Have time to say everything

DubChaeng Story

After the promotion , which lasted two weeks, the director gave them a break before the next comeback for a whole week. Usually at such a time everyone goes home to spend more time with their families. This time the same thing happened. Leaving with her mother on a short trip, Chaeyeong last called the members for the last time, telling each of them to rest and have fun.

For a certain unnie, she prepared a completely different phrase.

- DaHyuni, see you in a week.

“You really won't miss me?” asked DaHyun once again.

- No, I will not. We were given time so that we all rest from each other. So, I'm going to have a good time without you, unnie.

“Well, if you say so, then have fun with your parents, we'll meet in a week.”


Guam Island

Three days after Chaeyeong and her parents flew here to rest.


The sun was setting over the horizon, creating an unusual glow in front of my eyes, shimmering with pink clouds and impending dark shadows. The air was warm, and the sound of the waves under her bare feet softly lulled her song. Throwing a beach scarf over her bare shoulders, hugging her hands over her knees, putting her chin on bent arms, her gaze lingered on the horizon. It was so quiet and calm, the soul was resting, enjoying a peaceful evening.

Three days have passed since they flew here, and she still does not believe what is happening. For all three days, no one has yet approached her and taken an autograph. Maybe the fans recognized her, but they gave her space, knowing full well that she had come to rest.

With their parents they managed to see the sights, tomorrow they were going to visit a park with mini-cities.

For all three days, Chaeyeong never called her members, although she broke several times. She already missed them and constantly wondered what they were doing, whether they missed her. She wanted to hear the voices of her members, but held back the impulses.

But not a day passed that one of the parents did not recall the names of her friends. Most often, the name "DaHyun" sounded. There was no secret to anyone that her parents were big fans of DaHyun, they repeatedly repeated Chaeyeong Yong about it.

And now, now, before she came here to the beach to enjoy the sunset, her name was spoken again.

“Cheong, have you already called DaHyun?” - sitting down at a table in a local cafe, where they came to have dinner, mother Chaeyeong asked.

“We agreed that we would not call up ,” the girl said, looking through the menu .

“When you call her today, give us the phone, we also want to talk to her,” my father asked, also opening the menu .

“I won’t call her, papa,” said Chaeyeong again, looking suspiciously at her parents .

“ I really want to hear her voice.” Do not forget? - pretending that she didn’t hear the answer, mother said, smiling at her husband, who was courting her, helping to take off his summer jacket and hang him on the back of the chair.

- Ma , pa, I’m saying, we agreed that we won’t call each other so that we could all rest in peace.

- Something I have suspicions that you decided so, and DaHyun simply confronted the fact. If you are not going to contact her today, then give us the phone, we will call her ourselves - mother reasonably said.

“Why do you want to talk to her like that?” - the girl pouted. “Do you miss me?”

“Ha ha ha, don’t be jealous, Chaeyeong.” You are our daughter, we love you, as we love and DaHyun. In addition, we missed her. And we know that you miss her too.

After dinner, Chaeyeong did not stay with her parents, she said that she would go for a walk to the beach. She did not want to break her promise. Although I wanted to stay and hear her voice, see a bright smile, recharge from her energy, to finally completely calm my anxious heart.


- Yes, Chae-Chae ? You still miss me, right? So I decided to break my promise and be the first to call me? - a voice said cheerfully at the end of the telephone connection.

- Hello, DaHooney, this is Chaeyeong’s mother - I had to disappoint the girl.

“Oh hello,” DaHyun said politely. - I thought it was calling, Chaeyeong.

- Our Chaeyeong is now on the beach, admiring the sunset, but we wanted to hear from you, that's why we called. What are you doing now?How do you spend your holidays?

- When our family gathers, we almost go crazy. Because our family is all too energetic. These days are so tired that now we have a small rest period, so in the evening, dad decided to take me to the park, where there is an artificial rock. We will climb. And how is your vacation going there?

- A lot of fun, great weather, the sea is calm, a lot of interesting things here.

“DaHyun, why did you decide to call you, how do you look at coming here?”

“Hello,” she said hello to her friend’s father. - At the expense of arrival, are you sure that I can come? I do not want to interfere with the rest of Chaeyeong.

“We invite you, not our daughter.” But we invite only if you want to come, if your family will not mind.

- Oh, we will not mind! - DaHyun's parents intervened in a telephone conversation. “Honestly, we are tired of hearing your daughter’s name all the time.”

- What?! Not true! I haven’t recalled the name Cheong all these days! - the girl was mockingly indignant, hiding her reddened face behind her hair.

“We only heard her name, Oak.” So we, with a clear conscience, are letting our daughter go to you on the island of Guam. She will come tomorrow.

“So I'll be back tomorrow,” DaHyun smiled broadly.

- Hurrah! We are so happy about this news! We will meet you at the airport! See you tomorrow, DaHooney! - Chaeyeong Yong's parents danced with joy, and it was this arbitrary dance that Chaeyeong Yong found when she returned to the house.

- Um, ma , pa? - arched inquiring eyebrow, trying to hide a smile.

- Tomorrow we will have the state ! DaHyun is coming!

- Tomorrow? Unnie? But…

- Yes, DaHyun. If you are not happy about her arrival ...

- I am pleased! Why? I'm glad , the girl whispered quietly to herself, leaning against the wall of the house and quietly watching how her parents were happy.



Guam Island


The airport.

All night Chaeyeong couldn’t fall asleep. And this is not because her parents said:

“We will bed her with you.”

There is nothing criminal here, they already practically sleep together, just like showing Onni that you did not miss her. After all, once they meet, they will read the answer through their eyes. And then it will tease.

I thought of many options, my head ached from tension, fell asleep only in the morning. She woke up suddenly, as if from a shock. A message came to the phone:

“You will not mind if I come?”

SMS from DaHyun-unnie. She wanted to get an answer, but did not have time, mom came:

“Chaeyeong, get up, we need to check everything before DaHyun arrives.”

“What to check, mom?” Since yesterday evening, everything is ready - put the phone aside, forgot to answer.

“My father and I want everything to be perfect.”

Now they are all waiting to announce the landing of Seoul-Guam. For some reason, he is late; no one is reporting on the radio.

The wait dragged on for a good 15 minutes. The Dream family began to seriously worry, worry what happened. Chaeyeong her phone in her hands, waiting for her to reconnect, and she could get in touch with DaHyun.

Another 15 minutes later, a voice from the loudspeaker finally sounded:

Attention urgent news! Attention , flight 423 Seoul-Guam crashed near the coast of the island. 30 passengers flying from Seoul here , delivered to the nearest hospital. Find out all questions in the control room.


POV Chaeyeong

The world has darkened .

I stopped breathing .

Everything drowned around .

It remains only to sound my stupid heart .

Then I heard a scream.


And the tears

After that I realized that I was crying.

Those words pierced my body

Feet stopped listening

Although I understood very well that I needed to hurry.

They pulled me somewhere.

I was walking.

They tried to stir me up, persuading me to hear them.

I heard and did not hear, everything was in a fog.

“She may be alive, Chaeyeong!”

Slowly these words penetrated my subconscious.

One word after another, until I gained my voice. I did not recognize him:

- Where ...

- Let's go to the hospital! We can still have time! Do you hear me, Chaeyeong!

They led me, I walked dutifully. I got into the car. Silent all the way, holding a telephone. The network appeared, that SMS was displayed on the phone screen: “You will not mind if I come?”

We drove up to the hospital, there crowded people, the same meeting, like us. Everyone wanted to know the condition.

We waited.

When it was our turn, father asked:

“Kim Dahyun, what's wrong with her?”

- Kim DaHyun? Asked the nurse, leafing through the list in front of her. The pages rustled, they reminded me of the sound of waves that fought on the edge of the shore. “ I have no such patient.” Are you sure you are looking for Kim DaHyun?

- Yes. Sure. The dispatcher said she should be in your hospital.

- Sorry, I reviewed all the names, but this is not here. Ask again, or try to call, maybe DaHyun changed her mind about flying by plane and went by bus or car. Anything can happen.

To call?

Didn't board the plane?

Everything can be ?!

The hand shook while I dialed a familiar number.


Knock knock - the heart was on hold.

Pee Pee ...


- Chaeng-Chaeng-Chaengi ! I am almost on the island, it remains to drive one point and that's it, we will meet again! Say hello to your parents! How can you and I have fun in the remaining days of rest! Great memories will be! Sorry, Chaeyeong, the battery is low, you need to recharge it, then I’ll call you back. Bye, bye, Princess Dyke!

- DaHyun-unnie, wait! - the voice erupted at the very last moment, when DaHyun almost turned off.

- Yes? Do you want to tell me something, Chaeyeong?

“I will not mind if you come here.” I'm really very glad that you will be here, unnie! Come soon, I'm waiting for you, DaHyuni is a new portion of tears, but now the tears of happiness and joy are that Kim DaHyun, her beloved bro , is alive.

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