Jiyongs story

My Heartbeat

Chapter 1

Kwon Jiyong had had a rough childhood. He grew up in the country side with his single mother. He always felt that he needed to take responsibility for everything. His mother was a tailor and had to work long hours. While she was at work Jiyong would have to take care of all the household chores and make dinner. He had been in the same routine for years so cooking and cleaning was just not a woman's job for him. He looked at it as a way to help his mother. Jiyong did everything he could to make life easier for his mother. Ever since he can remember Jiyong had been really close to his mom. Every Sunday his mother would go to the field and pick flowers. When they had the money they would buy seeds from a local shop and plant them in their front yard. Jiyong's mother had been very knowledgeable about plants she even knew the scientific names of most of the plants. His mother had always dreamed of working in the prestigious Nature Garden of Seoul. The one thing that always held her back, was her disability. Jiyong's mother was deaf she had been since her childhood. Because of her disability she always felt that she could never do things in life and that no one would ever take her seriously. Everyone in their village though always accepted her and her disability and she let it become the best of her sometimes. Jiyong always made sure that his mother was happy even though they had to communicate through sign language. Jiyong loved that only him and his mom could do sign language in their whole village, they felt that they had secret code that no one could crack. 

When Jiyong was 19 his mother died in a tragic accident involving a fire at a factory. Since his mother was deaf she never heard the alarms and because no one was in the locker rooms when the incident happened there was no one to tell her to leave. By the time people noticed that she was not outside with everyone else it was too late. When he had arrived at the scene it was to watch the building crumble in on itself in a roar of flames, taking his mother with it.


Four years later...

Jiyong sat at his desk looking at the letter he had just received, a letter from the Nature Garden telling him that he had received the job as a Team Manager. Jiyong smiled happiliy at the paper and then looked out the window at the bright blue sky "Umma I did it." Jiyong looks again at the paper in awe and lays it neatly on his desk. 

After Jiyong's mother passed away he moved to Seoul, Korea to pursue a degree in Botany and Landscape design. He was always praised for his thinking and graduated with high honors. Most of his childhood memories were of planting gardens and picking flowers. He wanted to live his mothers dream of working at the Nature Garden. During his college years the closest things to plants he could get his hands on were flowers at the florist shop he worked at and flowers at the park. Where he very quickly found out that you can not pick at their landscaping. 
Jiyong was so excited about starting his first day at his dream job that he set his alarm two hours early. Jiyong picked out his outfit for tomorrow and went to lie down on his bed in his one room flat. Jiyong looked up at the ceiling and smiled he was almost too excited to go to sleep but in the end he fell asleep after forcing himself to calm down.


Jiyong's alarm went off and he shuffled out of bed to the small bathroom to clean himself up. Jiyong finished up in the bath room and quickly threw some toast in the toaster for breakfast, seconds later he was out the door to the local bus stop to get on the bus for his journey to his new job. 
The  bus ride was a long one. 20 minutes has already passed and they were just about to get to the outskirts of Seoul and that's when Jiyong's eyes widened, the entrance to the Nature Garden. The front is lined with beautiful exotic plants.  Jiyong practically gushed over all of the vast land scape. Finally the bus stopped and he and a few others got off of the bus. Jiyong walked to the main building and took in all of the neatly arranged landscape. When he reached the lobby he was convinced that he had somehow stepped into heaven the whole place had not one single flaw and there was someone always tending to a certain section. Jiyong looked up and stared at the glass pained ceiling "We made it Umma." Jiyong who was still staring at the ceiling didn't hear that some one was calling him. Jiyong looked down to see a man smiling at him. 

"Beautiful eh?"

Jiyong blushed slightly, embarrassed "Ye..yes it is very beautiful here. "

"You must be the new Manager Kwon Jiyong. I'm Lee Seunghyun but everyone around here calls me Seungri."

"Nice to meet you Seungri" Jiyong graciously bowed. 

"I will lead you to your Team Members" Seungri smiled widely. 

They both walked down a long hallway all pained with glass to where you can see into every department. The hallways had various species of plants everywhere there was nothing over whelming just perfection. Finally at almost the end of the hallway they reach the Botany and Landscape design department. In the office all the walls were pained with frosted glass to allow some privacy. There were four white desks and a huge round table with an outline of the whole garden. The whole office was an open concept so that everything seamlessly came together as one. When Jiyong finally took in the whole room he saw his employees waiting in a line to greet him. All of his co workers were men they all breifly introduce them selves to Jiyong. 
The first to greet was slightly on the shorter side with a mohawk for hairstyle "Welcome Team Manager Kwon to the man cave. I'm Dong Youngbae but you can call me Taeyang."

Jiyong can't help but laugh "Man cave? Well that's interesting... taeyang?" 

"It means sun in Chinese, since apparently I bring sunlight to everyone around here" Taeyang nodded with a cheeky grin.

"Man cave... well that's because most of our work is outside in the gardens and the women don't like that part of the job. So most of the people who get hired are men. I'm Daesung Team Manager Kwon it is great to finally meet you" Daesung introduced himself delighted that his manager was not an old person. 

"Yeah most of the women work inside so they can stay pretty for me" Seungri said with a grin. 

Taeyang lightly pushed Seungri "Yah playboy! Our Team Manager just got here." 

Jiyong immediately figured that they would all get along well and got excited about the future of this department.

 The whole purpose of their departent is to figure out where each plant should be placed and do research on other plants in the Nature Garden to make sure that they are well taken care of. The job seemed easy but the whole department had to come into an accord with a lot of details. It was the key to making sure that everyone in the department got along or nothing would ever get approved. 
Jiyong and the rest of the team chatted and got to know each other since there wasn't any pressing research to be done. They all seemed to have similar interests and goals. Jiyong felt honored to start working with such great people. 

"Okay lets drop the honorifics Taeyang you can call me Jiyong and Seungri and Daesung you can call me Hyung. I want us all to be like a family since we will be working closely together. Outside the office we might have to bring back the honorifics but what lies in the man cave stays in the man cave and now that we know each other better lets get to work. Lets work hard today!"

Everyone shouted "Yeah Team!"

Seungri confusedly looked around "Why say 'yeah team' why not something creative eh?"
Daesung shook his head "Yah stop looking into it and get back to work Seungri."

Jiyong laughed "Come on lets go to the field."

Jiyong being new to the garden wanted to get to know it from the inside out for his first week. He knew that it might take all day but he wanted to know what he was working with. Jiyong suited up in an official Nature Garden t-shirt and shorts and set out for the day. The  rest of the team members had nothing but office work for the day so none were going outside. Jiyong walked out of his department through the back door into what looked like heaven. For research Jiyong took a high powered camera, some lunch, and his ipad to take notes. It was finally noon and Jiyong had covered most of the Garden he had taken many pictures of some plants he never thought he would see in person. He smelled and touched the delicate petals of all of the flowers.

Towards the end of the Garden there was a patch of green with a tall tree that left the perfect amount of shade. Jiyong walked up to the tree and sets up his lunch. He takes out a blanket and laid it out and placed his lunch perfectly on the ground. He ate quietly enjoying the scenery finishing the last bit of his lunch he laid down to stare up into the clouds. Jiyong lay quietly his mind taking in everything he had experienced that day so far.
Suddenly a shadow cast upon him and he blinked looking up to a tall man with dark hair. With the sun so bright it was hard to make out who exactly was staring at him. Jiyong sat up to see who would walk all the way out to where he was. The tall man smiled with white perfect teeth and says. 

"You must be the new hire in the design department, right?

"Yes I'm Kwon Jiyong Team Manager...and you are?"

"Oh sorry to be rude I'm the Director of this garden. You can call me Seunghyun."
Jiyong remembers seeing the name on the Garden's website and then he focused in on the face that was staring at him. He quickly realizes that the Director, the President's son is starring at him laying in the grass on his first day of work! Jiyong shoots up from his blanket and bows deeply to the Director. 

"Sorry to be laying on the grass at this hour."

"It is no problem" Seunghyun smiled warmly and it made Jiyong feel kind of giddy. 

"Well thank you for hiring me Director Choi!" he bowed again. 

"Drop the honorifics Jiyong-ssi call me Hyung okay?"


The tall man looked at his watch and then looked at his phone. He smiles and turned around. Jiyong noticed that he had dropped a piece of paper from his folder that he was holding under his arm. Jiyong quickly tried to get his attention.

"Hyung you dropped this!"
Seunghyun just kept walking. 

"Hyungg!! You dropped your paper!!"

Seunghyun still didn't respond to Jiyong's yells. jiyong wondered why the older man was ignoring him, thinking it was something he said Jiyong runs after Seunghyun. Tapping him on the  shoulder. Seunghyun turned to him "What is it Jiyong-ssi?"

"You dropped this paper it looks important."

"Oh... it is. Thank you so much for giving it back to me"

"No...no problem."
Jiyong was confused  'why did it take him so long to respond to me? Does he not like me...I just don’t get it' 

**What do you guys think? I will be uploading Chapter 2 soon^___^

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Chapter 1: I have been reading thos for many times through years and still not bored ...
Chapter 35: Its a really heart warming story i loved every bit of it the fact that seung can't hear ji's voice killed me really its sad really but its a new thing i never read a fic with such story line its soo good and that little ball of cuteness is so perfect ugh that fart in bed tho XD I laughed so hard hahaha and seung rumblings are so cute kekekeke the best thing is BOTTOM TOP XD now thats a change but such a baby lol ..... Thank you for your great work i love all your fics really now i will move to read another one ^^
Chapter 34: i got a trully shock feelings !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how can this make my manly seunghyun into a botm ?! and in this chapter i finally realize that seunghyun never hear jiyong voice ! this chapter gave me a shock !
Chapter 26: awwww !!!!! what a cute story !!! i love the picture and especially the story ! . this was the third of my favourite stories after the manny and my husband is a vampire . I hope you make another one about lovey dovey couple with their child and must GTOP !!! i'm starting become your fans author-nim .... FIGHTING :)
Chapter 35: So beautiful story ♡♡♡
Chapter 35: Hehehe. This story is so cute. I read it twice :)
All along I wanted to hug Hyunnie cause his dad was mean and to hug Youngie because he was so lonely but they had each other and that made me happy and at ease. I was so happy cause the beautiful friendship between my 5 boys was so precious till the friendship between Hyunnie and Youngie turned into love, engagement, committed marriage. And Yoobin was so precious little girl who brought them closer than they were <3
Thanks for sharing this beautiful story with us.
Hey, a new reader here. Came here because of "The Manny". I just wanna tell you something about the pictures in the Forward part aren't all working, well except for Ji's and Dae's pictures. Will enjoy reading this one just like "The Manny" :D
Blue82 #8
Chapter 35: I love seke couples just throwing that out there. This story was so romantic and sweet with just a touch of angst to give it depth. I enjoyed this so much that I'm up way later than I intended to finish it.
I finally found it i read it WAY long time ago and i loved it and i have been looking for it for months and now BOOM GONNA READ IT AGAIN AND AGAIN
Chapter 23: praise Dongwook's mom for his existence