Calls to Texas

My Heartbeat

The guys are in the office and they are planning out the garden for the new year. It is a very tedious project because at the first of the year everyone starts ordering what they need from their suppliers. Some people they have to call in other countries just to have it shipped. Since Seoul Nature Garden is not the only garden in Seoul they have to compete with everyone else. Of course for Jiyong he wants to have the best and get the most breathtaking items in stock. The crazy thing is some places it's first come first serve.

Jiyong has been a crazy monkey the past week with a phone in hand at work at all times. He doesn't want to miss any opportunity. He has even stayed at work until 3 in the morning just to talk to a specialist from Texas. Everyone has told him to take a break but the work a holic has his priorities on another level. People find that leaving dragon shi alone is the best medicine. He is never mean though. This year the National GArden Society has recognized Korea as a contender. The award is very prestigious and also great publicity for anyone who loves anything about a garden. 

People love how he is into the whole project, but his lover and co workers would love for him to put the phone down. Jiyong is having a late call with Canada for some rare finds that he would love the garden to cultivate. "Oh you would have them by next week! That is great!!...Oh you need to call me hour...O." Jiyong doesn't get to finish his sentence when is fiance snatches the phone out of his hand. "Hello this is Director Choi could you call us tomorrow? Thank you and I appreciate you working with us." He hangs up the phone and stares at his lover. "'s many more days are you going to live like this...." 

Jiyong sighs. "I know...but I need to stay awake for these international calls. First come first serve hyunnie...anyways I need to call Florida to see if the order is ready..." 

Seunghyun shakes his head. "Baby you may not like me for this but I'm making you take a break."


"NO buts. As Boss I'm telling you to put the phone down and go home...and as your lover...I want you to come home because I miss you and I want to take care of you. Look at your eyes my love, you looks so tired." 

Jiyong cards a hand through his hair. "But I...hey just picked up the phone and talked to them knowing that you can't hear them...what if you hung up on them...omo omo..." Jiyong makes a panicked look and picks up the phone again. Seunghyun takes the phone again hangs it up. "I'm sure they got what I said and I don't think that conversation would have gone further" Seunghyun chuckles. "I'm sure they said bye." He laughs again and JIyong starts to look even more stressed. 

"Baby. Don't make that face. I know you want things to be perfect but you also need to think about yourself. Look at me I'm just fine and I'm the director of this circus." 

"You are the director of course you don't look stressed we do the work for you..." 

Seunghyun can't help but chuckle at his snappy fiance. Jiyong has been coming home at late hours and then going to work a couple hours later. He even gets up with Yoo Bin to see her off to school. He has been doing too much and Seunghyun is not going to let him keep doing this to himself while he is watching. He then walks around the desk and grabs his boyfriends arm. Jiyong looks up at him. "Hyunnie...I'm not in the mood for the Kdrama wrist grab...I will be home in a couple hours." 

"Nah...we are going home whether you like it or not...whether I have to drag you out or put you over my's your choice..." 

Jiyong pouts and looks down at his notes. He really doesn't want to miss out on anything. Seunghyun knows that this is important too, so he of course has Daesung and Seungri as backup. He already texted the men telling them Jiyong won't be in for a couple days. Seunghyun looks down at the grabbed wrist and then back at his pissed off fiance. He can tell that his blood is boiling. "Seunghyun...let go please..." Jiyong whines and the older shakes his head.. "Nope let's get your things Yongie and let's go home." 

Seunghyun with Jiyong still in a firm grip helps him take the things that he needs that are unwork related. He doesn't let him take his lap top and He takes the younger ones phone when he wasn't looking. He really wants the younger to rest and relax. "Okay baby. Let's go" Jiyong silently follows his lover to the car. Seunghyun can feel the anger but he doesn't mind. He loves him too much. 

They get to the car and the older looks over to his lover. "Now I'm going to let you go baby. Better not run." Jiyong rolls his eyes. "I'm not a dog..." He walks over to his side of the car and gets in with a huff. Seunghyun laughs and walks over to get in the car too. 

The car is silent and the younger is staring out the window. There is no one on the streets and the surrounding areas are still wet due to the showers that have been on going the past couple of days. The couple gets to a red light and Jiyong feels a hand snake it's way over his. He looks over at his fiance and looks into his warm eyes...he can't stay mad any longer. "I'm sorry...I just...I'm sorry..." 

Seunghyun smiles warmly and traces his thumb on the smaller hand. "It's okay baby. You know I only did this because I love you." 

"I was so mean to you...and now I feel bad..." 

"Well couples are not perfect at every waking moment. We just had a off moment and it was our first little debate. You were so cute puffing your cheeks you reminded me of a rabbit.." Jiyong blushes in the dark. "Hyunnie...I'm not a rabbit...and I guess we did have our first fight huh?" Jiyong looks a little sad realizing this. Seunghyun puts a hand to the youngers cheek and rubs it gently. "I love Jiyong in all forms."  

"I love you too." 

The light turns green and the couple continues their way home. They hold hands and Seunghyun would sometimes playfully tighten the grip and then release. The whole relationship is still so innocent and so pure. The couple pulls into the garage and Seunghyun closes it with a press of a button once the car is fully in. Jiyong gets out the car and Seunghyun opens the door for his lover to walk into the house. 

They walk into the living room to find Mrs. Choi watching TV. She rises up from the sofa and walks over to the two men. She walks over to Jiyong and takes his hands in hers. "Jiyong ah my son please take some rest for a couple days. Okay?" Jiyong sees the concern on the womans face. He slowly nods his head. "I'm sorry mother. It wasn't until an hour ago that I realized what effect I was doing to you all...and even myself. By hyunnie's command I will be here a couple days." Mrs. Choi smiles and puts her hands in the air with praise. "Way to go son. How you convince him to leave?" 

Jiyong laughs. "There was some talking but he eventually had to drag me out. That's when I realized how much I was doing...I just got so caught up and wanting everything to be perfect..." 

"It will be perfect baby...I know it will be you are amazing at what you do and I know that everything you do will be done with perfection. I just urge you to let some of your co workers take the load. I know that you don't want to bother them with more projects either but being a real team member means that you can also trust your team to help you." Seunghyun rubs his lovers back. Jiyong chuckles. "I have been scolded...dragged...and now lectured from you all in one night." Jiyong chuckles again. "NOw I really can confirm that I lost my mind for a bit..." 

"Well I don't mean to lecture you...I'm your hyung too kekeke." Seunghyun chuckles. "I'm glad that you are at least functioning and I'm glad that I'm here to make sure you don't do things too strenuous." 

"Well I will let you boys go to bed. Now that I know you are both home safe I can go back to bed." 

"Mom you didn't have to stay up." 

"Nonsense my sons are out at 3am. I'm staying awake" She laughs a bit. "I'm going to bed. You two get to bed too." The two men laugh and say in unison. "Ne mother." The couple walks to their side of the mansion and walk into their bed room. Jiyong by this point feels the sleep coming he runs to the bed and gets in on his lovers side. By this point he doesn't care who's side of the bed he is on. Seunghyun chuckles and walks to the closet to get his lover some night clothes that cost more than your mortgage. 

"Baby you need to change. Those jeans will not be comfortable to sleep in." 

Jiyong murmurs into the pillow and rolls over with his back facing away from his lover. Seunghyun tugs at his lover's socks. "Either you change...or I will do it for you." He starts to tug at the jeans and Jiyong instantly sits up on the bed with a flushed face. "I I I I can do it..." he grabs the clothes and runs into the bathroom. Seunghyun still finds this hysterical. How the younger is so shy to expose his body to his lover. He won't even change his shirt in front of him. Seunghyun is not offended at all by the theatrics the honey moon he will get to see all. 

Jiyong comes out of the bathroom. "Sorry...I..." Seunghyun puts a finger to his mouth and Jiyong doesn't say a word. The older pulls the covers back " Get in my love, time for bed." Jiyong gets into the bed and Seunghyun wraps the heavy covers over both of them. Jiyong in minutes is knocked out and snoring lightly. Seunghyun runs a hand through the youngers hair and smiles. "Oh the things I do for you.." He chuckles and pulls his lover close to him. Jiyong instantly latches on to his lover and snuggles into the warm chest. They then fall sleep in the warm comfort of the room. 


It's 7am and Jiyong is woken up by his fiance making noises. Jiyong forgot that Seunghyun still has to work. Jiyong sits up on the bed on his elbows to see where is husband is. Jiyong gets red faced when he sees his fiance buttoning up his dress shirt. The younger can see his well defined body and  toned muscles. Every single moment moved a new muscle. The sheen of the lotion he put on after his shower made things even more clearer. He looks very attractive at the moment this makes Jiyong want to touch the man.  Seunghyun turns around and Jiyong flops back down into the bed. Jiyong doesn't know what to do he just was looking over his lovers body like a piece of meat. It's not that it's a bad thing but Jiyong has never lusted in such a way. 

He is now under the covers hoping that his lover didn't see the movements. Jiyong then feels the covers being pulled back. The younger slowly turns over to look thankfully at a fully clothed fiance. If his shirt was undone the younger might do somethings that he is still not sure of...but things he would enjoy. "Hey baby..when did you wake up?" Jiyong looks up to his lover with a slight blush. "Not that long ago..." Seunghyun smiles and leans in to place a kiss on his lovers forehead. He then takes his hand and intertwines their fingers. Jiyong looks up and smiles. "I love you" 

"I love you too baby." Seunghyun then smirks and Jiyong makes a confused face. Seunghyun brings their joined hands to his chest. He slowly runs the smaller fingers down his chest making sure Jiyong could feel every muscle every dip and curve of his upper body. He then does it again and looks into the youngers eyes. They are shy but very curious at the same time. Seunghyun then puts the hand down and sits at the edge of the bed staring into Jiyong's eyes. "It's okay to look at me baby." 

Jiyong blushes "You knew I was looking at you..." 

"I saw your gaze from the bathroom mirror. I took a little extra time buttoning up this shirt." He smirks and Jiyong pouts. "I just...I just...umm..." 

"It makes me feel good to know that I'm always wanted. I love it when you look at me." 

Jiyong blushes even redder..." hyunnie...." 

Seunghyun can't help but laugh at his shy fiance again. "I love this. You all red and cute for me before I go to work." He leans in and takes the pouty lips in his. He kisses them soft and sensually lightly on them. He turns his head to the side to deepen the kiss letting the younger taste his cavern all over. He then takes Jiyong's hand and puts it to his chest letting the younger run his hands up and down and slightly grabbing at the chest making Seunghyun growl into the kiss. Jiyong smiles a bit and grabs again loving the noises he was getting out of his lover. Seunghyun reaches over and rubs his lovers back to then trail kisses down his neck and back up to his ear. Jiyong by this point is out of breath and hot. He loves this moment. It feels so innocent but y. 

Seunghyun then lightly kisses his lovers ear making the younger moan. "I had fun this morning baby." He reaches down a hand to grab at Jiyong's waist. "I love everything about you" He then gets up from the bed leaving Jiyong still in a ual high. This feeling is still new and raw. He wants him. "I can't wait for our honey moon hyunnie." 

"Oh I can't wait either." He leans into the youngers ears. Jiyong is panting by this point because everything his lover does is just y. Seunghyun runs his nose into the hair and breathes it in. "I can't wait to taste you. Love you...feel you..." He then leaves another kiss on Jiyong's ear making him shiver. Seunghyun leans back and kisses his lips softly. "Because I love you. I will stop here. I want to have all your first on that magical night." 

"I love you...tease." 

"Only for you baby" Seunghyun picks up his coat and walks out the room. Jiyong puts his hand to his chest to feel his heart going a mile a minute. "I wonder if he could feel my heartbeat..." 


Jiyong walks into this daughters room. She is still fast a sleep and now he has to wake her. He sits on the side of the bed and watches how his baby's chest rises and falls. How her little lips breathe in and out the pure air of this earth. Jiyong takes a hand and gently rubs her belly. The little one squirms and then slowly opens her eyes. She pulls her hands out from the covers and places them on top of her daddy's. With sleepy eyes she just stares at him. Jiyong smiles softly and leans in to kiss her cheek. "Come on my love let's get ready for school." The little one reads the lips and nods to get out of bed. 

She waddles to her on suite bathroom and gets on her toilet. Jiyong waits for her to do her thing and then she pulls her pants back up to go to the sink to wash her hands. Jiyong rubs her hair. "My little girl is growing up going to the bathroom by herself." Yoo Bin grins as she dries her hands to pick up her toothbrush. Jiyong takes the toothpaste and puts a little on the brush. He let's her brush her own teeth and helps to makes sure they are clean. He then washes her face for her. 

They leave the bathroom and he puts on a cute winter outfit. "Daddy too many layers..." Jiyong probably did over do it but he doesn't want his daughter to get cold. The younger one then signs. "Why are you still in pajamas?" 

"Daddy doesn't work today." 

Yoo Bin makes a face. "I want to spend time with daddy." 

"We can after school I will be waiting for you my love." 

They finish with getting dressed and they go to the kitchen to eat a prepared meal by their cook. They eat together and now Jiyong is walking out with the little one to the bus stop. They wait in the cold for a little bit and then the bus shows up shortly after. The teacher gets out and bows. "Hello Mr. Kwon is great seeing you this morning. Yoo Bin is a delight." 

"Oh is she." Jiyong leans down to kiss his little girl. Yoo Bin blushes and gets on the bus. The teacher laughs. "When are you getting married Mr. Kwon we are all excited for you"

Jiyong chuckles. "We haven't set a date but it will be soon. Expect a invitation in the mail." They both bow and the bus doors close. Jiyong waves to his little girl until the bus is totally out of sight. Jiyong walks back into the warm house and takes off his many layers of clothing. "Hello mother." Jiyong walks by the living room to take a seat on the shared massive sofa. "Hello Jiyong morning dramas are on now." 

Jiyong laughs. "I just dropped Yoo Bin off at the bus I'm watching dramas with you..I feel like a house wife." They both laugh. 

"Well you kinda are today huh?" Mrs. Choi takes a bite of her breakfast. Jiyong chuckles and gets more comfortable on the couch. "I'm glad he made me not work today...I didn't realize how tired I was..." 

"Well relax...not to be rude but my drama is starting...let's focus..." She turns up the volume and Jiyong finds his mother hilarious. The Choi's truly are one of a kind. Jiyong pulls out his phone that his fiance thinks that is not in reach. 

"Baby....we need to set a wedding date..." 

"???? you get that phone..." 

"I have my ways ;)"

"You sneaky little...okay when I get home let's all talk.Ne?"

"Okay baby" Jiyong puts away his phone. Things are now going to be in motion.

Hey all happy holidays! Leave me some feed back and love:)


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Chapter 1: I have been reading thos for many times through years and still not bored ...
Chapter 35: Its a really heart warming story i loved every bit of it the fact that seung can't hear ji's voice killed me really its sad really but its a new thing i never read a fic with such story line its soo good and that little ball of cuteness is so perfect ugh that fart in bed tho XD I laughed so hard hahaha and seung rumblings are so cute kekekeke the best thing is BOTTOM TOP XD now thats a change but such a baby lol ..... Thank you for your great work i love all your fics really now i will move to read another one ^^
Chapter 34: i got a trully shock feelings !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how can this make my manly seunghyun into a botm ?! and in this chapter i finally realize that seunghyun never hear jiyong voice ! this chapter gave me a shock !
Chapter 26: awwww !!!!! what a cute story !!! i love the picture and especially the story ! . this was the third of my favourite stories after the manny and my husband is a vampire . I hope you make another one about lovey dovey couple with their child and must GTOP !!! i'm starting become your fans author-nim .... FIGHTING :)
Chapter 35: So beautiful story ♡♡♡
Chapter 35: Hehehe. This story is so cute. I read it twice :)
All along I wanted to hug Hyunnie cause his dad was mean and to hug Youngie because he was so lonely but they had each other and that made me happy and at ease. I was so happy cause the beautiful friendship between my 5 boys was so precious till the friendship between Hyunnie and Youngie turned into love, engagement, committed marriage. And Yoobin was so precious little girl who brought them closer than they were <3
Thanks for sharing this beautiful story with us.
Hey, a new reader here. Came here because of "The Manny". I just wanna tell you something about the pictures in the Forward part aren't all working, well except for Ji's and Dae's pictures. Will enjoy reading this one just like "The Manny" :D
Blue82 #8
Chapter 35: I love seke couples just throwing that out there. This story was so romantic and sweet with just a touch of angst to give it depth. I enjoyed this so much that I'm up way later than I intended to finish it.
I finally found it i read it WAY long time ago and i loved it and i have been looking for it for months and now BOOM GONNA READ IT AGAIN AND AGAIN
Chapter 23: praise Dongwook's mom for his existence