Mister Choi

My Heartbeat

Jiyong is walking...walking to a meeting that he has no idea what for. All he knows that this person is someone who could fire him on the spot. He knew that his lover wouldn't make such a threatening meeting...so he figured it was mister Choi. 

Jiyong walks over to the large double doors and opens the door to reveal a large table with many chairs. People at the nature garden leave this room neglected most of the time because the room is simply too serious. Jiyong walks in slowly into the dimly lit room and notices the man of the hour at the end of the table. Jiyong then bows and takes a seat across from the older. 

"Nice to finally meet you Mr. Choi. ' says Jiyong politely. He has no idea what the man has to say but he is going to try to respect him. 

The older man furrow his brows and looks the man up and down. "So you are Jiyong. The person that made my son go crazy." 

Jiyong puts his head down. "Sir, I have nothing to do with Seunghyun's actions. In all respect sir. He makes his own decisions. " 

"Cut the crap...the reason why I'm here is that I have a request." 

Jiyong makes a face "Request sir?" 

"Ne..." The older man breathes out. He takes a folder and throws it across the table to Jiyong. Jiyong takes the folder "What is this sir" 

"Open it"  the old man impatiently says. 

Jiyong opens the folder and prepares for the worst and good thing he did. The folder contained passports and papers and plane and train tickets. "What is this sir. " 

"Jiyong...I want you to leave this place...I don't want you distracting my son anymore. What you see in front of you are options. You will see recommendation letters to Gardens all over the world." 

"So you want me to leave this country?" says Jiyong in a low voice. 

"I want you away from my son. I want you away from his sight. I want you to become of ghost of existence. You and your child can leave. You can take the ring with you but leave my son alone." 

Jiyong closes the folder and pushes it in the middle of the table. "I'm sorry, but I'm not leaving him. You can fire me but I'm not leaving Seunghyuns side. We love each other." 

"Love" the older man scoffs. "Don't give me that love bull. How can two men love." He scoffs again and makes a face of disgust. "Either you leave on your own...or I will make something happen. "

JIyong's eyes widen. "Are you threatening me sir..." Jiyong says with a tone. 

"It's not a threat...but a warning of what can happen if you don't take this folder..." Jiyong stares blankly at him. "Is it money...here take this" he throws a USB at the younger "There is 10 million won on there. That is enough to have a good life." 

Jiyong takes the USB and places it on the folder. " I'm sorry but I can't accept this and sir I will say again that I"m not going any where." 

"Then you are fired." The old man gets up from the chair and starts to leave the room. Jiyong then says while the old mans back is turned. "You know. Your son loves you very much and all he wants is a father. All he wants is for you to love him and accept him." The old man doesn't say a word and walks out the room. 

Jiyong gets up from the table and grabs to the folder to put it in the trash. He doesn't want his lover to freak out so he left this meeting as not a topic to talk about. He walks out the room and heads to the employee parking lot to drive home to pick up Yoo Bin. He receives a text from his hyunnie at a stop light. 

"Hey baby I will be over in a couple hours :)"

Jiyong smiles at the text and he can't believe that his father is such a monster. "Okay baby we will be waiting for you." 

"See you soon my almost husband." 

Jiyong smiles and puts his phone away to drive. Minutes later he is in front of his house to pick up his little on. The van pulls up to the curb and unload three little ones including Yoo Bin. The girl runs into her appa's arms and hugs him tightly. He kisses the little girl on the forehead and leads them up to their home. 

The opens the door and helps the little one take of her shoes. She then runs over to the living room and turns on the TV. Jiyong smiles warmly and goes to the kitchen to start preparing dinner. 

Seconds later he hears a knock at the door. He walks over and swings the door open to reveal two very tall and well built men. Jiyong glares at them. "May I help you." 

The man smirks "We are here to you Jiyong shi" 

Jiyong panics and tries to slam the door but it was stopped but the taller mans foot. The gangster walks into the house with his lackey  pushing Jiyong along the way. Yoo Bin then looks back to see the two new men in the room. Jiyong motions for the little girl to stay back Yoo Bin makes a confused face and signs "Bad men..." to her appa and Jiyong simply signs back "Just stay where you are appa will fix this." 

The gangster puts a hand on Jiyong's shoulder and squeezes tightly sending pain through his body. Yoo Bin freaks out seeing the pain on his face. Jiyong shakes his head and smiles and mouths " Appa is okay." Yoo Bin nods with tears in her eyes and hides under the blanket. 

The lackey walks into the bed room and takes a random bag and packs it with random clothes. Jiyong looks over and tries to move over to the room but the gangster still has a firm grip. "We are just packing some clothes for you Jiyong Shi." 

Jiyong looks up to the man "Please don't hurt us." 

"We won't hurt you if you cooperate." He squeezes his shoulder again. 

"Where are you taking us?" 

The gangster smiles "It's a surprise.." The gangster stops talking when he hears the faint sound of numbers being dialed. "That little !" The gangster runs towards the sofa and sees the toddler attempting to dial her daddy's number. Yoo Bin gets scared and cries Jiyong who is less than a second behind the gangster grabs his child before anything bad happens. 

He takes the phone and hands it to the gangster. "Don't hurt her." 

"She is lucky this time. Just you do something again kid." 

Yoo Bin buries her face in Jiyong's chest and wraps her little arms around his body. Jiyong has no idea what is happening but suddenly things are being thrown around the apartment glasses are being broken sofas and bedding are getting slashed and Jiyong couldn't do a thing. 

He wanted to kick both of the men but he had to think about his child. Number one is keeping her safe and not having her in his arms did not guarantee her safety. The lackey comes from the bedroom. "I got their clothes and tooth brushes packed sir. " 

"Oh how thoughtful he packed you two a tooth brush. You ing !! I told you just to put some clothes in there...aish..." 

The lackey lowers his head. "SOrry sir." 

The gangster then puts a piece of paper and pen in front of Jiyong. "Write exactly what I tell you ne?" 

JIyong shakes his head. "Why do I ACK!" The gangster hits Jiyong in the back of the head with his gun making the toddler almost fall out of his lap. 

"Write! Unless you want your boyfriend to see you two in pieces!!" 

Jiyong nods and with a shaky hand writes down what the gangster told him to write. Jiyong at this point is crying. He didn't think that Mr. Choi would stoop so low just to get rid of someone. The gangster looks at the note and approves and pats the man on the head. "Good boy" He nods at the lackey. "Time to go we can't miss this flight.

Jiyong and Yoo Bin get forcefully pushed into a black car. The black car takes them to a private airport and the lead gangster then is the only one with the two. Jiyong at this moment wants to make a run for it but the look of the man he doesn't want to take the risk of getting caught. The man then takes out his gun and waves it towards the planes stairs. "Go on...get on..." 

The lackey then distracts the gangster with the bags. "The am I supose to do with this black bag." 

The Gangster turns around "The should I know that kid has her backpack the black bag. " 

'Um sir." the lacky points. 


"Um isn't that Jiyong running" 

"!" The gangster runs after Jiyong into the airport. There are many people moving around and Jiyong takes his to an advantage. He tucks his toddler in his arms and runs as fast as he can. He turns back and sees that the lead man is looking for them. Jiyong then runs out the building and on to a random bus. They take a seat and Jiyong is clearly out of breath. 

An older lady across from them smiles. "Aigo how sweet to have young men taking their babies on trips. You made it just in time." 

Jiyong smiles at the lady  "Yea, we made it just in time." 

The bus door closes and Jiyong breathes a breath of relief. "Thank god..." 

Yoo Bin looks at her appa and signs "Where are we going?"

"I don't know baby...just sleep now."  He reaches in her back pack and pulls out a sweater that the lacky thankfully put in there and sits back happy that they are safe...


Seunghyun walks up to the door of his boyfriends and puts in the code. He opens the door and yells "Baby I'm ho.." He stops mid sentence when he notices the apartment is a mess and looks as if someone was trying to leave. Seunghyun starts to panic and sees that all their clothes are all over the place...just simply the place is a reck. He looks in the kitchen and sees that there was food sitting on the counter. 'They were kid napped!' 

The man pulls out his phone and calls the person knowingly responsible. "Hello son." says the old man dryly on the phone. 

"Cut the bull father. Where is my husband and my child "

The old man gasp at the rudeness. "You little brat! How dare you cus at me!" 

"I will ing cus at you all I want. I'm not your son remember. Now where are they! Before I call the police." 

"Call the police Seunghyun ah. They will trace nothing they will find nothing. Jiyong is gone so get over it and get on with your life!" 

"Yeobo" says Mrs. Choi in the background. 

You can hear the shock on the other line of the woman finding out her husbands nasty plan. "Aish when did you get home!" 

"Don't talk to my mother like that. Where are they father. Seunghyun get over it." His father hangs up the phone leaving Seunghyun an emotional mess. He quickly dials his boyfriends number. "WE are sorry the person>>" Seunghyun hangs up the call and signs deeply and looks up at the ceiling. "Baby where are you..." He walks over the mess in the living room and notices a note on the table. He runs to the note and picks it up to read it. 


I don't love you. Don't come find us. 


Seunghyun puts the note down knowing that it was forced. It pains him that he doesn't know what state his lover and his child is in. He can't take it any more. He walks into the bed room to notice that Yoo Bin has her back pack with her. Seunghyun grins "My smart little girl" 

He then dials his noona. "Noona is Hyung next to you?" 

"Yea hyunnie. I will hand the phone over to him." 

"Yoooo SEunghyun what's up man." 


"What's up man your tone..." 

"Hyung...Jiyong was kidnapped." 

"He What?!" 

"I know...and my father did it. Well anyways you know the backpack I had brought for Bin?" 

"Yea the one with the tracker." 

"Yea thankfully she took it with her." 

"I'm on it man and I will get my fellow government buddies to help you out." 

"Thank you Wookie" 

"No problem. Yes!! Yes yes yes yes yes! The are on a road to Busan. Don't worry. We will find them!!" 

"I know you will." says Seunghyun walking out the door. "Hyung can you tell Noona I will not be in for work tomorrow. I'm going to Busan..." 

"No problem! Come pick me up so we can go find your loves. I can't let you go by yourself." 

"Thanks hyung" 

"No problem Seunghyun ah. We love you." 


"So did you do as you were told?" 

"Sir...we lost them..." 

"YOu what!" 

"We lost them...he made a run for it..." 



Hey guys I wanted to write a fun chapter. I watched taken 2 and I felt a little adventurous hehe. Sorry it took so long..I just finished my first midterms for grad school :) I feel confident in my works. Comments are love and I hope that this story is fun and don't worry the fluff will come back soon :)

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Chapter 1: I have been reading thos for many times through years and still not bored ...
Chapter 35: Its a really heart warming story i loved every bit of it the fact that seung can't hear ji's voice killed me really its sad really but its a new thing i never read a fic with such story line its soo good and that little ball of cuteness is so perfect ugh that fart in bed tho XD I laughed so hard hahaha and seung rumblings are so cute kekekeke the best thing is BOTTOM TOP XD now thats a change but such a baby lol ..... Thank you for your great work i love all your fics really now i will move to read another one ^^
Chapter 34: i got a trully shock feelings !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how can this make my manly seunghyun into a botm ?! and in this chapter i finally realize that seunghyun never hear jiyong voice ! this chapter gave me a shock !
Chapter 26: awwww !!!!! what a cute story !!! i love the picture and especially the story ! . this was the third of my favourite stories after the manny and my husband is a vampire . I hope you make another one about lovey dovey couple with their child and must GTOP !!! i'm starting become your fans author-nim .... FIGHTING :)
Chapter 35: So beautiful story ♡♡♡
Chapter 35: Hehehe. This story is so cute. I read it twice :)
All along I wanted to hug Hyunnie cause his dad was mean and to hug Youngie because he was so lonely but they had each other and that made me happy and at ease. I was so happy cause the beautiful friendship between my 5 boys was so precious till the friendship between Hyunnie and Youngie turned into love, engagement, committed marriage. And Yoobin was so precious little girl who brought them closer than they were <3
Thanks for sharing this beautiful story with us.
Hey, a new reader here. Came here because of "The Manny". I just wanna tell you something about the pictures in the Forward part aren't all working, well except for Ji's and Dae's pictures. Will enjoy reading this one just like "The Manny" :D
Blue82 #8
Chapter 35: I love seke couples just throwing that out there. This story was so romantic and sweet with just a touch of angst to give it depth. I enjoyed this so much that I'm up way later than I intended to finish it.
I finally found it i read it WAY long time ago and i loved it and i have been looking for it for months and now BOOM GONNA READ IT AGAIN AND AGAIN
Chapter 23: praise Dongwook's mom for his existence