good around any " 

"Yah!" screams Seungri trying to hide his cheeks. 

"It's okay Seungri...I know you have a crush on me. I like you too. Let's have some lunch ne?" 

"Whaaaaat?!" Seungri screams and then runs out the room. YoungBae looks over at Daesung and Jiyong and they are both shaking their heads. 

"Smooth move man." Jiyong shakes his head and can't help but laugh. "Is that the best way to confess to him? You know he is sensitive." 

YoungBae shrugs his shoulders. "What's the big deal? He likes me too. We all know that he likes me. I was just helping him out." 

Daesung stands up and puts on his coat. "That's the thing hyung. You also have to remember that he doesn't think that we know." YOungBae then feels guilty. "...I was a jerk huh." 

"Kinda...but we can fix this. Come on hyung let's talk to the maknae. Maybe I can help you two get a date out of this." 

Jiyong then raises an eyebrow. "I had no idea that you liked men..." 

"You never asked Ji" Bae smiles brightly 

Jiyong chuckles "True true...I just would have never guessed." 

"I say the same to you" He smiles back. "Come on hyung. See ya later Jiyong hyung." 

The men leave the room and Jiyong as usual starts to work on some more work. He is good for skipping out on lunch but ever since he officially moved into his fiance's mansion  he can't get away with it. On que his lover comes into the room with his keys jingling on his side. 

"Hello my baby. How are doing?" 

"Happy that you are here. Today is an off day." 

He walks over to the desk and kisses his lover. "Well let me fix that." He kisses his lover again and this time longer. The two move against each others lips and Jiyong wraps his arms around his lovers neck but then he stops himself. "mmmm...hyunnie not here..." Jiyong knows that he can't hear him but he figured he understood him. 

"I got a little carried away's just those lips are so irresistible..." He steals another quick kiss. "Come come Yongie I'm taking us some where special today....lunch will be extended." 

Jiyong smiles. "I like the sound of that.." 

The two head out to the parking lot. Seunghyun unlocks their car and they get in to go to their destination. They get to a red light and Jiyong taps Seunghyun's shoulder. "Where are we going baby?" Seunghyun runs a hand through JIyong's hair. "We are going some place special for you and me." 

He continues to drive and Jiyong watches as the buildings change and then he notices that they are getting some place familiar. Jiyong starts to look around as they are driving. Finally they pull in to a cemetery and Jiyong starts to tear up. Seunghyun parks the car and sees that his lover is tearing up. 

"Jiyong ah? Did I do this too much?" 

Jiyong shakes his head in a no motion. "'s fine...I just have never been here with anyone else..." 

Seunghyun smiles and gets out the car. He walks over and open's Jiyong's door and holds out his hand. "Lets go Jiyong." The younger takes his hand and a tissue in hand and leads the way to his mothers grave. The cemetery is small but well kept with luscious green grass and beautiful landscaping that surrounds it. 

They finally make it over to his mother's grave and it is filled with well kept flowers and greenery. Jiyong always visits his mothers grave and keeps it well kept. He tomb stone looks as if it has not aged a bit. Seunghyun then lets go of Jiyongs hand. The younger watches as his lover walks in front of the grave and bows deeply. 

Seunghyun bows again and this time as a son in law getting down to the ground and coming back up again. Jiyong puts his hand over his mouth in awe as he is properly introducing himself to his mother. Seunghyun looks over at Jiyong and smiles again and then looks at the grave. 

"Hello mother. I'm Choi Seunghyun. I work as a director at the Seoul Nature Garden. I'm pleased to meet you and I apologize for not meeting you earlier. Your son likes to sneak out early mornings to come visit you and I have become jealous because I want to see you too." He chuckles to himself and clears his throat. "Jiyong has become the best thing in my life and because of him my life is amazing. I thank you for raising such a beautiful son with such a strong heart to love and  to give." He takes Jiyong's hand "We will be getting married soon and we would love to have your blessing Mother. I will soon bring Yoo Bin so you can meet her too. I'm sure our future together will be great and I can't wait to celebrate you every year. I will make sure to make the best food for your offering." 

Jiyong by this point is speechless he is so in love right now. "Well as you can see mom I have a keeper. I love you Mom." He bows and wipes away a tear. Seunghyun pulls JIyong into a hug and they just live in the beautiful moment that Seunghyun has created for the two. 


They get back to the car and eat the food that Seunghyun has stored in a lunch bin. Jiyong takes a bite of his sandwich. "How did you know where this is?" 

Seunghyun chuckles. "I followed you every time you came here." 

Jiyong's eyes widen..." How come you didn't say anything if you knew." 

"I wanted to do it when the time is right. I wanted to properly introduce myself to mother with you it's not that I didn't want to be around you not saying that you are judgmental because I wouldn't think that I just wanted to make this a surprise because I felt that you would like this rambled again..." 

"I love you" Jiyong laughs. "Thank you for doing this. I was speechless when you bowed and talked to her. I love you so much Hyunnie.." Jiyong can't help but give his lover praises. 

"I love everything about you. I want us to be connected in all ways. You will soon be my husband and we will be as one all of us as a family. I don't want your mother missing out either" He smiles again before pulling Jiyong in to kiss him. 

He releases the kiss and Jiyong chuckles. "Hyunnie your crumbs are on my mouth now..." 

"mmm y Yongie..those crumbs...y." He his lips. 

They both burst out into laughter. 

Hey all new chapter! Please leave feed back! Thank you for reading!


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Chapter 1: I have been reading thos for many times through years and still not bored ...
Chapter 35: Its a really heart warming story i loved every bit of it the fact that seung can't hear ji's voice killed me really its sad really but its a new thing i never read a fic with such story line its soo good and that little ball of cuteness is so perfect ugh that fart in bed tho XD I laughed so hard hahaha and seung rumblings are so cute kekekeke the best thing is BOTTOM TOP XD now thats a change but such a baby lol ..... Thank you for your great work i love all your fics really now i will move to read another one ^^
Chapter 34: i got a trully shock feelings !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how can this make my manly seunghyun into a botm ?! and in this chapter i finally realize that seunghyun never hear jiyong voice ! this chapter gave me a shock !
Chapter 26: awwww !!!!! what a cute story !!! i love the picture and especially the story ! . this was the third of my favourite stories after the manny and my husband is a vampire . I hope you make another one about lovey dovey couple with their child and must GTOP !!! i'm starting become your fans author-nim .... FIGHTING :)
Chapter 35: So beautiful story ♡♡♡
Chapter 35: Hehehe. This story is so cute. I read it twice :)
All along I wanted to hug Hyunnie cause his dad was mean and to hug Youngie because he was so lonely but they had each other and that made me happy and at ease. I was so happy cause the beautiful friendship between my 5 boys was so precious till the friendship between Hyunnie and Youngie turned into love, engagement, committed marriage. And Yoobin was so precious little girl who brought them closer than they were <3
Thanks for sharing this beautiful story with us.
Hey, a new reader here. Came here because of "The Manny". I just wanna tell you something about the pictures in the Forward part aren't all working, well except for Ji's and Dae's pictures. Will enjoy reading this one just like "The Manny" :D
Blue82 #8
Chapter 35: I love seke couples just throwing that out there. This story was so romantic and sweet with just a touch of angst to give it depth. I enjoyed this so much that I'm up way later than I intended to finish it.
I finally found it i read it WAY long time ago and i loved it and i have been looking for it for months and now BOOM GONNA READ IT AGAIN AND AGAIN
Chapter 23: praise Dongwook's mom for his existence