
My Heartbeat

It's a new day and Seunghyun is super excited, almost unnaturally excited. One of the secretaries thought that the man was drunk. The way that he was greeting every one and talking a million miles like an overexcited teenage girl. He was excited because he was going on a date and not just any date, a date with a special someone. It took him a bit to get the courage to do something about his feeling for the younger one and now he was finding it all worth it. Since word gets out fast around the garden Jiyong's whole departmen knows about the date. How they found out, was from the boss man himself.

It all started with the odd request he asked of the secretaries at 2am. He sent them a bizarre request to find out where and how much it cost to rent out an entire restaurant for a private lunch. One of the secretaries responded with a restaurant that had private rooms where they can dine together and in privacy. The secretaries the next morning then talked to the front desk lady, then the front desk lady talked to the cleaning noonas, and then of course led to telling Daesung who always spoke with them out in the hallway. 

Jiyong walks to his office and once again he gets "the look"  from his employees "What now guys?" 

"Oh we should be asking you that" says Taeyang with a smirk.

Jiyong looks confused he didn't forget that the date was today but he didn't know that the whole Nature garden knew "Cut to the chase Tae"

Seungri  speaks out "We know that you are going on a romantic date Hyung" 

Jiyong turns red from embarrassment "Damn does everyone known my every move?" 

All three of his co workers laugh and nod. Jiyong laughs as well and goes to his desk to see another note. By the hand writing he can tell it's from his boss. 


I'm excited for our date today. I have made plans in advance so if you could meet me in the front lobby we can leave together. 


Jiyong smiles at the note and he looks up to see of course the peanut gallery trying to figure out what the note said. The manager lifts his hand "Go can read it" Seungri gets up from his desk and excitedly walks over and reads the note "Nice hyung you are going to have a good date. Boss is loaded."

"Ay come on now gold digger. It's not about money" Taeyang chuckles and Seungri turns red "I know hyung I don't like money either." 

They all look at the younger one and laugh "Liar! Yeah right!" yells Daesung running up to mess up Seungri's hair. "Seungri blushes again and Taeyang puts him in a head lock. "Yah yah what's with the innocent act. We all know you like the wons." He releases him and Seungri blushes even harder "Not not...not true!" Jiyong intervenes in the conversation "Alright alright let's get back to work okay."

They all get to work and Jiyong places the note next to his computer. He feels that he is going to get many notes like the one he received this morning and he decides to place the note in a special place. 


Finally lunch time comes around. Daesung smirks and walks over to Jiyong's desk. "Hyuuuuuung?"

"What is it Dae" says Jiyong with eyes fixed on his computer.

"It's lunch time...time for" Daesung smiles along with Taeyang and Seungri.

Jiyong turns red "Yeah yeah I know it's lunch. I'm about to go now. You can tell everyone that."

Jiyong chuckles and starts to grab his things and his three co workers make their way down to the lobby as well because they are serving Korean BBQ again. Jiyong makes his way down the long hall to the lobby. The walk down the hall is not a normal trip, it feels a little longer mainly because Jiyong is feeling a little nervous. The feeling of not knowing what is going to happen is a new feeling. He gets closer to the  lobby and he spots Seunghyun looking in Jiyong's direction. They lock eyes and they smile at each other. Jiyong finally walks up to his smiling boss while other people are snickering in the background ' good thing he can't hear what they are saying'. Jiyong looks up at Seunghyun "So...ready to go?"

"You have no idea how long I have been waiting for this day" Seunghyun beams his eyes twinkling merrily.

"Well lets go then hyung." 

Seunghyun leads the younger one to his modest Mercedes Benz. He opens the car door for him and goes around to get in on his side. He's so excited that he forgot that he hired a driver for the date. The driver of the town car knocks on the window and Seunghyun bows and apologizes. "We will be right there." Jiyong chuckles at the mistake and figures that he is nervous too. They both walk over to the town car and get in to go to their destination. They arrive at a beautiful restaurant. It is a very formal restaurant that didn't look like much from the ourside but once inside the high quality of the place popped out. Jiyong was a little intimidated by the surroundings but Seunghyun took his hand "It's okay Jiyong-ah you will love this place." He gives the younger one a warm smile and follows the hostess to their private room.

The room was about the size of his apartment Jiyong looks up at the shiny surrounding and looks at the beautiful buffet of food waiting for him at the table. Seunghyun leads Jiyong to his chair lets go of his hand to pull out the chair. The gentleman like qualities were very attractive to Jiyong. Seunghyun takes his seat directly across from Jiyong. "I hope that this place is to your liking. Please enjoy the food." 

Jiyong his lips at all of the wonderful food and he piles his plate with deliciousness. Seunghyun is wide eyed at the sight and wonders where he is going to put all of the food that he is consuming. Seunghyun serves himself as well, although a much more moderate serving and starts eating himself. The first couple of minutes of eating Seunghyun has no idea how to start the conversation. He wants things to be perfect but not awkward. 

"So how do you like the food" Jiyong who is in the process of chewing nods his head and gives a thumbs up. A long pause happens and Jiyong finishes chewing "I love the food hyung. You did a great job choosing this place."  Seunghyun is relived. "I'm so happy that you are what did you do yesterday?" Jiyong smiles dreamily "I hung out with a special someone" Seunghyun makes a sad face "Oh really...did you have fun?" Jiyong quickly notices what he said "Oh no no not that kind of some one. I hung out with Yoo-Bin. The child from childrens day" Seunghyun smiles in relief "Ohhhh yea I remember her, she was the deaf child" Seunghyun continues "She was really taken with you. How is she?"

Jiyong gets excited "She's doing fine. I'm going to adopt her when I get the money." 

Seunghyun smiles "Wow it was love at first sight."

"Yes it was. I really fell for the little one. I want her to have a daddy that loves her. I can't give her everything but I can give her a good and happy life" 

"I'm sure that you will be able to give her everything one day" Seunghyun smiles 'because one day you and Yoo Bin will be mine'

Jiyong takes another mouth full of crab and chews the richness and swallows "I can't wait to have her."

"How much does it cost to adopt her?" 

"A couple million won" Jiyong answered kind of sad "But I will get the money, I've been saving like crazy."

Seunghyun smiles eats more the two start talking and Seunghyun starts to open up about his childhood. He doesn't tell him he is deaf but instead tells the stories of how he lived a very secluded life. Also how much of an impact his mom and tutors were and how absent his father was. Jiyong starts to tear up at the story knowing that the possible reason his father is not in his life is because of his disability "I can't believe that he was never there for you." 

Seunghyun reaches his hand across the table to hold Jiyong's. "It's okay Jiyong. I still had a happy child hood I learned about the garden and I made many friends." Jiyong looks lovingly into his hyungs eyes he can't believe that his childhood had such emptiness but he still found joy. He loves that. Jiyong holds his hyung's hand tighter. "Let's have lots of fun together hyung. I want us to have fun, don't ever be lonely." Jiyong really is eager to do that for his hyung because he knows what it's like to be alone. He has been alone for years now without his mother. He cherished every moment he had with his mom until her death. Now that he has possibly Yoo Bin and his hyung and of course his co workers they can have many good times.

Seunghyun is touched by how much he really cares. 

The older man has had many dates in the past but never found any one that didn't see past his money and his face. It is rare for a rich man to find someone who is as down to earth as Jiyong. He is totally in love with the man already but he doesn't want to throw the word around yet. He doesn't want to scare him away.

They both finish their meal and leave the restauran, Seunghyun paying the bill and leaving a hefty tip to the hostess. They get escorted to the town car and get in. For a second Jiyong felt like a celebrity because of all the treatment he was getting. Any one who gets escorted in his neighborhood usually gets escorted into a cop car. Today is just bazaar. Seunghyun takes Jiyongs hand again. "Did you enjoy lunch baby?" Seunghyun turns red at the realization of the pet name he used. He didn't even ask him to make things official yet. Jiyong giggles at the pet name "Already calling me baby?" Seunghyun turns redder "I... um... I couldn't help it I didn't want to say that. Not that I never want to say that but I still like you you know but still I hope that.." Seunghyun stops talking because the younger one is laughing at his rambles "You are so cute when you ramble" Seunghyun laughs too and gets more comfortable "I'm sorry but when I'm around you I can't control my mouth...I say stupid things..." 

Jiyong smiles "Everything you say is brilliant and cute and entertaining. I had the best date ever" Seunghyun smiles back at Jiyong's smiling face and his heart starts beating faster. They stare at each other and Seunghyun slowly brings his hand up to caress the younger's cheek. Jiyong smiles into his hyung's hand closing his eyes at the soft touch. Seunghyun caresses the younger's cheek again as he brings his hand under Jiyong's chin. 

Jiyong feels the carress and the fingers on his chin momentarily popping his eyes open before shutting slowly as Seunghyun leans closer to him. Seconds later Seunghyun presses his lips to Jiyong's. The kiss is light just a chaste touch of lips they pull back and look into each other's eyes with dreamy looks on each other's faces. Jiyong blushes and whispers "That was my first kiss..." Seunghyun looks at Jiyong in amazement "Really?" Jiyong nods "Yes and it couldn't have been any more perfect. Thanks you hyung." Seunghyun smirks "Well let me make sure that you don't forget" he leans in for another kiss and this time it is more passionate. The two could feel the fireworks going off in their minds as Seunghyun slides his tongue along JIyong's lower lip biting gently and then gently to ease any pain before pulling away leaving Jiyong speechless. "Is that a good or bad look?" Seunghyun asks softly his lips barely touching Jiyong's as he studies the other's expression. "Perfection.." Jiyong mumbled nodding letting Seunghyun pull him into a hug, his face buried in his hyung's neck.

They both make it to the Garden. They walk up to the building hand and hand. The woman sitting at the front desk stares at them out the window and prepares herself for the new gossip. Meanwhile, Jiyong and Seunghyun walk a little further into the building and say their goodbyes in one of the empty halls. Jiyong smiles "Thank you for lunch and... for giving such a great time" Seunghyun smiles back reaching up and carressing the blond's soft cheek again "This was a great start Jiyong-ah. Have a great rest of the day at work." They both part ways and walk back to their offices with dazed looks on their faces. 


a/n sooooo sorry for the long wait everyone. I still love this story I just became super busy and my beta and I are busy. The story that you are reading now is totally unbeta'd so if there are grammar mistakes so sorry. When she sends me my draft back I will update this chapter again. For now I will keep updating on my own. I hope that you like this chapter thanks to all who read! :)

a/n HI! this is arsinen. 8) the chapter has been edited! Not much to fix though Elise is a great writer. =D Enjoy the new and improved chappie!!

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Chapter 1: I have been reading thos for many times through years and still not bored ...
Chapter 35: Its a really heart warming story i loved every bit of it the fact that seung can't hear ji's voice killed me really its sad really but its a new thing i never read a fic with such story line its soo good and that little ball of cuteness is so perfect ugh that fart in bed tho XD I laughed so hard hahaha and seung rumblings are so cute kekekeke the best thing is BOTTOM TOP XD now thats a change but such a baby lol ..... Thank you for your great work i love all your fics really now i will move to read another one ^^
Chapter 34: i got a trully shock feelings !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how can this make my manly seunghyun into a botm ?! and in this chapter i finally realize that seunghyun never hear jiyong voice ! this chapter gave me a shock !
Chapter 26: awwww !!!!! what a cute story !!! i love the picture and especially the story ! . this was the third of my favourite stories after the manny and my husband is a vampire . I hope you make another one about lovey dovey couple with their child and must GTOP !!! i'm starting become your fans author-nim .... FIGHTING :)
Chapter 35: So beautiful story ♡♡♡
Chapter 35: Hehehe. This story is so cute. I read it twice :)
All along I wanted to hug Hyunnie cause his dad was mean and to hug Youngie because he was so lonely but they had each other and that made me happy and at ease. I was so happy cause the beautiful friendship between my 5 boys was so precious till the friendship between Hyunnie and Youngie turned into love, engagement, committed marriage. And Yoobin was so precious little girl who brought them closer than they were <3
Thanks for sharing this beautiful story with us.
Hey, a new reader here. Came here because of "The Manny". I just wanna tell you something about the pictures in the Forward part aren't all working, well except for Ji's and Dae's pictures. Will enjoy reading this one just like "The Manny" :D
Blue82 #8
Chapter 35: I love seke couples just throwing that out there. This story was so romantic and sweet with just a touch of angst to give it depth. I enjoyed this so much that I'm up way later than I intended to finish it.
I finally found it i read it WAY long time ago and i loved it and i have been looking for it for months and now BOOM GONNA READ IT AGAIN AND AGAIN
Chapter 23: praise Dongwook's mom for his existence