
My Heartbeat

Seunghyun wakes up and looks up at the ceiling...he let Jiyong have with him last night and it was amazing. Now that he is awake he is not wanting to move his legs. Instead he just looks at the ceiling and reaches for a pill to relieve the pain that he knows is there. He still to this day doesn't know how Jiyong does it.

The younger rolls over hearing his lover gulp down some water. "Oh you are awake" says Jiyong looking at his lover. He then laughs and taps his lover making the older turn his head with a grin. "You are awake huh?"

"Neee...I wanted to take a pain killer."

Jiyong rolls over " Why are you facing the ceiling?"

"I don't want to move...I know there will be pain" chuckles the older. Jiyong smiles warmly and rubs his lovers leg. "It's not that bad hyunnie. I'm fine look at me" Jiyong moves his legs freely and Seunghyun then gets the courage to move his leg. "Aaaaaah" says the older in pain. Jiyong looks at his lover again and signs. "Hyunnie!? Are you okay?"

The older groans and says out loud. "I think that I'm pregnant. You ed me really hard...I think something is down there..." 

Jiyong laughs "You are such a baby"

The older pouts. "I'm not a baby...I'm a y machine"

Jiyong pats his lover's shoulder and looks into his eyes. "Yes yes baby you are a y machine"


After a long flight and having to deal with missing baggage the two are finally back in Seoul. Jiyong and Seunghyun had a great honey moon and they are closer than ever. It's crazy to them how they are both married now. Seunghyun can now freely touch and make love to his husband anytime now. He is so happy that he waited because it really showed how much he really did love Jiyong. 

"ACk!" says the older as he lifts his legs out of the car. Jiyong looks at his lover and has been feeling guilty since last night. He walks over and grabs his bags catching the other off gaurd. "I got it baby" mouths Jiyong to his lover. 

The two just got back from their honey moon. They are in traditional clothing and they are excited to give their mother their bows as a married couple. Seunghyun steps in front of his lover and signs. "Baby...you have been looking guilty all morning." 

Jiyong sighs and mouths. "I was too much last night..I hurt you..." 

"You were the best I ever had." says the older out loud which makes Jiyong lightly slap the man. "Yah yah what if mother is by the door." Seunghyun smirks. "Would you rather us go to a local hotel to settle this argument...you could scream out all of your fustrations" 

Jiyong shivers to the deep voice. "Yaaaaah stop it...after having I get all the time like a teenage boy." 

Seunghyun leans over and kisses his lover. "Mmmm I love it that you think of me" Jiyong chuckles and picks up the bag again. Seunghyun then swoops in and takes the heavy bag back turning  to his lover sticking out his tongue. Jiyong laughs at his childish husband.

They both decide to go to the front door to greet their family. Of course the person to open the door is none other than Yoo Bin. "Daddies!!" she jumps and screams waking up her grandmother taking a nap on the sofa. Jiyong laughs and puts down his luggage as the little hands are grabbing at him to pick her up. Seunghyun moves a little faster than the other and takes her into a embrace. Seunghyun has missed his daughter so much and now he is practically in tears making Jiyong tear up too. 

Seunghyun then reaches out his arm and wraps Jiyong into the hug too. The smaller man wraps his hands around his husband and takes in the moment of their family being reunited. Mrs. Choi takes the opportunity to take a couple of pictures which makes Jiyong look back as he hears the clicking. He releases the hug and goes over to his mother in law. "I missed you too mother." He gives her a warm embrace and the older pats him on the back. "Did you two have some fun?" Jiyong blushes slightly. "Ne...we did." 

Seunghyun comes over with Yoo Bin in his arms. "What did mother say to you now?" 

Jiyong smiles at his husband. "She has missed us" 

Seunghyun looks at his mother. "You embarassed him already." 

Mrs. Choi slaps her son on the shoulder. "I will ask my son anything I want. Where are my bows?" says the older with a laugh. Jiyong smiles and goes over to his husband to let Yoo Bin down. Mrs. Choi takes a seat on the sofa. "Hmmm You may begin." 

The married couple laughs and they stand together looking at their mother in law. Seunghyun takes the lead and they both do a bow to the floor. They rise up and stand hand in hand. Mrs. Choi with a tissue in hand is in happy tears. "Oh my son I'm so happy that you married such a wonderful man. May you have a wonderful marriage together" Seunghyun chuckles. "Neeee he is special huh?" 

Jiyong wipes a tear "Thank you for taking me into your family. I will never forget what you all have done for me" 

Seunghyun moves his hand to rest on Jiyong's waist. "I thank you for coming to me...I thank the heavens" Jiyong laughs. "You are so chessy but I love it" 

Yoo Bin comes over and tugs her appa's leg. "What is it baby" signs Seunghyun. 

Yoo Bin points to his legs. "You walk funny daddy...." says the toddler looking at her appa funny. Seunghyun turns a deep shade of red. "Appa why you red. Why you look funny" 

Jiyong then changes the subject and signs. "Show me some of your drawings baby. I miss your drawings" Jiyong smiles brightly. Yoo Bin being a child of course forgets what she was talking about before and pulls her daddy to the refrigerator. "Look look" says the toddler showing pictures of the family together...well scribble of their family. Jiyong bends down and signs. "They are beautiful baby" He kisses her head and the younger grabs on to her daddy again. Jiyong takes a moment and lets the younger hug him. He can tell that she really missed them. 

He releases the hug "Do you want to sleep with daddies tonight?" Yoo Bin lights up. "I missed you daddy. Don't leave long time again..." It breaks Jiyong's heart hearing how sad his daughter was. "I will always be here. No matter where we are we will always be with you. Look daddy is here now." The younger nods and kisses her daddy on the cheek. Seunghyun comes in and whines to Jiyong. "I want a kiss too." 

Jiyong then gets Yoo Bin's attention. "Appa wants us to kiss him. Should we?" Jiyong smiles at the younger. Yoo Bin nods. "Ne!" He picks her up and brings them over to Seunghyun. They get close and the both of them kiss Seunghyun on the cheek...well Jiyong got a couple more pecks. Jiyong bounces their child in his arms and then looks at his husband. "I told Binnie that we will be all sleeping together tonight." 

Seunghyun smiles "Great idea I have missed us as a family." 

Mrs. Choi comes into the kitchen and chuckles. "Jiyong ah. Can I join" says the older jokingly. Jiyong laughs. "You can if you wanna" 

The older waves her hand. "Nah I like my space." Seunghyun then laughs. "You will be missing out on the fun" Mrs. Choi chuckles. "I'm sure you already had plenty of fun." 


"Just saying" says the older turning around. "I'm going to bed now. I will leave the little one to you two now." 

Jiyong then shouts "Good night mother" 

"Night Jiyong ah." 

////////////////////The Bedroom///////////////////

Jiyong and Yoo Bin are sitting in bed playing with their Ipad while Seunghyun finishes up in the bathroom. After another round of pain killers he is not walking weird any more. Jiyong still calls him a baby and Seunghyun promises to pay him back. 

"Aiiiigo that plane has made me more tired" says the older stretching his arms before crawling into bed. Jiyong rubs his lover's arm "Do you feel better?" 

The older sticks out his tougue. "Not like you care..." Jiyong chuckles. "Sure sure" Jiyong gets more settled into the covers. "What are you two playing?" Jiyong looks over and smiles. "It's a matching game. It helps with Yoo Bin's memory." 

Seunghyun leans over and cuddles next to his daughter. "Yaaaaah they have everything for these kids...." 

Jiyong chuckles. "Ne...I didn't have toys growing up like this. I'm glad that our daughter can have a happy life with many fun things." Seunghyun puts his arm around the both of them. "You two will have anything you want....that I can afford" laughs the older. Jiyong looks over at his husband. "Even if we didn't have any of this...I would still love you the same I do now." 

Seunghyun smiles. "I know baby...but the money is a nice highlight right?" 

Jiyong shakes his head. "I love you and only you and our binnie" 

"I love you both. You have me crazy for you both." says the older looking into his lovers eyes. Jiyong leans over and kisses his lover on the lips and Yoo Bin continues to play her game. The pad buzzes and she smiles and claps. "I win!! I win!" Jiyong hugs her and then signs. "Let's go to bed okay baby?" Yoo Bin nods and Jiyong gets out of bed. He turns on the bathroom light and closes the door halfway for a nightlight. He gets back in the bed and snuggles close to his family. Seunghyun wraps an arm around the both of them. "Can this get anymore perfect..." Yoo Bin then farts and giggles. "Sorry appa I farted" 

Jiyong laughs and says to himself. "You did indeed"

...he has missed her stinky dearly. 

///////////////////////Sunday 7am////////////////////

The phone is ringing like crazy and Jiyong has ignored the calls three times already. He finally gets up and looks and sees it's their work calling. "Hello" says Jiyong with sleep in his voice. "Jiyong?!" 

Jiyong then straightens up "What? What is it?" 

"You need to come down here...things are crazy..." 

"Bae...what? What kind of crazy???" 

"Just come down here...you will see..." 

They hang up the phone and Jiyong reaches over to wake up his lover. He tugs at his shoulders and the older mumbles. "Jiyong ah...I didn't know you liked to get frisky so early..." Jiyong rolls his eyes and continues to push his lover. Seunghyun finally opens his eyes and sees the look on his lover's face. "What?" Seunghyun sits up too. "What is it baby?" 

"We need to go to work?" 

"It's Sunday...." 

"No nno...Bae called me...there is something going on...I don't know but we need to get dressed..." 

Seunghyun nods. "You get ready first I will get mom to watch Yoo Bin..." 

Jiyong gets out of bed and goes into the bathroom. He has no idea what is going on but it sounded like something urgent. He hates to have something happen and he doesn't know what he is in for. It is Spring and the landscapers have messed up in the past which equaled to digging up plants for weeks.

The younger splashes cold water on his face "I hope it's not the landscapers." He towls off his face and runs into the bedroom to find Seunghyun with Yoo Bin again. He then signs. "What happen?" 

Seunghyun shrugs his shoulders. "Mother is not home...I think that she had a old ladies meet up today..." Jiyong sighs signs. "I will get our baby ready...you get dressed." 

Jiyong then takes his daughter in his arms and carries her to the other side of the house. He washes her face and puts on a pink dress. The younger reaches in her closet and pulls out a big bowed headband. "I wanna wear this." Jiyong who is in a hurry let's the younger wear the headband. He then picks her up again and in record time his husband is waiting by the door. Seunghyun opens the door for the two and they both head out to the car in search of the unknown....

////////////////////////Nature Garden/////////////////

They get to the work place and there is no one parked out front since it's Sunday. Jiyong gets out first and helps Yoo Bin get out of her car seat. Seunghyun then goes over to pick her up with a smile. "How are you my love?"

Yoo Bin yawns and smiles. "Happy happy" 

Jiyong smiles in relief that the younger can't see the craziness happening between the two. Seunghyun takes out his key card and scans for the front doors to open. They get into the lobby and of course no one is there too. Jiyong then hears a big popping noise which makes him jump. Seunghyun looks over "What did you hear...?" 

Jiyong shrugs his shoulders. "There is something going on outside..." 

They walk up to the doors and open them "SURPRISE!!!!!!" screams everyone from their work. Jiyong and Seunghyun have blank faces and have no idea what is going on. YoungBae comes over and pats Jiyong on the shoulder. "Well this is what's going on..." 

Jiyong looks over and then looks around. "When did you prepare all of this..." The garden is decorated once again with a mini fair theme.

"Last night..." 

Seunghyun sees the words. "Last night...all of this...?" 

Mrs. Choi comes over. "Do you like the surprise?" Jiyong looks over at his mother in law and laughs. "Ne ne...I just...didn't expect this..." 

The garden is beautifully decorated again for their welcoming party. Everyone wanted to do something for the new couple. Mrs. Choi then takes Yoo Bin into her arms she puts her down and signs. "Binnie...look over there..." 

The little one looks over and then sees a bunch of kids. She of course takes off and runs towards the little ones. Jiyong smiles and almost cries. "I can't believe you brought the children from the orphanage here....thank you mother..." 

Seunghyun hugs his mom "You little sneak!" 

Mrs. Choi releases the hug and then motions to the two. "Go and mix and mingle...enjoy your selves." 

She leaves and of course their friends crowd around them. "So hyung how was your trip?" says Seungri 

"It was so much fun. We saw all of Jeju" 

Dong Wook chuckles. "I'm sure you saw more than that." Bom glares at her husband and then smiles warmly at Jiyong. "I'm glad that you had fun Jiyong." Daesung then pats Seunghyun on the shoulder. "I'm glad you two hyungs  had a great time. I bet you two were pretty scared with that phone call." 

Bae then chuckles. "I was trying so hard not to laugh. I had to go all the way to the other side of the building so that it was quiet." Seungri laughs. "Yea we went all the way to the conference rooms." 

Dong Wook then looks at Seunghyun. "Do you like it? The whole mini fair and all for the kids? "

Seunghyun nods. "Of course hyung. This is all amazing...all of this in such a short amount of time..." 

They all conversate with each other sharing stories and tales of married life that are fun and new. Jiyong still can't belive that he is living this fairy tale life. Seunghyun and Jiyong then go back over to thank their mother. "Thank you mother for doing this" bows Jiyong. "Ne mom...you are the best. We really feel welcomed with our new marriage." 

Mrs. Choi chuckles."Of course loves....but I didn't do all of this by myself..." 

Seunghyun chuckles. "Then who else would do this for us." 

"I did" says a voice behind them. Jiyong knows that voice so well. He pats his husband to turn around and Seunghyun is in shock. "Father...you..."

The older man sighs "Ne...I did this..." He walks closer making Jiyong grab onto his husband. The older man looks the younger over. "I can't believe how much of a monster I have been to you...Jiyong...I'm sorry...." 

Seunghyun then gets confused. "Why...why now...you have done so much but you think a party is going to settle things...." Mrs. Choi then rubs her son's shoulder making the him look back. She then mouths. "Just hear him out...." 

The old man looks down again. "I know that money can't buy back all the wrong I did...but I want to start with something....I miss you son...I miss not being apart of your life...I hate going home alone...I hate that I did this to myself...that I'm missing out on so many precious things to you that I hurt."He then looks at Jiyong. "I know that it will take a while for you to forgive me...but I hope that one day you will see me as a father...and I hope that Yoo Bin will see me as her grandfather. I want nothing but the best for you all and I just want to live my life right for now on. I know the past is still there...but can we turn a new leaf...I'm really sorry..I'm so sorry Jiyong...I'm sorry..." The old man starts to cry and Seunghyun doesn't see the monster that he saw before....he now is starting to see a human in his eyes. 

He looks into Jiyong's eyes and the younger nods for approval. "We can try..." says Seunghyun still surprised his father is right in front of him. 

The older looks up with hopefully eyes. "You will....Oh thank you! Thank you Seunghyun ah. Jiyong ah. I'm so happy..." The old man bows deeply a couple times and wipes his eyes. Yoo Bin comes over with a tissue and looks at the old man. "Don't cry....be happy." She holds up a tissue and the old man looks into the younger ones eyes. "Thank you" 

Jiyong then sees that the man is sincere....baby steps. He bends down and signs to his daughter. "This is your grandpa. Greet him warmly baby." 

The younger smiles and bows deeply. "Hello Grandpa. I'm Choi Yoo Bin" 

The older man cries again. "Aigo...why is she so cute?" 

Seunghyun puts his arm around his lover. "Because she is apart of us." Jiyong looks over at his lover and smiles. Seunghyun takes his lovers hand and looks at his Dad. "Thank you Appa...thank you for finally looking past the negative...and finally seeing me for me...we forgive you...but it will take some time for us to get close again..." 

Mr Choi smiles. "I can wait...I will wait. Thank you for  forgiving me..." 

They are not perfect but it's a start. Mr. Choi finally went over that bridge of monster and crossed in to human land. A place where people actually care. Seeing how his son was doing with him scared him and woke him up knowing that he could leave this earth with hatered. The last thing he wants is to be remembered as the person that never accepted his own flesh and blood. He wants to get to know Jiyong and Yoo Bin properly. The old man sees how Jiyong brings a smile to his son's face and that's all he ever wanted for his son. 

Mrs. Choi is not getting back with her husband, but she is happy that the old man is finally being an adult about life. 


Seunghyun and Jiyong finally get into their bed after a long day. The older has already told his secretaries that they will be coming in late tomorrow morning. The whole evening has been very eventful from the party to Mr. Choi finally seeking for giveness for his sins. The older couldn't be happier because that is all he ever wanted. He finally gets to have his father wanting to be by his side. 

Jiyong who once saw the man as a monster has also changed his views in a matter of hours. For the first time Jiyong felt what it was like to be in a complete almost perfect family. There are still some things that need to be fixed but what family doesn't have problems. 

It was just a little over a year ago Jiyong walked into the garden expecting just a job. Little did he know he ened up with a beautiful man looking down on him who turned into his crush, boyfriend, fiance, and then husband/hyunnie/yeobo. All of his wishes came true of having a wonderful family and a great husband by his side. Though he tends to be a nerd and ramble. 

Even the disability he doesn't mind...Choi Seunghyun is not so rude after all. 

Jiyong looks into his lover's eyes. "I had so much fun today..." 

Seunghyun leans in a kisses his lover gently and looks into his eyes" Ne. I did too" The older rubs Jiyong's arm earning a blush from the other. "Oh is that a blush I see." 

Jiyong chuckles. "If only you could hear my heart...it's going crazy..." 

Seunghyun grins and puts his hand to his lover's heart. "You love me? You really love me?" says Seunghyun in a playful voice. Jiyong swats the hand away. "Silly" The older pulls his husband into an embrace with Jiyong resting his head on his lover's shoulder. "Yeobo...I love you so much." He kisses Jiyong's hair. 

Jiyong kisses his lover's shoulder and murmurs. "I love you too" Seunghyun didn't hear it...but he felt every word.

With love, you don't always have to hear it. If you can see it, and you can feel it...that's all you ever need.



**It has been over a year!!! This was my first story on this site and I'm so happy to finish it here. I thank you all for reading this story and following along this journey Jiyong and Seunghyun took together as a couple. If you think about it they dated for a year and they got married after they have been together over a year. Like a normal couple right? Anyways thank you again and please read my other fics. I plan on starting another fiction soon hehe...^^

Please look at my new story! This is a story about Jiyong being a nanny to Seunghyun's 1yr old child. The older soon learns that family is all he needs http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/418273

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Chapter 1: I have been reading thos for many times through years and still not bored ...
Chapter 35: Its a really heart warming story i loved every bit of it the fact that seung can't hear ji's voice killed me really its sad really but its a new thing i never read a fic with such story line its soo good and that little ball of cuteness is so perfect ugh that fart in bed tho XD I laughed so hard hahaha and seung rumblings are so cute kekekeke the best thing is BOTTOM TOP XD now thats a change but such a baby lol ..... Thank you for your great work i love all your fics really now i will move to read another one ^^
Chapter 34: i got a trully shock feelings !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how can this make my manly seunghyun into a botm ?! and in this chapter i finally realize that seunghyun never hear jiyong voice ! this chapter gave me a shock !
Chapter 26: awwww !!!!! what a cute story !!! i love the picture and especially the story ! . this was the third of my favourite stories after the manny and my husband is a vampire . I hope you make another one about lovey dovey couple with their child and must GTOP !!! i'm starting become your fans author-nim .... FIGHTING :)
Chapter 35: So beautiful story ♡♡♡
Chapter 35: Hehehe. This story is so cute. I read it twice :)
All along I wanted to hug Hyunnie cause his dad was mean and to hug Youngie because he was so lonely but they had each other and that made me happy and at ease. I was so happy cause the beautiful friendship between my 5 boys was so precious till the friendship between Hyunnie and Youngie turned into love, engagement, committed marriage. And Yoobin was so precious little girl who brought them closer than they were <3
Thanks for sharing this beautiful story with us.
Hey, a new reader here. Came here because of "The Manny". I just wanna tell you something about the pictures in the Forward part aren't all working, well except for Ji's and Dae's pictures. Will enjoy reading this one just like "The Manny" :D
Blue82 #8
Chapter 35: I love seke couples just throwing that out there. This story was so romantic and sweet with just a touch of angst to give it depth. I enjoyed this so much that I'm up way later than I intended to finish it.
I finally found it i read it WAY long time ago and i loved it and i have been looking for it for months and now BOOM GONNA READ IT AGAIN AND AGAIN
Chapter 23: praise Dongwook's mom for his existence