The meeting that decides all

My Heartbeat

The dreaded meeting of the night is finally here. Mr. Choi has finally decided to meet with his son. normally they do not meet for more than 15 minutes because that is all the time that he wants to spend with the other. Seunghyun is elated that his father wants to meet up for once. He was disappointed that he didn't come the first time but that was the same day as their last meeting. 

Seunghyun is now in the private dinner hall of another luxury restaurant. He is super nervous and he has no idea if his dad is going to show or not. There are no sensors on the door of the restaurant so he is literally going to this whole thing totally on his own. To make sure to see is father coming in his requested a table that has the table close to the door and he purposely sat in the chair that faces the door. Finally the door opens and and the hostess holds out her hand to gesture for the man in waiting to come through the door.

His father walks in with not a look of any expression on his face. Seunghyun stands up and they both bow and they both sit at the table. Knowing that this will be nothing but a meeting not a father son dinner. Seunghyun requested that no one comes in to disturb them until they leave the room themselves. The younger is ready for anything because he is ready to tell his father how he feels. 

His father makes a face "Are we just going to sit here and look at each other or are we going to talk about something...I'm a busy man." 

Seunghyun sighs "Father I want to talk to you about something" 

"Let me guess...that that you have been going out with..." His father makes a face and looks at his son. 

Seunghyun who is also stoned face. "Yes dad and his name is Jiyong" 

"How dare you correct me!! You want this meeting to turn into something else..." his father glares and the younger is a little startled by his sudden outburst. 

"Father you know that I want this meeting to go well but I have to tell you how I feel" Seunghyun looks pleadingly at his father to allow him to speak his mind. 

"Go on..." His father waves his hand. 

Seunghyun tries not to roll his eyes at the father that doesn't care really "Well I just wanted to say that I have fallen in love father. I have fallen in love with a man and I'm gay. Yoo-Bin Jiyong and I wish to be a family and I plan on doing that....with or without your blessing. " 

"With or with out...?" His father sits up in his chair..." How dare you!" His father yells and the room is dead quiet again. 

"Father I hate for it to be this way but you never cared about me. I'm tired of feeling like i have to always impress you. Can't you just be my father and support me. Can't you just love me?" He looks into his fathers eyes 

His father turns up his face again "I don't love fags and I never will accept Jiyong...we had a plan Seunghyun. You were to marry a woman and have children of your own. Have you thought about your image...a gay Director of the Seoul Nature Garden...Aigo just saying it out loud I'm ashamed..." 

Seunghyun shakes his head "That is sad to hear you say that. Since you feel that way...I will no longer be your son. " 

"Seunghyun!! " His father yells 

"No father, I'm tired of this...I'm going to marry Jiyong and you can't stop me. I'm a man now. You can either be in my life or just leave me be."  The director gets up from his chair and leaves his father speechless. He stops before touching the door tears are running down his face. "Father...I still love you...even though you are terrible to me I still love you and Yoo-Bin loves her grandpa and Jiyong loves you too. I hope that one day you will accept us. I now will leave you not as your son but as your employee...Goodbye Chairman Choi" 

Seunghyun leaves the room and does not turn back he walks to the valet and holds backs his tears. The car pulls up seconds later and he goes towards his car and leaves the restaurant that once was a place he had a father. 

Since Jiyong's place is closer he decides to go see his boyfriend. He needs comfort from somebody. He needs to be loved. 


He pulls into Jiyong's parking garage and he texts the younger. 

"Yongie...come down..."

Seconds later Jiyong responds "Why are you back so early...I will be right down baby" 

Seunghyun puts the phone down and leaves the car running and the tears start flowing. The man starts to break down. He truly feels that he has lost someone today and he can't believe that his father is so cruel. All he wanted was a father and all he does is put him down constantly. He can't take it anymore he just can't. 

Jiyong comes down stairs and sees the running car. He goes over by the passenger side door and sees his boyfriend crying and opens the door. Seunghyun sees the door opening and looks over at his concerned boyfriend. Jiyong pulls the other into a embrace and Seunghyun cries into his shoulder. The sounds that older was making was heartbreaking the way that he was breaking down. The younger didn't try to say anything he just wanted to be a support. 

He figured that the dinner didn't go well because they just met at 6 o'clock and it is now just 6:45 the meeting turned into the usual 15 minutes. Jiyong runs his hands lovingly through the others hair and Seunghyun breaks the hug with red puffy eyes. 

"Yongie I'm sorry I'm like this...I just needed some comfort. " 

Jiyong shakes his head "Hyunnie I love you. I'm here for you. " He pulls the older in for a sweet kiss. 

Seunghyun releases the kiss and holds on to Jiyongs hands "Jiyong...I told him everything...I told him how I felt about you. I told him about Yoo-Bin..." He starts to cry again "Shhh Jiyong coos whiles looking the other in the eyes. He caresses his face and whips away his tears. "Jiyong...I need to tell you something..." 

Jiyong his head to the side "What is it?" 

"Jiyong ah...I'm...I'm..." "I know." 

Seunghyun gets wide eyed " You know what?" 

Jiyong caresses his face and looks at the older totally in love "Hyunnie I know that you are deaf like Yoo-Bin..I have know for a while now..." 

Seunghyun is dumb founded. He thought that he was really good at hiding his disability. " How did you find out Yongie? " He starts to look guilty and Jiyong smiles in response "Don't give me that face...I'm not mad at have your reasons for hiding it and how could I not know pabo...My mother was deaf remember and you gave yourself away at times." Jiyong chuckles "You know I thought that you hated me when we first met. You kept ignoring me but then I figured things out. What your watch does" Then Jiyong signs to him "And how you know sign language just as well as I do" 

Seunghyun looks down. Here is thinking that he was lying to Jiyong this whole time when really he was making himself look stupid. He puts his head down in shame "I'm sorry" Jiyong lifts his chin again "Heey now don't do that. I love you and I forgave you a long time ago. I figured that you would tell me in your own time. I just played along and found you fun." Jiyong grins and Seunghyun chuckles "You found me fun" 

Jiyong signs back "Ne, you were a lot of fun to play with. Yoo-Bin spilled the bean about your sign language skills " 

Seunghyun laughs and signs back "I knew that she couldn't keep secrets..." 

"How can you trust a toddler" Jiyong chuckles and they both laugh for a bit 

Jiyong signs again "Keep smiling Hyunnie. We can get through this. Our mother accepted us and Yoo-Bin loves us too. I love you and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. We don't have to get married Hyunnie. All I need is you. " Jiyong holds on to the larger hand and pulls it up to kiss it. 

Seunghyun smiles with his eyes and speaks  "I'm so lucky to have you." They start to lean in but then stop when they hear the baby monitor go off with a toilet flush. They both laugh. "Yoo-Bin" They say in unison. Jiyong smiles at his boyfriend. "Let's go upstairs hmm? " 

Seunghyun smiles back and nods "I need my baby to cook me something. I'm hungry." 

Jiyong laughs. "What am I your house wife?" 

"You will be once we are married. " Seunghyun laughs. 

"I'm not doing all the cooking" Jiyong scoffs and heads up the stairs to his floor. Seunghyun follows behind with a smirk and grabs the youngers . Jiyong flinches and turns around "Yah hyunnie..." 

Seunghyun smirks "Just feeling the goods" 

"Goods?" Jiyong smirks 

Seunghyun winks and walks ahead to open the door to find a toddler waiting for him on the other side. Yoo-Bin screams and Jiyong is thankful that he is the only one who has to suffer Yoo Bin's high pitched screams. Seunghyun picks up the little girl "Aiiiigoooo how was school my love he speaks directly at her" 

"I had fun fun fun fun fun." Seunghyun looks over at Jiyong "Did she have candy" Jiyong winces "Yea I put her down for a nap and I guess the candy didn't war off yet. " They all go the living and Jiyong sits Yoo Bin on the sofa to sign to her "Yoo-Bin I have something to tell you." Seunghyun pats Jiyongs shoulder and mouths "I will do it" Jiyong moves over and Seunghyun sits next to the curious toddler. 

"Yoo Bin " Seunghyun signs 

Yoo Bin gets excited "You told Appa  about your secret?" 

"Ne Yoo Bin...Daddy wants to tell you that I'm just like you. I can't sign and I'm deaf like you..." 

Yoo Bin smiles and stands up on the sofa to hug her daddy and releases it to kiss him on the cheek "Yay I have a special daddy like me. They told me in school that we are special stars in the sky that shine brighter." Seunghyun laughs "I like what they taught you my love." Yoo Bin giggles and Jiyong joins them on the sofa. Jiyong looks at Yoo Bin "Now baby this is a family secret so we can only use sign language with Daddy in the house okay. So do what you have been doing k?" Yoo Bin shakes her head yes and kisses both of her daddys and speaks to Jiyong in his ear. "I can keep secret. I like secret" 

Jiyong stands up and pats the youngers head. He turns on the TV and hands the remote to Seunghyun and signs "I'm going to start dinner okay" The older signs back "you know I can read your lips baby" 

Jiyong then speaks "I know pabo I just find this fun. "  Seunghyun smiles and relaxes into the sofa with the toddler. 

Jiyong goes into the kitchen to prepare some dinner for the family. He puts on his apron and starts to get happy that this reality is going to be the rest of his life. He will one day be some ones husband some ones...groom? Jiyong laughs to himself that they will be one day "Husband and" Jiyong laughs as he is pulling out the side dishes. 

Since it is a nice day he throws some korean steaks on the electric grill. It is not long before the smell travels throughout the whole apartment. Seunghyun and the younger one starts to salivate over the smells of goodness. 

Jiyong comes back into the living room and tells them dinner is ready . The toddler runs to the table and takes a seat on her booster chair. Seunghyun sits down while Jiyong pulls the rest of the food on the table. Jiyong sits down and looks at all of them "What are you looking at. Eat" He chuckles while starting a plate for the toddler. He makes a portion sized plate and then he helps out Seunghyun with his "Yah Yongie I can fix my own plate" Jiyong chuckles "Sorry habit...I so use to helping the little one set up her plate....let's just say I was being the proper housewife oppa." Seunghyun laughs "Oppa?" 

Jiyong laughs "Just playing around, but Anyways let's dig in shall we." 

They all sit at the table and eat dinner as a family. The thoughts of Seunghyun and his father's meeting are now at the back of his mind. He is sad that he didn't accept him but in the end he still has people that loves him. Hopefully one day his father will be in his life again but for now Seunghyun is going to love fully the family that he has now. 

He takes Jiyong's hand in his Jiyong looks over with steak sauce on his mouth "Hmm Hyunnie?" 

"I love you" 

Jiyong smiles back with the red sauce lingering "I love you too Hyunnie" 

Heeeyyyy end of the chapter. Thank you all for reading this fanfic it is really long I know but I love how things are going. Do you agree? Comments are love I really like your feedback and I hope that you all enjoy readying!! This is my favorite fic.

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Chapter 1: I have been reading thos for many times through years and still not bored ...
Chapter 35: Its a really heart warming story i loved every bit of it the fact that seung can't hear ji's voice killed me really its sad really but its a new thing i never read a fic with such story line its soo good and that little ball of cuteness is so perfect ugh that fart in bed tho XD I laughed so hard hahaha and seung rumblings are so cute kekekeke the best thing is BOTTOM TOP XD now thats a change but such a baby lol ..... Thank you for your great work i love all your fics really now i will move to read another one ^^
Chapter 34: i got a trully shock feelings !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how can this make my manly seunghyun into a botm ?! and in this chapter i finally realize that seunghyun never hear jiyong voice ! this chapter gave me a shock !
Chapter 26: awwww !!!!! what a cute story !!! i love the picture and especially the story ! . this was the third of my favourite stories after the manny and my husband is a vampire . I hope you make another one about lovey dovey couple with their child and must GTOP !!! i'm starting become your fans author-nim .... FIGHTING :)
Chapter 35: So beautiful story ♡♡♡
Chapter 35: Hehehe. This story is so cute. I read it twice :)
All along I wanted to hug Hyunnie cause his dad was mean and to hug Youngie because he was so lonely but they had each other and that made me happy and at ease. I was so happy cause the beautiful friendship between my 5 boys was so precious till the friendship between Hyunnie and Youngie turned into love, engagement, committed marriage. And Yoobin was so precious little girl who brought them closer than they were <3
Thanks for sharing this beautiful story with us.
Hey, a new reader here. Came here because of "The Manny". I just wanna tell you something about the pictures in the Forward part aren't all working, well except for Ji's and Dae's pictures. Will enjoy reading this one just like "The Manny" :D
Blue82 #8
Chapter 35: I love seke couples just throwing that out there. This story was so romantic and sweet with just a touch of angst to give it depth. I enjoyed this so much that I'm up way later than I intended to finish it.
I finally found it i read it WAY long time ago and i loved it and i have been looking for it for months and now BOOM GONNA READ IT AGAIN AND AGAIN
Chapter 23: praise Dongwook's mom for his existence