On the verge of falling in love (Son Chaeyeong)

DubChaeng Story

School corridors became empty in a matter of seconds, but for her they had long been empty, because her friend had already graduated from school. Cheerful, carefree days are gone. She really missed onni. The school food club lost its leader, only the 99-line remained.
Tzuyu (silently stood next to her, perfectly understanding the condition of her friend, after a short silence, she touched her shoulder with a palm): Chaengi, come on?
Chaeyeong (tiredly runs through her short hair): Let's go down the road for a strawberry cocktail?
Tzuyu (nodded her head): Of course, at the same time we’ll grab the chocolate. I think the leader will be happy when we give him. Now she is diligently preparing for the exams.
Chaeyeong (immediately agreed): Great plan. Then let's go (she felt the gait become light again).
The hostel was empty, the one they expected to see was not in the room. Not understanding what was going on, they went into the kitchen. Usually a schedule was cheerful on the fridge, sometimes girls left notes so that those who came knew where they were.
Chaeyeong (adjusting the glasses on the bridge of her nose, she read the text written by hand): Momo, Mina, Sana, Jeongyeon and I are in the company. Nayeon-onni went to the store. DaHyun went for a little walk. She said that "the exams got her." She promised to return to your parish. We will all be in 2 hours. Jihyo
Tzuyu (read with her, then opened the refrigerator and put drinks there): It will be tastier. What do we do?
Chaeng (shrugged, walked over and sat down in a chair): I don’t know. Maybe we'll watch a movie?
Tzuyu (looked at her friend knowingly): You are upset that DaHyun-onni is not here. (patted her head) She will come soon.
Chaeng (makes a face that she doesn’t care, but when the door opens and a friend enters): Unnie, you're back! (smiles happily, comes closer to her). Where did you go?
DaHyun (smiles brightly): Cool your head. I didn’t have my vitamins with me to cheer me up. Why are you so late? Detained?
Tzuyu (answers first, as Chaengi is silent): Today we are on duty in the classroom. Then the teacher stopped us when we gave the keys. We should have a school festival next week, but we probably won't be able to attend.
DaHyun (walks past the girls, walks toward the room, they follow): We have not much work next week. The manager posted a new schedule today. When is your grandiose school event scheduled to take place there? (delves into the closet, takes out home clothes, then turns in their direction).
Chaeyeong (slightly pushed aside to let DaHyun pass): Thursday-Friday. The first day of sporting events. The second day is what we prepared for the class.
Tzuyu (added): We were recorded on the first day. Chaeng will participate in the run. And I'm in archery. Unless of course we can come.
DaHyun (leaving their room and walking toward the bathroom): Schedule at the usual place. But, it seems to me that these two days are free. I'm gonna take a shower!
Maknae-line followed unnie's advice and went to the kitchen, where their schedule usually hung near the refrigerator. They found the right day and, yes, they were both free. This year they can hold a school festival.
Later, when everyone had already gone to bed, Chaeyeong looked for a long time at the dark ceiling, could not fall asleep, from experiences. She liked to run, so she relieved stress from many workouts. She wanted the girls to come cheer for them, but they all said they couldn't. They already have everything planned for two days. And DaHyun, on whom she had all her hopes, also could not. So, only two of them. She and Tzuyu.
DaHyun's voice comes from below: I hear your thoughts, Chaeng. Stop thinking and sleep.
Chaeng (turned over to her side, moved to the edge of the bed, bowed her head, whispered): You really can’t come to school? What are you so busy in those days, onni?
DaHyun (paused a little, whispered in response): Important matters. But I know that you will come running first, as always. Now sleep.
ChaeYeong sighed disappointedly, rolled over, her eyes fell on their photo, where they laughed merrily at some kind of joke, looked at her for a long time, until her eyes closed, and she fell into a sound sleep.

Chaeyeong (encouraged by the whole class, stood at the start, getting ready to run. Her eyes all the time looked out on the rostrum for familiar faces, but except Tzuyu, she saw nobody. Her disappointment gnawed at her and fear rose from the depths of her subconscious. She tried to overcome fear but she needed a onni smile to overcome him): DaHyun-onni, you pabo.
The referee shouted: To the start! Attention! March!
She tore off and rushed, while running, forgetting for a while that she was lonely. None of unnie came to cheer her up. It’s true that she wrote SMS before the start of the race, but it’s not the same when she hears their voices. Now she only heard Tzuyu's voice.
When she was the first to cross the finish line, her gaze accidentally walked over the faces of the fans, the toe of her right foot tripped out of the blue, but she quickly managed, kept her balance.
She was greeted by the bright smile of DaHyun-unnie, clapping her hands strongly. Chaeng quickly thanked everyone who patted her on the back, hugged her, spoke joyful words. She now wanted to be with Onnie to make sure she really came to cheer for her.
And Chaeyeong is standing opposite DaHyun, not believing her eyes, her heart has not calmed down after the run, she is beating unevenly in her chest. Her face is still red, and she believes that the fast run is to blame for everything, and not the pretty smile from unnie.
Chaeng (still out of breath): Have you been here long?
DaHyun (shining, looking at the winner): I told you to come first! Yes, I'm here from the very beginning.
Chaeng (takes a step to hug): How are you?
DaHyun (hugging back): They decided, of course. With a victory, Cheng! I'm so proud of you! Well done!
Chaeng (hiding her embarrassed face on the bend of the girl’s shoulder): Thank you.
They stand like this for a while when they hear an invitation from a leading sports festival to an archery court.
DaHyun (the first to step back, carefully look at her, carefully remove the stuck hair from Chgeong's face, straighten her T-shirt): Let's go cheer for Tzuyu.
Rehearsal room for voice.
Chaeng is learning new fundamentals in turnip reading, a familiar beat sounds in the headphones, which she adapts to, trying to improve her voice. She stands with her back to the door, so she does not see or hear how someone entered. Someone is silent and waiting for the girl to finish.
ChaeYeong (with a tired sigh, takes off his headphones, hangs them around his neck, turns to a chair to take a towel, somehow became stuffy, and cries out): Momo-unnie! You scared me!
Momo (giggles): Sorry, but you were so focused. Are you tormenting a new song?
Chaeng (still holding on to his heart, nods his head): PD allowed them to put their rap into the song, so I'm trying to compose something. DaHyun-unnie will join me soon, and the two of us will do something. Why are you here?
Momo (smiles sweetly, walks closer, hugs, hugging him tightly): You're so cute, I love you so much.
DaHyun (opens the door, sees this situation, frowns, but still decisively enters): Momo-unnie, Nayeon-unnie is looking for you.
Momo (without lifting his hands, looks at DaHyun's face with a frozen smile): But I'm fine here. Chaeyeong, so soft. And it smells so good. My favorite strawberry.
Naughty's moody voice from behind the door: Momorin, I'm waiting for you. I miss you so much.
Momo for a long time can not resist the voice of the eldest onni, says goodbye to them, leaves.
Chaeyeong freely sighs, looks at DaHyun with a smile, but she does not return a smile. DaHyun silently passes by the microphone, puts the inscribed sheet on the score, puts on his headphones, starts recording. Why is her onni angry? What did she do wrong? She sits down on a chair, hugging the back of the chair, listens with interest to the voice of the eldest onni. Covering his eyes, he penetrates into the text that DaHyun wrote.
Chaeng (stopped by the hand when DaHyun tried to walk past her): Your voice is not stable yet, but I like your text. He is better than I wrote. Let's split it in half and sing it together.
DaHyun (was silent).
ChaeYeong (pulled herself up and hugged her, pressed her to her, put her lips to her ear and said): Your arms are much more comfortable than Momo’s. I love when you hug me, DaHyun-unnie.
DaHyun (melted after such words, the smile came to life again on her face, the melancholy that bound her heart disappeared. She hugged her back, buried her friend’s long hair, inhaling the scent of strawberry shampoo): Read me your text, Chaeng. Let's find a middle ground. And then we will give the collected material to the director for consideration.

Chaeyeong (playing at a fan meeting with a robot, fan gift, hears her name by name, raises her head, picks up a microphone): I love you too!
Mina (sitting next to her): You said you only loved me. You are cheating on me?
Chaeyeong (with an expression of “What?” Chuckles awkwardly): Of course, Once, I love more. But you are also the most important person.
Jeongyeon (stands next to this couple and asks with resentment): But what about me? So all that you said yesterday is a lie? How can you, Chaengi! (shows an ego not characteristic of her).
Chaeng (shocked by the actions of friends).
Everyone else joins in the teasing, DaHyun’s words become the last joke (she hugs her shoulders, she speaks in all seriousness): Chaeng only loves me (makes a wide gesture, pinches her nose with the thumb and forefinger of her right hand, finishes it even more dramatically) because we We have been dating her for 6 years.
All fans together with the participants shout: Congratulations on the 6th anniversary of friendship!
At an altitude of 4456m above sea level.
Souvenir shop.

Everyone except DaHyun chooses something for free. In the meantime, DaHyun is showing the eagle's pose and pretending to fly now. She approaches the very base of the platform, leans on the handrail and opens her hands, asking her to take a picture. DaHyun is terribly afraid of the heights, where only the courage was found to stand almost on the edge Chaeyeong did not know.
But, when she went to look for her, she almost fainted from worrying about her. She turned pale, quickly approached her, called her by name, so as not to frighten her even more, then hugged her tightly. Their hearts beat in unison loudly and rhythmically. Chaeng, who was not afraid of heights, was frightened for the first time.
Chaeng (laughing nervously, still holding tightly in his arms): Don’t scare me like that, unnie. You are welcome. (after the fear had passed, she began to ) Do not look down, see what a beauty (she helped her down, holding her by the waist).
DaHyun (pale, laughing nervously, clinging to Chaeng, like a lifeline): Don't let me go, Chaengi. You are welcome.
But in the end, Chaeyeong went ahead, leaving behind DaHyun with Sana, who helped to get down from the top.
Observation tower.

Only two girls were allowed to rise. After playing the “KNB,” DaHyun and Chaeyeong climbed to the roof of the tower. A small window designed for watches was provided to them. They squeezed both, laughing cheerfully, looked out. The view was amazing. Their eyes absorbed the landscapes of a small town, with narrow streets and beautiful cliffs hanging over the city.
DaHyun (hugging Chaeyeong by the waist, looking in front, she barely audible said): So beautiful.
Chaeng (looking at unnie's profile for several minutes, she nodded, answered just as quietly): Yes, beautiful.
Chaeyeong (threw her hand on DaHyun's shoulder, got into the coolest pose): "Bro!"
DaHyun (making a "salute" with two fingers, touching above an eyebrow, her expression is incomparable): "Bro!"
Tzuyu (standing next to them, checking her bow and arrows): We will definitely take a gold medal.
Chaeyeong (walks up to DaHyun, stands between her hips, hugs her shoulders): Unnie, I don’t hold the sleeve.
DaHyun (puts one hand on the waist of her friend, pulls her even closer to her, her eyes gently walked over Chaeyeong): This outfit really suits you.
Chaeyeong (smiles sweetly in response): Do you really think so? You don't tease me, Dubu-unnie?
DaHyun (shakes her head softly, her eyes are still focused on her friend's face): You are very beautiful.
Tzuyu (wincing at the sweetness of the moment, asks them): Maybe you will not be able to sort things out with me?
Chaeyeong (almost sits on Dahyun's knees, looks toward makne): Do not envy, Tzu.
Tzuyu (indignantly): What should I envy ?!
DaHyun (forcibly forces Chaeng to sit on her knees, hugs him tightly, hides her face in her hair, whispers softly): And the truth is, why should you envy if you have Jihyo.
DaHyun and Chaeng laughed, seeing Tzuyu quickly look back to make sure the above girl was not standing behind them.
Tzuyu (shook her head disapprovingly): Not so loud, onnie. This is our secret.
Jihyo (approached them): What is the secret?
DaHyun (as the leader of the Makne group): Only members of the School Food Club can know him, leader.
DaHyun (approaches Chaeng, a happy smile shines on her lips): Is your heart busy?
Chaeng (looks at her friend in surprise): What are you talking about?
DaHyun (opens a clenched fist, opens his hand and shows what lies there): Give your heart to me.
Chaeng (takes a sticker of a small heart in perplexity): Is this a fan’s heart?
DaHyun (pouting, sighing sadly, taking a heart, moving away from Chaeng): They refused me.
Jihyo (watching the whole scene, giggles sweetly, hugs Chen and whispers in his ear): This heart was meant for you.
Chaeyeong (deviates a little, but does not move away from his embrace, quietly, with one lips pronounces): I know.
DaHyun (coming back again only now with a stethoscope): Chae, I want to hear your heart. Can?
Chaeyeong (pulls away from Jihyo, stands in front of DaHyun, looks into her eyes): Of course.

For a short time, their watch stops. They are both obsessed with the game to notice what is happening outside their time.
DaHyun (passes the stethoscope into Chaeyong's outstretched hands): It's okay when a couple does that, right?
Chaeyeong (smiles faintly): It's normal for us, Dubu-unnie.
DaHyun (makes some strange waved hands, makes the cutest face that she can do): You know what I'll give you for your birthday? (not waiting for an answer from Chaeng, she answered) My heart. Ha ha ha
In the dressing room, all members are doing what they love, someone plays games, someone closes his eyes and sleeps, someone communicates with fans, someone reinforces his meal. Chaeyeong at this time always writes or draws something. At this particular moment, the girl chose drawing. A simple pencil, notebook and her attention. The members glanced with interest in her direction, but none of them interfere. So time passes until the manager tells them:
- It's time for the stage.
Everyone postpones the things they did, once again looking in the mirror, adjusting the microphones and hairstyles, quickly leave the room. Chaeyeong hurries after the others, tearing a piece of paper from his notebook on the way, leaving it near DaHyun's phone.
After the performances, the girls returned back and quickly gathered for the next event.
- Faster, faster, no time! - the managers rushed, so the girls didn’t even change the stage costumes, just packed up all their belongings and ran to the car.
Chaeng sighed in disappointment when she saw that the drawing she had left was thrown into the bag along with the phone; DaHyun did not notice him. There was a hope that her friend would not lose him.
“Chaengi, sit down with me,” DaHyun called, holding out her hand, Chen looked happy to accept it, their fingers immediately intertwined, in a friendly handshake. DaHyun sat by the window, Chaeyeong by her side, very crowded. After all, there they also wanted to sit Jungyong and Momo. “Are you comfortable, Chae?” If you want, let's swap places.
“No, no, it's fine,” she said hastily, sitting comfortably next to her friend.
The car started, they were really in a hurry. She did not hesitate to lay her head on her shoulder, and brought one hand around DaHyun's waist, hugging her. So it became easier, not so crowded. DaHyun gently patted her hand, moving even closer to the window to somehow make way. They fell into a cozy silence.
- Oppa, how long should we go? And where are we going? - heard Chaeng, the voice of Nayeon-unnie. Then I heard a response from the manager, another 30 minutes and some social event. It means another 30 minutes to soak in a comfortable embrace. In addition, Chaeyeong heard quiet breathing over her ear. It meant one thing - DaHyun-unnie fell asleep. In order not to wake or disturb, Chaeng decided to stay in that position.
30 minutes passed quickly, the car drove up to the right place.
- DaHyun-onni, unnie, wake up, we are there - I tried to wake her up as gently as possible. Surprisingly, the girl opened her eyes immediately. Blurred eyes went through the cabin, stopped at Chae, smiled.
- We're home?
“No, another event, then the house,” Chaeyeong answered gently pulling it from the car. DaHyun dutifully followed her, in the fresh air, finally woke up.
“Faster girls, we’ll be playing in two minutes!”
There was no time for nerves, the girls took microphones on the go, tuned in for full feedback on stage. Today, DaHyun shone even brighter, the girls then joked, saying that the dream gave her strength. She helped everyone out, therefore, in the news, when this event was covered, critics were pleased with the women's group, who came to congratulate the president of the company on the successful contract. On all the pages of magazines, on TV, DaHyun's bright smile shone, her voice sounded fresh and positive. The girls were proud of her, and Chaeyeong was doubly proud, because she knew the true reason for such emotions. Dahyun, in the evening, after that event, she said.
- Thanks for the words of support, Chae. They gave me strength, freed me from the severity of thoughts. And I really liked your drawing. And that little heart too.
“I thought you didn’t notice him - smiling happily, she was glad to know that her efforts were not in vain.”
- I saw right away, but we were in such a hurry that it flew out of our heads. And then, I fell asleep. Thank you for always being by my side, Chae.
“It will always be that way, we are a family, unnie.”

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