What is pastel?

My Heartbeat

Jiyong has never seen so many samples in his life. He thought that sending out a wedding invitation consisted of just letting your friends know. He never thought that there would be steps. 

The paper has to be this way. It looks cuter this way. Oh no you can't use this paper with this paper. Jiyong is just done and done when it comes to paper. Also all of these colors that look the same but have different names. 

Seunghyun went on ahead and hired a wedding planner. Mrs. Choi eventually agreed after she found that both men are extremely picky when it comes to taste. The of course hired a top notch planner who goes by the name Gummy. It's a weird name but it has meaning....she litteraly sticks to you like gum. Jiyong had to get use to her calling and texting constantly. 

The couple did call her a little annoying in the begining but when they saw the results of all the questions and bugging they saw that she was keeper. She found the suits the men are wearing and she already is planning on how to set up the garden. Of course Jiyong is very invovled with the actual venue because this place is his baby. And it's has special meaning. 

Seunghyun loves the whole idea of them getting married under the tree they first met and got engaged. Jiyong thinks that it's a little chessey and tried to convince the man to move them over to the other gardens but Seunghyun begged and pleaded and Jiyong could only take so much of the pouting. 

There is still a lot of little things that has to be done and JIyong has been pulled into most of the activities. What is making him go crazy is looking at so much paper. Paper paper paper...

Gummy lays out two more options...that are the same color...but are not. "So Jiyong will it be candied silver or mystical silver." 

Jiyong looks at the papers and swints and prays for his eyes to see a difference but he doesn't "....They look the same..." 

Gummy smiles and points. "No this on has yellow hues and this on has golden hues." 

"Aish..." Jiyong looks harder and just points. "I will take this one..." 

"Are you sure you want that for the invitations?" 

Jiyong chuckles. "I'm sure they will love the detail we have put into all of this." Jiyong is going crazy at the moment. He doesn't want to snap at the lady but the world of paper is making him crazy. 

Gummy puts all the paper to the side. "Well thank you Jiyong Shi for your time. We accomplished so much today!" Gummy is always happy about everything.  Jiyong can never been annoyed for too long. She does amazing work for weddings all over Seoul. Her crazy methods is what gets her booked time and time again. 

Gummy hands Jiyong a piece of paper. "What is this noona?" 

"This is the directions to your wedding shoot tomorrow." 

Jiyong totally forgot. "Oh yea! We will be there" 

Gummy folds her arms and smirks. "You forgot huh...?" 

Jiyong looks down. "Sorry. Seunghyun and I have been so busy with the New Year budgets..." 

Gummy laughs. "I figured you two did. That is why I'm giving this to you. You two have the day off right?" 

Jiyong nods slowly...he was hoping to sleep in tomorrow. "Neee we are both off. So we will see you there bright and early." 

"Neee be early so they can start on hair and makeup. " 

"Makeup?" Jiyong didn't know they had to do all that.

"Yep you will be made up and look beautiful at the studio tomorrow." Gummy bows and departs for her next appointment with another client. Jiyong looks at his watch and sees that it is already 4 in the afternoon. He didn't think that this appointment would take so long but it did. 

He goes out to his car and drives back home. He hopes that dinner will be ready by then because for some reason all of the paper in front of him made him feel dry. 


The front door slowly opens and Jiyong walks into his home. His daughter is being completely adorable as usual chasing bubbles that her daddy is blowing. Yoo Bin found that bubbles were her new facination of the month. She will chase them all day just giggling full of joy. Seunghyun doesn't mind it at all because he loves bonding with his child. 

"Oh Jiyong when did you get home? " Ask Mrs. Choi coming to greet her son in law. 

Jiyong bows. "I have been here for a couple seconds. Just watching this cute show in front of me" 

Mrs. Choi laughs. "Oh the bubbles have been going all day. Seunghyun took the night shift for me." 

Jiyong laughs. "I didn't know that Yoobin was already hiring employees." 

Seunghyun gets up from the sofa and blows a couple more bubbles. "My daughter takes after me" 

Yoobin reads her daddys lips and nods like crazy. Jiyong laughs. "Wow you two are just alike." 

Seunghyun picks up his daughter. "Ohhhh she is just like Appa. she loves her daddys so muuuuch" He kisses the little girls cheeks over and over again sending the girl in a fit of giggles. Jiyong laughs lightly and takes a couple of pictures with his phone. Seunghyun stops when he sees the camera flashing. 

"You get a good one?" 

"Neee" Jiyong puts his phone away. "I love you two so much." 

Mrs. Choi puts her hands on her hips. "And me right?" 

Jiyong hugs his mother. "Of course mother you too." 

The family goes to the dinning room and await their dinner from the cheif. Today is more of a western style with the steak and potatoes. They really like their cheif and his different taste for food. 


"Hyunnie?" Jiyong jumps on their bed. "We have a photoshoot tomorrow." 

Seunghyun looks . "Oh I know." He grins. 

"Yea right" Jiyong rolls his eyes and gets under the covers. 

Seunghyun looks over at his cute lover and turns towards him. "I remeber because I put the date in my phone." 

Jiyong didn't do the whole syncing his phone with his planner. "I should have done that aish..." The younger snuggles more into the blankets. The Korea air really has a bite. Seunghyun moves closer and cuddles next to his lover. Jiyong tenses a little but Seunghyun calms the shy one with some arms rubs. "Hmmm you are so soft Yongie." 

Jiyong goes crazy when the man touches him. It is as if his body is on fire. Seunghyun loves teasing Jiyong so he just keeps doing it like he doesn't know the effect. Finally the younger turns over and pouts. "Hyunnie...I know that you are teasing me." Seunghyun steals a kiss. "mmm those lips." 

"Stop hyunnie" 

Seunghyun steals two more kisses and brings his lover close to his chest. "Do you feel that baby?" Jiyong nods in response. "That is my heartbeating for you. You make me excited to be with you. You are the tease." Jiyong pulls back. "How can I be a tease" 

"Because I wanna you" 

Jiyong blushes. "Hyunnnie...such language..." Seunghyun chuckles. "Just being honest baby. But you make me go crazy for you. I love this feeling of want" 

Jiyong laughs. "Lusting" into his lovers chest. Seunghyun pulls back again. "What did you say. I felt something longer than a laugh." Jiyong smiles "Oh it was nothing." Seunghyun smirks. "hmm sure...." The two chuckle and then go  to sleep.


Seunghyun rubs Jiyong's back gently. The younger stirs out of his sleep and grins into the pillow. He loves being woken up this way. "mmm morning." Seunghyun laughs. "Good morning now get up ne?" Jiyong slowly gets out of be and drags himself to the shower. He really needed one because the 2000 count duvets were a little too hot the night before. 

Jiyong throws on some clothes and goes out the room to meet his fiance. The two are use to getting up early so they are now wide awake. Jiyong still did wish to catch a couple more sleep but he hates to be late. 

Seunghyun starts up the car with is smartphone and Jiyong chuckles at his fiance's obsessoin with technology lately. They both get into the car and Jiyong automatically lounges in his seat. Seunghyun knew that Jiyong was going back to sleep again so he grabs Yoobins blanket from the back seat. 


The couple walks into the studio and they see many sets that look like actual locations. There is a lot going on and the two have no idea what to do. Seunghyun keeps a tight grip on his lovers hand because he is little nervous taking direction from the photographer. Jiyong knows that things will go well. 

Secretly Jiyong has always wanted to do some sort of photo shoot. He loves the different concepts that idols do in those fancy magazines. He knows that their photos will be more wedding than edge. There are some scenes where it's really cool and some that are very edgy like what Jiyong wanted. Seunghyun wanted to incorporate everything that Jiyong wanted simply because he loves him. 

The whole wedding shoot in Korean culture is very common before the wedding. They always take picutres before because after the ceremony people don't want to leave their guest. They want to party all day long. 

Jiyong is now made up and looks amazing with his black and white classic tux. The jacket fits him like a glove how his curves and goes out in the right places. He also loves the custom shoes where he gains a little height. His hair is more of a mohawk but more faux. He loves the whole look. He doesn't even want to know the price of everything but based on what he is looking at it looks like a movie set. 

Jiyong gets out of his makeup chair and take a look at his fully made up face. His mole on his left cheek is gone and he is wearing bronzer...well that's what the makeup noona said the stuff was called. He has never been so pampered in his life and to have people waiting on him like a celebrity is reallly thrilling in a way. 

The younger straightens out his tux and turns around. He stops dead in his tracks when he sees his lover staring at him with an intense stare. Jiyong is not sure if the people did something good or bad but the way that Seunghyun is looking him over makes him nervous. 

"Hyunnie....why are you staring at me like that..." 

Seunghyun is truly speechless. This is when reality really hit him and now he realizes that he will be marrying the love of his life. His eyes become glossy. "Jiyong  ah...you look so beautiful...breath taking." 

Jiyong is at a loss for words. This is the man that he is going to marry. Seunghyun does everything for him and makes sure that he is protect. He is loved. "Hyunnie...you look wonderful too" 

Seunghyun shakes his head. "No baby...you are stunning...I can't even move." 

Jiyong blushes. "You are making me nervous hyunnie" Seunghyun moves over to his lover and runs a hand down the youngers cheek. He stares into his eyes and places a soft kiss on his lips. It is so gentle and pure "You make me so happy. You have no idea..." Jiyong smiles with his eyes and wraps his arms around his lover. "Hmmmm I know." 

Seunghyun stares again and Jiyong continues to kills the man with is beautiful grin. "You look so good beautiful" 

Jiyong chuckles. "You already said that"

"Just letting you know again." 

Jiyong smiles.  "You look rather dashing yourself."

Seunghyun smiles back. "Dashing...I like that." 

The photographer comes by with is camera and two assistants following. "Hello Director Choi we are ready when you are" Seunghyun bows and places his hand at the small of Jiyong's back. "Let's go have some fun baby" Jiyong blushes at the pet name in public. The photographer laughs. "Oh don't be shy Jiyong Shi. You two have some fun." 

The couple goes to the first scene. It is really cute with the tall trees in the park setting. It almost looks real how everything is placed. "Okay now Jiyong you stand here." He moves Jiyong close to a tree. "And Seunghyun you come over here."  The photographer places the older behind Jiyong in a back hug. His longer arms wrap perfectlly around the small shoulder below him. Seunghyun hugs tightly and the photographer smiles. "Perfect. Now stay like that." He takes a couple of pictures and Jiyong is trying his hardest not to be so shy. 

"Okay now Seunghyun lean your face more into Jiyong's shoulder. The older reads the lips and does as told. The photographer then takes more pictures from different angles. After he is finished Jiyong lets his lover know that he can move. "Thanks for the help baby" Jiyong loves the pictures already and he is more than willing to help his hyunnie. He loves that he can help him out with things. He already feels that he is spoiled enough...helping Seunghyun in any way makes him feel that he is not taking him for granted...even though Seunghyun would never think that way. 

The couple does a couple more cute scenes and then finally they are at their last scene. They have changed into black on black suits and Jiyong's hair is styled in a faux hawak. Seunghyun's hair is very stream linned and y like. The two are now in a more intamate pose where Seunghyun has Jiyong in a tight hug. The photographer is now instructing them to kiss each other on the lips. Jiyong is very nervous because he never kissed in public before. 

Seunghyun of course is not nervous at all by the way he is holding his lover. "Yea hold him like that Seunghyun." Jiyong chuckles and translates to his lover. The photographer doesn't know of his disability...Seunghyun is still working on telling the public. 

The older then gets bold and makes a move on Jiyong. He looks into his eyes and Jiyong gets lost. The dark eyes just stare intensly like the younger is under a spell. "Yea yea that is what I need...keep doing that" Jiyong doesn't pay attention and Seunghyun continues to stare. He then starts to lean in...and then softly lands on top of his lovers lips. He kisses them slowly eating up all of the flesh toned lipstick on Jiyong's. He releases and Jiyong gets that famous dazed look when he has been ravished properly. 

The photographer put his camera down and fans himself. "Aiiiigo that was hot..." Jiyong then snaps back to reality. "Omo omo...sorry" 

"Oh no no you two did great. It looks so natural. You will love the pictures." 

Seunghyun smiles "Well we like natural. He pinches his lovers " 

Jiyong blushes. "Hyunnie...bad boy..." 

"Oh I can be badder" He growls.

Jiyong chuckles "You are like a vampire...I get so lost in your eyes" 

"Because you drive me crazy" 

Jiyong laughs. "That's good." 

Seunghyun grabs his lovers hand. "Let's get some snacks. I think they have chocolate" He grins and drags his lover. "Don't eat too much you know how it effects your tummy" 

"Nee father" 


Seunghyun looks in Jiyong's eyes. "Just kidding my lover" 

Hey another chapter. Sorry it has been so long. Please leave a comment:)

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Chapter 1: I have been reading thos for many times through years and still not bored ...
Chapter 35: Its a really heart warming story i loved every bit of it the fact that seung can't hear ji's voice killed me really its sad really but its a new thing i never read a fic with such story line its soo good and that little ball of cuteness is so perfect ugh that fart in bed tho XD I laughed so hard hahaha and seung rumblings are so cute kekekeke the best thing is BOTTOM TOP XD now thats a change but such a baby lol ..... Thank you for your great work i love all your fics really now i will move to read another one ^^
Chapter 34: i got a trully shock feelings !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how can this make my manly seunghyun into a botm ?! and in this chapter i finally realize that seunghyun never hear jiyong voice ! this chapter gave me a shock !
Chapter 26: awwww !!!!! what a cute story !!! i love the picture and especially the story ! . this was the third of my favourite stories after the manny and my husband is a vampire . I hope you make another one about lovey dovey couple with their child and must GTOP !!! i'm starting become your fans author-nim .... FIGHTING :)
Chapter 35: So beautiful story ♡♡♡
Chapter 35: Hehehe. This story is so cute. I read it twice :)
All along I wanted to hug Hyunnie cause his dad was mean and to hug Youngie because he was so lonely but they had each other and that made me happy and at ease. I was so happy cause the beautiful friendship between my 5 boys was so precious till the friendship between Hyunnie and Youngie turned into love, engagement, committed marriage. And Yoobin was so precious little girl who brought them closer than they were <3
Thanks for sharing this beautiful story with us.
Hey, a new reader here. Came here because of "The Manny". I just wanna tell you something about the pictures in the Forward part aren't all working, well except for Ji's and Dae's pictures. Will enjoy reading this one just like "The Manny" :D
Blue82 #8
Chapter 35: I love seke couples just throwing that out there. This story was so romantic and sweet with just a touch of angst to give it depth. I enjoyed this so much that I'm up way later than I intended to finish it.
I finally found it i read it WAY long time ago and i loved it and i have been looking for it for months and now BOOM GONNA READ IT AGAIN AND AGAIN
Chapter 23: praise Dongwook's mom for his existence