
My Heartbeat


It's 8pm and Jiyong was sitting at his kitchen table. The TV was blaring the local news in the background and the neighbors once again had their children running around. Despite the noise Jiyong was in deep thought; deep thought about his boss. Ever since Jiyong had found out that his boss was deaf he didn't know what to think. One thing for sure was he didn't want to reveal the other's secret. Still he wondered why Seunghyun would hide such a thing from the public. He went from thoughts of maybe it's his pride or maybe Jiyong was just out of the loop, but really he was not out of the loop, everyone around him seemed to think that Seunghyun was just fine. Like he was everyone else like nothing was wrong with him. Jiyong's thoughts went from curiosity to the feeling of sadness.   

"Why does he have to hide such a beautiful part of him?"  

Before Jiyong could get too into his thought he remembered that he needed to clean up his dinner and prepare for bed. He went to the kitchen putting his dishes away. Jiyong was just about to start the dish washer when his phone started ringing. Knowing that normally people didn't call at odd hours on his phone he let the phone just ring. When the phone stopped and began ringing again he sighed 'well this caller was persistent.'   

"Aiiish who would be calling me at this hour.." Jiyong walked over to his coffee table and picked up the phone to see a familiar number come across his screen. The numbers all resembling the Nature Garden's phone number. Jiyong quickly answered 


"Hello" said  a deep voice on the other line.   

"Hi someone calling this number?"  

"Ahhh yes it's me Seunghyun."  

"Oh!! BossImeanhyungImean...may I help you Director?" Jiyong stumbled surprised since your boss didn't usually call you in the middle of the night.   

"Don't be nervous Jiyong. I'm just calling to tell you about an event that is coming up. I forgot to tell you when you came to my office earlier today."  

"Oh! Yes hyung what can I do for you?" Jiyong offered bowing in the middle of his living room.   

"Well tomorrow is Children's Day at the Garden. It's an event where children from the local orphanage come to explore around the Garden and learn about plants and hopefully enjoy themselves!"  

Jiyong smiled at his hyung's excitement.  "What would you like for me to do to help? Are there special arrangements you want to do with the plants?"  

"Well not so much arrange just...I want nothing but the best for the children. I want them to feel like they are in a magical place. Also all the employees in each department come down and play with the children and teach them something about their department. Kind of like a tour even though most of the children don't understand what is going on they will like the experience. They will like to touch things and listen to all of the amazing sounds...sorry I'm rambling but I love this part of the year at the garden."   

Jiyong smiled at how cute the man sounded over the phone "Well sir anything that you want to happen I'll try to make it happen. Thank you for telling me about the event. I will make sure my team and I will be the most entertaining department."   

"Oh and Jiyong-shii would you buy the kids a little gift to have when they come to meet your team. Normally I buy all the children bearbricks but I think they may want something else this year."  

"Of course hyung don't worry! I'll see you tomorrow sir! By the way how did you get my number?"  
Seunghyun snickered "I have my ways Jiyong-shii don't worry I'm not stalking you or anything."  

"Sorry hyung!  Sorry to impose I do not think that you are a stalker. Stalk me all you want.." Jiyong quickly stopped mid sentence when he realized what he was about to say. 'Omo now he thinks that I'm some kind of freak...'  

"I know what you meant Jiyong. Unless you want me to stalk you ha ha ha....I need to rest now. I'm hanging up."  
Jiyong still red from the semi awkward phone call collected himself and quickly thought of things to buy the children for the Children's Day tomorrow.  

Still Jiyong found more things to question about his hyung. 'How did he get my number...I'm sure the secretary told him...but he could have told me by email.' After pondering Jiyong got into bed and let sleep take over.   


It was a new day at the Nature Garden. Since it was a special day everyone was on time and made sure to postpone any lab research and field research so that they would all enjoy the day with the kids. Even Seungri made it in before everyone in the Botany Design Department. Teayang, Daesung and Jiyong were all in shock to see the youngest one there before any of them.   

"Yah what is this? Did you steal something? Kill someone? Why are you here so early?" Taeyang exclaimed as he eyed Seungri suspiciously.   

" Where are you lady friends? Is there someone hiding in here? Did you do it on my desk?" Daesung looked warily at his desk for any sign of it being abused.   

"Come on hyungs can't a man come to work early. It's the best day of the year. It's Children's Day. Children draw in CHICKS!"   
With that sentence all the older men groaned. Taeyang shook his head "I knew something was up..." Daesung nodded in agreement.   

Jiyong chuckled at the nonsense and placed a bright pink bag on his desk. Opening the bag he took out different coloring books and crayons. All of the books contained different plants and different scenes a child would love to color. Daesung smiled at Jiyong's purchase and walked over to flip through one of the books.   

"These books are perfect for the kids. How did you know to buy a gift for them? We were all freaking out  that we forgot to tell you about today."  
"Oh the Director called me last night" Jiyong shrugged taking the plastic off the crayon boxes.   

Seungri's face lit up "The Director? He must really, really like you because he never calls co-workers. He doesn't even call Daesung-hyung and he's an -kisser."  

"Yah you jerk, shut up!" Daesung threatened to come across the room and do something unspeakable to the younger.   

"Okay men take it down a notch. He just called me because he wanted me to know how important today is and to make sure to buy something for the kids" All the men listened to Jiyong's explanation and smirked at each other. "Yah you punks come here and help me take this plastic off these gifts!" Jiyong yelled as he saw the three of them exchange glances and smirks.  
It has been over a month since Jiyong started working at the Garden and he loved his team members. Every now and then they would get on each other's nerves and would swear that they couldn't stand each other but they would quickly get over it since they had become a family of sorts. It was a fast bonding family that already started to circulate around the offices. The man cave had become a place that everyone wanted to get a hold of. All of the guys had a 'Boys over Flowers' kind of vibe to everyone in the rest of the building...except the mean acts and red card. People just admired how they could all get along and be so good looking. Jiyong was quickly becoming a crush amongst the women in the office. His androgenous features to his infectious personality, everyone wanted a piece of him in some sort of way or form. Since Jiyong was from a small town and the closest girl to his age was ten years younger, he never knew if anyone ever liked him in the more than friends sense.   

Noon finally arrived and two buses pulled up to the entrance of the Nature Garden. All of the staff were outside waiting for the children to get off the buses. Seunghyun stood in front of the staff  ready to welcome the coordinator off the bus.   
The buses stopped the doors finally opening and a woman who was clearly the leader of the staff walked over to Seunghyun and they both bowed to each to each other.   

"Hello my name is Dara and I'm the coordinator of the orphanage thank you for having us again this year Director Choi" she bowed again.   

"It's not a problem the staff and myself love it when the kids come. We hope they'll enjoy the visit."  

Dara smiled and signaled for the teachers and assistants to have all of the children come off the bus in an orderly fashion. One by one all the children came off of the buses. There were a total of 35 kids ages ranging from 5 to 10. They all looked really happy and ready to conquer new ground. Dara quickly had the teachers put the kids into seven groups with five in each group making sure there was at least one teacher or assistant per group in case a child became difficult.  

The seven groups all represented the seven departments of the Nature Garden. For the rest of the day the children would be hanging out with a specific department and they would learn all about what the staff did and would get a tour and have fun touching some of the equipment.  

Jiyong's team ended up in a group with all girls that were all cute. They were all wearing the same kinds of colors just in case they got lost.   

Jiyong quickly bent down to look at the smiling young faces "Hello ladies I'm Team Manager Kwon"  
The children all together bowed and said "I'm Team Manager Kwon"   
Jiyong laughed and said again "Yes ladies that's right now lets go to the office and have a little tour shall we?"  

One of the girls raised her hand Jiyong turned to her and she blushed "I'm Team Manager Kwon can we touch things. Last time mean man said we will break things..." Jiyong made a playful sad face and rubbed the little girls hair "Call me oppa... and you can touch anything you want. I will take responsibility." The little girl blushed again and bowed and quickly touched the glass where a plant with an attractive pink flower with a bright orange center peeked at her. This made the man cave team laugh. Daesung picked up another one of the girls.   

"Come on ladies lets start the tour shall we?" the girls cheered in unison and they obediently followed the men on the tour. They all walked down the hallways and Jiyong told them about all of the plants. The whole time the girls where wide eyed and took in every word. The teacher assistant was even taken by how beautiful just the hallways alone were and beyond the plants displayed in an array of patterns. When the tour ended Jiyong led the group into their office.   

"And here is our last stop, this is our office" said Jiyong proudly. Quickly all of the girls ran to the circular meeting table. They all just stared and of course they touched everything some of the girls even picked up a potted plant and then gently set it back down. Jiyong loved seeing the girls happy. While all of the kids were preoccupied with the circular model of the nature Garden he and Taeyang got all of the gifts together. Seconds later Seunghyun walked into their department.   

"So how are my little ones doing? I hope that you are having fun!"  

Jiyong chuckled at his hyung's child like greeting 'He's like an oversized kid.' While Seunghyun was talking with some of the girls Jiyong noticed a small girl sitting with the assistant. Jiyong walked over to the assistant "Is she shy?" The assistant smiled and shook her head "No, she's deaf so she feels a bit uncomfortable it's her first time here, she knows sign language but unfortunately not everyone else does." Jiyong kind of felt bad that he didn't recognize that the child could not hear him "But she is a very happy child. She lives life like the other children she doesn't let her disability get to her" The woman smiled warmly and patted the child on her head and kissed her hair. The small girl looked up and giggled as she looked at her teacher. Jiyong bend down and smiled at her. The small girl still shy looked at the teacher and the teacher quickly signed to the child "It's okay."  
Jiyong looked at the child and signed "Are you having fun?"   

The child blinked in surprised before smiling and signed back "Yes."  

Jiyong grinned and continued "I hope that you are having fun. What is your name beautiful" The little girl lit up and enthusiastically started her conversation with Jiyong.   

"My name is Park Yoo Bin and I'm having lots of fun. I'm Team manager Kwon"  

Jiyong laughed at the name confusion "Call me oppa, okay Yoo Bin?"   

Yoo Bin curious asked "How do you know sign language? Are you deaf too?" The child lit up with hope.   

"Sorry but I'm not deaf buy my mother was deaf just like you and we talked with sign language too. She has a spirit just like yours and she was beautiful just like you."  

"Where is your mommy I want to meet her too. My mommy and daddy left, the nurse said they went to a happy place called heaven but she said I can't go until I am a big girl going to college and stuff. I would like to have friends who talk like me too" Yoo Bin smiled again.   

Jiyong points to his heart. "My mommy lives in heaven too. Maybe your mommy and my mommy are friends. I would love to be your friend Yoo Bin."  

Yoo Bin smiled again. Jiyong handed Yoo Bin a coloring book and a box of crayons. The girls moved away from the assistant and the two sat on the floor together and flipped through the pages signing to each other what they saw. Jiyong also helped Yoo Bin start coloring the first pages.   

The whole time Jiyong was signing with Yoo Bin Seunghyun was watching Jiyong with slight surprise as he signed with the girl, coaxing her to color in her book. Seunghyun began to think of his childhood and how he had wished to know people like Jiyong, that would talk to him knowing he couldn't hear too. Seunghyun walked over to the duo.   

"Jiyong you are a man of many talents."   

Jiyong blushed and bowed with his head politely. Yoo Bin looked up at Seunghyun curiously and then touched Jiyong's face to get his attention "Is he deaf too?" Jiyong smiled and quickly changed the subject which caught Seunghyun's attention 'Why did he dodge that question?...Maybe he didn't want her to get disappointed' Seunghyun bend down and caught everyone's attention as he sat on the floor with Jiyong and Yoo Bin. Jiyong just as shocked to see his boss sitting on the floor with him just received a smirk from Seunghyun.   

"What have you never seen a man sit on the floor before?"  
Jiyong's cheeks heated and he looked away. 

"Hey Jiyong hand me a crayon I want to get started on my coloring book" Seunghyun said pealing off the plastic to his own coloring book full of bear bricks  with plants. For the next hour Jiyong, Yoo Bin and Seunghyun all colored and signed as Jiyong translated away about things at the office to children's topics. When Yoo Bin would sign something to her oppas Jiyong would translate even though Seunghyun knew every word that the little one was signing. Seunghyun the whole time wanted to sign to the little girl...to connect with her despite the age difference. Jiyong started to get on the topic of doing great things in life no matter what obstacle you may face in life. Jiyong started to sign to Yoo Bin again this time not translating to others but he wanted to have a one on one with the five year old.   

"Yoo Bin be sure to live in the light. Never be ashamed of your gift. Everyone has a special gift and your special gift is the gift of sign language. Use that to communicate with everyone and put a smile to their faces.” Seunghyun smiled at Jiyong's encouragement to the little girl. Jiyong turned with his head to the side.  

“Hyung what are you smiling about did I miss something?” 

“Oh I was looking at how cute your little secret meeting looked.” 

Jiyong blushed and patted Yoo Bin’s hand. “I was giving little Yoo Bin some advice” they both smiled.  
The clock's hands reached 5 o' clock signaling that it was time for the children start heading to the buses. Most of the children were not ready to leave since in someway or other they had bonded with the staff that worked in the departments. Which was the goal that Seunghyun was aiming for, for all of the children to have a meaningful connection. One by one all of the children boarded the bus after waving bye the staff members they had spent the day with. Most rolled down their windows and waved at everyone from the safety of the bus. Jiyong and Yoo Bin were the last to say farewell to each other. Jiyong walked Yoo Bin all the way to the bus and hugged her good bye. The little one hugged her oppa back and kissed his cheek making Jiyong blush the redest of reds. Jiyong quickly signed to Yoo Bin “Come and visit me anytime lovely” and she signed back “Goodbye oppa.”  Jiyong for a moment didn't want to let her go. He wanted to keep her so that she could have someone to communicate with.

**Soooo do you like this chapter too?? I want the GTOP relationship to come naturally so things are taken a little slow I hope that you all still like this fic. Please comment I would love to see some feedback^^
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Chapter 1: I have been reading thos for many times through years and still not bored ...
Chapter 35: Its a really heart warming story i loved every bit of it the fact that seung can't hear ji's voice killed me really its sad really but its a new thing i never read a fic with such story line its soo good and that little ball of cuteness is so perfect ugh that fart in bed tho XD I laughed so hard hahaha and seung rumblings are so cute kekekeke the best thing is BOTTOM TOP XD now thats a change but such a baby lol ..... Thank you for your great work i love all your fics really now i will move to read another one ^^
Chapter 34: i got a trully shock feelings !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how can this make my manly seunghyun into a botm ?! and in this chapter i finally realize that seunghyun never hear jiyong voice ! this chapter gave me a shock !
Chapter 26: awwww !!!!! what a cute story !!! i love the picture and especially the story ! . this was the third of my favourite stories after the manny and my husband is a vampire . I hope you make another one about lovey dovey couple with their child and must GTOP !!! i'm starting become your fans author-nim .... FIGHTING :)
Chapter 35: So beautiful story ♡♡♡
Chapter 35: Hehehe. This story is so cute. I read it twice :)
All along I wanted to hug Hyunnie cause his dad was mean and to hug Youngie because he was so lonely but they had each other and that made me happy and at ease. I was so happy cause the beautiful friendship between my 5 boys was so precious till the friendship between Hyunnie and Youngie turned into love, engagement, committed marriage. And Yoobin was so precious little girl who brought them closer than they were <3
Thanks for sharing this beautiful story with us.
Hey, a new reader here. Came here because of "The Manny". I just wanna tell you something about the pictures in the Forward part aren't all working, well except for Ji's and Dae's pictures. Will enjoy reading this one just like "The Manny" :D
Blue82 #8
Chapter 35: I love seke couples just throwing that out there. This story was so romantic and sweet with just a touch of angst to give it depth. I enjoyed this so much that I'm up way later than I intended to finish it.
I finally found it i read it WAY long time ago and i loved it and i have been looking for it for months and now BOOM GONNA READ IT AGAIN AND AGAIN
Chapter 23: praise Dongwook's mom for his existence