Morning Sunshine!!

My Heartbeat

It's 6am and Jiyong is sound a sleep. Jiyong is known for being a hard sleeper so he did not hear his phone buzzing crazily on his night stand. The light of his cell phone was like a strobe light that went off in the room. He purposly put it on this setting so he would not miss a business call. The little one in the room was not use to the light in the room and woke up. 

Yoo Bin got out of bed and walked over to her daddy and lightly shook him. Jiyong didn't respond much and the little one just giggled at her daddy. She waddles  over to the night stand and sees that the phone is moving and blinking. She figured it was buzzing and she picked up the phone and saw a familiar word on the caller id blinking Hyunnie. She smiled and picked up the phone and babbled into the speaker. 

"Hi other appa...daddy is sleep...he no wake up" 

Seunghyun smiles down at the babble translation and sees that Yoo Bin answered the phone. He then laughs and sees that she hung up the phone. " So now he has his kid picking up the phone." He smiles to himself and heads out the door. He gets into a taxi and tells the driver to take him to Jiyong's apartment. 

Meanwhile the little one has the blinking device in her hand. She takes the phone and hides it under one of her pillows to prevent the strobe light from emerging again. She lightly claps to herself and falls back to sleep hugging her pink bear brick toy tightly. 


Minutes later Seunghyun gets to the apartment and walks up the stairs to Jiyong's door. He figured that Jiyong was knocked out cold. "Maybe the little one will get up."  He takes his phone and writes a simple text message. "Yoo Bin come open door for Hyunnie" He sends the text and stands outside to wait because there was no use in knocking. 

Yoo Bin furrows her brows as she feels her bed vibrating again. She takes the phone and looks at it and sees there is a message on the phone that Seunghyun wrote to her. She giggles and walks to the front door. She walks up to the door knob and takes both hands to open the door. Seunghyun hears the door opening and bends down ready to greet the little princess. Yoo Bin slowly opens the door to see a smiling face waiting to hug her. Seunghyun mouths "Yoo Bin good job!" She laughs and runs into his arms and the older one takes the little girl into a tight embrace and kisses her cheek and puts her down. 

Seunghyun quickly signs to Yoo Bin "Is daddy sleeping?" 

Yoo Bin makes a confused face " You know sign language too?" 

Seunghyun freaks a bit and forgets that the little one has a good memory and signs back " I know a little from you daddy" Which was a lie but it was a good cover just in case the little one decides to spill the beans. 

"Daddy sleep...daddy no wake up" 

Seunghyun smiles and signs again " Go play with your toys I will wake daddy" 

Yoo Bin smiles and instead of playing with toys she cuddles into her bean bag.  Seunghyun is taken back by such a cute site. He takes a throw blanket from the sofa and gently places it over the small figure. He then walks over to the bedroom area and kneels down next to the bed and watches how JIyong is sleeping. His mouth was open and he was snoring lightly some would find this a funny sight but Seunghyun found it beautiful. He takes a hand and caresses the younger ones hair. This makes Jiyong turn over to his side facing the older one. 

Seunghyun smiles and repeats the same action and coos " Yongie..." 

Jiyong slowly opens his eyes to see his boyfriend running his hand through his hair with a loving smile. " get in...*yawn*

"Your daughter let me in"

Jiyong sleepily laughs "How she do that?" 

"She read my text" Seunghyun laughs

"She did?" Jiyong reaches to the nightstand to not find his phone sitting there. 

"I tried calling you earlier but you did not answer so Yoo Bin did for you" 

"Wow kids really know how to use cell phones early" Jiyong laughs as they both stand up now standing next to the bed. Seunghyun laughs again and takes the younger man into his arms. Jiyong wraps his arms around the tall warm figure and takes in his designer scent. Seunghyun smiles and releases the hug. 

"The anniversary of the west garden will be in two days are you excited?" 

Jiyong nods "Yea it has been a lot of work and I can't wait for your speech and the whole presentation to come together." 

Seunghyun loves the younger ones excitement and kisses him on the lips. Jiyong melts into the kiss and they quietly make out in the darkness. Seunghyun pulls away before he gets any ideas. Jiyong blushes and looks over to the play area to see if Yoo Bin was still sleeping and she was. 

"I will make us some breakfast my Yongie and we then can get the toddler ready for the day and then we can go to work" Seunghyun says excitedly. 

Jiyong wraps is arms around his boyfriends neck " How did I get such a great boyfriend?"

Seunghyun smiles back " You applied to the right job" Jiyong smirks and quickly pecks his lovers lips "I love you" 

Seunghyun blushes "I love you and Yoo Bin too" 

Jiyong looks lovingly into his boyfriends eyes and then releases the hugs to go get ready for the day. Seunghyun walks over to the kitchen and rummages around to try to find something to whip up for breakfast. He is amazed at the kitchen all of the food in the cabinets were alphabetized. Seunghyun laughed at how OCD the kitchen was . He yells towards the bathroom "Wow when did you do all of this OCD?" Jiyong who has a mouth full of tooth paste yells back knowing the other can't hear "mmmleaner than urs" 

Jiyong finishes in the bathroom and walks out to an aroma of pancakes and eggs. He quickly goes to his bedroom area and pulls out some clothes for the day. Since Seunghyun was in the kitchen he figured he wouldn't walk in on him he thought. Seunghyun finishes the food and walks into the bed room to see Jiyong's half body and his time it's his upper half. He can't move he just stares at the milky white skin of his back the lightly toned arm muscles. Jiyong turns around from his dresser and sees the tall man staring at him and smirks "Hyunnie....hello" JIyong waves and Seunghyun freaks. 

"Omo omo omo...I'm so sorry I don't know why I didn't leave....please don't see me as a freak..." 

Jiyong laughs "Of course not baby and remember we are both men...nothing new" say Jiyong with a light blush. To be honest he was freaked out too but not in a bad way. He just didn't want to freak out or make his Hyunnie feel bad and the plan worked. Seunghyun turns around "Breakfast is ready baby...once again sorry about that I will knock next time" Jiyong laughs at his silly boyfriend and throws on his last item of clothing. He walks into the kitchen to see his boyfriend cleaning some dishes that are no longer needed. Jiyong wraps his arms around his lover in a back hug and kisses back with a big kiss. Seunghyun lightly laughs and turns around to kiss the younger ones forehead. 

"Let's wake up Yoo Bin together hmm?" Jiyong nods in agreement and they both walk out to the living room to the play area. Yoo Bin is knocked out and they both wished that she could sleep longer but she had to wake up. Jiyong bends down and lightly rubs her back. She moves a little bit and turns over to see both of her daddies. 

"Hi Appa Hi daddy" Both of the men smile at the names that the little one has given them. 

Jiyong picks her up and kisses her. "How is my baby girl" 

"I'm not a baby. I'm big girl " Yoo Bin smiles 

"Of course you are a big girl" Seunghyun coos which leaves the little one with a shy smile in agreement. 

Jiyong takes her to the bathroom to help her brush her teeth and wash her face. He takes out her toothbrush and paste and begins to brush her teeth for her. Yoo Bin can't help but try to swallow the tooth paste because it's berry flavor. "Yoo Binah don't eat the paste okay" Yoo Bin nods and smiles with tooth paste all over her face. Jiyong can't help but laugh and then he hears a click sound behind him. He looks into the mirror and sees that his boyfriend is being a paparazzi. 

 Seunghyun shrugs "What? I think this a cute scene"

"Yes it is cute" JIyong kisses the top of the toddlers head. 

Seunghyun comes into the bathroom and takes a picture of all of them together in the mirror. He takes his phone and the picture is taken with a click. "This is our first family portrait. We can show the other picture to Yoo Bins future boyfriends"

Jiyong laughs " Protective daddy huh?"

Seunghyun laughs too "Yea yea what ever....I know how guys are...."

They all leave the bathroom and help Yoo Bin pick out some clothes for the day and then they all have a quick....well not so quick breakfast due to Yoo Bin spilling orange juice on her shirt.  They change the little one again and head out the door to head to work.  The make it down into the parking garage and Yoo Bin is in Jiyongs arms. Seunghyun takes out his key and unlocks the car doors and then turns to Jiyong "I have a key too just in case"  Jiyong who is not surprised continues to the car and opens the backdoor to strap Yoo Bin in her car seat. 

Once she is buckled in the couple gets into the car and strap them selves in. Seunghyun starts the car and they make the trip to work. Jiyong feels like he is in a dream land. He has the boyfriend of his dreams and the daughter that he has been hoping for. He has never been so spoiled in his life. Jiyong starts to get nervous when he realizes that this will be the first time that he is going to work together with his boyfriend and his daughter. 'What will the people think...'

Seunghyun sees the younger ones expression and holds his hand tightly. Jiyong looks over and smiles at the gesture but still has a lot on his mind. They get to a stop light and Jiyong taps his boyfriends shoulder. Seunghyun looks over at his nervous boyfriend. 

"What's wrong baby" 

"Imm just I'm just a little nervous...this is the first time we will be coming to work together."

"Don't be nervous baby" He takes one hand and caresses the younger ones cheek. " I'm sure everyone knows already but I want to make us more official. I want them to see the people I love. " Seunghyun smiles with his eyes turned into half moons. "I love you Jiyong" 

"I love you too"  The nervousness goes away and the light changes. 


They make it to work and they pull into the employee parking lot. Normally Seunghyun parks in the front but today he didn't want to over do it. The all get out of the car and Jiyong un buckles the little one who is still sleepy. Seunghyun takes her into his arms and Jiyong kisses both of them and heads to his part of the building. Seunghyun takes his leave as well with the little one on his shoulder sleeping peacefully. He walks into this wing of the building and he is greeted with his two secretaries. 

"Omo omo she is soooo cute" both of the women quietly talk about how cute the child was Seunghyun lays the child down on the sofa in the office and places   a small blanket on her

"Dara Bom this is Yoo Bin" says Seunghyun quietly and smiling at the small figure. 

"Aww are you baby sitting her?" says Bom 

"No...she is mine" 

Both of the girls make a confused face "from a previous marriage?" says Dara 

"Ohhh no no no....sorry I adopted this little girl a couple days ago...she was here on children day and I fell in love with her." 

"Ohhhhh" says both of the secretaries in unison. 

"Yea I decided to adopt her because of" "Your boyfriend?" Bom chimes in. 

Seunghyun laughs "Let me guess Seungri and Daesung filled you in?" 

Both of the women nod and laugh "Yea they did...Taeyang did too"

"Wow I'm surprised Tae said something too."

"Everyone is rooting for you here." says Dara

Dara gets closer to the boss and whispers "You have a your 845 meeting waiting in your office"

Seunghyuns eyes widen "I have a 845 today?"

Both of the secretaries slowly nod and Seunghyun looks at his door and sighs. He slowly opens the door to his office and walks in to deeply bow. 

"Good morning Chairman"


Dun dun dunnnn what could the chairman possibly need? Thank you all for reading! Please comments and sub. I love the feed back!!


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Chapter 1: I have been reading thos for many times through years and still not bored ...
Chapter 35: Its a really heart warming story i loved every bit of it the fact that seung can't hear ji's voice killed me really its sad really but its a new thing i never read a fic with such story line its soo good and that little ball of cuteness is so perfect ugh that fart in bed tho XD I laughed so hard hahaha and seung rumblings are so cute kekekeke the best thing is BOTTOM TOP XD now thats a change but such a baby lol ..... Thank you for your great work i love all your fics really now i will move to read another one ^^
Chapter 34: i got a trully shock feelings !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how can this make my manly seunghyun into a botm ?! and in this chapter i finally realize that seunghyun never hear jiyong voice ! this chapter gave me a shock !
Chapter 26: awwww !!!!! what a cute story !!! i love the picture and especially the story ! . this was the third of my favourite stories after the manny and my husband is a vampire . I hope you make another one about lovey dovey couple with their child and must GTOP !!! i'm starting become your fans author-nim .... FIGHTING :)
Chapter 35: So beautiful story ♡♡♡
Chapter 35: Hehehe. This story is so cute. I read it twice :)
All along I wanted to hug Hyunnie cause his dad was mean and to hug Youngie because he was so lonely but they had each other and that made me happy and at ease. I was so happy cause the beautiful friendship between my 5 boys was so precious till the friendship between Hyunnie and Youngie turned into love, engagement, committed marriage. And Yoobin was so precious little girl who brought them closer than they were <3
Thanks for sharing this beautiful story with us.
Hey, a new reader here. Came here because of "The Manny". I just wanna tell you something about the pictures in the Forward part aren't all working, well except for Ji's and Dae's pictures. Will enjoy reading this one just like "The Manny" :D
Blue82 #8
Chapter 35: I love seke couples just throwing that out there. This story was so romantic and sweet with just a touch of angst to give it depth. I enjoyed this so much that I'm up way later than I intended to finish it.
I finally found it i read it WAY long time ago and i loved it and i have been looking for it for months and now BOOM GONNA READ IT AGAIN AND AGAIN
Chapter 23: praise Dongwook's mom for his existence